Bordeaux’s butt paste, the extra strength one! I swear it was the only one that worked for my son when he had the norovirus and literally was pooping so much his bottom was raw. It’s waaaaay better than desitin in my opinion
Corona at a vet supply store is the best you can get, it is in a tube . my Dr. recommend it when my kids were little, would use nothing else
Maalox the liquid antacid! Mix with a&d or aquafor, or a zinc oxide rash cream, for easy application! It takes the burn out and helps the pain. Dab to clean as best as possible, try to keep wiping to minimum with dirty diapers, with a clean, warm wash cloth instead of wet wipes.
Best thing is paladin or burn some flour and sprinkle on
You might need to the doctor for ointment for the rash
Besttttttttt, hands down -Amazon /Walmart
Pricey but 100% worth it, immediate relief !!!
Calendula cream/ointment
Vaseline sometimes makes it burn. I wouldn’t do Vaseline. Probably needs nystatin.
Put a white of an egg on rash & diaper worse wonders
Beaudeaux butt paste
Destin rash cream works great. Use a warm wash cloth to wipe with. Preferably the terry cloth material. Also check your wipes for a recall. I know some were recalled for causing chemical burns.
Bare the but for little while
I always used baby powder with cornstarch all 4 of them and they never got a rash
Desitin is absolutely the best
I used warm wet paper towels, triple paste diaper cream worked the best. Avenno oatmeal baths
Corn Starch helps. Will take the heat right out
Butt balm, works for teething as well if their chin gets raw from droul.
Seen this in another mom group
Aquaphore is the BEST
I used cornstarch they sell is by baby powder and what kind of diapers do you use? Maybe change to a different brand.
Yeast infection cream
Drs gave my kids greers goo
Have you tried aquaphor and bag balm
When my son was about 3 months old ( he’s like 30 now) he had a diaper rash so bad it bled!! I tried everything!!! I took him to the dr and the doctor told me to give him a warm bath with head and shoulders in it. It cleared right up!! Same thing with my grandson. Head and shoulders will dry it right up. Those oils are not helping AT ALL!!!
Browned flour works really well
Thrush cream works amazing
Spray Colodial Silver…worked for my friends baby who had severe diaper rash
Vaseline will do it!
I found that with my kids, acidic fruits and juices made the diaper rash worse and hard to clear up. So I made them drink more water. Or, it could be a yeast infection. Check with your dr.
Silver sulfadine cream if you can get it from your pediatrician. However it could very well be something he’s eating and is allergic to!
I know this sounds crazy but use corn starch … seriously works every time
Corn starch. I honestly swear by it!
It needs to dry out. Put corn starch on it and leave him out of the diaper
Sudocrem is my go to. Clears it up quickly
Switch diapers different brand
Brown flour in a skillet and use that.
Desitin always worked great on my kids. You may need to visit the doctor, it could also be a yeast infection too.
Less acidic juices… change diaper instantly… make sure there is also not alot of sweating going on… baby powder if so… neither of mine have had an issue… 16 years apart in age…
Try to use water wipes… some baby wipes have alcohol in them and can burn when wiping. And yeast infections and also appear to be rashes
Milk of magnesia the blow dry it on low until it is dry.
agree aquaphor. I use it for everything. chapped lips, diaper rash. chapped cheeks. I usually put it on their lips after they’ve gone to sleep. works wonders. best for diaper rash for sure
Bath -don’t wipe - air dry with no nappy for a bit.
take him to drs he may need a steroid cream (or something stronger that’s prescribed )
But if it continues (constantly) I would ask to see a paediatrician or dermatologist -
There’s anti fungal rashes.
Or it maybe something else. If it’s causing him pain I would definitely take him to drs or hospital to get looked at. Regular bum changes.
Usually I find what works - cornstarch.
Powder with zinc or zinc nappy cream, everyone is different.
But if u are ever concerned- then go to a dr about it.
Use aloe vera at works really good
Bag balm. Will be gone in a few day. Use regularly and you will never have to worry about it again
Boudreaux’s butt paste is the best stuff to use. They have a yellow tube or a red tube. You can get it at Walmart or Dollar general. It clears my son up overnight depending on how bad it is. My son can’t drink juice or lemonade because it gives him bad rashes.
