How to flip breech baby?

My son was breech and one night I was laying with my face to the bed and ass in the air because I couldn’t get comfortable and that was the only way I could. Well I guess I had fallen asleep for a bit and woke up to pee ( never ending) and when I was trying to get out of bed I had major pain in my belly and he did a huge movement and the next appointment I had which was the very next day the lady was like o looks like he flipped himself. I was like well that explains the pain that had me in tears last night then. I will be 37 weeks on Monday and he is already, as of last Wednesday, 7 lbs 10oz. He is my second child. My daughter was 7lbs 13 oz at birth and she was 40 weeks to the day.

Crawl around on your hands and knees, heard several swear by it

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My second baby was Breeches they turned him but he shot right back where he was. So I was schedule for a c section. Then my last baby was v vac vaginal after c section it was good no problems

They should be telling you how to do it so you can do it safely, not telling you to Google it :woman_facepalming:


Acupressure or acupuncture will help, and 36 weeks is still early, baby may not move until the last minute

I did swimming and chiropractor, baby flipped on her own.

This happened to me, except my son wasn’t breech, he was transverse. The doctor sent me home and I researched and got into my parents’ pool and started doing flips and handstands. I went to bed that night at 10 p.m. and woke up in full blown labor at 1 a.m. Little man did flip, but he flipped into breech position, and he was still moving during labor, so we opted for the c section to be safe.

The section itself is not bad. You’re numb from the neck down, basically. As soon as he was out and I knew he was okay, I actually ended up falling asleep on the table. There was some adjustment while I figured out how I could move without causing any pulling of the stitches or glue, but after that, I really was pretty much fine. A bit more tired than normal, which lasted for about the normal amount of time after surgery. I went to an outdoor festival with my husband and kids just after my 6 week check up and walked around just fine. If c section is a possibility, do yourself a kindness and put together some crock pot meals in freezer bags. Throw everything in the crock pot in the morning, and boom, dinner with zero effort in the moment.

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I wouldn’t recommend ECV on my worst enemy. It was horrible. It didn’t work and
I was in pain for 3 days after. Left bruises.
I’ve hear acupuncture works well as well has chiropractic

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You’re safest bet would be to have the c-section . It’s not as scary as many make it out to be . My youngest (2) was breech i had 3 other kids at home 10,9,5 and was able to care for all 4 myself after I got home just make sure to get a belly binder

3 Likes, I would try techniques from there and try the ECV for sure. It is painful but is way more likely to be successful if you’ve already had babies. Good luck!

Get on your hands and knees and just stay there for a few minutes do this every time you have to pick something up off the floor… My daughter was breech and she didn’t flip until right before she came out… Dr told me to flip on my hands and knees in hospital bed… She flipped within 5 minutes…

Try the miles circuit

Get on your hands and knees and sway from side to side

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My daughter was breech, I was 22 and fit and walked a lot while pregnant with her, OBGYN said to elevated my hips above my head which I tried but she never flipped, I did not want any interventions so I had a c-section, it wasn’t horrible but def recovering from vaginal delivery is better and quicker

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I had c- section with my second child and came home three days later and took care of my kids and done my house work . I didn’t have any problem with it

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C section. I’ve had 2! As long as you wear the belly band tight you’re ok to do everything normal you just move slower. First 2 or 3 days after hospital you can’t pick up anything heavier then the baby

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Im 30 weeks… is it customary for an OB to tell you to do research? Why not just have him/her give you the secrets to the universe??? lol

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Nothing worked for me, I’d suggest a c-section as well.

Mine turned the night before…it was intense


Google flipping babies, there was one position I did that flipped both of my twins head down. It was amazing


I only had to do it one time

I don’t have experience with the first 2 but both of my babies were via c sections. My son was a scheduled c section because I opted to do another c section after my daughter. I felt way more comfortable getting a 2nd section. Best thing to do is get up and moving as soon as they allow you to. The pain is minimal little twinge and pulling here and there but I would choose a section for a 3rd baby if I had to.

I would not recommend the ECV. I had it done with my first and it wrapped the cord around his neck. He was born not breathing and no heartbeat. One of the scariest times of my life

Natural delivery is the best :heart::pray:t2:


I had an elective c section
It hurt for maybe 3 days and then I was fine
I was back to normal in about 7 days and could do most things I usually would. I was just careful not to lift anything too heavily

Acupuncture may help turn the baby.

