I got headlice from my husband’s sister days before our wedding. So I combed all the bugs out then used a super hot flat irom to straighten my hair. Once that was done 5 women and a little over an hour later to get the now dead eggs out and I was safe and wedding went off without a hitch
Mayo, coconut oil, hair conditioner,
You can get a really cheap box of Rid or various brand Anti Lice shampoo that you rub in, comb with a fine comb, and wash out. Easy, quick fix. Smells kinda bad so best to shower after. Worth though, they’re not ridiculously expensive and it’s guaranteed to work (stuff like tea tree oil is nice to use for prevention but no promises on it removing them fully.) As long as you shampoo and wash all your chairs, piloows, bedding, cushions, etc.
We paid $100 for a professional to come out and she told us all that’s in the bottle is a mint scented liquid. So the tea tree will probably work as someone suggested. Just a heads up though all 4 of my kids had it at separate times and every one of them had a round 2 with it. It is the most annoying process to deal with. The Combs that come with the lice kits in my opinion have too big of a gap to catch the lice. I lucked out though cause the woman that came to my house had a comb that the gaps were really close together so the bugs and eggs slid right out.
90% isopropyl rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle. Spray it on hair. Be careful not to.get into eyes. Kills on contact and then the nits can be picked out. Treat again in 5-7 days.
Lice treatment and a flat iron your hair for remainder eggs youll hear them pop like popcorn my daughters hair was so think was all i could do but worked
It resolved the eggs and kills them all.
Rinse hair in scope (blue). Leave on 5 minutes . Repeat every other day. The alcohol in the scope kills the lice and removes the sticky on the eggs. Good luck.
Put mayo on it. Comb with a lice comb after make sure you comb at least 3 times. Get some rosemary mint shampoo and comditioner. Thats wht my step mom got us when the schools got lice bad. Didnt have to worry.
My mama always used mayonnaise. Shit was nasty but it works
Years ago one of boys had them wet his hair tiped a load of conditioner on then combed them all out got rid of all them.
I’d go to the drug store get a box of head lice treatment and a box of hair dye than straighten you hair.
Coconut, lavender, geranium, tea tree oil mixed together. Mostly coconut with a few drops of each essential oil. Leave it on with a shower cap then comb through with the lice comb and wash with regular shampoo 2 or 3 times or once with blue dawn condition and rinse. Then blow dry and use a straightener. It works. My daughter brought it home 4 times when she was in kindergarten and this was what we used the last time. She hasn’t brought it home since.
Mayo and a shower cap for an hour or Olive oil and a shower cap for an hour I put tea tree oil in all my shampoo for preventative while I have school age kids
Go to drug store and buy the right shampoo.they will help u there.
Olive oil and a lice comb that’s all you need
Heavy mineral oil and vinegar leave it on,comb with a metal nit comb
Just use a lot of conditioner for a few weeks. It will smother them. It doesn’t prevent the nits from hatching, so that’s why I say to keep smothering your hair in it. They will eventually hatch then suffocate. Also, wash all of your bedding and vacuum constantly if you have carpet. And vacuum anything you sit on the best you can. They are really good climbers and can cling to anything.
Tea tree oil
They sell it at the 99 cent store
Teatree oil shampoo and conditioner worked 100%
Hair conditioner as recommended by a Dr years ago
Heat, blow dry and hot iron your hair along with putting everything like pillows and sheets in dryer for 90 minutes.
Olive oil. Makes it easier to comb out
Hair gel smothers them wear it in your hair everyday
Get lice shampoo from the drug store…take advice from the pharmacist. Put all bedding and any hats into the dryer on high heat for at least 40 mins.
Wet comb every stinking day on top of the medications is what we had to do
It’s such a pain sometimes. But treatment after treatment, constant washing of bedding ect. Vaccum couches and other furniture. Along with hours of nit picking may be the only way. Its tedious but eventually it works.
Put mayo in their hair and then put a shower cap on it leave it in for a few hours and then wash it out
And clean everything.
You have to treat your house and vehicle as well
When my.kids got it and I had no money child services told me to stick them in the tub and cover their entire body as much as possible with real mayo it suffercate the lice.but you still have to treat the house bedding ect
I poured a whole 2 liter of coke on my kids hair let it sit covered and dry, and just gonna have to pick it out and also coconut oil with a bag over it let it sit. Tea tree oil in shampoos
Frontline from the pet store
Clean and HOT dry every soft item in your homes. Bedding, clothing, stuffed toys
My mom use to have sleep in mayo hair
Also sea breeze for pimples works great on it
Combing every day. If one bug is left it starts all over. Treat every with over the counter and comb every day. Goodluck. Also Blankets pillows sheets stuffed animals go in the hot washer and dryer. Any rugs toys that can’t go through with that have pores in a garbage bag and tape it
Sounds like they need to shave their heads,
Olive oil or mayonnaise then comb it all out after letting it sit for a few hours. . And wash and dry everything.
Mayo or coconut oil.
