Everyday girl. That’d why guys look for someone else.
Some times we do it 2 or 3 times a day for a week or once a week and even once a month. Something we go month’s without it. I don’t think there is a “normal” amount
Been together almost 12 years and married 11. I think if he wants more and you’re pregnant he should understand it’s hard to even pee or walk. We are currently pregnant with our 4th and before this I’ve never been so ready for him at all hours, pregnant. It’ll go back to normal and it’ll take time. Mind you, I’m able to give my all because we’re committed. I think he shouldn’t demand unless you’re getting something in return. Just my opinion. Good luck! We are usually at least 3x a week no matter what.
Honestly. 1-2x a day during the week. And weekends if we don’t have my son, it’s like an all you can go kinda thing. We both have high sex drives
Once a day, if course some days were too tired or what not but we try.
While in the final trimester of pregnancy we had sex once a month after baby no sex because no. Normally I would say about 1-2 times a week is the norm sometimes more depending on the mood lol
We’ve been together 5 years, living together for 1 year. 3-4 times a week on average, but of course there’s the occasional time where it’s a little less, or maybe a day or so more. It mainly boils down to how tired we are. We have 4 kids total and both work full time.
The important thing to me is the intimacy is still the same since day 1 even without sex. We don’t have to have sex everyday necessarily.
Been with my hubby 8 yrs (married for 6) and we have a 2 yr old… we’re lucky if we get it 1x a MONTH! Between his work schedule, the 2 yr old and my outta whack “girlie” issues. And even before we had our lil one, it was 1x every other week, maybe 1x a week depending on work. Especially if you’re pregnant now, sweetie tell your partner he is wrong!!!
I’ve been with my husband for 14 years and we average about 6-8 times a month. We both work full time, kids, we are tired!!
If I didn’t have residual pelvic girdle pain from my third bub me and my partner would be back to what we were doing beforehand - at least every second night
I’m menopausal, so once a week would be a great week lol
A sexless marriage is no sec at all!!!
Some pregnant women like more sex and others don’t, either is normal. Just talk to him, offer mrs Palmer and her 5 daughters lmao
3 nights a week for us is a good week lol we keep at about 1 to 2 times a week and sometimes we go a couple weeks in between without just makes it all the more exciting to me!
I have a 2 year old and a 10 month old so it’s not really a daily thing, we’re lucky if one of the kids don’t wake up for a whole night. Usually it’s 3/4 times a week but then again everyone is different!
Maybe Yous need to sit down and have a mature conversation about yours and his needs communication is key
I’m in a sexless marriage we havnt had sex going on 8 yrs now and it’s not me.
2 times a day but if we’re both tired none, sometimes when I’m tired but he’s not I fix him up
on average 3 nights a week id say. it just kind of happens lol.
I’d love to have it three times a week lo
Everyone’s sex drives are different!
My partner like sex sparodically, sometimes it’s more then once a week other times not. It’s a deff no no for me on my period and my period can go for 14 days! And he works away atm 2 weeks on 1 week off so we make it work when we want to
Everybody is different and you just gotta work it out between yourselves and especially being pregnant some girls find it hard to be in the mood!
Meet him in the middle 2 and a half
Just give him a bj and call it a night.
Every other night if not every night our drive is high
Been married 17 yrs and I think we have sex 4-5 times a month. I’m not really interested in it at this point in my life.
I’ve been married to my husband 7 years, we have sex MAYBE once a week if I’m lucky. I wish we had more sex, but we have 8 kids and both work full time so we are both pretty well exhausted all the time.
We have two kids under 4 who never sleep. We both work long hours. Sadly it’s once a week if we’re lucky. I know my husband wants it more, I just don’t have the energy.
I have 3 boys (almost 9, 8.5 and 17 months). Stay at home mom. We have sex anywhere between once a week to a couple times a day and in between. Depends on our attitudes towards each other and how tired I am.
Whenever it happens sometimes several times a day other times it slips my mind I forget the last lol
I wish it was every night but it’s like once a week/every other week
Uhh well it depends on the couple, but we have sex at least daily, occasionally skipping a day…
I would love to have sex daily or even 3 times a week. I have a high sex drive. My husband is older than I am, and does not have a high sex drive.
It all depends for us. Sometimes it’s none a week, 1x a week, or more. Sometimes on the weekends we do multiple times in a day.
