The only thing that worked for my daughter was prescribed from dr. Put all stuffed animals, pillows everything in garbage bags for 2 weeks. Then wash everything afterwards. Vacuum like you’ve never vacuumed before. She battled it for one month . I spent hours & hours going through her hair. Over the counter stuff doesn’t kill the egg. Maybe just the bug. The dr prescribed us something that killed both & the battle was over. Good luck!!!
My daughter used to get lice about once a year In Grade school. We used olive oil and a shower cap and she slept in it. They combed right out in the morning BEFORE we washed it. Of course you have to wash EVERYTHING in the house also.
Hair grease it may not look appealing but that’s why black folks don’t get it because they put hair grease in their hair. Tea tree oil should kill it but they can’t lay eggs on hair that’s greased.
Mayo and wrap up with seran wrap . Suffocates them all and then it’s super easy to pull out the eggs …u have a job thou! All stuffed animals bagged up or pitch deep clean everything gl momma bear and Bless you for taking in the boys! May God keep His Mighty Hands around you and yours
My daughter got lice summer of 2019. We tried everything…over the counter products, prescription stuff, awful awful stuff. None of it worked. We were told by a friend to buy the brownish yellow Listerine and douse her hair in it at bedtime and sleep with a nightcap on. I had her do it 3 nights in a row. It killed everything, lice and eggs.
Cut their hair , it will always grow back !! Lice is no fun!!
Olive oil mayonnaise coat the scalps shower caps for 3 hours. It’s messy and gross but it suffocates live lice and breaks down the glue then wash with dawn dish soap and tee tree oil conditioner
With the boys buzz heads
You may not believe this but the leave in conditioner stuff that is made for mixed kids hair will kill them another their heads in it and put a shower cap on it leave it on as long as possible maybe let them sleep in it. Also mineral oil and vinegar mixed together will do it too
This works miracles. Ofcourse clean bedding and stuffed animals
Tea tree oil. Dawn dish soap.
Cover their hair with vegetable oil and wrap with saran wrap and let sit 30-60 mins- it will suffocate them… then wash out with Dawn to get the oil out and condition like usual … we struggled with it too- wasted tons of money/time until another daycare parent told us to do this
Can get from any animal store. They will literally fall out… just don’t use much.
Coconut oil for 15 min, apple cider vinegar, for 15 on top of the coconut oil, then wash as usual. The coconut oil eats through the shell and kills them, the ACV dissolves the glue that holds the eggs in the hair, sauve has a shampoo called rosemary and mint. That works good. At keeping them away
But all your bedding and stuffed animals in big black trash bags and put somewhere that gets hot like a garage keep them in the bags till you have gotten rid of the lice. They have a hair treatment at Walgreens that kills “super lice” try that. Get all new brushes. Once you have gotten rid of the lice once a week or like one kid a day wash their hair in shampoo that has tea tree oil they sell something like this in Walgreens also. Good luck and if its so bad shave the boys hair if they are willing to have it shaved.
Alcohol. Like drench it in alcohol. Tye it in a bun. And put a plastic bag over your guy’s head. Let it sit till you feel your scalp burn and itch. Do this for three days and you should be good.
My daughter was infested nothing worked other than literally parting sections of her hair and hand picking thru it all. My oldest took me 4 days. As soon as she was done I did her sister. As soon as I was done her sister back to My oldest. And kept doing it till there was nothing. All boys were shaved. All kids lice free now. Only one who’s still got it is me as I can’t see the back of my head to pick the lice out. But I’ve been dying and dying hoping to get rid of it
This stuff works great. But you really need a great nit comb as well.
Mayonaise, and get an electric lice comb! Also, wash hair with dawn dish soap!
Hand sanitizer or rubbing alcohol in the hair for like 20 minutes. Wash normal. Blow dry the boys, and flat iron the girl’s hair
*I had it repeatedly when I was younger and my mom and step mom tried everything above and this was the only thing that worked effectively
Try flea and tick dog shampoo. I did that in the 8th grade when I caught them from a girl that always had them.
RID lice shampoo. But you need to do it twice. Once and then exactly 7 days later. Everyone at the same time. Only way to get rid of it. It takes more than one treatment.
