Scheduled c sections are better than emergency c sections. I had an emergency c section and it was really bad for a couple weeks. My friend with her first had a emergency c section and the second was a planned, she said it wasn’t so bad the second time because her body wasn’t in labor for days before hand.
Just have it breach naturally i did 30 years ago…and i wzs fine
they tried ECV with my first baby . They had 3 or 4 nurses in there and the doctor all pushing on my belly for 30+ minutes and it was the WORST thing I ever felt before. Baby was stretching so she did not move at all !!! It was worse than labor for me at least.
So I was able to turn my son into the right position and still had a c section as he did not want to come. 3 weeks past due… I was on my own, single mom. Get a good brace for your belly. Do not just sit around. My recliner was my best friend, I slept in it, made getting up easier. After the procedure take gas x. Trust me on this, they fill your abdomen with gas and it travels into your shoulders. This was the craziest pain ever. Other than that, I was fine and that includes my surgery to recluse because I ripped my stitches.
My son was breech at 38 weeks, then flipped by the next appointment.
They said they would have to do it if my baby didnt turn, couple days before delivery she turned on her own. Years later she still a bit honory😀
My baby was breach and the doctor put a “balloon” inside me and it helped her get turned around
If you have a C-section- try to walk as much as possible - otherwise your surgery site will hurt. If you do that then the recovery should be a breeze at least my recovery was like that - every woman’s body is different.
When I had to get my to flip cause at the last few weeks she went breatch I had to lay on an ironing board 6 to 8 times a day upside down the gravity from that pulls the baby to turn it’s uncomfortable but so worth it always have help when doing so it toatly worked
I also ended up having my second baby at home and she came out breatch
I have had 2 c-sections first because my baby was breech. I learned with a c- section something like a girdle ( they sell one specially for c-sections that has a place for ice packs)help because it hold everything in place everytime u get up or sneeze you feel like your guts will pop out)
My second section I was up and walking within hours. My first was a little harder ( didnt know the girdle trick till like day 3. ) a section is harder no doubt but doable!
I have no idea as my first was born breech… I didn’t know until I saw feet coming out. Sure didn’t look like the birthing video.
I had my third baby turned by ECV and although it was intense it was over pretty quickly and I went on to have a normal vaginal delivery with no complications, I was told swimming can help them turn but but hard with lock down unless you have a pool, also being on all 4s with your head down bum up but that didn’t work for me lol, if Bub doesn’t turn I recommend the ECV, good luck mumma xx
I did some gentle bounces on the trampoline and it worked but got told off by my midwife
Sometimes they just won’t flip back!! I went from 26w to 40w with her breach! Nothing a did would make her flip 3 was an emergency c section after 3 natural births
My second one was breech… he turned on his own at 39 weeks…
I have heard that sex can help. Not sure how true it is
If you end up having a c-section, just remember to get up out of bed as quickly as you can safely. The sooner you start walking the faster you heal. Don’t pick up anything heavier than the baby for at least six weeks and don’t be too proud to accept help from family and friends who want to meet your baby. Make the wear masks and gloves, too!
Both my babies were breached. My doctor said there is so
E risk of harming the baby during the ECV and there was no guarantee it would be successful. I opted to have a c-section and recovery for me was very quick and easy. I know recovery is different for different people but for me it was just a couple of days of down time in the hospital.
Herbie Currin what did you smoke your toe with?
Why don’t you try massage?
Don’t stress too much about it
My 5th was the same I went into labor and he turned just before I gave birth
I had to go to the hospital & the c-section doctor turned the baby.They did it at the hospital in case of any problems while doing it.They used an ultra sound machine & gently pushed on my belly to turn the baby
So my first baby was breech. The Dr was confident he could turn him. He’s don’t hundreds of breeches and can turn them all. Well he tried. And it hurt like a bitch and ended up just bruising my belly. Hers why. My babys head was stuck under my ribs. Stuck stuck. Had to have a c section which I was scared. But I don’t think even if they still delivered breach vaginally that I could have delivered my baby since he was so stuck. Anyway. Had a c section. It wasn’t that bad. it was winter and there was snow on the ground is the hardest thing I had to deal with since you can’t really walk on ice but took about 5 weeks to feel back to normal. Second kid had a c section also and I was back to normal I’m about 2 weeks
Go swimming if you can and do the back crawl. Only do so if you can swim, don’t put yourself in danger.
YouTube different positions to make her flip! It’s not too late don’t worry!
