How should I handle my child dropping the F bomb?

Just tell her it’s a not nice word and we don’t say that word and move on.

You just showed her that she can’t speak openly to you without fear of being in trouble because she said a word that some random person decided was “bad”. A simple “hey honey,where’d you hear that word?” and an explanation that you guys don’t use that language would have sufficed.


Words only have the power we give to them. Every kid is going to say them & they’re going to hear it from somewhere - just explain it’s an adult word not for kids and go from there. Get a toy bin instead of a swear jar and use the same principle if she doesn’t get an allowance. The more you make an issue of it the more it’s going to happen

I explain to them that certain words aren’t nice, so we don’t say them.

I told my kids they are not allowed to use words like that untill they are old enough and they could tell me what it means

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By getting over it? Damn. It’s a word.

Don’t blame it on anyone. It’s a word. Tell your kid not to say it again. If they do then say… Don’t fucking say it again or I’ll keep you from camp asshole

Explain that kids don’t use those words and to not use it again…
Its not the camps fault that kids curse either

you sit her down & tell her you didn’t mean to yell at her like that, But that is a bad word & she shouldn’t be saying it & tell her you don’t want her to ever say it again, But is the late70’s the word 'gay ’ was the thing, Everyone was calling everyone gay. I didn’t like that because it was wrong, I asked my kids if they knew what it meant & they told me they didn’t , but that is what they call some kids, I told them, why would they call some kids that word without knowing the meaning of it, So I told them it means happy…so they are saying that person is happy, It really wasn’t the real meaning of why they were calling them that, but I turned it around, So they stopped using that word :slight_smile: All of this is called parenting, I also never cursed when my kids were young, Matter of fact I only started when I hit 60, but still won’t say any curse words in front of them

Yeah. She heard it at camp. She could have easily heard it…from the tv…from the radio…or even in a store.
You can not censor every little thing your child hears.
Getting upset that she heard it isn’t going to help anything.
Tell her it’s a grown up word and move on.
It’s the best thing you can do.
Harping at her for a word she didn’t know was a bad word doesn’t help.
Harping at her camp counselor/director doesn’t help much either it just makes them uncomfortable and anxious for things they can’t wholely control.


First of all apologize to her for yelling. Tell her your glad she talks to you and then Explain to her it’s not a word that your family uses, because it can be hurtful.


Your being petty she could have heard that anywhere. You haft to be realistic. The world isnt a perfect place.

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No offense but I think your over reacting. My 10 yr old came to me asking what cum is. He heard it from school along with rape,and everything else. Can’t protect your kid forever. Kindly explain and just take it from there. I swear in my household :woman_shrugging:

I cuss like a sailor around my kids, they know what words are not ok to use and when/if they start using those words I’m not going to stop them as long as they are not used towards adults or at each other. If my kids are trying something in front of me and I don’t allow it they are still going to do it.


When my daughter started repeating words she shouldn’t it was because she didn’t know they were bad, I can’t imagine just immediately yelling at her for it, she truly didn’t know it wasn’t okay. I told her those were bad words that only grown ups use, I apologize when I say them in front of her on accident (I talk like a sailor but try hard to not in front of her because kids are sponges that repeat everything) and i remind her that we shouldn’t say those things. Now when she hears a curse she says “don’t say that! I heard a bad word”
Shes a child!! Educate, don’t belittle. You’re teaching her she can’t talk to you


I tell my youngest who is 4 that he knows it’s a bad word. And he knows he’s not old enough to say bad words. He understands and that it. No raising voice.


Both my boys have the mouth of a sailor. I give no reaction and tell them to watch their mouth and if they ever use those words in public I would show my ugly side. Sometimes the reaction is worse then the word.

With my son I usually just laugh then discuss that he isn’t allowed to say that word after that he usually never says it again. They are just words no need to blow your top over them she was probably just curious as to what the word was and it most likely won’t be the last time she says a cuss word


If she’s never heard you use the word then she doesn’t know its a bad word. You can’t get mad/yell at/ use a mean tone with your child and make her cry for using a word she heard at camp that she had no way of knowing was bad. The way to handle that would have been to calmly inform her that its not a nice word and that she shouldn’t use it, you can even tell her it makes some people feel uncomfortable to hear words like that.


Yikes miss ma’am.

Okay so, you just gave your baby a strong desire to cuss for now you reacted.

