They tried flipping my son when he was breeched it was painful and didn’t work. So I had a c section with him. But it wasn’t to bad the pain was there but was still able to move and take care of my newborn, 3 year old and 5 year all at the same time.
My baby went back and forth. She was head down when I went to my appointment at 4pm. I went into labor at about 9:30, and when she was born at 3am (home birth) she had flipped again. So I was very lucky and gave birth vaginally to a breeched baby at home. Best advice I can offer is to try sitting on a yoga ball as much as possible.
Honestly I have not had a child. However. My accupuncturist has turned several.
You will have staples. Be sore a couple days. My baby flipped so much she was in a sitting position and I had to have emergency surgery. They say 6 weeks of pain but I was back to work in 3 weeks
In 1977 I delivered a breach baby butt first looked like a frog and no pain medicine 3rd baby
I like the planking idea. Wish I knew I was a FULL breech. Found out after my water broke. They didn’t do sonograms in the early 80s.
There’s a way to wrap fabric to help turn the baby. A midwife would know.
My baby was breech, I did several exercises from AND going to the chiropractor; my OB did not recommend ECV, as she honestly told me that I wouldn’t be a great candidate as a first time mother, and my baby was very snuggly positioned. Nothing for it, he wasn’t gonna flip.
We had a scheduled C-section forty weeks to the day, everything went well, and we were home two days later. My recovery has been hard, but not horribly bad, it just took a LONG time. Baby is 17.5 weeks old, and I still have some abdominal nerve pain due to the spinal block, and some weird headaches at the base of the skull, which I have no explanation for. I was functioning after the first week, but I didn’t feel like myself until after the 6th, and felt mostly recovered in weeks 10-12.
My son was previous child were breached I did excersise n he flip… check out YouTube… you need to go down on you knees and hands… I’m also 36 weeks atm … good luck
I had to flip mine while I was in labor at the hospital. That is when I found out after an X-ray that she was breach. Yes she did flip!
My second was breech after a successful vaginal delivery. My dr suggested c section because a high % of babies that are flipped will flip back to breech She said it’s very painful with a higher chance it would not work.
My daughter was breech at 37 weeks. I went to acupuncture and the did something called moxibustion. I did the moxibustion at home for another two times and she turned head down that second night. It was my third birth so I was going for a breech consult as we were going to try and deliver that was as they didn’t think an ECV was possible for me. When they did the ultrasound she was head down- I knew it as I felt the flip but doc didn’t believe me.
My fist child 32 years ago was breech , they tried to turn her externally , it was extremely pain full and did not work . Basically they stuck their hand in my belly skin trying to force her to the position .
The c-section was painful I should have taking the pain pills. I felt pretty good after the 8 weeks.
I suggest you get help , friends family can trade off .
I had an emergency cesarean with the first and I planned was the second both of mine were super easy to recover from
Mine was a breech baby many years back. Flipping was never an option though I came to know that it could be done but there is a risk involved. Don’t worry about caesarian. You and the baby should be healthy.
My first baby was breech, I was young and only gained 25 pounds so I had to have a c-section. I was sore after but you will be awake during it but they will make sure you don’t feel anything.
You still have at least a couple of weeks to go. Baby could turn on their own in that time. Think positive thoughts!
I had the ECV years back . I didn’t need a C Section afterwards. I am sure it is different for everyone. It could depend on many factors. I bet you have friends that would be willing to take turns helping you for a few weeks if it came to that.
I’m a little confused… Your doctor told you to research how to turn a baby oh… Doesn’t your doctor know how? Isn’t that what you pay them for? I realize my daughters are 41 and 39 but I didn’t have to research something that my doctor should have known how to do because back then I would have been going to a library and having to check out books or read some magazines I wouldn’t have been checking on an internet and asking for help on the internet seriously? Or am I reading something wrong?
On a Friday they scheduled me for a c-section on the following Monday. Much to their and my surprise he had flipped by himself so a c-section was not needed. Good luck. I hope the same happens for youm
I had 3 C-Sections. I was fine after all 3. You do have to be a little more careful, but I was able do do what needed to be done.
Idk about flipping a baby but I had a friend who had a c section and babies vaginally afterwards for her next kids. She said she preferred the c section to giving birth vaginally.