After my c section I was bck up walking around fine after day 2 walking with little pain after day 1
I had 2 c sections and about to have my third. Piece of cake, i was walking within 2 hours of each of them. Everyone is different but imo pain is a mind over matter thing. Good luck!
Both of my girls were breach when I was in labour. They turned around sometime during labour and I was able to have natural births.
I had a C section and it hurt when I would have to get up or sit up to grab baby… this was my struggle. I also had a bit of hard time bending down but you just have to go slow and be patient with yourself. I was hurting for about 3 days after that it got a bit easier as time goes on.
Hey! My 3rd was breech. I went to the chiro twice a week for 4 weeks to try and help turn baby (Webster method) but no luck. She had a shorter umbilical cord so I didn’t want them to try and flip her cause I was scared it would wrap around her. I ended with a c section. Recovery definitely was it as bad as I thought it would be. My kids were 5 & 2.5 when she was born. The worst part was going from sitting to standing lol. But you can YouTube some stretching and stuff that “may” help in turning baby
I didnt have an ecv, but i have my baby repositioned and it was extremely painful. never again. He needed moved for certain ultrasound pics, so i can imagine that would be painful. Csections are not that bad. Had one with my first one and have my second scheduled. Id rather have a csection and know thats when my baby is going to be born, rather then dealing with labor. I was up and moving as soon as they allowed me to.
My baby has been breech since early on and im 36 weeks tomorrow get on you hands and knees and rock back and fourth I did this for a week and he is now down and very deep into my pelvic .
If you have a section just make sure you have everything done around the house. You will want to rest and tend to baby and not move to much. Don’t over do your self. Take breaks from doing stuff. They aren’t as bad with the first one. It was my easiest to heal from and I bounced back quick. I just over did it the first week and popped it open. I had to be glued again.
My daughter was breech, went to my chiropractor and he did some maneuvering and she did flip successfully
This was literally my situation! First two were natural births. I tried everything. I did inverted laying for two weeks (20 minutes three times a day); hot and cold compresses (hold the hot towards the bottom when you want the baby’s head and the cold at the top); bouncing on a ball for 8 hours a day for two weeks, two sessions of acupuncture and the ECV procedure. None of them worked. However I do not regret trying them all so I could at least given the baby the option of coming naturally. Was scheduled for a C-section at 39 weeks. I was a nervous wreck but I am 4 weeks post partum and everything went smoothly. Csection healing is completely different than natural birth. Be sure your hubby or someone is there to help you for at least the first week. You WILL need them.
I read to put cold packs on the top part of your belly where there head is. I did it for a couple of days and he flipped. Not sure if that’s why but couldn’t hurt to try . He flipped right around 35 weeks and I had him at 37 weeks.
Certain yoga positions or schedule appointment to have doctor “turn” the baby if they think they can
Have a C-section. It’s not as bad as women say. My csect was easier than my 2nd birth. I wasn’t allowed any pain pain pills either. I took care of my 1yo alone & walked stairs
Look up spinning babies. I’ve also seen a few turn with acupuncture and moxibustion
I was c section and it wasn’t that bad. You can take care of the baby but don’t be lifting her in the car seat or heavy cleaning. Even a couple weeks after I started cleaning the house and caused bleeding. So you need to rest a while
I had an ECV done. Unfortunately he was too large. I didn’t know about spinning babies at the time and I’m not sure that it would have helped
Old fashioned remedy
Scatter loads of clothes pegs on the floor. Bend down to pick them up one at a time .
Does it work?? …did for the person who told me
Good luck
I had 3 vag an my last was a c- section for this very reason. I decided not to try an have the doctor turn him because I figured if I didn’t have this problem with my first 3 then there must be a reason why. Sure enough his cord was wrapped twice around his neck and he couldn’t turn all the way. He would always get halfway an go back. I’m now having my 5th next week with a natural delivery.
I honestly don’t have much help with a c section…But I have vagina deliveries with my first two (had to be induced for both) my third had flipped so many times and wss breech at my Dr appointment where they decided I was going to have a c section the next day for health reasons (the were going to induce me again) well the next day they were prepping me for a c section and they checked and he had flipped back around so they hurried up and induced me and I had him that day… I walked like a crazy person that night so I’m not sure if I did it or he did lol but best of luck either way mama
I was referred to the website I’ll link below by my doula and childbirth educator. You have to make sure you don’t have any issues like high blood pressure or placenta problems, but they told me to try the forward leaning inversion. Have a look, but definitely double check with your doctor to make sure whatever you decide to try is safe for you
My grandson was breech. My daughters water broke at 30 weeks and the hospital said she had to stay put there shooting for 34 weeks. However 3 days later she felt something wasn’t right and when they checked her cervix there was a pair of feet coming out. She was originally scheduled for a csection at the 34 weeks but she had an emergency one that night. He was 3lbs 3ozs. Spent 55 days in the NICU.