Also please remember, if your child is it peace and having a blast … Don’t change those moments in her life to you ruining them.


My 3 yr.old.drops.the F bomb all the time lol


You shouldn’t have yelled. My daughter came home from school and said that word. I just told her that’s a grown up word and not to use it. So she doesn’t


I mean if it’s the first time she said it I wouldn’t have flipped. She didn’t know and just needs to be told we don’t say those words. I curse like a sailer but my kids know not to however they all of course said a word or two and young kids copying me. I didn’t flip I just explained and we were good.


Those words are “adult words”. If you say they’re bad words, it makes them even more enticing. My 2 year old and 5 year old understand the concept of something being an adult word and we don’t have issues with them saying them. If they are unsure, they even come and ask us (example being: oh my gosh).


There’s no such thing as bad words :woman_shrugging:t3:


The reason your kids want to cuss is because you make them sound like they’re bad words so they’re much more interested in them. Let it roll off your back and don’t react to it :woman_shrugging:t3:


There’s a time and a place. Work on that lesson. The word isn’t going to disappear, it is likely to remain in her vocabulary, so just tro to teach her when and where she SHOULDN’T use it.


Just say no that word is not ok to say she is 5 so expect more to come

By not being a sensitive sally and not shoving sticks up our asses, so we don’t have to worry about removing them :woman_shrugging:t4::+1:t4:

I have 4 kids 18 to 4 they have all cussed at school or somewhere inappropriate… I cuss…they all know the potty words they all knew they are not allowed to say potty words even the 18 yr old I am mom respect that by not cussing around me… I told my 10 yr old not to f*** with her little brother and went back to dishes the next thing I hear is the little one scream…mommy said dont mess with me :joy::woman_facepalming: he knew he wasnt to repeat what mommy said

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My 2 yr old came tome holding a vagisil cream and said wtf is this?… i said what did you say? Calmy and he replied what the f is this? So innocent!!! :heart: i told him dont say that its a bad word, and he understood. No screaming nothing

I think you are thinking way to much into it.
My little girl (5) said the f word last year as she copied from her dad who had said it without thought (we had rough neighbours at the time who where acting up and my partner said it to himself as we walked up our stairs)
We had a giggle at first and then told her that it was a very naughty word and even daddy shouldnt have said it. We explained that it should not be repeated again at all and she would be in big trouble if it was.
Well she has never said it again and it never became a problem. Just chill and trust that she understands she must not repeat it again but be clear she will be in trouble if she does.

I swear in my home almost constantly. I have the worst potty mouth, but my kids know not to say the words because they are “adult words.” They don’t even like saying or explaining the words when they tell me other kids used those words around them. I always tell them when they are adults they can choose to say them themselves but until then they can’t, and they listen. No yelling needing


You don’t cuss??? :rofl::rofl: are you even a real parent??


Good lord. My 5 year old came home and said “lupita can say shit in front of her mom because her mom doesn’t know English.” So I just said “That’s really not cool and I don’t want to hear you saying that again.”

Kids are going to do things when we’re not looking.

Just apologize for barking at her and making her cry for something she probably wasn’t aware that it was inappropriate. Have a conversation with her about the difference between appropriate and inappropriate words. She’s 5, so she will more than likely start hearing them more as she gets older, it’s how you convey the message.

My kiddos as they were growing up and were hearing curse words more and more, I allowed they to collectively pick a swear word that they could use only at home for the week, they usually were over the chosen word in the same day. I am a swearer, all I asked them was to not be disrespectful to their elders or authoritative figures and only use at home. So far it’s worked. :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Yelling at her is counter productive. First of all, words are only ‘bad’ because people have assigned negative connotations to them. Second, you’ve made it intriguing to her, something she can do in secret and feel defiant and cool because she’s being edgy. At 5, that instinct isn’t there yet, but it will be in just a few short years, and you’ve made this something she’ll remember. My kids know there are ‘adult words’ that they aren’t supposed to use. If they did, and I heard them, I gently corrected, remind them that it’s an adult word, and we move on. Because I never made a big deal about it, neither did they, and they stopped thinking it was funny or cool or whatever.


Try being a grown up about it.


What a shitty thing to do over the f bomb :bomb: to your child! you speak to your child about what is and isn’t appropriate to say like a parent should :exploding_head: every child cusses new words are exciting for kids they don’t know they are doing wrong when they hear something knew! Stupidity :rofl:

Shes 5 she swore by accident big deal it happens sounds likd you acted like a child about it and should apologize to her


If you do not cuss in your home then how would your kids know that it is a bad word? You essentially flipped out on your kid for not knowing. You could’ve simply explained and discussed with her.