I had ecv done at the time I went into labor. I also had it around 2 weeks prior to giving birth. It didnt work but I am glad i tried. I would probably never try doing it in advance though, and would just give it a go when I go i to labor as the baby can still flip.
I tried everything. The Dr. Did a version at 37 weeks, it took 3 tries, but got it done. Scary and kinda painful.
I had the ecv with my 2nd and they couldn’t flip him and it was so painful to go thru so I had to have a section it wasn’t easy I just had my 3 and went c section and got my tubes tied it wasn’t easy best of luck u can message me if u like to talk about it more
Mine waited to flip at 38 weeks! Babies can be breach all the way up till birth! Bounce in a yoga ball go for walks I got in my hands and knees and let my belly hang!
No, no, no my niece lost a perfectly healthy 8lb baby because the Dr didn’t handle it. They can turn the baby during labor; not your job. Bad Dr.
Put music on your belly. I did that and she flipped right around.
Knee-chest position on your bed. Just relax, and stay that way. I had the exact thing happen with my 3rd!!! She flipped right before my scheduled c-section.
My daughter was head down until the week before I would go into labour, then she flipped back to breach because I had so much amniotic fluid. If I had gone into labour at 39 weeks I would have been fine. But she was stubborn, and went to 41, and flipped. Did not want to leave, clearly. My Doctor tried to flip her back, but she refused. I went into labour that day too. So I ended up doing a c-section. She didn’t even want to leave then. They had to like squeeze her out or something they do like that haha…sounds like your little one just doesn’t want to leave Mamma. But my c-section was 120% worth it, and not to bad. Not ideal. But not bad. I didn’t find recovery that bad pain wise. I just ended up sleeping in the living room because we have a high up bed, and I was scared to rip a stitch. But honestly, that worked fine with aging a newborn anyways. Hopefully your baby flips though.
The midwife turned my baby. By the next appt, had turned again, but had a normal birth as she turned again.
Try finding a chiropractor, they can sometimes turn baby, also try using a heating pad and a ice pack. Put the ice pack on the top of belly and heating pad on bottom of belly, baby will go toward the heat
My doctor turn my son by placing hand on head other hand on butt all on the outside while I was laying on the table gently. He talked to my other 2 kids the whole time and before I knew it my son was in position. Didn’t hurt didn’t even know that was what he was doing. Delivered him just like normal like his siblings
My surrogate baby flipped to breech while I was in labour! The Dr performed a virgin because I refused a c-section and insisted on a virgin. He was able to flip him and he was born 7 hours later naturally They did make me get an epidural to tolerate the pain of a virgin but I think the pain of the epidural was worse and the aftermath was horrible.
My second was breached. I went in to get him turned it was awful! They press on your belly to try to turn the baby it’s pointless he didn’t budge. I wish I never did it. They charged me a lot for it since for some reason wasn’t covered under my insurance.
My first 3 births of my daughters were okay but with my 4th he came feet first had no problems delivering him (this was 54yrs ago)
I delivered my second child vaginaly she came out buttocks first. the cord wrapped around her neck 3x^s a dry birth. I survived no c section. many years ago recovery no different than a normal birth.
I had 2 breech births no problems at all but they say they don’t allow them anymore. My granddaughter was breech and my daughter is a single mom she tried a erythingeverything for 3 months to get baby to flip did not work. Had c-section she did ok.
I had an ECV at 36 weeks with my 2nd (very large) baby. Everyone, including the nurse assisting the Midwife and Doctor preforming the ECV said it would be awful but it had to be done then because he was getting so big. It went perfectly, really no discomfort at all and fortunately he did not flip back, which I was told was a risk. It doesn’t have to be the horror story other women like to tell. Best of luck!
My daughter was breech and backwards. No flipping ever happened. Had a C-section. It wasn’t terrible and I recovered quick. Best of luck to you and babes
my boys are 18 months apart. i had 2 c-sections, i also lived on 3rd floor. was tough had family help. you have 14 yr he/she can help you. you cant lift anything heavier then the baby for 6 weeks. tender fo 6-8 months. no pain . trry flipping( best option). good luck and congratulations
I had a breech birth with no problems. Her legs were up like a frog for a couple of days but I moved them back and forth and she was and still is fine
You still have 4 weeks. Try all you can but don’t let doctor push c section unless you and baby and in danger. Chiropractor was really good for me.
I had twins. First was in position and second dr turned to deliver.