Vamoose all heads an wash EVERYTHING
Add LOTS of tea tree oil to shampoo and conditioner it smothers and repels them
Use head medicine to kill them and pick nits every day until they’re gone
Cover all of the hair with mayo. Let sit for at least one hour. Rinse their hair with the blue dawn dish soap. Comb out with lice comb. Follow up with lice shampoo it helps keep them away. Sounds crazy but after spending time and money with the over the counter treatment and no results, the mayo trick saved the day!
Treat the hair comb comb comb threw it as good as you can buy tea tree oil to mix in your shampoo a whole bottle of tea tree oil to the bottle of shampoo use it daily to keep killing anything u missed that hatched wash and dry pillows and blankets as often as u can i washed every two days
You need to wash all bedding and stuff, have to spray down beds and couches, any stuffed animals need to go in dryer on high heat, it’s definitely a time consuming process.
Dawn. Coat their hair, comb, rinse.
Coat their hair & wrap it in plastic wrap for 45 mins.
Comb. Do it daily until gone.
Start washing EVERYTHING in HOT water. Put what’s waiting in BLACK trash bags, tied tight.
Use tea tree oil in your shampoo.
They make carpet powders too.
Cut your hair short itll help a whole lot. I had it as a child so did my brothers an sisters but the shampoo always worked an my grandma would put baby oil im my haor all the time supposedly they dont like the oil
I used hair mayonnaise. I drenched their hair in it , placed a small trash bag over their hair , blow dried it for about 20 minutes , then washed it out . I repeated all these steps just to be sure . It took care of the problem though .
Tea tree oil and lavender oil 6/6 in a water bottle to prevent them from latching their eggs and comb their hair everyday and keep checking it may take alot but worth it in the end and braid the girls hair everyday
I’ve used mayo before. Did it at bedtime. Wrapped a trash bag around my friends head or you can use like a beanie or shower cap and in the morning she washed her hair and the lice were all gone. Never came back. Wash sheets and everything else where they could possible have come in contact with
Fairytales has a natural lice treatment and it doesn’t contain harsh chemicals.
Lice Angels products
Drench y’all’s heads in mayonnaise. I know it sound disgusting I know but it works better than anything I’ve ever bought for lice. Leave it for a few hours or overnight and then wash it out with shampoo then comb y’all’s hair out. It works I promise lol
Shower caps with mayo on the head.
Shower caps with tea tree oil on the head.
Rid and comb
Blow dry. Straightener. Boil brushes.
Garbage-bag everything daily and stick in sun. Wash loads from day before.
Listerine in a spray bottle
Google essential oils to use. Then after washing spray with vinegar water and scrape and scrape some more. Wash everything on hot water that you can, and boil hairbrushes and combs. Get a permethrin spray to spray mattresses and couches and things that can’t be washed. Bag stuffed animals.
Vaseline petroleum jelly glob it in their hair and cover with conditioning cap leave for a few hours
We literally asked this a couple days ago. We tried everything. So far Mayo has worked
You have to wash EVERYTHING in extremely hot water too, scrub everything, wash constantly, etc. Tree tea oil.
Wash their hair…brush it with a dog’s metal flea comb…blowdry their hair and then flat iron it in very small sections. Heat will kill them. While you’re doing it wash and dry twice all the bedding and pillow cases and throw out any old brushes. Do this 3xs a week. ( My kids had it when they were in school it was horrible)
Don’t forget to clean car too
The absolute best product we used before was called CURE
Get kits to treat all of your hair and you will have to treat all of the pillows, blanket, couches, sheets, etc
God bless you!
Tea Tree oil in their shampoo.
You will need to gather some people to help you. Each head has to be combed through, thoroughly, problem twice a day for 2 weeks.
Your furniture and car needs to sprayed everyday.
All pillows/stuffed animals need to go in trash bags and be outisde in the sun for a week.
If you have them try getting someone to go through their hairs to get whatever live bugs out then do a nix treatment then do an olive oil treatment & A nit comb through wet hair everyday make sure you got all the bugs and eggs out and make sure to put tea tree oil in your shampoo.
Vamoose or something like that worked amazing for us.
Coconut oil and let sit on hair and scalp for 30-45min then comb out til you dont see any more then wash hair then let dry
You have to pick it all out if not the eggs will re hatch then you have to redo all the washing and drying …I k ow pinsole will kill them and spray everything with it carpet couch
Orange juice or vinegar once dead comb them out
We used boxed hair dye, seriously works wonders. Put all stuffed animals in an airtight bag for several weeks.
A great nit comb, and dip it vinegar between passes. This dissolves the nit glue. The bowl of vinegar will fill up, and you will see them but just keep going. If you don’t do this, you’re just moving nits from one side to the other. Vacuum everything and everywhere, and spray upholstery and your mattress with lice killing spray.