I’ve been saying “damn daisy” for the 3 years my toddler has roamed this earth every time I change a shitty diaper. :joy: now all she says is Damnnnnn daisy. Ahhhh be easy. It’s not the end of the world.

What’s to handle? It’s just s word.


How do you have kids and not cuss?! Just explain it’s a word that isn’t nice and she can’t use it. If she doesn’t hear you say it, it shouldn’t be too hard to put a stop to it.


It depends how she’s using it. If she had no idea it was something she shouldn’t say, tell her casually that it’s a grown-up word and she is not allowed to say it, and move on. If she uses it knowing she shouldn’t, ignore it and move on. Either way, don’t make a big deal about it, and she won’t either.


I handle it by saying, “hey- we don’t speak like that as children okay? They’re disgusting adult words and I shouldn’t do it either.”

I’m definitely part of the blame for their slip ups, but it’s really not a big deal- they’re just words :sweat_smile: tell them you don’t like those words and move on.

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I’m just shocked your child is 5 and is just now hearing a cuss word. :roll_eyes: I don’t cuss in front of my kids but I also don’t see it as a huge deal. It’s just a word. Explain to her that it’s not a nice word and move on.


Mean while I’m over here telling my daughter to tell kids to stop being ass holes cause they wanna spray her with water guns after she asked them not to. :joy:

Geez. Not a big deal


I swear, so I’m not going to be a hypocrite and tell my child not it. I just ignore it. Once you make a big deal about it you give that word power, which will make them want to say it even more.

She don’t know that it was a bad word . you should say your are sorry to her for snapping and making her cry over something so innocent …all you have to do is explain that it is a bad word and you don’t use bad words .

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In the next 15 years your kid will do lots of stuff. Love him 1st… then correct him. Dont drive him away…hold him close.

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She is 5. Let it go there are far worse things in life than swearing.

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Dude my 6 year old does this 20 times a day ! I scolded him for it for a long time but nothing I’ve done stops him from it ! Just get over it otherwise you’ll have a 5 year old using that word multiple times a day. I cuss a lot also so he heard it from me nonstop it’s not really a big deal yes schools and such doesn’t allow it but like I’ve told my kids if you want a new mom then go ahead and keep it up even at school and if they don’t to atleast not say it there.


My niece has a mouth worst that a truck driver my rule when she is with me is watch your mouth outside and in public when in the house I dont care.

I would move on. She going to learn them.

I laughed my butt off when my kids did this couldn’t help it. Anyway you don’t yell you talk with her. Good luck now you scared her it will turn out badly

My son is 4 almost 5 and we cuss around him. We try to watch what we say but I have a wicked sailor mouth lol I just simply tell him they are grown up words n he can not repeat them until he is indeed a grown up. And he fully understands, he slipped up once n immediately appalogized and it was just the word shit lol mins you my child is a strong willed little boy.

As long as mine is not directing it towards a person…or i don’t hear it…he is fine. I swear all day everyday, not towards kids tho. My kid would tell me that some kids would cuss at the playground…as long as I don’t hear it…

When my brother and sister were little they used to cuss all the time. My brother was constantly saying “oh shit” especially if he dropped something and my sister was always saying “god damnit.” It made for some fun grocery store trips lol. They grew out of it.

Kimberly Mays I don’t think that was the answer she was looking for

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Scolding your child because they “cursed” is so silly and useless to me. My daughter has said swears before and every time I either ignore it or if it’s a bad enough swear like the “f bomb” then I would just talk to her or give her the look of you got two seconds to shut that mouth before I do it for you :rofl:. It’s not the last time your kid is gonna swear or hear a swear tbh. But reacting that poorly to it will make your child shut down when it comes to being open with you. Next time just explain why at her age she shouldn’t be using words like those.

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My son is 5 also and he uses the f bomb daily ! I try to talk to him about it and he uses it more

Correct redirect and possibly ignore … don’t make a big deal out of it because they’ll look for a reaction from then on

My daughter went through a stage of swearing. I just told her not to use it otherwise she would lose a treat. Now she tells me off even if I say damn :rofl::rofl:

Simple, tell them it is totally unacceptable. Now that wasn’t so hard
DUH :crazy_face:

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If you went off on her, I’d start with apologizing. She needs to learn mistakes happen and how to address them like a big girl. Secondly, just talk to her, explain it’s a bad word and you don’t want her using it. Maybe even make up your own special word with her to replace it. She’ll prob like that word better.


