My son was a flipper. He ended up flipping in my last week, but I had a scheduled section since I had to have one with my daughter.
Sometimes they flip just before birth, saying prayers for a safe delivery. Try poking your belly to try and flip him if he isnt too big he may just flip. Sometimes during labor a dr can reach in and flip them
I used a mid-wife for both my babies. My youngest was breech until two weeks before delivery. She told me, to sit in as warm a tub as I could as long my mucous plug was still in with the water as high as it could be and put as cold a wash cloth as I could stand on the top of my belly essentially on his head. This would create a head ache and he would turn himself toward the warm water. Did it. He turned that night shortly after bath was done. Was painful and I’ll never forget it. Ended up with an emergency c-section anyway because he was bigger than the expected at 10.4. I’m in my mid 50’s. But there’s something to say about “old wives tales”.
I’ve had 4 c sections and honestly the recovery isn’t that bad the first day after is maybe the most painful but after that is a breeze… You just move a little slower than you normally would
C-section was a piece of cake compared to a vaginal birth for me.
Don’t go through all the hassle and struggle to still end up with a c-section. Let the process take it toll let baby flip by itself, if baby doesn’t flip by time doctor says settled for c-section is better than to go through all this and that plus labor pain and still ended up having a CSection.
I refused the epidural and my dr refused to give me general anesthesia. so i naturally delivered my 9.9pd breech baby. However i found out later some states can arrest you for that so i wouldnt recommend
I had an ECV done with my third baby. Delivered directly after at 38 weeks vaginally with no complications. The ECV was not comfortable. It wasn’t painful per say but I’m happy with our decision to have that done instead of a C section. Good luck with whichever option you decide!
This was literally me. Im almost 38 weeks now but up until recently our baby was frank breech. Seemed like what worked for us was the forward version while using moxibustion sticks and going to acupuncture. I did the inversion off my bed onto an ottoman with some pillows ontop. Has my husband burn the moxa stick by my pinky toes 15 min each side and within a few days of doing that she flipped.
Wait longer, she will flip🙃
Both of my kids were breech when I was pregnant w/ them. But my ob never sent me home saying to try to get them flipped on my own? They always attempted it at their office. I was told not to try it at home myself. They try to get the baby to flip by putting pressure on the sides of your stomach like in a clockwise motion, its hard to explain. But its not that uncommon & my first was stubborn & didnt flip w/ my ob’s help. But by the time I was induced, she had flipped on her own☺️ I wouldnt worry too much. Ive never had a csection, only natural deliveries so I cant speak on that🤷🏻♀️
C sections suck. They hurt a lot but it is doable for you if you have to do it. I had to take care of my first child as a toddler when I had my 2nd c section. I would try everything else before getting one though.
My first son had to be flipped and not gonna lie it was painful but it was def more worth it than having to get a c section… but my other 2 flipped in their last 2 weeks… good luck with everything
C sections are not as bad as people make them out to be. I’ve had two.
Honestly I had this same issue my first baby
I’m so thankful I didn’t try flipping her during my c section they announced the Umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck we were unable to see this in any of the ultrasound they have done for her so I am thankful we did not flip my daughter
My vaginal birth was extremely hard to recover from. I was all stitched up etc it was awful. I’ve also had a major abdominal surgery, gastric bypass, and I’d do that again 10 times over as opposed to going thru my vaginal delivery experience again. The pain was absolutely unreal. The movie Hellraiser comes to mind lol but seriously I was ripped totally apart, it felt like a bomb went off down there like I just burst open. They gave me nothing for pain when I was stitched back together either. I felt every string pull thru my skin and I feel like it changed my body a lot. In ur case if u already had a vaginal birth and didn’t have a bad experience w it I might just go ahead and try to do it that way to avoid the scar. Anyway what I mean is I don’t think a c-section will be that hard to recover from. I was back on my feet in about 10 days after my bypass and back to work in 2 weeks. As far as getting her to turn I have no advice for that. I’d try looking for answers online. U’ll be OK either way! I begged for a c-section.
