Tea tree shampoo, let it set in the hair for a bit before rinsing with hot water. Repeat as necessary. I’d also get a prescription from her doctor if you can, as it will be better than anything otc you can get. Best of luck! It’s such a hassle but be consistent with your removal methods and she’ll be just fine
I used a lot of conditioner on my sons hair when he got them. And a lice comb. It didn’t require chemicals and we got to comb it out every time he took a bath. Mind u, he has hair to his butt. So it does take patience. Wash everything in hot water.
This stuff. We bought it when my kids got lice years ago. Used it one time and never saw them again.
Get the prescription one from the pediatrician. All the over the counter ones don’t work.
Wash all her bedding and any clothing and then dry them on high heat.
Most lice shampoos don’t kill the knits. Call her pedi. They can get you a RX for something. Vacuum everything. wash everything you can in hot water and dry. If you can’t wash it you can dry it on high heat for at least 45 minutes. If you can’t dry or wash it you can bag it up for 14 days.
Tea tree oil in your shampoo will help in the future
You can get a prescription for it
My daughter told me she didn’t like when I used mayo so we used vegetable oil in her hair with a shower cap for 8 hours. Rinsed it, picked through the eggs (anything live had suffocated) and then I dried everything she came into contact with like clothes, bedding, stuffed animals in the dryer for an hour on high heat. After that I combed her hair everyday for a week straight after she had a shower incase we missed any and they hatched, and then repeated the process in a week to be sure. I never missed a day combing though and after a shower was always easiest.
Honestly, I found a straightener works best. It’s gross, but you can use the straightener go kill the lice and eggs. Use it on a low temp and the nits actually fall out on their own. It’s amazing. I also use vinegar for an hour, rinse and use Listerine for an hour than straighten. Gets rid of them on less than a week. Put tea tree oil in her shampoo for preventative measures.
Put all of your hair accessories in a pot and boil them in water, wash and dry bedding and bag it. Mayonnaise like real Mayonnaise from save a lot works wonders. Yes you can have pedi prescribe medicated lice shampoo but when I was a kid I remember it burned my head so be careful
Use these 3 things. They worked wonders for my daughter. Make sure u do yourself as well and isolate all ur pillows and stuffed animals and blankets in bags
Also, they make specific lice combs and they are sold at the pharmacy or even Walmart.
I’ve always used mayo or oil. It’s so much safer for their hair. Put a cap on overnight and use the special comb. You can get spray for the house and wash/dry everything you can with heat.
If all else fails , call your pediatrician and get a prescription. They work wonders!!
Lice like clean hair.
Use conditioner to clog them & use a nit comb
And as a preventative- always have your daughters hair up, (braids are better) and put tea tree oil in her hair like where her hair splits and around her scalp areas. They don’t like tea tree oil.
Skip the over the counter stuff and get the prescription from her pediatrician. My kiddos pediatrician writes a prescription for Natroba. Put it in her hair, leave it for 10 minutes, rinse and then wash if desired. No combing of nits afterwards is necessary. Kills everything.
Listerine. Douse her head, wrap a plastic bag over her hair for 45 mins, wash out. Comb out lice and nits and blow dry works so good
Saturate her hair in gold Listerine and leave it on for 10 minutes. Wash out and then pick the knits (lice eggs) out of her hair. Wash EVERYTHING fabric she’s been in contact with, including stuffed animals. Anything too big for washing machine needs bagged and sealed for three weeks. Get the spray for your furniture and vehicle. Put tea tree oil or peppermint essential oil in your shampoo as a preventative.
Honestly mayonnaise and shower cap and then let it sit for at less 30-45 and then raise it out and then wash more then once’s and brush thru it with lice comb
Wash hair with a shampoo without conditioner. …
Towel dry hair so it is damp but not wet.
Shake the bottle of Nix® well.
Completely saturate the hair and scalp with Nix®. …
Keep Nix® out of the eyes. …
Leave Nix® on the hair for 10 minutes, but no longer.
Rinse with warm water.