All of these work well, but make sure to treat the whole house too. Wash bedding, hats, towels etc in hot water, vacuum the couches and under the couch cushions, vacuum every carpeted surface, bag up stuffed animals etc… Good luck, it’s exhausting
Iron the hair…
We always went natural cocunut oil overnight.anything that couldnt be washed and dried right away bagged for 2 weeks and lots and lots of combing.we a had a foster girl come in that was infested.beyond any of that.lice free spray for hair worked amazing.
Mayo to suffocate them!! Plus it conditions ur hair so it’s not all dry had it every summer as a kid from 4-9 then just comb out the bugs and eggs after they die
My mom always put kerosene on our hair and let it sit for 2-3 minutes. Then we had to wash our hair with dawn several times. Still a mild smell after but hair was silky soft and I guess the smell kept them from getting back on us until they died off from not having a host… also no comb necessary… it kills bugs and eggs and they literally just fall off
Try tea tree oil. Everything in the house needs to be washed in hot water. Teddies and stuffies need to be put in a plastic bag for 4-6 weeks. Bed bug spray the mattress. Hair needs to be picked for days and weeks even.
Mayo it suffocates them and softens the hair and scalp, my kids are asthmatics so couldn’t use chemicals. Leave on for few hours cover with shower cap it overheats them, rinse out and comb well.
The only thing that helped me get rid of them in my girls long hair was Everytime they took a bath I would use alot of conditioner and go through it with a metal lice comb and afterwards I would use a hair dryer because of the heat…the over the counter stuff absolutely did not work.
Lice shampoo, blow dry hair, then use a hair straightener.
You have to wash all the bedding and plush surfaces!
Best thing that ever worked for me was mouthwash and apple cider vinegar ,mix together and Rinse through hair and then wrap hair in a towel and leave it for at least 1/hr and then rinse and comb out dead lice and eggs
Tick and flea shampoo works a trade. You have to also trat your house
Definitely mayo. Cover head, wrap in a bag, sleep overnight. And comb, comb, comb! Also bag EVERYTHING in your house. Don’t open for a couple weeks, high heat on stuff you need now, bedding etc. Vacuum EVERYTHING.
My daughter had it once. At least I think. Lol
I did all of that and I mean it worked…if she had it.
My sisters girls had it and nothing worked until someone told her to buy the drug store lice stuff but leave it in the hair for 3+ hours. She did that and it worked.
Cresco and then blow dry it . It suffocates them wrap your hair in a plastic bag and then towel in morning wash it with dawn rinse with vinegar and then comb and blow dry
Tea Tree oil after you do medication. Keep everything washed repeatedly and hair up. Vacuum more than usual and check every day
Mayo!!! Cover head thoroughly. Probably the whole jar. Wrap hair and wash and comb out in the morning. Kills the lice effectively and leaves your hair so soft! Also need to wash bedding and clothes. Boil brushes and hair things. Bag up teddy bears
I know this is kind of extreme, especially depending on age, but… Permanent hair dye
I think thats what its called
The only way to make sure they are gone is to get all the bugs and nits out… Comb thru over and over and over and over. Smash all bugs. Clean all bedding on high heat. Bag all stuffed animals/ plush toys and put them outside for a period of time (in the sun)
Products do not work if you dont get the bugs and nits GONE…
Tea tree oil! You can also add a little bit into your shampoo and it helps keep the lice away.
Saturate each head with vegetable oil. Keep it on for at least a few hours. Use a flea comb to get the knits out. Wash all bedding. Use a hairdryer on everyone daily for a week to dry out and kill anything missed. The flea comb is your best weapon right now. Chemicals usually don’t work
Ps. Tea tree oil is toxic to pets
Whiskey on hair and scalp then wash condition and nit comb with conditioner still on
It’s a process and expensive…you have to treat people, furniture, bedding, stuffed toys (bag for at least 30 days) and vehicle. Then repeat in 7-10 days. You have to get rid of nits. Follow directions. Anywhere they have been needs to be checked. Family and friends.Heads need to be checked in sunlight. You really can’t see nits in artificial light. Don’t forget to treat all brushes and hair accessories or get new ones. Shampoo comes with nit combs usually if not purchase separately. They are hard to get rid of. After repeating treatment check in 7 days. Periodically use preventative (mayo or olive oil) leave in overnight. Friends and family need to check heads. Do not depend on kids to treat themselves. Everyone needs to be treated at same time. Put towels immediately in washer. Run washer without anything but water and soap/bleach at least once after washing towels and sheets. They are a nightmare to get rid of! Good luck. Check periodically (weekly) after you are clear for at least 4 weeks.