I wish I had some answers to help , but unfortunately I don’t.
What I don’t understand is why your OBGYN didn’t give you any ways to help rather than telling you to research them yourself.
I was told to put a pillow underneath your lower back for 15 minutes 3xs a day. To help the baby turn down…I also put an ice pack on the top of my belly and a heating pad on the bottom of my belly. Because the baby will go where the heat is
I don’t understand why they told you to do your own research, maybe there is another obgyn you can talk to…I’ve never had a baby that wasn’t head down but I’m sure it is very scary and worrisome. Prayers to you and your baby
I had a double breech natural birth! I ended up with a few stitches but by not having c-section meant I didn’t have to stay in for long
They told me this with my first two and my first doctor was sweet she induced me and planned for both vaginal and c section in case and he flipped that last week at 39 my second doctor was pushing me for c section and I said no he’ll probably flip and she said she can’t schedule both at hospital anyways he flipped two days before delivery! Third kid was head down but wrong side faced and my doc tried to turn her head during labor and cord wrapped around neck which resulted in me having a emergency c section. Honestly recovery wasn’t horrible of course I had more pain meds then I did with vaginal but really it’s just the first day that’s the worse
I had twins breech thought no way has twin 1 got room to flip , how wrong was I , he did it right at the last minute I never got told to try and flip him just have my bags packed ready incase. (12years old now)
I had twin breech babies naturally on my last babies & was so glad being it would be my last babies & my other children were natural births . Was so glad I did not have to have a C section!!!
My baby (4th) was breech and was breech for 19 weeks of my pregnacy I was offered the ecv but looked that up and did lots of research and my own choice was not to have it… so ended up having a section at 38 weeks… tbh its not a nice experience and things were very difficult but only for a couple of weeks more so the first few days… i had no joy with what ever I did to turn my baby naturally they said he wasn’t guna move… on the other hand i delivered my daughter naturally breech n she was just fine… personally I would hold out n try n go n close to due date before a decision is made but good luck in what ever you choose
I had a breech so had it externally turned very painful and felt bruised for about 2 weeks after and ended up having csection anyway as the cord got wrapped around his legs let things go naturally good luck
Hmm I don’t have any tricks for that but when my last one was in the breech position my doctor basically moved my belly around in some sort of massage my last couple appts to help him flip and that worked. Did they offer to do anything in office during your visits?
I had the same problem with my youngest child. I was 38 weeks when she turned. I drove through the mountains when she finally turned coming down and yes I was driving which completely freaked me out.
There’s still a lot of time for baby to turn at 36 weeks. Are they planning to induce you or are you hoping to go into labor on your own time?
Almost 30 years ago they tried a version on me. I dunno if it’s changed since then but a) it was unsuccessful (he was a double foot breach) and b) exceptionally painful.
My little one was breech up until 4 days before she was born…she flipped herself into position on time to come out so maybe just chill and don’t stress and see what happens.
Usually doc will turn baby. You still got some time for baby to turn. Recovering from a Csection is ok. I had two. Dont worry god is great
I don’t have advice on how to flip a breech sorry but i can give you some on what to expect for a c section. My girl was breech but I had a premature birth at 34+4 . I was going to look into things to get her turned around but my waters broke the next day so I didn’t have a chance. If you do have to have a c section - try not to get worked up they will talk you through everything they are doing to make you feel the calmest you can be… You may feel pressure when they are getting baby out as moving around alot of muscles organs etc ( I didn’t feel a thing) I got really itchy on my back the night after from the morphine in the spinal. Make sure you rest up alot as u will be swollen and very bruised and sore.
Roll out of bed when getting up . Don’t lift anything heavier than the baby as u will risk ripping your cut.
In the shower just rinse your bandage with warm water. I found using a hair dryer to dry it out afterwards worked really well . I used bio oil on my scar most days and 1 year later you can hardly see it. You won’t be able to drive for 6 weeks ( well that’s recommended)
I hope this helps. Take it easy, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Keep on top of the pain killers x
Get on all 4’s put your ass in the air ,stay that way as long as you are comfortable. Try that a few times a day, hopefully the baby will turn. Worked for me many years ago.