Towel dry hair and comb out tan
We use this to get rid of them or real mayonnaise mixed with baby oil and a plastic bag and let it sit for a few hours
Make sure you wash all things that touch her head… car seat included.
Lice Free kills the lice and nits. Super easy to use. Just spray on and let it dry. It’s not a pesticide either so you can use it every few weeks as a precaution.
We bought cheap conditioner and loaded head ups with it and put a shower cap or bag on the head leave in for an hour suffocates live lice did it daily along with the washing of the space where they live pillows druggies etc
Was not too bad
Mayo over night.
And pick with mayo still in hair in the morning then wash out and pick hair again with comb.
Wash and dry everything that can be.
Use coconut shampoo and conditioner or teatree oil to continue to keep them away.
I had lice on and off for years from 4th grade to 7th.
They even have a detangling spray
Olive oil and a drop of tee tree oil and I mean a small amount. Put a shower cap on her for about an hour or so. Wash out blow dry and flat iron. Was EVERYTHING and I mean everything!! Boil brushes or just get new ones. Buy the lice comb and use it while the olive oil is still in her hair. The olive oil will also double as a hot oil treatment. Buy the rid bed and couch spray as well. Depending on how little the child is please don’t put the chemicals on her scalp. Chemical burns from those kits are all to real. Put all of the stuffed animals in the dryer on the highest level of heat you can also.
Coconut oil will smother them
most pharmacies carry a product called RID. They offer shampoo/body wash and furniture/carpet sprays specifically for lice/bedbugs. You will also need a special lice removal comb and lots of patience. I’m sure YouTube has some good tutorial videos.
Tea tree oil and then you can use some of the tea tree oil and mix it with shampoo for preventative. Lice Combs work great too
Remember what Ripley had to do?
They do have lice clinics in most bigger cities. You might go there so they can show you how to go about the process because chances are you’ll be dealing with lice more than once
Rubbing alcohol…is the only thing that works…have your child put a cold washcloth over her mouth and eyes…put her up in the sink and pour that all over her head…take plastic wrap and wrap that kids head in it for an hour…wash her bedding and spray rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle all over her bed room…shut the door…it will stink…but it does work
Whatever you do, don’t have them sit in a vinegar bath, it makes you smell like pickles and does nothing for it
Lice shampoo and have someone help comb it out and pick them out
I swear by vinegar! Completely soak the scalp , let it set for about 20 mins to a half an hour , rinse , repeat , make sure to get some tea tree oil or tea tree shampoo that’s what I used , use that for a few days straight and then every 5-6 days ! Three of my kids brought it home just before Christmas break and the pharmacies were closed by the time I knew they had it that night . I nearly lost my mind , it was the first time I ever dealt with it , didn’t know what I was going to do !!
Mayoooooo lots of mayo. Let it sit and then wash out. Fr that has always worked for me
Check your area, there’s actually a clinic that treats lice!!
Baby oil for 30 minutes it makes the hair oily but they literally slide right off the hair dead
Dilluted white vinegar soak & a lice comb. It dissolves the gluey substance used to attach the eggs to the hair
Everybody recommends tea tree oil. This is ok. But use a good recently developed lice shampoo too. When you rinse the hair, rinse with gold Listerine mouthwash and let stand on hair for one minute then rinse again. Use nit comb to remove any nits from hair, using special care around ears and nape of neck. Make sure to wash bedding, stuffed animals, dolls, etc. check dogs. Check car seats. Treat as needed. Good luck.
Tea tree oil in you shampoo and Conditioner, do the treatment do it again 7 days later, comb threw every section of hair. Their Is spray for mattresses etc. Stuffies , toys etc put in a bag and seal put outside for two days.
Mayo on the hair overnight with a bag wrapped around her head. In the morning comb it and get every egg you see. While mayo is in the hair strip all beds and wash and dry on the hottest temp. Bag all stuffed animals for at least a week. Lice spray the bed. Repeat in 10 days. It’s some work. My daughter had it 1 time in kindergarten. Ever since then I put tea tree oil in her shampoo. No issues since
Rx shampoo from doctor. Spray the beds and car. Anything that won’t fit in the dryer vacuum. Beds car and couch included. All stuffed animals bag and set in the sun for 24 hrs.
