How to get rid of lice?

Nit nanny Amazon sells the kit . It’s the only thing that worked for my daughter and has kept them away alot of the lice clinics use it

Everything Washed thrown away or put in heater chop off hair or cut alot off. Do treatment everyday

At bedtime, use real mayo, the oily nasty stuff. Put in hair, wrap with plastic. In morning, rinse out then wash hair with dawn dish soap. Plastic wrap beds, sleep in sleeping bags. Limit one laundry basket of clothes, including towels per person. Wash and dry daily on high hot temp, hanging outside sleeping bags not washed, spray down. We as a family of 8, plagued for 3 months.

Try mayonnaise- just wash your hair in straight up mayonnaise (just lather mayonnaise in your dry hair - heavy lathered & just leave it on your hair for about a hour), & then wash it out.

Treat all hair and when it’s in there wash all bedding, lounge covers and hair brushes… spray down mattresses n chairs all heads will need combing to get rid of eggs. Repeat after a few days …

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Tea tree oil mixed in the shampoo keeps them away. Olive oil and a shower cap …soak their heads and have them sleep with a shower cap on. In the morning comb their hair out then just wash it no conditioner and that should smoother them and the eggs. Spray the furniture and any cloth stuff with a lice spray. Wash and dry all bedding and clothes in hot water and the hottest heat in the dryer

From work I can tell you that you cannot just treat heads. Anything fabric in the house: furniture, bedding, coats, even cars if they have fabric seats. Stuffed animals and bedding in dryer as hot as it will go, cars and furniture spray with Lice Away daily for a few weeks. Throw pillows. Literally anything you can find that is fabric needs to be treated.

I got something called a Robi-Comb at Walgreens for like $20. You comb through the hair, and it zaps and kills any bugs and eggs.

Vaseline all over cover with shower cap over night. They suffocate and fall into cap. Wash out in morning.

Use RID- put plastic shower caps on heads. (keeps em from jumping-& suffocated em)
Put all stuffed toys in astic trash bags tied up for 30 days.
Wash all bedding in hot water.
Set off forgers in home.
Spray down mattresses & furniture.
To keep them gone.
Put tea tree oil in shampoo bottle.


Someone old me hair dye would help also use tree tea shampoo n conditioners or use tree tea oil n put it in ur like coconut shampoo n etc…

Mayo covered in their hair wrap it up over night, my mom and I swear by it

Oh yeah another thing that I did not say. Lice likes clean hair!! If your hair is dirty and oily they cannot hold on to it. There for a long time me and my child had hairspray or hair gel or hair mousse in our hair everyday. Lots of people think they like dirty hair!! No!!! they like the clean hair!!! And I found cutting my child’s hair did not do a thing. Like I said you have to treat your furniture your bedding all of their stuffed animals any clothing items or hair items you think they might have touched with their head anything like that. Shoot even your vehicle where they sit on a daily basis and rub their head on your vehicle seats needs to be treated!

Straightening or curling the hair with a flat iron or curling iron helped us

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All sheets n blankets n pillows need a hot wash…any teddy bears need to be thrown out…its good if u could steam clean your furniture… and use tea tree oil… once you’ve cleaned their hair out …

Spray raid on hair and wrap with a towel after 30 minutes . Comb out with tiny tooth comb
Wash hair and use small comb again… repeat as needed

Wash everybody’s head in kerosene strip allbeds wash sheets in bleach and hot water

And wash all your bed clothing in hot water

I heard flat iron will kill them, they can’t tolerate high heat. Not sure how true it is.

Apple cider vinegar. Leave it on the scalp and hair for 20 to 30 minutes. Kills the nits.

We use rubbing alcohol on for about 30 mins then rinse out and comb hair

Pour coke over there heads and leave for ten minutes comb with lice comb and wallah… Its amazing.

Believe it or not, listerine mouth wash. Has to have alcohol in it. Put on head and put grocery bag over and let sit up to 2 hours

Cut the boys hair off… cut girls hair shorter

Add tea tree oil to your shampoo and conditioner. Trust me on this

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Neem oil. Stinks really bad. But is natural and works great

You have to do the shampoo and the lice comb but also you have to go through and pick them out. The comb is good but still misses a lot. I’ve always has to do my girls hair strand by strand it seemed. And was everything. Buy the lice spray for things you can wash like the couches. Good luck I know what a pain it is to get rid of.