I’m not really sure if it’s possible to flip the baby or not.
Breech is a variation of normal. Drs just dont want to take the time in my opinion. Lots of ladies homebirth breech babes.
Go to a chiropractor that specializes in the Webster Method or find a doctor to perform a version. I had a version when I was 17 to flip my baby.
My daughter was breech also but her leg was folded up,they tried to turn her by putting ky jelly on my belly and massageing my belly,didn’t work.Some say laying a board on an incline in a chair and laying that way or sleeping will cause them to turn.pray for you for good results.
My first child was breech… didn’t do one thing…when she was born her bottom came out first then they pulled out her legs then head came out last…thnk God I had no complications
My daughter was sideways and i did some yoga positions for about two weeks and by my next appointment she was head down.
My csection recovery was actually easy. Be careful trying to flip her. Certain things can cause the cord wrapped around the baby
Can I just say that breech is a variation of a “normal birth” and does not and should not mean automatic c section.
Breech is fine for delivery as long as its not transverse bc baby definitely won’t come out. I’d just deliver breech personally
When I was born (50)yrs ago I was breach I literally came into the world tale first and only weighed 4 lbs. when I was pregnant with my first (31)yrs ago my doctor kept telling me that I needed to go home and spread jacks all over the floor and bend over to pick them up 1 at a time a few weeks later he examined me and told me he was happy because my baby had flipped that’s when I found out that he had been breach
You might have better luck at ECV. I was told it would be very risky as it was my first baby and there wasn’t much play with my uterus. But I was also advised if attempted we could rupture my placenta and still end up in section. I opted for a scheduled C-section and it went sooo smooth.
My 3rd pregnancy my son was a frank breech… I had an ECV and ended up with a cord prolapse and had to have an emergency c section… That was just my experience but pretty scary… It is one on the risks of an ECV…
My son was breech and one night I was laying with my face to the bed and ass in the air because I couldn’t get comfortable and that was the only way I could. Well I guess I had fallen asleep for a bit and woke up to pee ( never ending) and when I was trying to get out of bed I had major pain in my belly and he did a huge movement and the next appointment I had which was the very next day the lady was like o looks like he flipped himself. I was like well that explains the pain that had me in tears last night then. I will be 37 weeks on Monday and he is already, as of last Wednesday, 7 lbs 10oz. He is my second child. My daughter was 7lbs 13 oz at birth and she was 40 weeks to the day.
Crawl around on your hands and knees, heard several swear by it
My second baby was Breeches they turned him but he shot right back where he was. So I was schedule for a c section. Then my last baby was v vac vaginal after c section it was good no problems
They should be telling you how to do it so you can do it safely, not telling you to Google it
Acupressure or acupuncture will help, and 36 weeks is still early, baby may not move until the last minute
I did swimming and chiropractor, baby flipped on her own.
This happened to me, except my son wasn’t breech, he was transverse. The doctor sent me home and I researched and got into my parents’ pool and started doing flips and handstands. I went to bed that night at 10 p.m. and woke up in full blown labor at 1 a.m. Little man did flip, but he flipped into breech position, and he was still moving during labor, so we opted for the c section to be safe.
The section itself is not bad. You’re numb from the neck down, basically. As soon as he was out and I knew he was okay, I actually ended up falling asleep on the table. There was some adjustment while I figured out how I could move without causing any pulling of the stitches or glue, but after that, I really was pretty much fine. A bit more tired than normal, which lasted for about the normal amount of time after surgery. I went to an outdoor festival with my husband and kids just after my 6 week check up and walked around just fine. If c section is a possibility, do yourself a kindness and put together some crock pot meals in freezer bags. Throw everything in the crock pot in the morning, and boom, dinner with zero effort in the moment.
I wouldn’t recommend ECV on my worst enemy. It was horrible. It didn’t work and
I was in pain for 3 days after. Left bruises.
I’ve hear acupuncture works well as well has chiropractic
You’re safest bet would be to have the c-section . It’s not as scary as many make it out to be . My youngest (2) was breech i had 3 other kids at home 10,9,5 and was able to care for all 4 myself after I got home just make sure to get a belly binder, I would try techniques from there and try the ECV for sure. It is painful but is way more likely to be successful if you’ve already had babies. Good luck!