Get the lice treatment. Then put tea tree oil in hair. I even made a spray with it just add water & sprayed pillows & curtains. Wash all pillows & blankets. Even a steamer helps get rid of them.
I have very thick wavy hair and and when I was a kid I had lice off and on fir 2 years. I swear we tried EVERYTHING and the only thing that finally worked was using the lice comb in the shower with conditioner I’m my hair every night going over it at least twice.
Mayo all over the head and cover with a shower cap over night, wash good the next morning. This worked for my sister’s and I every time
Buy a live comb not do NOT use lice shampoo. It’ll just damage their hair. Cover her hair in mayo, olive oil or coconut oil, something oily. Them section her hair off & brush with the comb. Do it consistently, at least once a day. She’ll be clean in a few days. Also in her shampoo put some tea tree oil. Lice don’t like it.
I been using dawn dish soap it works for me my kids had gotten it while they was at their grandma. If u use dawn dish soap leave it on the hair for 30 minutes
Go to immediate care and get a prescription shampoo from a doctor and it works
we use Fairy Tales Rosemary Repel Lice Shampoo during school week for prevention.
This stuff hands down
Google olive oil lice remedy
Go to the pharmacy ask for shampoo for lice
Comb comb comb with conditioner or oil. Nothing else works. Just use a good lice comb every few days consistently!
I had lice very bad my 8th grade year. We had tried everything. Mayonnaise, lice shampoos, etc but the only thing that helped me was Original listerine worked wonders.
Buy a Nix kit and follow the directions. It has shampoo, comb and the house spray. You have to be sure to pick all of the nits out of the hair. Wash everything you can like bedding and clothes on hot and dry on hot. Bag up everything that can’t be washed like stuffed animals in trash bags and leave them in there for the amount of time the kit suggests. I can’t remember what it was but I left them in for a month I think. Be sure do spray your furniture with the spray and vaccum the whole house and furniture. Car seat too. It is awful. I feel for you. For the future to keep from getting it again, I suggest tea tree oil in both shampoo and conditioner and Fairy Tales prevention/detangling spray.
Get shampoo and a lice comb. And mix lavender oil with her regular shampoo.
Alcohol kills them instantly as well as the eggs.
This sounds crazy but mouth wash. Rinse the hair in mouth wash, only thing that worked when i was younger
After you have treated the child’s hair… get someone to check everyone in the household hair… wash all linen & leave out in the sun to dry…
Make a spray bottle with water and add pure essential oil Tea Tree Oil & Lavender… spray hair everyday to prevent head lice
The only thing that worked for me and my daughter when we got them one time was Lindaine shampoo which you had to have a prescription for. It comes with many warnings. So, there may be something that has taken its place but OTC stuff didn’t work as our hair is thick and curly
Wash everthing in your house… and use RID it comes with a comb and comb one strand at a time
Vinegar then conditioner comb thru
When my kids had it Nix or RID were the way to go. Make sure you comb her hair out really good with the lice comb and follow the instructions carefully. Definitely treat again when it says you can. Wash ALL bedding and clothes she has been in contact with and bag up all stuffed animals for 4-6 wks. Make sure all hair brushes have been washed and sanitized with the lice treatment also. I think there may be a spray you can use to treat furniture also. And vacuum frequently. It wouldn’t hurt everyone in your house to preventatively treat their hair either just to prevent new bugs from infecting others in the household. This method is tedious but it was effective when I went thru it with my kids. We had recurrent issues because a friend of ours wasn’t properly treating her family so we had to get aggressive with it. Treat it like you would treat for fleas basically. You definitely want to preventative treat when it says you can redo the treatment simply because you don’t want to get them back either once you get rid of them.
This works really well!