The ecv I had hurt soooo bad my baby was stubborn and wouldn’t flip so I ended up needing a c section

My baby flipped on a daily from 33wks to 37weeks :frowning:

Some tummy tight underwear :briefs: the tighter the better :wink:post c section

The baby may turn on its own or the doc should assist u good luck

My first baby was flipped by a dr when I was 37 weeks. That was 24 years ago and it was painful but successful.

Also I had first three vaginal and last one c section and healing from c section was much much harder. Hard to even get out of bed without hurting because you use all those muscles .

If you can get into a local gym a few times with a pool and have tried other techniques that haven’t worked I highly suggest getting into some water and doing hand stands or flipping underwater. Between that and lying upside down on a tilted ironing board my baby flipped at 36 weeks and I KNEW she flipped it was the craziest feeling/sight ever. 37 week ultrasound confirmed she was head down and engaging.

I had a ecv wasn’t very painful for me just uncomfortable they were able to turn her so I could have her naturally.

They did it at the hospital… put me on all 4’s head down and wiggle my butt… it was interesting but it worked! :slight_smile: he turned 17 today :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I fell at 36 wks and my son flipped from breech to head down. While I don’t recommend falling on your butt, try squats or heavily sitting down on the bed/couch. Do you sleep in a particular way? Try falling asleep in a different position/ side. Do not let anyone give you shit about whatever you choose or have to do. A healthy delivery is 100% better than a “natural delivery”

I had my daughter flipped at 39 weeks just at the ob office it was painful and left bruises on my rib cage but I still had to sign the c section paper work in case she flipped back before induction she ended up staying flipped and being a vaginal birth baby could still flip down in the next two weeks good luck and congratulations

C sections can be different every single time or the same. My first c section I was up and running errands as soon as I left the hospital. My second c section I couldn’t even stand up without having excruciating pain. The number of days for recovery vary as well. Also, just because you think you’re healed from the outside doesn’t mean the inside is fully closed. If you end up getting a c section someone should be contacting you to go over some things you should know :slight_smile: or ask them about it! :slight_smile:

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My baby flipped at 37.5 weeks. Also with my first I had to have him flipped. I wouldn’t recommend a C-section unless you have help

Peppercorn in your shoe on your little toe…worked 3 times for me…


My first was breech at 36 weeks. I couldn’t even try an ECV because of his positioning, I was told there was a 20% chance the cord could wrap around his neck and cause brain damage from lack of oxygen. Those odds were too high for me. I tried different exercises and old wives tales tricks. Nothing worked though. So I had a scheduled c section. My body didn’t respond well and the recovery was rough, but we were both happy and healthy.

Sorry you’re going through this! I know how frustrating it can be and I did NOT want surgery. I’m still grateful for it though, without modern medicine me and my son wouldn’t be here. (He was a footling breech).

Spinning Babies worked twice for me. Great resource and exercises you can do at home.

I was single with a 4 year old when I had my C-section and brought baby home. I was up using the bathroom 3-4 hours after and didn’t need narcotic pain meds. It wasn’t bad at all when I got home and I had absolutely no adult help. You will be able to do this!!!

Get in the floor on elbows and knees… Rock back and forth 10-15 minutes at a time often through out the day. It looks crazy and feels weird but it worked for me my OB told me to do with a 3rd baby.


Babies can flip in labor.


Ask the baby to flip. Swear to god that’s what I did and he flipped at that moment :woman_shrugging:t2::joy:


My twin boy, baby b flipped at 37 wks. I don’t think I’d panic yet. He did flip & flop even during labor lol

I was once in your situation too. I tried all the Googled methods except for the burning that specific candle by your feet & acupuncture. I was not successful on trying to get my daughter to flip. So I went ahead with the EVC, I researched it ahead of time to know what to expect.

