How to clean a diaper rash?

Warm wash cloth with no soap or anything. No Vaseline or ointment and leave him diaper free to air out

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Cornstarch best thing for the baby

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Boudreaux’s Butt Paste Diaper Rash. Also make sure your using wipes for sensitive skin without any fragrance. I also use a mixture of water and baby oil to clean poop off baby’s butt (makes it super easy to clean off), I think I mix about 2 or 3 parts baby oil and the rest water in a misting spray bottle but any spray bottle works.

I found Vaseline fed my sons infections instead of helping them - we used bepanthen as it was better for his skin, & I wouldn’t say he has sensitive skin or anything

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The biggest thing is keeping the area clean and dry I’ve been using monistat chafing gel it works for allot of things

Desitin Ointment is better than A&D. Vasoline is useless. A tried and true Gramma.


Corn Starch And change him as soon as he goes. Make him let you wipe him .

Put some baking soda in the bath water & just let him play. Then birthday suit for as long & as often as possible.

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Bathe your baby in water with no soap or very little soap. Then put a layer of Vaseline over the rash. The Vaseline will protect your babies skin from urine and feces, in turn, rapidly healing the rash! TRUST ME ON THIS! Four time Mom and this worked with each child. That A&D ointment did nothing for my babies.

No diaper. No cream or any ointment. Air dry.

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What do you do for fungus of the crotch?

Go to the doctor get a prescription of buttmagic they make it fresh at the pharmacy stuff is amazing unless you would still have any breast milk left that works really good too

Corn starch or baby powder with corn starch


Don’t use the vaseline, diaper rash is a burn and vaseline will make it burn deeper. bath him often, no soda, just warm not hot water, let him play in the tub. Cooler water will relieve the fever in the burn. Good luck. also leave the diaper off as much as posiable


Desitin over the A&D -it acts as a barrier

Brown some flour and put on rash dry, or cornstarch cold helps with rash and relieves pain. A&D and Vaseline seem to hold to much moisture.

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Shaving cream. Cleans the poop off good. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Vaseline is a good barrier after you clean the area. You can still put a diaper on him but change him as soon as his diaper is dirty. Use fragrant free wipes and put Vaseline on area.

Constarch hurry put it on him,the best thing you can do.Poor little baby.


Here’s my advice from a nurse & mom of 8… First of all stop giving him whatever it is that’s breaking his bottom out. Something your feeding him is not sitting well with his tummy or his bottom. that’s the first step and if you don’t figure that out nothing you do will get better until that changes. Once you have that pin pointed keep him dry. No diaper…air dry and corn starch if needed. Good luck!

Ask the doctor to prescribe him some Nystatin. And diaper rash medicine to clear it right up

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Bag balm. Had a doctor recommend it to me once and it worked wonders

This stuff is wonderful

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Cornstarch. No more creams or Vaseline.


No wipes when changing… Just rinse his butt with water, and pat pat with the towel n let it air dry for a few mins then put corn starch, don’t rub it just cover the rash in corn starch n then diaper can go back on… repeat until rash is gone… Cornstarch works quick… And def skip the wipes they are burning his rash

Sounds like a yeast and infection,use monistat or Nystatin

Start emptying acidophilus pills into his food or drink. This will help with a yeast infection and it’s just good for the gut in general. Use one capsule for every meal and store capsules in the refrigerator to keep the active cultures from dying. Feed him plain yogurt as well. This will help too. Flavored yogurt has sugar which grows the yeast and makes it worse. Avoid antibiotics as much as possible as they destroy good bacteria and immunities.

Put a potty seat out for him and introduce it to him while he runs around au naturel.

Amazons penaten cream for babies. Works well on a lot of others things also


You mean he is still in diapers

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Look into dermeboro, it healed my very young grandsons horrible diaper rash!! It’s great for poison ivy, and a horrible rash I get from the sun!

Burnt flower works nice to… cook it on the stove


Corn starch and lard works wonders

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Try Mamaearth bamboo based diaper it’s natural and with gud absorbant also try Mamaearth rashes cream both r really gud and work well

Triple paste works great

White crisco…absolutely

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Are you sure it’s a diaper rash and not yeast? Cornstarch is the best thing to leave on the baby after cleaning it should be gone by morning.


I use dr. Smiths ointment from Amazon. But whem applying any kind make sure he is dry dry or you are just sealing in moisture

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Let it air out, and change as soon as he wets or poops!


Bag balm always helped my kids rashes.

Risanol from a pharmacy best diaper rash cream ever

I used aquaphor butt paste

I’ve used cornstarch before and that worked good, and let them air out.

A and D ointment is very good.

Naked baby… thin layer of cream and lots of potty training. Or backyard play :woman_shrugging:

Air dry and cream for yeast infection that can be used only on the outside not one for internal use

Cornstarch is all you need .


Butt paste or plunders cream from a pharmacy. Heals within hours!

Plz get sudocream. It’ll clear up within a day

Boudreaux’s butt paste


Go get Aquaphor ointment. It will heal the rash.


Neosporin antibiotic and pain reducer. Baby powder.
Nakednesses helps

It’s weird but my daughter showed me to use lots n lots of baby powder and it worked I couldn’t believe it

No vaseline. Put zinc baby rash cream big layers

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Ask Dr about probiotics

Get a dirt doubters nest beat it up fin like baby powder put it on every diaper change little messy but it works

Budreax butt paste works wonders! With my daughter I only need to apply it once and next diaper change she’s much less irritated.