Shave the boys wash and dry everything get lice spray and coat your furniture and carpets and get an electric lice comb and leave lice shampoo on longer
I use baby oil some people use coconut oil with tea tree oil and if there really bad I use moov and leave it in for as long as you can wrap everyones head in cling wrap and wash pillows sheets doonas in hot water with with disinfectant or tea tree spray the beds lounges with bug spray and vaccum everything
Oh washing with washing powder and liquid too
Tea tree oil. Good luck, think u mite need it along with alot of patience with ur gang.
Persistence pays off. You just gotta kept going through their hair till there gone. The chemicals they want you to put in your kids head isn’t safe and it doesn’t kill the nits… conditioner will help a treat with a nit comb.
My daughter had a case that just wouldn’t go away so we finally had to take her to a Lice Treatment Center and they got rid of those pesky suckers for good
make sure re-do above in 7 dayz to make sure they all dead.
Tea tree oil helped my girls that had long hair! I use it once I put their hair up or if I style it I don’t care if it looks greasy I’d rather not deal with lice! Hope that helps!
Shave the boys. Tree tea oil and lots of combing. Had that a few years ago.
Vinegar! Soak the hair and leave it in overnight. Then comb through everyone. It works! My daughter caught lice when she was younger and that’s what I did for both of us. Repeat it on day 4 and day 7. It works and is inexpensive
They will keep catching it if you dont treat all kids at the same time, and sit down and comb there hair to remove all eggs, when you’ve done one of there hairs if they go near another they will just catch it straight away so your be going round in circles if you cnt keep the kids away from each other.
Mayonnaise in the hair and keep a bag tied around your head and hair until you wash it out
the basic lice treatment boxes you can get at Walgreens cvs any pharmacy place just about
Baby oil in the hair bag on the head again
Keep going through the hair with a nit comb
Over and over and over
Ive had it thousands of times
Always took at least 2 weeks to get rid of
I always wanted to shave my head when it happened it was a miserable process until I’d get someone else’s help
Flat iron long hair after treatment.
Tea tree oil with rosemary and peppermint
Cover heads in Mayonnaise, leave it on for at least six hours . Wash with dawn . And comb out with a lice. comb. Wash bedding and stuffed toys every day , vacuum multiple times a day. Good luck
Tea tree oil and conditioner in hair overnight and combed out throughly. Also treat beds and stuffed animals etc etc.
Put a few drops in shampoo to repel them too once you get rid of them
Olive oil mask overnight. Wrap it up in a bag. Then tea tree oil after you wash it out to help get them out. I used to put tea tree in my kids conditioner for weekly use as a preventative measure. They don’t like it.
A prescription call notroba. For everyone in your home. You have to get lice killer spray for your furniture and wash all linens in hot and dry on high heat
Equal parts baby oil and tea tree oil. Soak the head, wrap it up in a towel. Sleep like that over night. Next day, comb out with the metal lice comb. IF you find any alive still, do a 2nd treatment, same way. Althought I haven’t ever seen it take more then one treatment. I got it from a niece a few years back. My hair was almost to my waist and super thick. Saved me from shaving mine
My daughter sprayed their hair with off put a plastic bag on there head for an hour the off kills them even the nits
When I was 12 my parents got custody of my 6 cousins after my uncle passed away. They had lice when they came to us and every time they went to visit their mom and grandparents (who lived 12 hours away) they would come back with lice again. The lice were immune to EVERYTHING. Once, they came back from a visit with their other family over Christmas and they had chemical burns on their scalp because their mom had sprayed Raid on their heads🤦🏼♀️
We tried putting mayonnaise on their hair and wrapping the hair in a plastic bag, we tried tea tree oil, we tried every home remedy everyone told us about.