The women in the videos made it look not painful. Yet from my personal experience IT WAS EXCRUCIATING and unsuccessful! I would never choose to try that again. I had to sit in the hospital for 4 hrs to make sure my baby wasn’t injured in the attempt process. For the next week my entire abnormal region was sore and bruised. I had to schedule a c section, so like with everything I researched post partum care for c sections. I was 22 when I had my c section. Recovery wasn’t painful for me luckily. But I do have to emphasize how much we aren’t allowed to do by ourselves. I did develop ppd pretty bad because of how helpless I felt for 2 months. I strongly urge you to seek some type of help if possible if you proceed with a c section. I remember I tried to lift my bottom half on my bed by myself for once without the help of my mother. I felt a sharp pain on my incision. To this day I am convinced that is the reason why my left side of my c section cut is extremely sensitive. I regret trying to get into bed by myself.

I told myself during the EVC that if I couldn’t even handle that type of pain of flipping a breach baby. How on earth was I going to deliver naturally! (that was my original birthplan) I was relieved to know that I wouldn’t be dealing with the tearing. What helped me heal fast was walking. Walk as much as you can and as soon as you can. I started the day of my surgery later in the afternoon. Just took a small lap around the room then the post op floor. Also invest in a belly band! IT HELPED SO MUCH. It makes you feel more secure and well put. You feel less cut into when you wear it. Don’t sleep in it though, your goal is to always prevent blood clots.

Please feel free to message me, I have a lot of tips and tricks to help with postpartum and also what to expect.

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My daughter was breech all the way til 39 weeks they didn’t try to flip her only because I’d had a previous c section so I just had another with her. They aren’t that bad honestly. Yeah it’s gonna be sore but not bad. My sister was breech about 12 years ago and they tried to flip her snd I guess it was really painful and it didn’t work.

My daughter was flipped, very painful, that night I felt her flip back again

I had a c section 3weeks ago and im still in some pain at the incision site. I was up on my feet 15hrs after surgery but that didn’t help me hence im still not fully recovered so everyone is different. I also haven’t been able to really rest either so that would play a part. I wish u all the best :slight_smile:

I had my 1 & 2 breach vag both times I was pressured to have a c section. Talk to your team yes there are risks yes it hurt but so did head first. Talk to your team as there are different types of breach each with different risks. First time I tried different methods to turn him unsuccessfully 2nd I just let it be what it was but refused c section had to have an epidural put in as Bub had heart issues and they wanted me ready to go to surgery ASAP if needed first was natural no meds. Talk to your team breach doesn’t necessarily mean c section

Not being funny honest…I used to get mine off my bladder by using a squeaky baby toy. They were beautifully engaged for delivery as they’d follow the noise! Still they’re favourite toy now!

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to flip breech baby?

I have several daughters who had their breach babies turned. When I delivered my third baby, no one realized she was coming breach until her bum was crowning and I just had to push like everything. She was fine and so was I.


I had a version. It was terrible and they aren’t all that successful. The baby usually flips back. In my case it caused mine to go into fetal distress. It’s a barbaric procedure. Honestly a c-section is a breeze and very safe for the baby and you. I was driving three days after having my second c-section and was up on a ladder painting the baby’s room a week later. My recover was great.


No experience with a breech baby, but I went home after ac-section as a single mom with a six-year-old. I just took things slowly. It’s amazing how fast you heal.


my first baby was breech doctor turned her I don,t understand doctors today my doctor was a gp that delivered babies it seems a doctor that specializes in delivering babies would be able to turn the baby


I had a version the day i was induced. Baby turned just fine but to do it my feet went above my head and i started puking…like every other day of that pregnancy. Daughter was born 8 hours later vaginally. I got an epidural before the version since i was being induced.

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I have heard that a chiropractor has some type of adjustment that they do on the pregnant mom that encourages the baby to turn.


I would be highly cautious about trying to flip a baby around by myself. I know when doctors do this in hospital it is monitored on ultrasound because the cord can become entangled with the infant. Or the cord can be caught between the baby’s head and the cervix meaning you would have to go thru a C Section. Please be very careful.


My son was breech from the beginning of my pregnancy. Flipping him was a risk that I was not willing to take so I had a c-section with 8 hrs of breech labor because my water broke the night before my surgery. Recovery was really easy and he was delivered safely which is all I cared about.


My midwives were able to turn my baby around manually. It can be done and someone should at least try. If it doesn’t work thankfully you can safely still have a c section.