Chiropractors can help with the adjustment of your pelvis so the baby has more room to get in optimal position, ie when they are breech if they know the Webster technique
Warm bath with ice on top of ur belly
I was told to get on hands and knees and rock back and forth my baby was breech at 36 weeks also but one night she just did a complete flip and turned around
They should know how too. A midwife certainly does and your doc if need be. But they liketo make it easy on them so they will do a c section.
My baby turned at 39 weeks, just so happened to be having a sonogram at the time and watched him turn.
I have an ECV @ 36 weeks… my 3rd was head down from 28 weeks then decided to flip to breech… it was successful and she stayed head down and was able to deliver vaginally… it was an uncomfortable experience but well worth it… I had to have a emergency c-section 15 months earlier,in which I recovered very quickly… was back to normal after a week or so…
It is possible to have a successful vaginal breech birth. I did with my daughter.
I dont not suggest the version! I had it done ended up with bruising all over it induced labor and ended up with an emergency Csection! At least if it’s planned you have time to prepare! When my water broke a foot came out!
Put a bag of cold peas on the top of your stomach ,that should work .It Worked for me with baby #2
I was in the same situation. Baby breech at 36 weeks, I was scheduled to be induced at 38 weeks so I was scared about havibg to have a c section. Through no work on my end, the baby flipped on her own and I had her naturally after all. There is still time! Fingers crossed
My first was breech and couldn’t be turned. I was booked in for a C section but 2 weeks before the booked date, my waters broke and he started to turn when I first went into labour. Ended up having the C section because he was transverse, so don’t underestimate your little Houdini. Bub may turn at the last minute.
If you do have to have the C section, you’ll be fine. It’ll be over and done with quickly and within minutes you’ll be holding your precious bundle in your arms.
Bit of discomfort in your pelvic area afterwards but I honestly believe the distraction of the baby lessons the discomfort. You’ll be up and walking within hours - albeit slowly and gently.
I went on to have a vaginal delivery with my 2nd and can honestly say I’d much rather a C section.
Best wishes Mumma
I put music on my phone and placed it at the bottom of my belly. I rocked back and forth and danced. I was 34 weeks then, by 36 weeks she was head down.
If you have a C-section follow their advice and rest as much as possible I did too much too early and got an infection in the incision line
So this happened to me too with my 3rd . First 2 completely natural. I tried everything. My water broke she was still breech. They told me what it would entail for then to try and move her and the risks scared the hell out of me so I said no and had the c section. It isn’t an 100 percent guarantee that it would work so it wasn’t worth it to me
I had an ECV at 37 weeks and baby flipped back by 38 weeks so we scheduled a 2nd ECV for 39 weeks to flip her again and then induce. But when i went in for the ECV and induction she already flipped on her own!
Learn something new everyday… Did not know you could flip a baby before it was born.
Usually doc will try and turn baby and you still have time for baby to flip. Pretty much with a c section u just cant lift anything heavier than your baby for 6 weeks cause i had a c section cause my baby was breeched.
I was pregnant with twins they both were breech the doctor turned them around…. May you have a safe delivery & blessings to you, your new baby & family
I had a Reiki session with my midwife, it wasn’t successful for me and went on to have a c-section but worth a try with a qualified practitioner.
You still have time for the baby to turn.
My son didn’t get into position until it was was almost my due date
My son flipped when I was in labor to breech position…nurse had a stern talk with him and he flipped right back to the correct position…lol
If you have to get a csection, get a good belly binder. They are life savers. The hardest part is definitely getting up and down but once up and going I was fine. Move as much as possible without over doing it (I know it’s hard as a mom) and hopefully you will heal quickly. I tried not to take the pain meds unless almost in tears.
Depends on which type c section. These days it can be via the vaginal canal. Most times otherwise it’s just a crosswise incision just above the pubic region, but below the hairline so the hair later covers it,. Occasionally the old fashioned type is used from solar chakra to pubic area. I had the new way for my ectopic (pubic incision). It took 6 weeks plus to recover.