I had a c-section I requested after 15 hours of induced labour, I had no difficulties recovering what so ever but however my first child was 100% natural and beautiful, hopefully you can turn him but TBH.
C-sections are not the devil ppl make them to be.
My 3rd baby had to be turned. The turned her 4 times and everytime they did the lil shit would turn herself back the other way . They finally turned her 1 more time and the kept their hands on my stomach to keep her from turning again while the doctor broke my water to prevent her from turning. I had her vaginally with no issues.
Mine was breech up until the day before I went in to be induced and she flipped on her own.
My granddaughter was breech and my daughter had the E version done. Being very petite, the benefits outweighed the risks. Our girl was perfect, no strangulation, and high Apgar scores. Yes, do get an epidural. I had mine natural.
I am tallish . My son was breech up until a few weeks before birth . I lay on the bench for regular checkup and he turned . My doc said it was because i stretched as the bench/bed was to short and legs and shoulders were over the ends so i arched as i lay down . Good luck with bubs
I literally had all 3 happen. Turned breech at 37 weeks and had the EVC. Successful but still ended with a c section. After 24hrs of labor. C section is rough for a few solid weeks but ultimately everyone came out on the other side. There are pros and cons on both sides. The EVC was VERY painful. They give you an epidural for the pain and do the procedure in an OR for any precaution.
If I had known baby was 10lbs I wouldn’t have done the EVC and just done a scheduled c section.
One of my twins was breech and I had an epidural just in case and they attempted to flip the second twin but wasn’t able to and he was born vaginally had to have an O2 hood and IVs for 5 days but is healthy and 17 now
If your doc does a bikini cut (low transverse incision)which they can do if the baby or mother are not in stress, it is a snap. I mean you don’t want to go hiking, but it is MUCH easier to recuperate from.
I had 2 babies breech and they were turned during delivery. I would never opt to have a c-section. The doctors can turn a baby if they can turn a horse.find a doctor that can do a natural delivery.
Give baby some time baby has time to flip on his/her own
My son was breech (discovered by nurse hrs before birth) and she manually turned him by pushing on stomach. Was painful at times but was able to avoid c-section. No issues with him or me. (early 90s)
I was a breach baby and my mom had a lady that massaged/filpped me into place. Old school lady that lived Mexico.
I had EVC and gave birth to a healthy happy baby boy.
My baby was breech until 37 weeks and turned
My first child was breech but we put a bar over my bed and I tried raising just my upper half up and she moved. Took 27 hours but we got her out naturally.
Sometimes babies turn at 38 weeks, I’ve heard of them flipping when the woman went into labor right before her water broke. My third baby was overdue. I was induced at 42 weeks according to doctors. My baby didn’t flip until the week before I was scheduled to go in and be induced. She was 11 lbs 4 oz 22 inches long. Had her naturally.
Massaging my stomach, having faith in God is what I believe helped her to turn during my last week of pregnancy. Will pray and believe your baby will turn for you.
You would think in this day and age they would know how to deliver a breech baby vaginally without all the dramas.
My doctor had me lay on a board that was slanted so my feet were higher. I’d put the board on the couch and did that for the last 2 weeks and baby turned. That was 36 years ago.
I went threw that get on the floor dont lay down be on your knees and your hands also knees like doggie style all fours be like that till you feel the baby turn it works
My daughter turned the night before she was born, into a breech position. Bum first, 8lb 12oz. Advice? Listen to your midwife.
Both my daughters were breach and the doctor turned them.
Csection you will be in the hospital for at least 3 days. You will be on lifting restriction. No baths only showers. You will be numb from chest to feet due to epidural. No food until u can poop. Only ice or water. Ive had 4 csections. Lol don’t try to get out of hospital bed by yourself.
If you are here in tein falls go to Dr. Manning at cannon spring Chiropractor and he can help you flip the baby
I woke up this morning on my due date to find baby head up she’s been flipping the last 3-4 weeks. We trust our doctor, he wants me to try and deliver vaginally, especially as this is baby number 7 and I don’t “lose my shit” during labour and delivery ;-p
We’ll see what the dr says tomorrow at my appointment (different doctor) but all other babies have been at least 10 days past their due date so we’re not predicting anything will happen before next weekend.