My daughter was born two feet first. She flipped herself in labor, which surprised everybody. Hands and knees position is the safe position for breech delivery since it allows the hips to expand out which prevents the child from getting caught. It also allows the practitioner room to safely protect little necks and shoulders. Breeches can be flipped externally or a knowledgeable midwife or doctor can turn them internally.
My friend had a doctor turn hers during labor. Another lady slept in a recliner until the baby flipped. Babies usually turn themselves before labor. Ultrasound causes babies to move a lot so they are more likely to get tangled or flipped. There are different types of breeches. Doctors and midwives used to safely turn them all the time. Csection is major abdominal surgery and carries a high risk of blood clots.

Yeah I was sore after my csection for like for sure 3 days… but then I was good, but I’ve heard horror stories. Depends on how good of a doctor you have it seems…


My second daughter was breech she was born butte first vaginally no problems of course it was 50 years ago.Good luck.


I had all 3 of my children by c-section. All 3 went great. Although, it is a major surgery, and there are always risks, they are done all of the time.


My coworker used swimming and a technique that acupuncturists use as well. Don’t know that name, but it didn’t involve needles, just herbs/plants incense.

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With my son he was breach up until the end and my doctor turned him and I had a natural delivery.


Had a breech baby in second pregnancy. Could not get baby situated and any other way. C-section was ordered, went beautifully. This was 1974!

This was back in 1982. My son was breech a couple weeks before he was due. The ob/gyn reached in with both hands and turned him. And yes it was.painful


Years ago my midwife had me lay on the floor and raise my hips up several times a day. When time allowed relax in that position. He did turn and had a great birth!


They tried to turn baby on me at hospital few weeks before with no success. Felt like I had been run over by a semi repeatedly. Had a c-section. Wishing you a healthy and happy baby. Congratulations!

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I went to a midwife and my baby was breach at 37 weeks.they told me to get a ironing board and put the wide end on a chair and the narrow end on the floor.lay on the ironing board for as long as u can(20 mins) with ur feet on the wide end and head on the narrow end.My baby turned after 1 time and all was well.Good luck!!!


My 3rd son was breech. They knew when I went into labor as I was sceduled for a version on Friday. I went int3 labor on Thursday evening. They did an exray when I got to the hospital. He was in the perfect breech position. I delivered natural. Total labor 5 hours 15 min. Nothing for pain.

My son was breech very early
I opted for C section over the alternatives. The docs try to take him head first during C section but could not. They had to take him by his feet
He is healthy & 40 yrs old now. The surgery is painful for the first couple weeks but it’s better than some of those crazy ideas of turning your baby.

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I think some of these women are lying. My son was breech. I had a C-section. It was very painful. They cut through all of your stomach muscles and your uterus. Recovery was long as the incision which was quite large did not heal well. Additionally, I had a terrible case of carpal tunnel. Between the cut abdomen and the weak wrists, it was very hard physically to hold and care for baby. But, I did it because there is no choice. You gotta do what you gotta do to keep baby safe and healthy.


In 1971 my son was breech the entire pregnancy and was born vaginally feet first. Very easy natural(no drugs) delivery. He weighed 8lbs 13ozs.


I went in two weeks before my son was born they gave me an IV with some medication that made my belly feel like jelly then turned him from the outside. No pain a couple hours and home I went.

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I had 3 sections and all my recoveries were great. Don’t worry about recovery just deliver a healthy baby the rest will be easy. Congratulations😀

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I am sure they told you sometimes , baby will turn it self, and at times the doctor can turn It, before delivery, of course if you have to have surgery, God will be there and you will do fine.


In 1960 my dr came to turn my baby .he said stay in bed ,i did he said after two days did you feel movement i said no.two gays later i went into labour at 28 weeks to find out i had twins one was behind the did not hurt do that ,but my baby was bruised.they both survived and now 59 years


At 36 my doctor moved it around externally. It worked great. She said could put me into early labor but she was actually overdue.

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Nope on flipping a baby at home.
A C-section is surgery and painful. I had major surgery in my 20’s and it hurt but with time it subsides.
I would find help for two weeks because you can’t drive.
Just find help with housework. Will your older children help!