Get a team of people together, sit everyone in the home down (preferably outdoors) and go through each and every person’s hair with a nit comb. After that, hit the hair with a flat iron to pop any missed nits. You can actually hear them popping under the heat. I think I even used the flat iron before using the nit comb, then again after, if I remember correctly. When they’re immune to everything, physically picking them out is the ONLY way to get rid of them. It takes lots of time, lots of patience, and most definitely a village. Run everything that you can through the dryer then bag it up and put it in a garage if you can. Treat the ENTIRE house. My daughter got lice twice while she was in preschool. Both times I just cried and cried because I had a newborn at home and I already knew how painstaking the process was and what I was facing when I was already exhausted. My best friend came over, wiped my tears, and helped me take care of it.
Mum used to put malt vinegar on my head cover it and leave it for 5/10 minutes then wash it out and that used to work only issue is getting the smell of vinegar out of the hair
Not only do you use the head lice treatment but you have to treat your furniture and you have to treat your bedding and your sheets your pillows. Even your vehicle has to be treated!!! All of your children’s stuffed animals all of their clothing hair brushes hair ties anything that goes in your hair. Use what you call lice away. They have shampoo and everything. You basically have to treat your entire house along with everybody’s hair any clothing items you might have worn hats anything. Even your curtains might have the lice if they’re by your couches or beds. Use a life pic make sure you get the knits and eggs. What is it every 7 Days the eggs can hatch or something like that. You need to treat it again.
Put conditioner in their hair, while it is In the run the bit comb through (conditioner temporarily paralises them, do it daily for a couple days then every two days until they good and gone, best I found to get rid of them when I was a teen
All stuffed animals in a trash bag for a month, then do every ones heads and with that many people it might take a team all furniture sprayed with lice spray then vacuum. Use a lice comb and baby oil mayo conditioner best of luck
Nightly nit-picking… literally every night… spray bedding and pillow casing with tea tree oil and wash everything often. I kept the kids hair in close tight braids and treated their scalp with tea tree too… it’s the nit picking that does it tho.
With that many who have it, I’d opt for a salon to professionally remove it and deep clean the house and spray all soft surfaces with a lice killer
Tea tree oil works great too! Helps for prevention after getting rid of them as well!
I used lice free spray. That’s the brand name. I had a baby and he got it too as well as myself and my 2 year old daughter both with long hair. I got it at Walmart it worked great for us
Everything has to be washed. Bedding, clothing… everything. Stuffed animals placed in a large garbage bag and sealed for about a week or washed. Everyone’s hair also treated and the lice comb used. If you have carpet, that needs to be sprayed with the lice spray. Same with mattresses. All this needs to be done in the same day if possible. Sounds like a lot, but you can’t just treat your hair.
I would blow dry my daughter’s hair everyday, after the lice treatment. And, I’d also use tea tree shampoo. It took about 2 weeks, but i finally got rid of the damn eggs.
Vacuum vacuum vacuum, clean everything in hot water and hot dryer heat for at least twenty minutes. Mayo bag on head wait couples hours washed hair then pick everything out of the hair you are gonna have to do it several days and then treat hair in ten to fourteen days. Stuff that can’t be vacuum or put in the dryer put in a black garbage bag and tie good and shut for about seventeen days. Hope this helps.
Use the lice shampoo and then comb after use a bright light to remove anything left the comb doesn’t get by hand. Then use a lice prevention shampoo daily walmart has several that are cheap but effective. Retreat in 7 to 10 days. Also major deep clean of house all soft items that can be washed wash in hot water spray everything with the rid spray for bedbugs it works for lice 2 it says so on the can good luck and i hope this helps. Ps if you don’t want to use the prevention shampoos just put tea tree oil in a spray bottle with water and spray in their hair after bathtime nightly
My mom used lice kits and then would put coconut oil in the kids hair til it was slick as grease and then put a bag on their hair like a do rag. After the night she’d take it off then and then use a lice comb to get the dead ones out. It worked for her! Maybe try that?
Use 1 part eucalyptus oil to 3 parts baby oil… apply to dry hair leave for 10mins then run a nit comb through it and leave for a further 5mins… rinse and wash hair as normal…
This solution also dissolves the glue which holds the eggs onto the hair… repeat every 6 days for 3 weeks… I also wash all bedding in hot water with eucalyptus oil as well…
Take everything that you can to laundry mat wash in hot water. The over the counter works just go step by step. For the boys shave their heads. Use oil vaseline they hate that. The rest you might have to cut the hair short. Vacuum everything. Throw away what you can.