Remember to treat your vehicle and car seats

Mayonnaise over night, tea towl on head , they will all drop out when you wash it out in the morning

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Lice clinic of America has a bunch of locations

A pediatrician once told me to wash everyone with dog shampoo. It’s cheap and effective. Also throw everything that’s stuffed into black trash bags and put them out on the heat for the whole day. Wash blankets etc in hot water and vacuum rooms and furniture. :+1::+1::+1:

Lice shampoo works and comb them out

You can use vegetable oil. Soak hair and comb out lice…plastic wrap head after and leave on overnight while spray down everything with lice spray…bedding,stuffed animals,carpet,couches and chairs,etc.

I also took everything clothes, sheets, blankets, and put the dryer on high heat. For 20 mins

Treat as you have done, use hair spray on there hair for 5 days. Retreat! Pic the nits out after each treatment. Vacuum all furniture and carpets daily for 5 days. Wash all bed linens in toys clothes in really hot water. I took everything to laundry mat just to get it all done. Spray mattresses with spray, couch’s after vacuumed and vacuum and spray your car. Things you don’t need right away like coats jackets, toys they don’t play with every day bag in black bag two weeks sealed up.

I feel for you but in the process of raising 4 girls all with super long hair this was the trick I learned. I never got it. The only thing I could think of was because of hair spray. After I started spraying their hair with it daily they never got it agsin

Jennifer Delaney with this I would also look into the shampoo that kills it too. Instead of using your day to day shampoo you use the lice shampoo. Once every other day till they are gone.

My daughter caught it at the beginning of the year from her cousin. (She always has lice) this years monsters are harder to kill and get rid of. You need to be aggressive with it. But I do agree this comb helps!!.
Also wash everything you can in hot water. Gather everything into trash bags and do one bag at a time. For beds, pillows, couches chairs stuff animals and barbie doll hair, there is a spray you can get for things that can’t go into the wash. I would also shave the head of the boys (and girls if they want ) it will help a lot too.

After you treat and comb use a flat iron on their hair and wash everything you can treat others you can’t and place in the dryer like cushions and pillows

It works
Then lots of cheap conditioner and comb the lice out
Do it every second day and wash wash wash all the bedding new hair brushes ect
You’ve got this cos you’ll all look silly with shaved heads :partying_face::raised_hands:

Shampoo then thick layer of conditioner don’t was conditioner out then comb comb comb everyday

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to get rid of lice? - Mamas Uncut

Tea tree oil and hair conditioner.

:weary: just keep combing everyday

Hair stylist here- all stuff animals must be placed in trash bags for two weeks- all blankets, sheets and pillow cases must be washed. They have furniture spray- spray all beds, couches/chairs and the seats/head rests in your vehicles. Treat each person with lice shampoo- and all nits must be removed- get rid of old combs/brushes. one week later- repeat all steps- this is very important- bc the shampoo only kills the bugs- any nits missed will hatch and you watch to kill them with the 2nd round of lice shampoo before they are old enough to lay eggs

Listerine kills immediately

My kids ended up getting lice in the middle of the pandemic (like June 2020), when they had been out of school for months, and hadn’t been around anyone at all. So no clue how they got it.

I used all the tips, tricks, over the counter stuff available to me (sprays, powders, shampoos, etc). Nothing worked. Ended up finding a Lice Clinics of America close-ish to me (about 45 mins away) and got their treatments done. 99.9% guarantee or free re-treatment. They didn’t accept Medicaid but gave a discount for Medicaid recipients, and it came out to $99/person. But they literally got them all gone in the one treatment, as promised. Only thing you do at home is wash/dry all bedding and fabric things that fit into the washing machine (stuffed animals, etc), vacuum all furniture and carpeting and cars seats plus boosters/carseats, and either toss all hairbrushes OR freeze them for 24 hours. Easy. No sprays or chemicals necessary, they don’t work anyways the way lice have adapted to the ingredients.

Costs more, but to me it was worth every penny. I spent more trying the tips/tricks and OTC treatments than if I’d just went straight to the clinic.

You have to go through everyone’s head every day and pick out the nits/eggs wash linen daily plus vacuum. It’s a pain in the ass but only way to get rid of them

Mayonnaise either over night or for a good while, wash it out and blow dry.