Get on your hands and knees and just stay there for a few minutes do this every time you have to pick something up off the floor… My daughter was breech and she didn’t flip until right before she came out… Dr told me to flip on my hands and knees in hospital bed… She flipped within 5 minutes…
Try the miles circuit
Get on your hands and knees and sway from side to side
My daughter was breech, I was 22 and fit and walked a lot while pregnant with her, OBGYN said to elevated my hips above my head which I tried but she never flipped, I did not want any interventions so I had a c-section, it wasn’t horrible but def recovering from vaginal delivery is better and quicker
I had c- section with my second child and came home three days later and took care of my kids and done my house work . I didn’t have any problem with it
C section. I’ve had 2! As long as you wear the belly band tight you’re ok to do everything normal you just move slower. First 2 or 3 days after hospital you can’t pick up anything heavier then the baby
Im 30 weeks… is it customary for an OB to tell you to do research? Why not just have him/her give you the secrets to the universe??? lol
Nothing worked for me, I’d suggest a c-section as well.
Mine turned the night before…it was intense
Google flipping babies, there was one position I did that flipped both of my twins head down. It was amazing
I only had to do it one time
I don’t have experience with the first 2 but both of my babies were via c sections. My son was a scheduled c section because I opted to do another c section after my daughter. I felt way more comfortable getting a 2nd section. Best thing to do is get up and moving as soon as they allow you to. The pain is minimal little twinge and pulling here and there but I would choose a section for a 3rd baby if I had to.
I would not recommend the ECV. I had it done with my first and it wrapped the cord around his neck. He was born not breathing and no heartbeat. One of the scariest times of my life
Natural delivery is the best
I had an elective c section
It hurt for maybe 3 days and then I was fine
I was back to normal in about 7 days and could do most things I usually would. I was just careful not to lift anything too heavily
Acupuncture may help turn the baby.
The ecv I had hurt soooo bad my baby was stubborn and wouldn’t flip so I ended up needing a c section
My baby flipped on a daily from 33wks to 37weeks
Some tummy tight underwear the tighter the better post c section
The baby may turn on its own or the doc should assist u good luck
My first baby was flipped by a dr when I was 37 weeks. That was 24 years ago and it was painful but successful.
Also I had first three vaginal and last one c section and healing from c section was much much harder. Hard to even get out of bed without hurting because you use all those muscles .
If you can get into a local gym a few times with a pool and have tried other techniques that haven’t worked I highly suggest getting into some water and doing hand stands or flipping underwater. Between that and lying upside down on a tilted ironing board my baby flipped at 36 weeks and I KNEW she flipped it was the craziest feeling/sight ever. 37 week ultrasound confirmed she was head down and engaging.
I had a ecv wasn’t very painful for me just uncomfortable they were able to turn her so I could have her naturally.
They did it at the hospital… put me on all 4’s head down and wiggle my butt… it was interesting but it worked! he turned 17 today
I fell at 36 wks and my son flipped from breech to head down. While I don’t recommend falling on your butt, try squats or heavily sitting down on the bed/couch. Do you sleep in a particular way? Try falling asleep in a different position/ side. Do not let anyone give you shit about whatever you choose or have to do. A healthy delivery is 100% better than a “natural delivery”
I had my daughter flipped at 39 weeks just at the ob office it was painful and left bruises on my rib cage but I still had to sign the c section paper work in case she flipped back before induction she ended up staying flipped and being a vaginal birth baby could still flip down in the next two weeks good luck and congratulations
C sections can be different every single time or the same. My first c section I was up and running errands as soon as I left the hospital. My second c section I couldn’t even stand up without having excruciating pain. The number of days for recovery vary as well. Also, just because you think you’re healed from the outside doesn’t mean the inside is fully closed. If you end up getting a c section someone should be contacting you to go over some things you should know or ask them about it!
My baby flipped at 37.5 weeks. Also with my first I had to have him flipped. I wouldn’t recommend a C-section unless you have help
Peppercorn in your shoe on your little toe…worked 3 times for me…
My first was breech at 36 weeks. I couldn’t even try an ECV because of his positioning, I was told there was a 20% chance the cord could wrap around his neck and cause brain damage from lack of oxygen. Those odds were too high for me. I tried different exercises and old wives tales tricks. Nothing worked though. So I had a scheduled c section. My body didn’t respond well and the recovery was rough, but we were both happy and healthy.
Sorry you’re going through this! I know how frustrating it can be and I did NOT want surgery. I’m still grateful for it though, without modern medicine me and my son wouldn’t be here. (He was a footling breech).