Old fashion crisco out of the can
Aquaphor!!! Nice and thick!!! I know babies who would get blisters from
Their rashes and it cleared it up significantly over night
If it’s looking a little yeasty, mix some zinc with monistat. Bathe and oat dry. Then, Let him air dry without for as long as you can. (Unless he’s scratching) before applying a skin protectant cream.
Aquaphor is the best thing I used on my kids bottoms. I swear their bottoms would heal practically over night. Also, pay attention to his diet and what might be triggering excessive pooping/diarrhea. Acidic foods and fruits, dairy products or juices could attribute to the poops that are eating his little bottom up.
If it’s very bad (bleeding/oozing/foul smelling) go ahead and contact a doctor for something prescription strength.
Use nothing but corn starch.
My son was that way and we had to get prescription cream from pediatrician
Warm bath with a little baking soda to get relief, then when he gets out let him air out & put some corn starch in his diaper to help keep him dry. Definitely talk to his doctor. Hope this helps! Good luck mama
Let him be na*ed when you can and put tons of Destin maximum strength when he has a diaper on and make sure to change him as soon as he wets or poops. Good luck momma!
BUTT PASTE all the way, and cut back on heavily seasoned and acidic food and drink til it clears.
Monistat cream for yeast infections
Just wash it with mild soap then ointment for diaper rash, don’t wear him diaper until totally healed. Brief or boxer is better for him.
I used “burnt” cornstarch and flour. I’d stop the Vaseline, etc for now as I found that it prevented a barrier so well that air couldn’t reach it to heal faster.
This is so hard on momma’s as well as babies. Hang in there ladies, this will pass AND you can do it!!!
When I babysat a little 1 year old girl a long time ago she would come to me every Monday morning with a new awful nasty rash . It really bothered me that she suffered. I used to mix cornstarch and Vaseline up in a bowl and make it into a thick cream. I would get her cleared up every time. It worked wonderfully .
If you have a Mexican store close by, call and ask if they have this ointment. If not order it for the future. It works amazing and you should see a difference with in a day if not sooner.
Corona…sells at farm stores or Amazon. Type in corona diaper rash cream on Google or Amazon. my family has used it for over 50 years and it works right away. Great stuff
Quit putting vaselina on him Vaseline harbors bacteria triple antibiotic ointment and no diaper if he is crying when he’s pooping maybe he’s constipated make sure he’s not constipated and use cold wet paper towels with just water that should clear him up in a few days always worked for me
Cooled burnt flour!!! 6 kids used on all of them never store bought stuff it always made it worse burnt flour will show signs of healing within a few hours!!!
If you somehow make it through all 700 comments to mine my son has hypertensive skin disorder and went through the same thing as a baby he did not respond well to aquafor or basically any diaper rash cream on the market, including prescription. the ONLY one that worked on him at all was the red Bordeaux maximum strength butt paste. We still keep it in the house for any time we have skin irritations because it WORKS and doesn’t sting on raw skin like the rest. Also if your baby’s bottom is red please do not put cornstarch or baby powder on it there is likely yeast at this point and cornstarch and baby powder are food to yeast and will make it worse.
My son had a really bad one. I soaked his butt in warm bathwater with 1tbsp baking soda for 10-15 min. Then air dried it completely, following up with some Lotromin(anti fungal cream). It went away within a couple of days.
Do you have suda crem
You might say I’m crazy but believe me or not but burnt flour in a diaper and leave it for a bit
What you do is
Get a pan put flour in it and let it burn and let it cook before using now it will stink but it works!!!
There’s a lot of great advice on here for clearing it up. Once it’s clear use Vaseline with every diaper change to create a barrier and hopefully prevent future rashes. If he continues to get bad rashes definitely take him to his pediatrician! My granddaughter gets one if she eats certain foods, it’s been a process to find out what her body doesn’t digest and tolerate well. She’s almost 2.
It could be a yeast rash.