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I had a version (ecv) at 37 weeks. I tried laying inverted, not on the ironing board but usually upside-down on the recliner with the foot rest extended. Nothing worked. My Dr was heaven sent and delivered my first baby with forceps and scarydrops in HR, but everyone was healthy and happy right after. She got my girl to flip with one attempt of the version. The situation was all positive for a version… small-ish baby at less that 6lb, plenty of amniotic fluid around her, and a previous vaginal delivery.i suppose if some of those are different for you it may not be as easy or successful. Best of luck!! :pray:

I heard laying upside down and playing music at the bottom of your stomach helps the baby to turn or placing cold pads at the top of the stomach and warm at the bottom. I honestly wouldn’t try to do Turning, especially at home without pain meds and ultrasound. and don’t do strenuous exercises that can cause dehydration, labor and dizziness if you’re not used to working out while pregnant. A csection hurts like hell but after the first week it can be bearable. Honestly I would recommend spending this time cooking and freezing meals and deep cleaning. If your 14 year old is capable he or she can help out. If not I would recommend finding someone to help out or hiring a babysitter for a few hours/day. Pain is relative and every person is different. My sister has csections and is up cooking and cleaning by the time she gets home, my mom had a csection and was down for 3 weeks. Prayers for you, bright side is my son was breach until the week I delivered. He turned himself sunny side up but I was still able to deliver vaginally. Some doctors are really quick to jump to a c section.

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look up the flipping babies website. they are exercises you do. not painful. alot of turning upside down over the couch and different poses. All very safe. also look into moxie bustion. it is an herb that you get from the acupuncturist and ypu burn it and people SWEAR by it ( I know it sounds a little crazy).

So if you’re asking how to flip a baby they do it at the hospital you can’t do it at home go to the hospital and have them help you

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My first was turned at 32 weeks, it was very painful and as I walked out of the hospital I could feel her turning back, she was born 8 days late, a normal delivery 38 years ago

My second was breeched until I went swimming. She turned while I was in the pool.

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I had two c sections & both recoveries were really easy so don’t worry. You’ll do great!

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I had that with my 1st born. The doctor & nurse turned her by pressing on the outside of my belly. Not sure how far along I was but pretty big. She stayed put & I had a normal delivery.

I had ECV with my daughter and it was horrible! I would NOT recommend it to anyone.

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My one son was breech. I had to lay head down on an inclined board for a certain amount of time each day. Something about him being big and sort of trapped. Big head lodged in the pelvic cradle. He turned. It was not happy time, but my midwife got us through just fine. This was 30+ years ago, and I don’t know if they’ll do that sort of thing now.

My doctor prepped me for a c section but her main goal was to flip the baby (38 weeks) She did and we waited to make sure baby was happy before sending me to recovery. I delivered a healthy baby girl at 41 weeks

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Years ago, the dr and nurse manually flipped my son during delivery. I don’t think they do this anymore.

Well here’s my input I hadree children they’re all natural no drugs nothing gave birth Oh naturale my last child was going to be delivered 20 years after my first child things were going great I was going to have everything natural once again and then my labor stopped so they told me to go home as I was getting ready to go home my water broke in the hospital bathroom it was 2 inches deep if not more my son when my water broke turned so he was sideways his arm was hanging out almost out of my vagina the nurse and doctor put me on the bed as fast as they could having me sign paperwork for an emergency C-section when I was laying there signing the paperwork I could see his whole body because I had no more fluids numberThe only thing separating us was the skin between me and him I was rushed in they gave me a C-section he came out he survived do what you Gotta do to make your child live just go to the hospital and do what you Gotta do

The baby might turn by herself. C section is definitely a more painful recovery. You will not be able to lift your other kids for several weeks and getting up from lying down and seated position is difficult for about a week. Other than that the pain is easily managed.

Cesarean is not as hard as I’ve heard in my case had son and was driving 6 days after then about 2 weeks after my husband had 2 toes taken off and wasn’t allowed to drive or walk much I wasn’t supposed to be carrying more than 10 pounds but you do what you have to in my case all worked out well

Dunno much about the first two questions, but I had an unplanned cesarean, and the best advice I can give you is take it easy the first month. You can catch up on deep cleaning, heavy lifting once you’ve recovered, give yourself time or your body will take longer to heal. I found that out the hard way