We do have 5 kids, so it’s either sex at bedtime or early AM. Kids sleep in on weekend so it’s a GREAT TIME for us. We make it work. We also work full time… it all depends on your schedules and what not.
Please… I don’t think there is a “normal” hell my husband would appreciate the once a week part… after a certain age/stage in life ain’t nobody got time for that
Once a day sometimes it gets skipped tho. Since I had my 15 month old and then twins recently not much lol bc babies are in the bed and we’re busy and tired
I find myself wanting to comment on so many questions but I don’t because it’s public
Me and my other half are lucky to be intimate once a fortnight little own once a week. I’m also about to pop out a baby. But your husband has unrealistic views of what a relationship looks like. And if he values sex as a form of how much you love him in a relationship, sounds like you are dating someone with the mindset of a teen boy. But don’t give in to him if you aren’t comfortable doing more then what you are already giving him. You don’t want something about pleasure to become almost like a chore.
Umm for me… maybe 3 x a month? But we have 4 kids and the youngest is 2, so he’s always around so we never really have the personal time… doesn’t effect either of us in all honesty… we just go with the flow lol
I’d be less concerned about how often other people have sex and more worried about the fact that he’s trying to guilt you into it, especially when pregnant. He does know that you have to wait at least 6 weeks after giving birth right?
there’s no such thing as normal, especially when you are pregnant. You just have to be very vulnerable and honest and communicate you feelings and try to find a happy middle ground where u both feel safe, respected, happy and satisfied.
I prefer sex 3/4 times a week. In reality, we get to it maybe 1-2 times a week because one of us is always tired between the kids, the house & work, & just want to sleep more than anything
Well…after my hysterectomy I have zero sex drive. I think it’s been twice in the last YEAR!
Once or twice daily was normal till u have a todler then u are lucky to have “us” time one a month.
Been married 10 yrs and we hardly miss a night our 5 children are the result but honestly it’s whatever your comfortable with. Your pregnant, your drive will go up and down constantly.
No kids, been together 7 years… maybe 3 times a Month, 4 at most.
how did i guess there would be alo of messages on this subject lol
Most of the time once a week, I’m a nurse and work 12 hour shifts on nights. Plus we have 3 kids. Our schedules don’t match up but on weeks I work less it’s 2-3x.
Unpopular opinion: sex isn’t the most important thing in a relationship.
Hubby and I have been married 20 years now. Sometimes its 2-3x a week and other times we can go over a month without sex. We still cuddle during the night even if we aren’t having sex and he is off that night from work. He works 3rd shift and I stay home. Due to my health issues I have a low sex drive now and we work around it. Plus he knows my fibromyalgia makes it hard for me to be touched sometimes. I’m extremely sensitive to being touched due to pain. There has been times that one of us is in the mood and the other isn’t so we will get in the drawer of tricks and help out the one who is in the mood. So for us it varies all the time on how often we have it. In the beginning of our relationship it use to be every day. But after having kids and almost losing me to a heart attack then me gaining more health problems we have made it a point to always cuddle for awhile when he gets home in the morning from work before I get up for the day. This way we still maintain intimacy whether we have sex or not.
Depends. My husband and I have been together 11 years and we are lucky if it’s every couple weeks. Not that we wouldn’t like it more often, but we have 3 kids and work and life. I think it’s different for everybody.
My ex and I had sex 2 to 3x a month… for six damned years… that was not enough for me.
The man I am with now were in agreeance that 3-5x a week is for us lol it varies greatly for everyone
We have two kids under 3 and usually it’s every other day
girl please he will end up with a sore but in all seriousness my hubby and I have been together this year is 18 years and married 12 years and two beautiful girls sometimes we have sex three time a week sometime it can be six weeks but in the last few months or so with been making more of an effort so once a week is normal for us but he may just have a higher sex drive then anyone else you have ever been with but good luck with it all
I’ll openly speak on my 29 year relationship. 25 of those are married .
We are still going strong.
1 thing you must follow… with all things that happen in our lives… bad, good , sad , shameful…whatever. we always look at each other and say… ‘wanna fk’ ?? Sex feels good, right ?.. no matter what.
Tired ? Can’t sleep ? Fk slow mo …keep the blood pressure steady & ready.
Bored ? Fk adventurously… shake shit up !
Sad ? Fk harder
Happy ? Fk longer & look cross eyed. Who cares. Go with it.