My mom always did Mayo and Walmart bag or shower cap all day as tight as possible on our hair growing up. My sister uses lice shampoo and then combs my nieces hair when she went threw it. I just used lice shampoo and comb on my kids. Wash EVERYTHING and dry on high heat. While washing use lice spray on everything else that they can get in. Beds couch rugs EVERYTHING! Atleast 2-3 times threw out the week until they are gone… I freak out when it comes to lice. My head is itching just thinking about it. I have thick curly hair tho and it’s a nightmare for me lol
make sure to also get a lice comb, i’ve got it as a child as well, i can’t remember what product my ma would use but the lice combs help tremendously!! it takes a lot of time but very worth it
Tea tree it shampoo and conditioner tea tree makes their sells explode it’s like the only thing that works pick threw hair get all the eggs !! You will have to check for a few days dry everything that you can put in the dryer spray everything else with tea tree !! Blow dry hair !!
Ask you pharmacist fora suggestion and make sure you follow the directions on the shampoo and get a fine toothed comb. Also buy the spray so you can spray areas that cannot be washed;Like the seats in the car. Make sure also to treat everyone in the household. Wash all bed linens in hot water. Went through one case when my kid was in kindergarten, 32 years ago.
After you wash with items listed above make sure to comb out with a lice comb and go out side and get the rest of the egg by hand. The only way I got rid of them was getting out all the eggs after killing them. They are easier to see in the sunlight. I just did tiny tiny sections and litterally ran my finger and nail pinched down each section if that makes sense. Then wash and dry all clothing, bedding and stuffed animals in hot water and get some spray to spray down back packs furniture, carpets and beds. This may sound extreme but we had 6 kids in our house passing it back and forth once someone brought it home. Get some tea tree oil and add a couple drops to hair spray to spray hair and back packs before school to help repel future ones
Olive oil and then vinegar. Use tea tree shampoo after
Take her to the lice boutique
Call your pediatrician. Mine called us in Natroba, which kills the nits, too. It’s a no comb shampoo, but I still picked out any I could find. Wash everything and bag what you can’t wash for two weeks.
I know I will get some back lash for saying this, but skip the home remedies like tea tree oil, coconut oil, or mayo. They just don’t work. What works after using those products is picking out the lice and nits, but if you miss some, you are back to square one. Look up the studies about the effectiveness of different methods for yourself.
My mom always used Nix or RID. But, you also have to treat all carpets, pets, hair tools, your vehicle carpets and seats, bedding/ furniture… clean clean clean. Be sure to use that comb to through every strand and remove any nit potentially left behind on hair strands.
Careful with essential oils if you have pets!
Don’t forget to wash carseat covers and stuffed animals…
Get the thickest conditioner you can find, the kind for ethnic hair, apply that thick and wear a shower cap all night, repeat five days later, the usual wash and dry, can’t wash, use an iron with steam, or put it in a bag and freeze
I recommend the brand NYDA.
Blue mouthwash. Lean her head over the tub and pour it on her hair. They’ll wash right out & then comb thru and get the nits out.
Honestly focus on the head that has is. definitely clean but don’t drive yourself crazy. Nits are glued in by the lice. They can’t just fall off the hair. If one did by chance it’s not going to stick to the hair and they need body heat to hatch. If a live lice falls off the head onto a toy or floor… chances are it’s not going to find its way back to a head. That’s more possible with towels, brushes, pillows. Lice also need body heat and a host to survive. And they don’t survive that long without one. Treat head with a lice treatment (not home remedy) pick out all the nits! Also I’ve found it extremely important to retreat after 7-10 days. Every time I thought we were good… I was wrong.
Steam cleaners for furniture. Throw everything you can into the dryer for 20 min on the hottest setting. Nix works to a certain extent. The real job is removing the eggs.
Neem shampoo
New seasons market
Lice can not survive off the head for 24 hours and eggs will not hatch unless close to the scalp so don’t drive yourself crazy cleaning everything. Wash pillows blankets and bath towels. Remove hair from brush and put it in the freezer in a ziploc overnight. If you use over the counter buy a better comb than what it comes with because those combs don’t always catch everything. If you can afford it… go to a lice professional and let them treat it… so much less stressful and extra peace of mind.
Don’t use those lice shampoos. They are horrible for the hair and it will damage it!!!