Auqaphor baby cleared my daughters up in a day

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Cloth diapers! I had to use with both of my boys and lots of naked

Aquaphor aquaphor aquaphor!!! Best thing to heal stuff like that and quickly :heartpulse:

I used hydrocortizone cream with mine and worked great. I had really bad rashes when i was little and my mom swears by just dial soap and a wash cloth. She used that everytime to wipe me

If it’s that bad he needs to see doctor for nystatin cream

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Aloe gel or corn starch

Butt paste my kids never responded to a&d but buttpaste cleared it up quickly

Bag balm from Wal mart

I had to get a medicated prescribed one from our pediatrician for my daughter cause she got one too and I couldn’t get rid of it until I was given that

Use a cream instead of ointment. Sometimes the ointments work, but you need zinc or something.

Yes paladine cream calll dr for more advise. No diaper.

Boudreauxs Buttpaste was the ONLY thing that helped my oldest. Idk what magic they put in there, but it’s great!

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Get a prescription for yeast infection, or you can buy at Walmart, dollar store, antifungal cream,same used for athletics foot,it will clear it up

You need to keep it dry. Some creams keep it too wet. I use to sometimes lay a blanket on the floor and let them air out without a diaper on for a while. Then brown flour on the stove just til it turns a light brown. Don’t burn it. Let it completely cool before applying on the bottom. I know it sounds weird but it works

Lay him in the sun for ten mins everyday with no nappy on

He needs to air dry for a couple of hours before you put Vaseline or any other cream. Might need to call the Dr.
My Granddaughter had a milk allergy and when we stopped the milk her rash went away.

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Bag balm or utterly smooth

A&D usually makes an improvement in hours, if it’s been days and no improvement you probably need a prescription. It could be fungal. My daughter just had a fungal diaper rash and even with nystatin prescribed cream it took forever to go away. She cried a lot and hers was litterrally one little red and raw looking circle in the upper part of her pubic area.

One of my babies didn’t get relief from anything but cornstarch.

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Use this take it away fast

Baking soda baths, let the bottom air dry put a towel underneath their bottom and put aquaphor healing cream or antifungal cream


Sometimes ur baby reacts to the nappies aswel…like an allergy. Vaginal cream, the best

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Use cornstarch works

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RESINOL OINTMENT. I swear by it. Have your local CVS order it you don’t need a prescription but get it from the pharmacy. And use the shower head and rinse after each poop. It’s probably the virus that’s going around…norovirus. leaves their butts bright red. Ask your pediatrician for nystatin and nix the ointment with it. It’ll be ok.

I would recommend using Cloverine Salve it is in a green and white small round can .you can Google it. best salve for baby rash I never used anything that worked as good .it is safe .and can be used as often as needed

Aquaphor!!! The only thing that works for mine. She can have a rash at night and the next morning it’s gone.

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Triple Paste. It’s a former prescription and it works fast.

Oatmeal baths. My first born had the same issue. Let him go with out pants or diaper as often as possible to let it dry out.

We always used Vaseline–however call your doctor and find out what is best,

Zinc and castor oil cream is a lifesaver

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Triple paste has always worked well for diaper rash in our house (I have 4 children; 13, 10 and 5 y/o twins) I swear by it, and Bordeaux’s butt paste. The Vaseline would serve as a barrier but holds no true healing properties. Auquaphor works well, too.

We stopped using wet wipes at home. Was using cosmetic cotton wool pads and baby bath soap. Then your choice of cream. It made such a difference

Could be a yeast infection…Destin is the best for daiper rash


Vaseline my baby is a year old he’s allergic to landolin in most diaper rash creams and I will never use anything else on butt rashes 100% mom approved 

Take to the doctor, most likely yeast infection now.


It could be yeast

If the rash doesn’t clear with butt paste it’s yeast

I know this sounds so weird but if it’s not getting any better try vaginally cream for yeast infections it works wonders


Time to take that baby to the dr

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My 7 week old baby had a bad rash from birth until just maybe 2 weeks ago. It just kept getting worse and I told the doctor at the hospital when I had him and they said it was normal from where he was just born and it didn’t go away. His skin literally looked like it was burning off his poor privates. I finally got him to his actual pediatrician and he said it was a bad fungal infection. He gave me two creams to rub on it for every diaper change. It’s cleared up and healed, thankfully! :pray:t3:

This is the only thing i will use, I swear by this stuff it works amazing clears it up within the day…

Try changing the diaper brand sometimes they are allergic to some diaper brands i know mine was when i changed to something else it stopped.


This is all I used on my two youngest kids and had I found out about it sooner I would have used it for all my kids!!! Also I would let him go with out a diaper to get some air on it! No diaper wipes and if you do use diaper wipes rinse really good with warm water. Good luck Mom💕
I hope little man heals fast

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I’m from the UK so I’m not sure if you get this but this is stuff I got cus it was the only cream I could get one time and now I totally swear by it , u need to tap his wee bum dry aswell the wet wipes I find can make it worse so need to dry off aswell

Brown some flour in a cast iron skillet works all the time