Don’t set times… the best moments can happen in a broom closet with all of ms Wayans kids playing in the living room in under 3 minutes ( if ya know what you’re doin ) … in this cranium full of sponge that has absorbed all the many experiences… it’s only logical to me… we are primal… we are suppose to bang. As much as possible… listen up ladies… it’s hormonal as well… watch the hair growth,texture and shine… watch your skin brighten and bounce,watch your nails grow harder, your spark sets the soul on fire.
So yeah, just fk… whenever and for Pete’s sake… WHEREVER.
PREFERRABLE on the hood of a classic ride on a warm stormy night.
it’s hard when you’re pregnant so he can get right over himself.
Married 11 years and we do atleast 3 times a week. In a good week we may even go twice In one day.
Not if you are pregnant! If he forces you or makes you think you have to! Then leave his ass! There’s plenty more good guys out there!
Probably should have talked about this before you got up the duff. Why people don’t have honest and direct conversations before they get into serious relationships I’ll never understand…
The hells he gonna do when you can’t have sex for 6 weeks after the baby? Jesus he’s in for a rough ride.
Wait until your children get in there teens so if you think ypu ain’t getting much now your going to get even less as they grow up
Then you will have to get a babysitter and go to a hotel
I have 4 kids. Been married nearly 10 years. Known eachother 17 years. And my answer would be different every so often.
Right now, we did it 3 times in one day a few days ago.
A few months ago, once or twice a week.
A month before that, daily.
I’d examine all ways you are being intimate with eachother. (The non sexual ways). And I’ve have found the more we pour into eachother in the non sexual intimate ways, the more we WANT to have sex like we don’t have 4 kids in the other room.
Sex can be a natural rythmn that reflects other parts of your relationship. At least for us it is. I know not everyone is the same.
And not having sex doesn’t mean we aren’t into eachother. I’m not saying it always means something is “wrong”. Sometimes we sub sex for a fun movie together or SLEEP.
I feel like if someone is complaining they aren’t getting enough sex in a marriage it’s likely they aren’t putting in the emotional connection it takes to have a fun active sex life both partners are happy with…
Also, give yourself grace Bc it’s hard to have sex sometimes during pregnancy.
Ours is so up and down.
Could be every night then down to 1-3 times a week then back up then back down.
It used to be 9 times a day everyday for like 6 months… fast forward 7 years later I want a sexless relationship but he still wants at least 3 times a day everyday and I’m like I don’t think so. He’s crazy.
My husband bitches if it’s not every night. Seems terribly to complain about but we have 5 kids! I’m exhausted!!!
Aw the male perspective woman should be ready at the drop of a hat and it’s not true for some of us once a week is plenty but the majority of guys I have met in my lifetime they want it constant anytime they think of it they want it and they think women should be the same way well we’re not so tell him grow up what you read in the porn magazines is not true or at least most of it’s not true women do not want sex as much as men, there are a few, but the majority after working all day, taking care of the kids, cleaning house and cooking dinner. A man walks in sits down watches TV, eats dinner sits down watches TV and then goes to bed while she does everything else. NO we’re not in the mood!
I think every relationship is so different. We have been together 9 years and have had times where it’s 5-6 times a week and other times where it’s been once a month. Pregnancy is not a time to judge the relationship though. Your body is going through so much physically, emotionally, and hormonally. Hoping you can find a sweet spot that makes you both happy but I’m a firm believer that it’s your needs that take priority during pregnancy and postpartum so if you need space, hopefully he can respect that.
Haven’t had sex in 4 years and I’m married it’s hard but it is what it is
Omg “normal” wtf is normal these days?!!! It’s whatever works for you. Everyone is different, has different lifestyles. Do it when u want. It’s not all about sex. There’s other ways to “please” him
Idk it’s different for everyone. Me & my husband do it just about everyday and been together for 10 years.