Vinger all over the head let sit for 20 mins rinse out put treatment in (condiontioner works too if you don’t have treatment) and comb xxx

Offt yeah lice are a bitch, I had it as a child super bad, like my nan put tar through my hair and it still did nothing. Only thing thay got rid of them was shaving both mine and my mums hair off. I was 7 and everyone thought I was a boy because of it :joy:

I had this same issue when my niece and nephew came into my care. I wish i could say theres a quick fix solution but sadly there isnt. Took us a few weeks before we were on top of it. I combed all 4 kids daily (morning and night) which meant basically lived off takeaways cause that would be my whole evening once i fonished work. We also used the knit sprays, oils, washes. It was frantic and one of the most disusting things I’ve ever haf to deal with. Made it very clear there was NO hugging whatsoever for anyone, no sharing hats etc etc. Stripping of beds every day or so. Nits take 7 days to go from eggs to hatching eggs of their own so I had no choice but to check hair daily and then once we got to days where we wouldnt find anything I would check every 2nd day and eventually got down to checking weekly etc. The girls hair i had in plaits and put teetrea oil in their hair throughout the day. Good luck.

My kids used to be the same. We use head and shoulders eucalyptus shampoo in their hairs every night and since we started they have been lice free. But If we go a night or 2 without it then we need to treat them again with headlice treatment

Baby oil put loads on and comb through the lice and eggs can’t stick xxx

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Treat and comb and repeat. Comb EVERY SINGLE DAY. Treat as the bottle says.


Cooking oil and vinegar soak hair and put plastic bag over head to keep heat in. Leave for a few hours. Comb and wash and comb again

It may not be the most conventional way but hair dye kills lice and their eggs. Just get hair dye as close to their natural color as possible and it kills them instantly. It’s the easiest way to get rid of them

Get this stuff it works the best , its a bit pricey bit if you can get it i suggest you do so its called NYDA

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to get rid of lice? - Mamas Uncut

I heard tee tree oil

Nitty gritty head comb…you will never look back! My daughter has very long hair & got them last year. It was absolutly pain staking. Hours & hours going through it, using every lotion & potion available! Then I found that comb & they where gone in a cpl of days!! Good luck but definitly get 1 of them, nothing is close to it.


Clean the home. Bedding, pillows, sofas ect while treating the hair. And treat again and again by picking nits until no more appear


Honestly, it’s so worth it to go to a Lice Removal Center if there’s one near you. They go in and basically suck them all out and give you a medication/shampoo for after to make sure they’re all gone and we never saw them again. My daughter brought them home from daycare while we were still co-sleeping and my mom and I got them :roll_eyes::upside_down_face:


When my kids were young and there was a head lice outbreak I used hair conditioner put it on dry hair very thick leave for about nearly half an hour or longer then with one of those very fine tooth combs just combing and combing the hair, conditioner suffocated the lice and they die probably have to do it a couple of days just once a day it worked with my kids make sure they have clean bedding on there beds after they have had first treatment as could have eggs in there beds on linen


My niece had it many years ago. Her mom did not have any luck with store products. She did have success with saturating her hair with olive oil and a shower cap. The little buggers/eggs need to suffocate then washed out. I think it was overnight. Might have to Google it.

It can be expensive to wash everything at once, or dry. Putting things in black garbage bags outside in heat for a couple days will kill, such as bedding, stuffed animals. Bug bomb the house, electric nit comb helps, because every egg is a menace. Blow drying seems to discourage, from many years working in schools.


Vamoose. Shave the boys. It will cut a lot of the work out. A nit comb. Every egg has got to go. Repeat vamoose. Follow the instructions. Bug bomb ur home. Play outside for 4 hours. And repeat. Bag up big stuffed animals. And run everything through the dryer. Wash all bedding. Dont forget about car. One repeat always worked for us. But u have to make sure u r picking out every single egg. All of em. Then TADA. And u can use conditioner with vamoose. Also safe while pregnant to use. Youve got this. It is a lot of work but it works. And is well worth it to know u have no more worries


Lice shampoo, nit combing everyday, wash all soft things and run through dryer, quarantine stuffed animals in plastic bags, find lice spray for carpet, mattresses, furniture, car. Might have to do the deep clean a couple times. And comb for nits. That’s most important


OLIVE OIL! Basically, soak your scalp in olive oil and wrap your head. Wait an hour or so, and then go through the hair with a fine tooth comb…it’s not just a cliche… do it…and if the nits, which are the eggs, don’t just slide off each hair, we always pulled out the hair and burnt it. Keep your hair oiled for awhile…you can shampoo it out whenever you want, but keep going through the hair until you don’t find any lice or nits. Nits are like a tiny piece of rice. And if you think that this just sounds like way too much work, know that the chemicals that are used to kill the lice…they become immune to…and the infestation can continue with your hair all burned up. Olive oil is good for your scalp and your hair!


