How to get pregnant?

Stop thinking about getting pregnant lol.


Maca Root, check with specialist, and probably change eating habits and/or weight

Try keto. I heard it works

When we decided I would casually look at my period app and see what days I was ovulating. We wouldn’t have sex a couple days before and we would have lots of sex on those days. But we didn’t go at it like ok baby making time. We put it in the back of our minds and just enjoyed ourselves. After a few months we were pregnant and our daughter Arolyn is now almost 10 months. All in all I always say take the “science” part out of it. Just have lots of sex and hope for the best lol.

Stop trying. That’s the best advice I can give you. Just stop trying and it will happen.

Diet and as minimal stress as possible. Also start using prenatal vitamins

Mucinex for you and no m dew and boxers for him

Download an ovulation app
Thats what we did🥰

Both of you go to doctor get tests ran. Stop trying and just have fun.

Only thing is sex. Every 2nd day from the end of your period till the next.

Take prenatal vitamins and eat lots of blueberries, raspberries, pomegranates and strawberries.

Have sex every day right after your period for over a week.

Make an appt with your ob.
They can rule out pcos. Ultrasound to check uterus ect… Also can give you fertility meds to.boost ovulation

Spinach. Lots and lots of spinach.

I’ve noticed that women in my keto/low carb groups get pregnant (sometimes after many years of infertility) from being on the diet. Something about needing animal fats to get pregnant.

One tip i ready is to do missionary and then lay with your legs up after he finishes inside. Dont let it all drip out for like an hour

If theres nothin medically wrong you may just not be catchin at the right time
Learn ya body ya cycle
I hear maca root is pretty powerful stuff but I don’t know anything about it

You need to find out when you ovulate. That will be when your estradiol levels are at their peak. They have ways of mapping when you ovulate nowadays - when you do then it’s time to have a lot of sex.

Might be time to consult a doctor for a physical ( both of you) Make sure everything is ok.

Stop trying. That usually works.

Vitex chaste tree they’re $12 on amazon I got pregnant twice within a month of taking it

Get rid of ALL STRESS. I got fired over some bs an BAM I got pregnant :rofl: 10 years of trying with 2 losses. Stress kills everything.

Stop stressing and let it happen. My bio children are 20 YEARS apart. Itll happen when its supposed to.

It sounds weird, but lay down for ten minutes after you two finish and don’t move around. It helped me

I got pregnant in 3 months after 3 years of trying (at 45) with help from a traditional Chinese medicine doctor. She rocked our world!

Keep track of ur period and write it on a calendar 11 days after ur period is when u ovulate thats how I got pregnant. Took about 7 months

Eat corn nuts and drink Mt Dew

Have sex about 4+ times a daily :wink:

E.u natural conception supplements for both parties

Ovulation tests. Fairly cheap on Amazon

Eat sweet potatoes. Thank me later :wink:

Check out this group Revitalize Your Fertility

Cough syrup believe it or not

Can Mucinex really help you get pregnant? | BabyCenter.

Buy a two seat convertible sports car or white carpet. It works every time! :cowboy_hat_face:

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Have your thyroid checked

Relax and enjoy, dont put babies in forefront of your mind

The Keto diet worked for us!

No comment but why would someone laugh react to this post?

Stop trying.
Just enjoy each other

Day or 2 before your period

When I stopped trying , my son came along

Drink plenty of water eat clean. Take vitamins and make ure partner take zink. U take parental vits and don’t try stop thinking about it x hopfuly it happens for u soon

When you quit trying, it’ll happen. Works in weird ways, good luck :heart:

Try baby aspirin and getting your tubes flushed/checked

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to get pregnant?

Taking your temperature day and charting for fertility

Relax. Get your physical exam to be sure everyone is in working order. Then when you find out you are relax. Enjoy the sex. Eat healthy, exercise and just live. It will happen when it’s meant tp

Stop trying and just enjoy yhe sex

Pray and keep on trying

Not the right time to get preggy …stop stressing yoself …enjoy life …

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Eat green & your partner

In the morning when ur ovulating x

Took years for my son and wife. They actually gave up then it happened

Stress does a number on our bodies (all genders), try to remember that this part is supposed to be fun! I get it must be so disheartening to be trying & feeling like a failure. But this isn’t failing at all!
Remember to have fun. Try to relax. & focus on what you & your partner need to be healthy. Once a babe arrives all focus is on them (with good reason) but we sometimes suffer physically as a result. Good luck mama💜


Go to your Dr and ask them about metformin. It helped me, they will tell you to take it once or twice a day and keep your legs up in the air afterwards for 10 to 15 minutes. I to had trouble getting pregnant for 3 years until my Dr told me to do all of that, good luck.

Go back on birth control for about a month and just stop taking it and bunny rabbit it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Sometimes when you stop thinking about it worrying about it so much it’ll just happen. I feel like stress has a lot to do with it for some people.

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I saw a fertility acupuncturist and was pregnant next cycle after months and months of trying

Don’t take stress. It will take time for a body to come in its normal state after birth control pills. Please avoid stress, drink lots of water eat healthy and exercise. May you get good news soon.