Nobody can tell you what’s “normal” in a relationship regardless of years together, marital status, etc…
It’s what’s normal and works best for you and your partner and relationship and shouldn’t be based on others “normal” and what does or doesn’t work for them. One couple may have sex 3 times a day every day and another might only have sex once a month or a few times a year. I would ask my partner why he believes that 3 times a week is normal and what he’s comparing it to, and then maybe try to compromise somewhere in the middle. I’ve never been big on sex, except for a brief time during my pregnancy, but otherwise, I could care less about it and don’t miss it or even want or desire it, even when highly attracted to someone. I’ve had partners who felt everyday was normal and then that wore off became a once a week thing to “oh we haven’t had sex in a while, so you wanna?”, to it happening maybe 1-2 times a month, and they were otherwise good and healthy relationships and amicable breakups. And then there were the ones where we had regular sex 3 or so times a week and while the sex was good, it felt more obligatory than anything and I began to resent that because it wasn’t my normal. I mean there’s all sorts of things that prevent sex from happening or being regular and routine- from hormones to having kids to work to body pain to just plain tired. I would sit down and talk to him though and try to come to a compromise and try to meet in the middle. Maybe you need him to help out a little more so you can relax a few minutes and have him initiate by doing something romantic or maybe even need to change what time you have sex- maybe morning is better than evening because you’re wiped out from the day and need rest first. But I truly believe comparison and expectations are thieves of joy and put too much pressure on a partner in a relationship, and that’s something he also needs to take into consideration. He needs to be willing to compromise and take your feelings into consideration too. Are there reasons you don’t want it more? Does he place a lot of importance on sex in a relationship because it makes him feel closer to you and more secure? I would address things like that to try to come to a compromise. Everyone’s love language is different and everyone’s sex life varies. It’s truly what works for you both as a couple and what’s best for you both, not just one or the other. Both have to talk and communicate and compromise, but it’s also something that either should feel pressured about and obligated to do or not do in a relationship. Personally I feel people place way too much importance on sex and not consideration for the other person and partner’s needs and sometimes don’t even consider things like what is there if there’s no sex at all- like, will we even like each other, and can I trust this person, how and would they care for me if we couldn’t have sex anymore ever again? Is having sex the only way they can show their love? I mean you can be intimate in other ways and show your love, trust, and respect for your partner without having sex too. There’s just no cookie cutter answer for this question. Both will have to compromise. So if you only want it once a week and he wants it 3 times a week, then I would just work towards the goal of twice a week. Maybe you both need to spice things up too? Communicate and be open to each other’s feelings.
Im a mother of 3. With two step children. So five kids. A marriage. Or even relationship is work. Making time to be intimate is work. We often have to schedule sex! No joke. Dont get me wrong there is spontaneous mornings or what not. But its work. If you are pregnant and maybe not comfortable with certain positions and such. Google it. There is a variety of ways that make it easier and enjoyable for you both. One thing I’ve learned as a mother, is dont lose sight of myself or my wants and needs. It becomes so easy to worry about everyone else until we are depleted and have nothing left. You are important. And if you are able to recognize and carry that. Your partner will as well.
He needs a massive slap of reality, that’s for sure.
We go once every two weeks or 4 times a week. It really just depends on how we’re feeling and what time we have
20yrs together and 2 kids later. 5-7 times a week, sometimes more… BUT I also couldn’t have much sex during my second pregnancy, it was very uncomfortable…
When me and my sons dad was together and I was expecting I was more hornet lol and wanted it all the time tbh
So was every other day
Then after having the wee guy it became like 2-3 times a week
But then when he went onto 12hr shifts and I was doing college work with a nearly 6 month old it was hard barely got any time that we were both not tired so then became once a fortnight but we used to cook for eachother and make romantic candle lit dinners and bubble baths with pettled in and stuff
And used to also get different things to get us in the mood
Maybe try a few different things to get yous in the mood? Xx
Once a week and I’m only 47 he’s 49
Personally… Id love more sex. 3 times a week is good. Once a week leaves me seriously hungry lol… But i do have a higher sex drive. My husband is a diesel mech and its physically exhausting and mentally cz he runs hs own business. Hes usually tired but… He definitely puts in alot of effort, sometimes we can do it more often… Sometimes we skip a week but i definitely do try to makesure we reconnect as soon as i feel alone
My spouse works a 15&6 schedule so when he’s home it’s at minimum once a day the entire time
My hubby and I been together almost 25 years. Married 21 years. Used to be as often as we liked sometimes more a week sometimes less depending on our work schedules. Now that we in mid 40s hubby has health issues that cause it to be hit and miss or not at all. Which with a great relationship that we have sex isn’t everything. We have our intimate time and stuff but we work so much that just spending time is good for me. We have adult kids and 2 teens at home but it’s mostly health related and our busy schedules. We spend as much downtime together as possible just watching TV, talking and the I love yous daily which is what makes it too. Hugs.
been together 17 years anywhere from 1-5 days a week. it’s always different. We have 4 kids & two are 2 & 10 months old so some weeks were both dead
I would be happy with 1ce a week. Hubby wants 1ce a day at least. So we generally have sex 1ce a day, not always but usually. Keeps the peace. Been married since '83
Lmao… 3 times a week where? In a movie maybe
My partner and I have been together 3 years almost and we go about 5 or 6 times a week but thats coz it’s still relatively new. Or am I just a horn dog lol.