To her it was a word that she heard and repeated. To you it’s a bad word. You need to apologize to your little girl for going off on her over something so small. It caught you off guard yes, but now is the time you be the adult and just explain to her that she can’t use that word. If you continue to get mad at her every time something small like this happens, she will grow up telling you NOTHING because she will be scared of your reaction.


I have a nasty mouth when I get mad. All children will try your boundaries. Just let her know that word is not to be used or punishment will be the results. My girls got their mouths washed out with soap. It was 40 yrs. ago times were very different. Unless she uses it again I’d don’t bring it up.

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With my 1st ignored it and eventually he stopped.

But with my 2nd that didnt work bc of the older one. Now I just scold them if I hear a curse

Explain why it is a bad word and we don’t use it. You can give her play money and make her pay you $1 every time she uses that word, or any swear word, and at the end of the week she can cash in what play money is left for a treat. Also talk about words that you can use instead of swear words.

As a kid we didn’t cuss. It was a huge no no. I can swear like sailor now but I know when its totally inappropriate and I know my audience and try to respect those boundaries. Out of respect I won’t curse around my parents because I know they don’t like it. If she wants to do it she will so I’d explain to her that you don’t like it and others might not too so she needs to be aware and while living in your home cursing is not allowed. Also encourage her to find new unusual words to broaden her vocabulary to express herself and situations like…brouhaha. :joy: Its fun and makes her more eloquent and appear more intelligent. Like I said I can swear with the best of them but I think most people can agree that using curse words frequently (like every other word scenario) honestly makes you sound ignorant.


I allow my children to cuss, but only at home, I cuss and they hear me. I explain that not everyone so nice and understanding and like to be in other business so don’t say it at home

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Don’t be afraid to apologize for your reaction. You’re human and the fact that you felt guilty just shows how much you love her. Explain to her why it’s not a good word to use and she might end up calling out some of the other kids at camp using those words! You got this mama :two_hearts:

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I told my son that the people who use those words have a limited vocabulary. They can’t express themselves very well. They don’t know any better. So he really doesn’t want to use those words.


My son was very young too when first he dropped the f-bomb. I told him that it was a word that mostly adults use but it is also a word that adults will judge you for using. If you use the word often, people will think that you are not very smart. Since I already know you are smart it will not change my mind, but since there are so many other words that you can choose that will help others see how smart you are than why would you want them to think otherwise. His teacher heard him tell one of his classmates the same thing. He even said I know you are smarter than that! It worked!

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Explain that using expletives, nasty words, dirty words are used by people that are not able to communicate intelligently and lack respect for others.


It’s just words, kids hear things your not going to like and they might say them sometimes, but you gotta remember that we are just human and they are words.


I don’t have any advice because I swear like a sailor as did my mom. My son is 5 and was honestly easier to teach him what words are adult words than it was to teach myself to stop swearing. Call me a heathen, but unless it’s a derogatory term, I don’t see the harm in cussing… who decided fuck was an awful word anyway? Probably some puritan hundreds of years ago. If you don’t swear or allow swearing, just explain to her why that word is naughty and why you don’t use it in your home, and why you over reacted when she said it.


Unfortunately my 12 year old granddaughter just turned 13 cusses like a sailor


I cuss like a sailor and my son wont even say stupid. I never taught him, I guess he just knows what a trashy grown up word is :joy:


I have always told my kids that there are no “bad” words, just inappropriate situations. And then we talk about others and how what we say and do affects others. I’ve not had any of them use spicy language in inappropriate situations as of yet.


My daughter is three and often hears us swear, it’s a terrible habit we try to be mindful of. We don’t react when she drops the f-bomb because I don’t want her to think it has a special meaning, then she will say it all the time. If your daughter is five, you could possibly try explaining, that it’s not a word we use around other people because it is rather rude, and that you were just shocked when you heard her say it. There is nothing wrong with apologizing to her and saying you feel really bad for getting so angry.