Our pediatrician told us to use one part salt and nine parts lukewarm water. Pour it into the diaper and put it on the baby, and let them wear that for 15-20 minutes. We did it three times a day and it was gone in two days, after fighting for two weeks with it. It’s just saline, so it will not harm the baby.
Pure corn starch all i ever use on my girls
Leave him without a diaper as long as possible also I swore by this powder it was way better than creams which never let it dry up…
Keep the area dry ! No baths . Give his skin time to heal . Keep it clean and baby wipe bath for three days .
Breast milk. Coconut oil
Potty training works well for diaper rash, if 2 your baby is more than ready
Corona horse ointment if you have a feed store or Walmart near you! Grandma taught me this and I swear by it! It clears rashes SO fast!
I would definitely stop the Vaseline. Either Desitin or corn starch. Vaseline or A & D “feed” certain rashes.
So my youngest has a lot of tummy acidity and the Dr had me mix diaper rash ointment, with a little malox, and an anti bacterial cream and man she hasn’t had one since
Cornstarch - sprinkle over affected area and leave him diaper free. You need to let it dry out & putting Vaseline on it won’t do that. If it’s that bad definitely get him in to see his doctor who can prescribe a medicated treatment.
It could be a yeast rash. Which is prolly why the A&D isn’t touching it
Could totally be a yeast rash, I would take him in to be seen. And try a small amount of yeast infection cream. Should clear it right up.
My most recent child got a pretty bad diaper rash that was hard to get rid of. His doctor recommended breast milk and it worked in just a couple days. You have to make sure after baths you are patting dry to ensure its not wet. Also recommend as much no diaper time as you can manage.
could be allergic to the diapers my kids were had to go back to the old days an actually use cloth diapers on them
Ask you pediatrician, they can write you a script for an antibiotic ointment.
Baking soda! Don’t use wipes used a little room temp water with a pinch of baking soda in it and a soft cloth to wipe his bum, also instead of baby powder brown some flour in a pan let cool and use that as you would baby powder! My daughter gets bad diaper rash and baking soda baths and using only that to wipe and browned flour is the only thing that helps hers
Destin maximum strength OR aquarium ( this works wonders! Will be gone in 24hrs!)
Best treatment is let him go bare ass for a few days. Best if playing outside and allowing sunlight on the rash. When he does poop or pee use only water to clean him. No soap. No wash cloths. If need put him in a tub. No soap. Soap is very drying to the skin.
At night you need to put on a diaper but you might consider a cloth diaper to allow more air circulation and evaporation. In morning do not wash with soap and water. Just sit him in the tub for a few mins. No soap. Pat the skin dry and let him run bare ass again. Yes he will pee on the floor. So what. Clean it up.
The most important thing is allowing air and sunshine and light to do its job and healing it.
Stop using wipes for one. Use 4x4 gauze and water to clean her with then use the A&D 
Get some Butt cream it is cooling and heals fast,you can get it at Walmart
Resinol, hands down the best. Ask for it at the pharmacy. Or order on Amazon.
Only way I have been able to get rid of bad diaper rashes is going to the Dr and getting Nystatin ointment. Workes every time. My 10 month old had a bad one from teething and this cleared it up with in a week.
Plain corn starch. My mother in law told me this and I thought she was crazy but it honestly works like a charm. Plain old corn starch.
Calmoseptine !!! Diaper rash cream
Domeboro. Domeboro. Domeboro. Domeboro. I can’t reccomend it enough. My daughter had diaper rash. It’s a soak for the bathtub. Dries it up and then I used washcloths, not wipes to clean her! Good luck!
Corn starch. It will clear up in a night with it.
Aquafor!! Works GREAT!!!
Has he been on an antibiotic lately, could be a yeast infection. Also if it is worse in fat crevices try antiperspirant. Good luck.
Only thing you will ever need. Will clear it up overnight. My daughter had blisters from being allergic to diapers
Cornstarch!! Works every time, even for the worse rashes. Never had anything but problems with Vaselines or creams.
After bath, purple desitin!
Browned flour works amazing I used it on my kids u just brown some flour In a pan and then let it cool then sprinkle on like powder
Butt paste. Best thing ever. The red one.
Oat baths too.