Nit Free Terminator Lice Comb, Professional Stainless Steel Louse and Nit Comb for Head Lice Treatment, Removes Nits, COLORS MAY VARY Amazon.com
I bought my daughter a flea comb. You comb their hair when the hair is wet and it combs off the bugs and the nits
I heard if u buy a can or bottle of coke, pour it on your head, and put it in a shower cap. Sleep with it on. Next day wash your hair and u should be lice free
Wear shower caps with oil or Mayo in your hair all day and night. Wash your hair with tea tree oil shampoo & wash bedding or anything that was laid on or sat on where it could be. And comb thru as much as you can. Make sure you are drying stuff extra long in the dryer to kill them
Vegetable oil instead of may only reason mayo works is bc of the oil in it! Its more effective saturate hair and cover with shower cap or plastic bag over night. The nits and bugs will brush right out in the shower. Then u have to wash all bedding curtains ect. Get spray and spray furniture lice, mite spray on anything u can’t wash. Repeat once a week. After 2 times they should b gone
Real mayo on overnight that’s it. And throw every blanket and stuff animals in the dryer the heat kills the lice.
Coat all their head with mayonnaise and plastic bags for about an hr each and then you have to pull out every nit and bug with a fine tooth comb otherwise they’ll keep coming back ….
I use to sit and and combine the hair and anything left pulled out stand by strand
Selson blue. Medicated shampoo. Will kill them. Then comb with a fine white comb. Repeat everyday. Make sure you wash all bed linens in hot water with bleach. Hot dryer.
I remember someone recommending this place in another group a while back
Mayonaise fpe hair let it sit for about 30 min bag up alll pillows stuffed animals balnkets in black trash bags for 30 days or wash and put in hot dryer
Don’t forget to bag all cloth items even stuff animals, ECT. in bags for a few days then dry on hottest setting. Wash combs, bedsheets, the car
Tea tree oil in shampoo will keep them away but not get rid of.
My daughter has serious thick curly hair I washed every day with tea tree nit comb and seriously straightend her hair from root to end every second day was a disaster kept getting from someone in her class but this alz worked
Pediatrician can prescribe the hair treatment. Less expensive and more effective than the over the counter.
Shave the boys heads. You need to change bedding everyday. Put all stuffed animals in a trash bag put in the garage for awhile. Spray carpets rugs couches pillows. You have to get all the nits out of their hair. It’s very very time consuming but do it every day for 7 days while treating their hair. Also use preventative leave in conditioner spray.
Cut the hair as short as u can without devastating them and then use Nix or Rid. ( I think that’s what its called) You can find it in any drugstore and any Walmart or Target. Then u have to wash everything! Blankets, stuffed animals
Everything with fabric basically and wash in hot water. I have also heard tea tree oil works wonders
My daughter had hair to her knees and I went to target and bought a small bottle of tea tree oil. I mixed in inside this bottle of hair oil. I sat my kid in a chair by the stove. I boiled a pan of water. I sectioned her hair and coated it all well with oil to suffocate the bugs. Each pass of the comb I dipped in the very hot water then wiped the comb on paper towels. I did this over and over. When it was finished I washed her hair. I applied more hair oil and left overnight on her hair and hair pinned up. The next day I boiled water again. I killed any bugs on the comb with each pass in the sectioned hair with the oil and holding the comb in the boiled water. I left the oil on again another night. I washed the hair again the next day and never had a problem after that. I did wash all bedding etc.
Only thing I found to work was coconut oil on the hair wrap the head in plastic wrap let it sit there for however you want. Wash hair with dawn, comb comb COMB!!! had to dryer all stuffed animals and pillows, sprayed everything even the car. And continue to comb for a month.
You also have to treat the house wash and dry everything what you can’t bag up for 30 days. Vacuum the furniture beds floors. Do a deep clean top to bottom. Coconut and tea tree oil smells deter them. They can’t attach to dirty hair. I’ve also heard coke a cola on head. I did strictly Coconut shampoo conditioner spray oil. You also have to pick them out. My daughter got it as a baby and I had to do the natural route.
Mayo and then I sit for hours looking through hair. It’s so much work
Only stuff that worked for us a few years back
Constantly combing…4x day yes the eggs hatch,oil and vinegar… cover tightly with cap…or bag will do…comb…comb comb
Use a metal comb…
I heard mayonnaise works
Treating your hair won’t make a difference unless the bed and bedding, couches and chairs, and even your cars are treated.
Vamouse. It kills the nits and the eggs.
TEA TREE OIL & they’ll be goneeee. Use the nit comb on dry hair and brush out as
Much as you can and then add like 10 drops of tea tree oil to shampoo in your hand & then same after with conditioner. Let both sit for a few minutes and then wash! Also keep tea tree oil in shampoo and conditioner at all times to help prevent them from coming back!!
Cut the boys hair short run lice combs through their hair treat all girls pick nits deep clean everything and keep vacuuming daily plus washing bed clothes and stuffed animals… It may feel like you’ll never get rid of it but you’ve got this!!
You have to comb nits off each head everyday for maybe a month or 6weeks. Use conditioner to help it not hurt. Use a hair drier on every head everyday. Lice dry out a lot, with the warm air.