Best imho to see if a chiropractor can turn the baby for you.
My 2kids were c section not by choice but recovery was much harder the first time(emergency)…2nd baby (scheduled)was in pain but not as long was able to walk halls and up and down stairs when I was discharged
My first born was a frank breech. I and the doctor tried to turn her but she kept flipping back. Ended up having a c-section. Took longer to recover. And my next child had to be delivered by c-section as well.
I was told to lay on an ironing board leant up against the sofa and lay on it upside down, it worked for me
Mine turned in plenty of time. I spent a lot of time on my hands and knees, and didn’t sit reclined, or lay on my back.
ECV was the most painful thing I’ve ever experienced. And I had 3 c-sections! The pain was so unbearable as I begged them to stop, as the doctor was pushing their hardest on my belly to try and turn the baby. I thought I was going to pass out! And no matter how many times I begged them to stop, but they didnt!!! DO NOT do it! And the “flip” was unsuccessful! The c-section recovery was painful, truth be told, but nowhere as near painful as the ECV! But within a few days, I was feeling alot better after my first c-section. I can’t say that ECV is the same for everyone, nor c-sections. All 3 of my c-sections were different. The 1st was painful, the 2nd was not painful, and the 3rd was painful. I’ve had many surgeries and medical procedures in my life, and have a high tolerance to pain. But anyway, those were my experiences with ECV and c-sections.
You shouldn’t be trying to turn a baby without doctor guidance and supervision. A lot of bad things can happen. Also, babies can turn literally up until birth so don’t worry.
I had a emergency c section. My recovery after living hospital was a breeze
Scheduled c sections are better than emergency c sections. I had an emergency c section and it was really bad for a couple weeks. My friend with her first had a emergency c section and the second was a planned, she said it wasn’t so bad the second time because her body wasn’t in labor for days before hand.
Just have it breach naturally i did 30 years ago…and i wzs fine
they tried ECV with my first baby . They had 3 or 4 nurses in there and the doctor all pushing on my belly for 30+ minutes and it was the WORST thing I ever felt before. Baby was stretching so she did not move at all !!! It was worse than labor for me at least.
So I was able to turn my son into the right position and still had a c section as he did not want to come. 3 weeks past due… I was on my own, single mom. Get a good brace for your belly. Do not just sit around. My recliner was my best friend, I slept in it, made getting up easier. After the procedure take gas x. Trust me on this, they fill your abdomen with gas and it travels into your shoulders. This was the craziest pain ever. Other than that, I was fine and that includes my surgery to recluse because I ripped my stitches.
My son was breech at 38 weeks, then flipped by the next appointment.
They said they would have to do it if my baby didnt turn, couple days before delivery she turned on her own. Years later she still a bit honory😀
My baby was breach and the doctor put a “balloon” inside me and it helped her get turned around
If you have a C-section- try to walk as much as possible - otherwise your surgery site will hurt. If you do that then the recovery should be a breeze at least my recovery was like that - every woman’s body is different.
When I had to get my to flip cause at the last few weeks she went breatch I had to lay on an ironing board 6 to 8 times a day upside down the gravity from that pulls the baby to turn it’s uncomfortable but so worth it always have help when doing so it toatly worked
I also ended up having my second baby at home and she came out breatch
I have had 2 c-sections first because my baby was breech. I learned with a c- section something like a girdle ( they sell one specially for c-sections that has a place for ice packs)help because it hold everything in place everytime u get up or sneeze you feel like your guts will pop out)
My second section I was up and walking within hours. My first was a little harder ( didnt know the girdle trick till like day 3. ) a section is harder no doubt but doable!
I have no idea as my first was born breech… I didn’t know until I saw feet coming out. Sure didn’t look like the birthing video.