My 2 babies caught it from school and I had to go get my hair professionally checked. The lady recommended a spray bottle with conditioner and 1-2 drops of peppermint essential oil. Once the hair is well saturated and tangle free, divide into four sections and work each quadrant. Use a knit comb and comb through each section thoroughly, making sure you start at the very root. Brush through every direction and clean the comb with a white napkin (so you can make sure you get the live lice out) between every brush. I recommend to do this outside. Repeat through every quadrant. Do this every other day or every 2 days for about 7-10 days. Make sure you wash absolutely everything. Wash all hair combs and brushes. Put them in a ziplock back and freeze them for 48 hrs.
They can only live off the head for 48hrs.
Vamousse or lice free (spray or treatment- spray worked better for me)
You can add tee tree oil to any shampoo, and lots of blow drying.
Get Rid-X lice shampoo, buy the metal tooth lice combs (they have plastic with the shampoo, you want the metal combs), get the Rid-X spray for your furniture, rugs, anything that can’t be washed and dried. Put stuffed animals into large garbage bags, tie the bag shut and store in the garage for at least 48 hours. Be sure to comb the hair completely, it takes time but is worth it. I always found that after you shampoo their hair, use either a rinse out or leave in conditioner, this helps break down the glue holding the nits, and makes it easier to comb out the lice.
Nix is the only thing that works. And you must retreat especially behind ears and base of neck that’s where the nits love to hang out.
The office -season 9 episode 10
U can use puppy shampoo. It’s super cheap and it works amazingly. But you have to use the one for flea ticks and larva. Use it about 2x and make sure you use the nit comb after and section very small pieces of hair. It’s easy on the kids hair!!
mayo with a bag over her hair leave it in over night then rinse out in the morning
Unfortunately been there… my girls had them. Remember they need a host to live. Luckily I just took everything of their beds and made sure I washed their with tea tree, peppermint tea or oil… I made them sit in the tub for as long as they could. With this in their hair, comb through with lice comb, rinse repeat… had them lay down hair fully in water rinse. At night I wrapped their head with plastic wrap… next morning do the same. Make sure nothing is on bed strip it, then repeat process until I don’t see nits. I hope I don’t need to do this again but next time I’ll try blue mouthwash like Hannah Wilson did.
Distilled white vinegar leave in over night de nit with comb next day wash as normal kills fleas on animals too
my mum used to wash our hair in vinegar. it worked
Just kidding but good luck may all the egg killer be with you.
Tea tree oil! I swear by it! You will never use anything else again. Put some in conditioner. I use the cheapest biggest bottle I can find. Mix it really well. Put it in the hair and let it sit for 10/15 mins. Then use a new flea comb and comb through. Easy peasy. Repeat in 7 days just to be safe. Wash everything in your house again just to be safe and spray everything you can’t wash. Also make sure you get the car seats. Good luck.
Walmart has this stuff called lice freee (yep 3 e’s) and it kills them instantly and is safe enough to use on a baby and only costs like $10 for a bottles of the spray… my kids had is super bad and that was the only thing that worked
You MUST treat everything and everyone in the house! You can treat her hair all day long and comb through and get every single one out but if you don’t do the cleaning steps to the house you’re wasting your time! Everything’s got to be vacuumed furniture it’s got to be sprayed with and curtains got to be sprayed with lice spray toys got to be bagged up mattresses pills got to be sprayed hair brushes got to be boiled etc it doesn’t matter how good you do on her hair if you don’t treat the house and spray down your car seats with lice spray too
All you need is green listerine and white vinegar. Saturate hair and scalp with the green listerine, and let switch under a shower cap for 90 mins. Rinse hair and scalp. Then saturate scalp and hair with the vinegar(the vinegar eats away the stuff the nits stick to the hair with), and let sit for 90 mins. Rinse thoroughly and condition hair as normal. Once you start to comb out the lice and nits you will find they come out completely and easily.
A flat iron kills all the eggs and makes them shiny and easy to find
I loved using a lice boutique, they got rid of mine and my daughters.