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We call them “adult words” in our house and kids just respect that. Just like alcohol are adult drinks and they are not allowed to drink those same as they cant drive a car etc all things they could actually do but are not allowed to because of age. Its work flawlessly for us so maybe something to concider? If they do slip up or if another child swears I give a reminder that it’s a adult word and they are not to use it.

Just talk to her about it… explain why you think it’s inappropriate to use. Communication goes a long way for kids, a lot farther than shaming them for certain things.

I had that once and my son was just sitting there saying that word. Over and over again. I was nearby and I asked him what did he say? He looked at me and said, merry Christmas. I smile. I then sat him down and I told him do you know what a bad word is? He said yes. Then I told him that there were even worse words than bad and they were called curses. We don’t use bad words and we definitely should not use a curse word. It’s very hurtful And that’s why we don’t use it. He understood even at that young age and he was very respectful and as far as I know didn’t use it again. At least, not in front of me.

I gently tell her that if the moms of her friends hear her using words like that they will not allow their kids to play with her. That usually does it.

I told my kids, “We don’t use that word in this house.” (Seems pretty basic, right?)

If the offensive word was used again, they got soap in their mouth. Only needed to do that once or twice. :soap:

But seriously- calling the director? You might need to chill out a bit.

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You get over it? 🤷 Everyone swears you more you try to keep them away from it the more they will do it just away from you so you don’t know about it relentless control never works

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I am so glad that no one here is trying to be a goody too shoe and act like its the end of the world. I am sure we have all been exposed to the F word along with every other offensive word. That is just how the world is and all we need to do as parrents is our best by teaching them right from wrong. Dont freak out or worse take it out on your child. They obviously heard it or were exposed to it somewhere some how. Look at it like your child saying a word from a foreign language. They didn’t make it up. They heard it somewhere. It’s up to You Parent to raise your child right. Not the worlds job, it’s Your job.

Personally I think it’s a disgusting word. I’ve bought books with great plots but the authors rely on the bomb because that’s what sells
Tell her there are better words, maybe give her a funny word to replave it. One woman I knew used the worg quog every time she wanted to use the f bomb

I let my daughter get one free time to say a bad word an thats it. I explain to her why it’s bad an why she can’t be saying it

I used to tell my children that people that are not smart have to use language like that. Intelligent people are able to use better words to express themselves. They have lots of great words to choose from and do not need to us those ignorant words because they want to shock you and make you think they are meaner than you are. The first time it is a pass…the second time they know I would not allow it…Even if they hear it at school. I used to have a friend who could cut you and slice you without every having to use a vulgar word ever…Her vocabulary was far above most…and the would wind up wondering what on earth she just said…

Girl, it’s just an ugly word that we as parents don’t want our children growing up saying but most end up say when they get 16-21! Depending on the kid and how they were raised who they are around ect. ect. This world is so dang crazy and getting all mad over things like this is not worth it. You want to keep that relationship strong and trustworthy so she know she can talk to you without you exploding at her. She is going to come and tell you thing you may or may not be ready for but this is what you signed up for the day you decided to be a mama! Take a deep breath say a little prayer :pray:and trust in yourself that you can get through this and many more conversations with a calm and understanding ok let’s tackle this problem together approach and trust me she will come running to you and your relationship will blossom!! Go apologize to her for yelling so she understands you are not mad at her and start the conversation over!!

Unfortunately people use cuss words like everyday language anymore. When I was growing up you never used that kind of vocabulary around anyone. Damn was considered a cuss word. Young adults don’t seem to care who is in earshot if their fowl conversations, don’t care who they offend, its sad!
I’m sure this is not the only time your child will hear these words unfortunately.

All cussing takes place under the cussing tree located on the back forty, but not until you turn ten. Practice if you must, but I don’t want to hear it.

When I was bringing up my 23 year old and also now my 7 year old, I just simply explained to them that even though it’s just a word like any other is, it’s an ugly word that people use when they are being ugly. I’ve always taught the sticks and stones rule. It’s a word like anything else, you can’t control what people say, only how you react to it.

Just tell her that some people use certain words that you do not use and that she should not repeat them! Tell her if she thinks a word is bad to ask you if it’s ok to say or not to say!

You have to teach your child your boundaries. You can’t expect the entire world to conform to what you are comfortable with or possiblyshelterthem from Everything bad. Eventually they will encounter more foul language, violence, drugs, etc…up to you to teach them right from wrong & whats appropriate

I don’t swear and it was not permitted in my house. My kids did not swear around me.