Shave the boys, cut the girls. Since there are so many if u mayo will suffocate them. Be sure to pull out all the nits and eggs. And be sure to wash everything, sheets, blankets, pillows, stuffed animals, everything that is washable.


Dye their hair…just use the same color they have but the chemical will kill them and they won’t be back


Don’t believe anyone who tells you nits don’t live off the head. They Do. Clean everything sofas chairs beds pillows blankets soft toys carpets the lot. And keep it up.
Comb & comb & comb and continue combing. Best comb I found had double row of prngs, little sods got stuck in it and couldn’t jump away. Ran an old knife with a tissue though the center, took some time, then Picked out all the eggs . Some good ideas to try on here, all the best…
And once free of them keep a regular schedule of combing and nit searches, with a dose of tea tree or something similar to try keep the little sods away…
Did early childhood in home day care for a few years, had some come through with lice. Try to keep it fun for them, they feel uncomfortable as it is


My daughter has hair down to her waist and got it twice a couple years ago. I tried the nix and comb but that did nothing. So I did mayo over night, took tweezers to get each egg i could out, washed her hair, and then blow dried focused towards her scalp where the eggs would be since heat kills the eggs. I then went through her hair with tweezers and blow drying for the eggs for a week.


Comb hair thoroughly - don’t miss anything!! Sheets and towels i hot water. Spray everything that can’t be washed.
Check hair daily - look for nits in hair behind ears and at back of head. Wash hair with lice shampoo and comb again. Just keep checking.


Use dog shampoo the green kind it kills the eggs too and wash everything


Licefreee, run everything that can be run through the drier on high heat, spray down the mattresses and furniture with a lice killing spray, and vacuum every day.


My boy and girl got lice once, I ran out of Alberto balsam tea tree shampoo and conditioner and they came home from school with them :tired_face:. One conditioner treatment, conditioner on dry hair and comb with not comb, I left it on over night and recombed the next morning and then washed it out. I’ve washed their hair in the stuff ever since, once a week, and they’ve not got them again. It’s £1 a bottle so cheap too.

Coconut oil with a few drops of tea tree oil. Put it all over their hair and tie a plastic bag or use a plastic shower cap. Leave on overnight then use a lice comb and comb it out until you see none. Wash hair and repeat in five days. Walmart sells a shampoo with tea tree oil in it to keep lice away. My daughter got it from school and had super long hair. This worked.


Soaks hair with Gold Listerine leave a shower cap on overnight and the nits and lice will fall right out.


Mayonnaise!!! Any brand…cheapest is fine…shampoo hair, rinse, then lather with mayo… Leave on for at least 10mins…(overnight if possible)…rinse off and then condition hair (as the mayo will make your hair feel knotty and gross)…
Everytime I get a newsletter home from my kids schools about nits going around, we all get the mayo treatment… Works wonders!! Our household have been nit free for about 8+ years now… I swear by it…


For the girls with long hair get a hair straightening iron and use it on their hair. Small parts at a time and pull it thru very slowly. The heat will kill the lice and eggs. Just keep doing this 3 or more times a day. The boys shave their heads.


Anything that will smother them will work. Mayo, baby oil, cooking oil etc left in the hair overnight then all clothing and bedding need to be washed and dried on highest heat setting also vaccume carpets and spray down all furniture with live spray. It’s a long a hard process but you’ll get there


“Slice” prescription is the only thing that worked when my girls had it years ago. It’s a prescription shampoo, just had to call the pediatrician and they called in a bottle per child. After shampooing you have to comb each head with a lice comb and get out all nits and bugs. The shampoo kills them all instantly and they just comb out super easy. Wash all bedding in super hot water. Bag all stuffed animals in a trash bag for a couple weeks. Vacuum all furniture and mattresses. It’s a nightmare honestly but it all has to be done to get rid of them completely! Good luck!

You might have to get a prescription from a doctor. Everybody will need to be treated.


Hair dye! My sisters family caught it from another family and the only thing she found was hair dye for the girls. The boys cut their hair down as far as they could with out being bald.


Mayo/miracle whip hair masks and pickle juice/vinegar spray in the hair after washed. It doesn’t smell all that great, but for whatever reason, I used to get head lice as a child often and this is what seemed to always work. :woman_shrugging:t4::+1:t3:


You could try tea tree oil to kill and prevent,(make your own preventive and spray furniture:)) dog metal flee comb(looks similar the metal one from the lice killer box:)) replace your conditioner with" tea tree oil conditioner " brush through while showering a couple times a week until clear

Lavender helps soothe too

Wash everything and clean the hair really good. Remove them all. You will need to set off bug bombs in your house. They take about 4hrs. Then to keep the lice away use tea tree oil shampoo. You can also spray the hair with a sea breeze and water mixture. Lice hate it. Good luck!