As much as I don’t want a c-section (nobody in the house helps now and the house looks like a bomb site, can’t imagine what it will look like if I literally can’t do anything) if that’s what ends up happening to keep us both safe, then so be it <3
My son set breach and I was in active premature labor at 26 weeks. I was placed in the hospital due to the risk of losing my son. I spent a month in the hospital then the doctor turned him. It took almost 45 mins and it was very painful. They actually had to stop the process of turning him because it threw me into active labor. Once the meds took effect they finished the process. I stayed in the hospital another 48nhrs to make sure he stayed then sent home on a lot of restrictions. No lifting or pulling at all. Bed rest only getting up to get food shower and use the bathroom. Before him I had a daugther at 33l2 weeks and a stillborn/miscarriage at 27 weeks.
My daughter had ECV and a successful delivery
My daughter was breech and I had a month for her to flip… thank god she did on her own… I don’t have any advise just… good
Luck for you and your baby!
Its dangerous. I cant believe they recommended to do it at home.
Everyone is different so you could have no difficulty after a csection. I had to have 4 sections because I had to much scar tissue and they were concerned about tearing. I was in pretty much pain afterwards but like I said everyone is different. Dont be ashamed or feel defeated if you have a csection especially if it’s the best way to have your baby born healthy. Good luck
I had my daughter Breach. No problem at all. Of course that was 40 years ago, I’m sure they have learned a lot since then. Good luck .
Mine was breech, but turned itself before birth. Hope yours will.
My daughter was head down until 7 months then she flipped up and they scheduled an elective c section at 38 weeks as they said she had no room to turn. C- section recovery was painful for the first 4-6 weeks but it got easier with each week. Everyone is different so put god first and both you and baby will be fine, regardless of the type of delivery you have. I also tried different methods of getting her to turn but no luck.
Version is painful and does not work…trust me on this one.
Often third and more babies take longer to flip into
Position. Don’t be surprised when you go into labor and your baby is heads down and ready to go.
Look up Spinning Babies breech techniques. Excellent info… Labor RN
You’ll cope after a c section. I had one and was up and about only after a few days. You’ll get pain killers. My son’s partner just had one - out of hospital after 2 days and coping very well. Its not that painful afterwards. Just don’t lift heavy stuff, sleep when the baby sleeps and you’ll be fine. Its no biggie. Have had 3 operations in the same area since and was on my own - its not so bad.
There is a method that chiropractors have used for decades that is successful in repositioning a baby. It seems to be more successful than ECV and less risky.
My last child which will be 31 was breech…dr told me to rub my belly in circular motion and baby will turn …it worked one week before he arrived
My 1st was breech tried the version painful as he’ll and didnt work. They admit you because it could put you into labor. C-Section was scheduled for a week later. Recovery wasnt bad at all. Biggest thing was weight restriction. Your 14 yr old is plenty old enough to help out too. Even the 3 yr old can help. My 2nd and 3rd were c-sections too and no one home to help at least during the day. Its very do-able. Just dont have high expectactions. House work can wait and keep meals simple. You will do fine.
My son was going to be breech . Within a dayhe was transverse, then a few hrs he decided to get in the stop he should be . Lol
Don’t bend down anymore and sleep side ways all day And night with massages shower massage too
I flipped my breach baby by putting headphones low on my pelvis and playing Metallica ! Unfortunately, he flipped again in the night while I was sleeping so I had a version. It sucked but it worked! I was not having baby #5 via c-section after 4 vag! Lol
My third child was breech and I delivered him my dr didn’t have me scheduled for c section and he was a no show it all worked out hope he will flip for you
My son… 2nd born… 6months old now was breech until 40weeks…
My 3rd was breech at 36 weeks and flipped himself before birth. It happens!
I had a frank breech( feet up around the head)naturally at a clinic,she weighed 9 lbs.went home 2 hours later:100:
My cousin was breech, vaginal delivery. That was 60 years ago, though. Now they do c-sections.
I think the hard part is if you do labor first and then end up with a C-section.
I had my daughter breech (vaginally delivery. On biggie! Was easier than some of my others I had.
Get in a swimming pool and do a few handstands. Don’t drown yourself or anything, lol but i have heard that that would work.
Baby will turn just believe that you have 4 weeks
Sit Indian style and rock while rubbing your belly
Can’t believe your dr would suggest that u research this & try to do it yourself!!
My was 1964 breech. Mine was fine. Now days most are Cs
I was breech and so was my son
I would question why my Dr is telling me to research it on the internet?