I had my third baby turned by ECV and although it was intense it was over pretty quickly and I went on to have a normal vaginal delivery with no complications, I was told swimming can help them turn but but hard with lock down unless you have a pool, also being on all 4s with your head down bum up but that didn’t work for me lol, if Bub doesn’t turn I recommend the ECV, good luck mumma xx
I did some gentle bounces on the trampoline and it worked but got told off by my midwife
Sometimes they just won’t flip back!! I went from 26w to 40w with her breach! Nothing a did would make her flip 3 was an emergency c section after 3 natural births
My second one was breech… he turned on his own at 39 weeks…
I have heard that sex can help. Not sure how true it is
If you end up having a c-section, just remember to get up out of bed as quickly as you can safely. The sooner you start walking the faster you heal. Don’t pick up anything heavier than the baby for at least six weeks and don’t be too proud to accept help from family and friends who want to meet your baby. Make the wear masks and gloves, too!
Both my babies were breached. My doctor said there is so
E risk of harming the baby during the ECV and there was no guarantee it would be successful. I opted to have a c-section and recovery for me was very quick and easy. I know recovery is different for different people but for me it was just a couple of days of down time in the hospital.
Herbie Currin what did you smoke your toe with?
Why don’t you try massage?
Don’t stress too much about it
My 5th was the same I went into labor and he turned just before I gave birth
I had to go to the hospital & the c-section doctor turned the baby.They did it at the hospital in case of any problems while doing it.They used an ultra sound machine & gently pushed on my belly to turn the baby
So my first baby was breech. The Dr was confident he could turn him. He’s don’t hundreds of breeches and can turn them all. Well he tried. And it hurt like a bitch and ended up just bruising my belly. Hers why. My babys head was stuck under my ribs. Stuck stuck. Had to have a c section which I was scared. But I don’t think even if they still delivered breach vaginally that I could have delivered my baby since he was so stuck. Anyway. Had a c section. It wasn’t that bad. it was winter and there was snow on the ground is the hardest thing I had to deal with since you can’t really walk on ice but took about 5 weeks to feel back to normal. Second kid had a c section also and I was back to normal I’m about 2 weeks
Go swimming if you can and do the back crawl. Only do so if you can swim, don’t put yourself in danger.
YouTube different positions to make her flip! It’s not too late don’t worry!
After my c section I was bck up walking around fine after day 2 walking with little pain after day 1
I had 2 c sections and about to have my third. Piece of cake, i was walking within 2 hours of each of them. Everyone is different but imo pain is a mind over matter thing. Good luck!
Both of my girls were breach when I was in labour. They turned around sometime during labour and I was able to have natural births.
I had a C section and it hurt when I would have to get up or sit up to grab baby… this was my struggle. I also had a bit of hard time bending down but you just have to go slow and be patient with yourself. I was hurting for about 3 days after that it got a bit easier as time goes on.
Hey! My 3rd was breech. I went to the chiro twice a week for 4 weeks to try and help turn baby (Webster method) but no luck. She had a shorter umbilical cord so I didn’t want them to try and flip her cause I was scared it would wrap around her. I ended with a c section. Recovery definitely was it as bad as I thought it would be. My kids were 5 & 2.5 when she was born. The worst part was going from sitting to standing lol. But you can YouTube some stretching and stuff that “may” help in turning baby
I didnt have an ecv, but i have my baby repositioned and it was extremely painful. never again. He needed moved for certain ultrasound pics, so i can imagine that would be painful. Csections are not that bad. Had one with my first one and have my second scheduled. Id rather have a csection and know thats when my baby is going to be born, rather then dealing with labor. I was up and moving as soon as they allowed me to.
My baby has been breech since early on and im 36 weeks tomorrow get on you hands and knees and rock back and fourth I did this for a week and he is now down and very deep into my pelvic .
If you have a section just make sure you have everything done around the house. You will want to rest and tend to baby and not move to much. Don’t over do your self. Take breaks from doing stuff. They aren’t as bad with the first one. It was my easiest to heal from and I bounced back quick. I just over did it the first week and popped it open. I had to be glued again.
My daughter was breech, went to my chiropractor and he did some maneuvering and she did flip successfully