My mom used real mayonnaise…it smells terrible but works. My hair dresser said the same. It’s not harmful to the person getting it done. Just drench the hair in it and put a bag over the hair and then use the comb to get eggs and bugs out. Make sure youw ash everything as well. Stuffed animals…everything
All clothes and stuffed animals and anything else fabric need to be put into the dryer for 20 minutes or sealed up in plastic bags for 2 weeks while everyone’s hair gets done.
We used Listerine and white vinegar. The trick is to get one of those special little combs. Not the plastic ones but the metal ones and clean, clean clean the hair. About two years ago our whole family got them. We initially washed blankets but didn’t afterwards. You get a spray bottle and put Listerine in it. I. Would soak their hair in it and then put a shower cap on.leave it on for about an hour and then get do the kids one by one. Cleaning out their hair everyday with those little brushes. Then I would put vinegar on for an hour and then they would get in the shower. Did this for about 5 days and got them all cleared. 8 kids and 4 adults.
I used the amber colored listerine on my daughters hair. Soak the hair with it, put a shower cap on for an hour then rinse the hair out good. Once rinsed take a ton of conditioner and put on the head and comb it out slowly. Wash hair, condition again and comb again. Then stay on top of combing and pulling them out everyday for 2 weeks.
Tea tree oil shampoo and conditioner works.
You gots to comb out the hair to get the louse plus nits.
For the boys i suggest you shave their hair bald.
Sounds like you got your hands full as it is already.
Going bald is easier for boys, that way you can concentrate on girls hair
Conditioner and a fine comb. Comb until the comb is clean of bugs. Do it 3 times a day til they’re gone. I would say for 2 weeks straight.
Sklice, ask the Dr for it. It prevents lice for 30 days. Lice has a 30 day lifecycle. You must put pillows and blankets in the dryer. Heat and vacuuming it up, is it’s only killer. You can bag all stuffed animals and place in a hot area_or heat them up in the dryer too. blow dry hair after baths and put gel or hairspray in it. The lice’s legs can’t hold on…
I just paid 300 Friday for lice doctors to come to my home. 6 weeks of this garbage I’d had enough fighting it and loosing. They soak your head in olive oil. Then comb with lice comb. They put dish detergent in to break up the oil and have you wash and dry the hair. They repeat if they find any alive otherwise they don’t. If they do do it for the next 2 nights and sleep with a cap on. Do it for 15 minutes 1 time a month and you should never have them again.
This will sound weird baby oil soak your hair leave with a shower cap on for a few hours I left mine overnight and they came out all of them this was 20 years ago
My beautician said to use miracle whip or mayonnaise in the hair cover completely cover it with a towel
Then wash in the morning
I did coconut oil for mine. Drenched the hair in it and within minutes they started coming out. So i combed them out with a lice comb. Easiest way for me
Lice lotion metal lice comb and a lot of patience depending how bad their heads are covered try get all the eggs because of any survive the lotion they will hatch and reproduce like crazy and you will be back to square 1
Mayonnaise!!! Coat the hair with it put on a shower cap sleep on it and wake up the next morning wash it and comb through
Coarsen. Believe me it works…it will get rid of them…after you soak your hair in it comb thru let it set for a min then wash with shampoo and conditioner…
Queen Helene’s Hair Cholesterol on hair for 4hrs wrapped or covered, microwave or trash hairbrushes, trash bag all stuffed animals, put things through dryer then bag them while everything else in room is done, vacuum entire room, wipe everything down as well, ziploc all hair accessories, and prayers to keep sanity through it all!!!
Went through it as a kid surrounded by cousins who couldn’t get rid of lice and then I had 6 kids so I understand your pain!
Get some dog shampoo medicated wash your hair and blow dry and come with metal comb
You have got to clean everything. Make sure things go in the dryer no less than 40 minutes. If it can’t be washed and dried it needs to go in a trash bag taped up for 2 weeks. Also you can’t just do one treatment. If you get doctor rx it should be once a week for the super lice if your doing over the counter it should be be every 3 days. Also you need all new haorbows, brushes and make sure any towel, wash rag or clothes gets washed in hot water. If you can shampoo the carpet and make sure to vacuum all furniture including beds. I have had many battles with lice because my daughters dad wouldn’t do anything and she kept getting re-infested