Olive oil with a few drops of tea tree oil, leave on over night then use a nit comb,it is going to take a while but go through the hair bit by bit.make sure u wash all bedding then when u have finally got rid of them use a few drops of tea tree oil in the rinse when u wash hair to keep them away

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My daughter was forever getting them at school and I used to do her hair every day for months one day I rubbed a wet wipes on to her scalp and the nuts stuck to the wet wipe it sounds strange but it worked

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Shampoo with tea tree oil prevents lice. Follow the recommendations for treating bedding, stuffed animals, carpets etc and don’t forget to treat coats and your car. Follow the recommendations for treating and killing the lice and eggs in the hair. Then use a shampoo with tea tree oil for prevention

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You just have to sit and pick out the nits. If my girls get it it takes me about a week to get through all of their hair… you have to wash and dry all pillows and covers vacuum all rugs. Put all of the stuffed animals in a bag raid has a really good spray to spray the furniture, beds and stuffed animals. Good luck

Make your hair as greasy as possible. And leave it that way. Use oils. Lice can’t hold onto the strands of hair if it’s oily. Then you have to go thru your hair and get all the nits out. It took me nearly 8 hours one time when I did my daughter. Wash all bedding. Vacuum everything, mattress and all around the bed. Including furniture. All stuffed animals put in dryer or trash bags in the sun. I melted my daughter’s babies faces on total accident cuz they got blacked bagged. Lol it took nearly 3 months and every product I could try to get rid of it. Dirty hair was the only way. I left her hair greasy for about 3 days.

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Tea tree shampoo and conditioner. Absolutely slather their hair in conditioner and comb through with a nit comb. I find the long handled flea combs for cats work well. Do it every day, its a pain in the bum, but this was the only way I got on top of ours. Once you have rinsed it out, rub a few drops of tea tree oil through their hair and leave to dry. Good luck :crossed_fingers:

Treat, treat, treat. Put all stuff animals and pillows in a bag spray with alcohol and seal for a week. Wash all bed clothes in hot water & treat carpets and bed (they sell spray). You have to treat every 3-5 days & comb hair. FYI love do not like tea tree oils. So use tea tree around neck and ears.

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Coat the hair in oil (baby oil, olive oil, vegetable oil, doesnt matter.) Cover the hair with a plastic bag or Plastic wrap and let it soak for 2-3 hours. Wash the hair with dish soap, then vinegar, then dish soap again and then shampoo. The dish soap cuts the grease from the oil. Then pick the knits. It may take hours but it’s the best thing since you don’t have to put nasty chemicals on the head. I am a trained head lice remover through the health unit in my area and did this to help families just like yourself. Please message me if you have questions.


Went through this. Wash and dry all bedding, stuffed animals, pillows. Vacume chairs.
Each kid one at a time wash hair with 5 or 6 drops of tea tree oil in shampoo and let it sit for a min. Rinse hair with vinegar, it sucks but trust me it works. Do it every 5 day a few times.
Walmart used to have a lice comb that would zap them to use after hair is dry.
Worked for us every time.

First buzz cut the boys and cut the girls .they will all thank you. Second. Dawn dish soap , apply to dry hair leave a plastic bag tied on for 20 minutes ( longer if they let you) comb out with lice comb rinse w water . If they are really still bad soak in mayonnaise and use dawn to wash it out. Repeat as needed it’s time consuming and messy button harmful

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I use a nitty gritty on my children’s hair I Use tea tree shampoo and conditioner I leave the conditioner in and I go threw it and the tea tree oil after going threw it as the strong smell kills them and change there pillow cases too as the eggs are on the pillow cases xx

A hair straightener helps also… after treatment to kill anything left behind and makes combing the nits out easier.

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Honestly the only sure thing to get rid of them is combing often. Wet hair down and apply oil to help loosen the “glue” on the nits and just comb. I had to cut almost 8 inches off because it was so hard to comb my own hair but that’s honestly the only way we got rid of it. We did so many different chemicals, home remedies absf I got fed up and just focused on combing ever other day, if not every day and we got rid of them.

Ask your pediatrician for Quell best medicine to kill lice and scabies I am 51 that’s what we used and I used it on my daughter’s now 29&32

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