Hold your legs up in the air for thirty minutes after donation. Gravity assistance to the little swimmers. Most important get that donation EVERY DAY GOR A MONTH. BOOM DONE DEAL

They sell stuff called preseed that helps carry the sperm to the egg. Also tracking your cycle helps…learn your fertile time, you can tell the difference by your cervical mucous.

it took me 5 years with my first, and 1.5 years for my second. it’s a waiting game and it’ll happen when you least expect it!! don’t worry yet. birth control does some serious damage to our bodies.

Years ago when I was trying, they told me to stand on my head up against the wall. I can’t remember the length of time I did it for, but soon after that I did get pregnant.

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Use a Diva cup and pre-seed. As soon as he ejaculates inside, put the cup in there and leave for 8 to 10 hours. It scoops up the semen and holds it safely against your cervix. Try to also orgasm yourself while it’s inside to help move them along. Do this 3 days before ovulation, one day before ovulation and day of. Rinse repeat. :rofl: (Seriously) Lots of info on the web if you look it up. (Sterilization and how tos)

Stop “trying”. The stress of trying puts alot of pressure on both people. Just let it happen naturally. If that doesn’t work, talk with a specialist.


I’ve seen people be successful with using Mosie Baby or something like that and tracking ovulation!

It took me 5 years to get preggers. I ended up going back on bc and having a procedure done to make sure my fallopian tubes were open and I got pregnant a couple months later.

Daily: prenatal and additional folic acid🙂

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I used the app Glow, and pressed! Good luck!

Prenatal vitamins worked for me.

Try preseed worked for me

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There is a lube you can get at the drugstore called “pre-seed” it worked on the third month for me

Get on BC and come back off again. That’s when you’re more fertile.

Stop trying and have sex for fun

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Track your cycles, only have sex on fertile days which are only like 1 to 2 days a month. Tilt your pelvis up after he finishes for a little while bit to keep it in. If you have been trying for 2 years and nothing, I highly suggest reaching out to your doctor to make sure you have no issues and same with him. He could have a low sperm count. Good luck!! :heart:

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Be careful. If you do doggie style you might accidentally get puppies.

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expectorant cough medicine

Been. Using no protection. N got. Pregnant took 2 years. Don’t. Worry

Relax and have fun with it you are stessing yourself out with trying stop trying and taking prenatal vitamins helps too

Good diet, regular exercise, good sleep habits.

After trying for 9 months I did the keto diet for about a month and was pregnant a month after that

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Sex right after period, and every day of your ovulation

Stand on you head once he is done. Works like a charm

Don’t try it causes stress and disappointment but checking your discharge will help clear sticky is best for sperm both get checked

Have your husband tested.

use ovulation strips.

Quit trying and continue having intimacy. Happened to a friend of mine… good luck

Start taking prenatal and tracking ur ovulation

Stay still when done put pillow under your hips to allow sperm to flow up in an not run back out

Go see your doctor and get some test done

I literally gave up after 2.5 years…and ended up pregnant

Make sure you are ovulating by getting your blood tested. If not, Clomid prescription tablets to induce egg release is helpful.

Track your ovulation. There’s an ovulation kit that comes with like 30 ovulation tests and there’s an app you can use to track the results, you can also download an period tracking app and it can tell you when you’re ovulating within a day or 2. Eat healthy and low stress will help as well.

See a fertility specialist, have them check both your and his reproductive systems, hormone levels,etc. I had thyroid issues and kept miscarrying.

Track ovulation and have sex OFTEN. Other than that, sometimes it can just take a while- it took me 2.5 years to get pregnant the one time I actually tried (:joy:) and there were no underlying factors to make it more difficult, it was just a matter of time.

Order LH testing strips online. After ypur menses start testing morning and night. Once you hit the surge it will test positive. This is when you ovulate. Some people ovulate earlier or later than the norm which is between ten and fourteen days into their cycle. I was a 20-21 . I knew this strictly by lh surge testing. Of course talk to you gynecologist about it as well. Trying for a baby can be frustrating when it doesn’t happen quickly. Good luck!

Just because op hasn’t fallen pregnant in 2 yrs doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with either her or partner, me & my husband tried for our youngest for 5 yrs with no joy we gave up trying thinking we were to old he was nearly 42 & i was 36 i was put on folic acid in June 2019 & my husband was put on them couple months before me & i fell pregnant end July beg Aug 2019, so just because it hasn’t happened yet doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with either of them they could just be trying to hard & focusing too much on it if it’s meant to be it will happen, op try not to worry or stress about it & stop trying is my advice & if you’re not already both of you start taking folic acid I wish you all the best x

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For me i lost 25 lbs on keto. It had been 5 years since my first and we never used protection

Take two days off in between so you get real good sperm count. Try not to stress so much have a month or two where you’re not trying to make a baby, you’re just being in love. If that doesn’t work out or if you feel you prefer to always contact a doctor.

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