My ex husband and I didn’t have sex for 2 and a half years before we separated. And even before that it was like once a month. So he’s lucky lol
I agree with him3 times a week is normal. … now when I was pregnant it wasn’t that frequent. I had hard pregnancies. But even then it was 1-2 a week.
Studies show that avg is 3x a week. However, every relationship is different. When I was preggers, I wanted it all the time. Lol Still, everyone is different.
Been married 14yrs and it varies for us. Everyday for a few weeks then nothing for a couple of weeks. 2 or 3x a week for a while. My husband is on meds for PTSD & has injuries from an IED blast so my situation isn’t like yours.
Married 14 years. We do it between 2-4x per week but I know we have a very healthy sex life. I know married couples that literally only do it like once a year. I don’t think that extreme is particularly healthy or fulfilling but they aren’t in danger of splitting so
Uh… Once a week to once every 2 weeks. We have been together for 5 years married 1.5 and have 2 toddlers and both of us work. There’s not enough time to have sex more than that for us lol
I’d say every other day realistically
i just cant beleave people is answering this lol this is suppose to be kept private . what goes on in your bedroom and stays there lmfao
We go either everyday for a week or once a week but when I’m on my period we go a full 5 days without and when im ovulation we go two-four says between or depnednibf in the work schedule/kids. But when I was pregnant no. Like not at all. I was always uncomfy and sick. I threw up 2-4 times a day until I gave birth both times
I’m just here jealous of all theses blokes getting it every night
Once every 25 years if he’s lucky…and he’s not!
Lmao like once a month currently idk even when the last time was mid January
I agree with your husband
It’s really doesn’t matter what other folks are doing in there bedroom here…your husband wants it more then once a week…if you don’t want to live with a bear…I’d be giving it up…cause they can be quiet hard to live with if their not getting it…as they want…
There is no normal amount in my opinion… Every person and relationship is different. Once a week may be “normal” for some and every day may be for another. Ive been with my man for 7 yrs. The first 3 yrs we had sex every day, no exaggeration either. Now webe got 2 kids and sometimes have sex a cpl times a week and other times weve went like two weeks without having sex at all. We would still cuddle etc.
We’ve been married 12 years, together 15. We started off doing it all the time, of course. Then as we started having kids we got down to maybe once a week, sometimes we skipped a week. Eventually we stopped having it at all. We finally opened up and really talked about stuff that we didn’t before and if we don’t have sex every day it’s because one of us is sick.
I wouldn’t want to go any less than 3 times a week ,I’d feel deprived otherwise
I have an incredibly high sex drive, and i would prefer sex 3+ times a week. My partner Unfortunately can go like a month. Its about making it work and finding other ways to be intimate too.
Every couple is different but I would have to agree with your partner 3xs a week bare minimum. When we have the time or energy it would be 3xs a day but unfortunately with 5 kids from 10 weeks old up to 10 years old that’s not the case as often as I would like tho during my pregnancy my poor partner didn’t get a choice in the matter I was constantly Horny and I mean constantly he was getting woken out off his sleep and everything
It’s up to the couple. Average is 3x a week. I’m ok with once a week or 7 days a week. It doesn’t bother me either way.
I think every single man that doesn’t get sex all the time say. But in honesty there’s just as many who don’t have it more. I do 2x just to make him happy. I could go a few weeks lol
Good luck boy when the baby comes lol
We have 3 kids under 5 and usually at least once a day, sometimes twice. Morning and evening x
Almost everyday, sometimes twice, sometimes 3 times. Been married for 22 years and we can’t keep our hands off of each other lol. Minus being sick or just not feeling like it certain days.
Every one is different and sex lives eb and flow dependent on all sorts of things. What other people do and how often us irrelevant its what works for you. Plus you are pregnant so maybe not feeling it as much at the mo, Maybe he could up his effort levels in other areas rather than whining.