How to kick family out of my house?

You gave age mentality of 5-6 years of age. Are they actually mentally challenged, or was it a figure of speech? You sound like an overly generous person, but it’s comprising your life. They have made it this far in life without your generous help. See a lawyer, get them off the deed and find help in your community for elders. They probably need a social worker to help them in life. How does their daughter fit into their lives?


1st, I am really sorry that people on hear have to be butts, you already know you made some mistakes they don’t have to be dicks about it. 2nd, I am so sorry that you having a good heart and trying to be nice. But please get a lawyer and find out your options and I agree with some. Stop helping them and or charging them. They need to hand you 20 to bring you to an appointment etc. Good luck and god bless


Not on the same level as far as being on the deed, but just evicted some relatives after squatting for 9 years of no rent. It is going to cost thousands to repair the damage they did. Absolutely disgusted when I did a walk through last week.


Well looks like your niece is pretty Smart…she got the problem off her shoulders and passed it on to you


Your best bet to get into a better situation is to consult a lawyer. You may not be able to kick them out but as the person who is paying for everything you should have some recourse. Get professional legal advice. If you are low income you can contact legal aid for advice.


Seems to me that you would have realized their bad habits before moving forward with them.


Kick them to the curb. It’s not your job to take care of your adult sister and brother in law. They are grown and should be able to take care of themselves.


There are too many things wrong with this post. Has to be a fake. Second time today.


Nothing you can do but move. I wouldn’t have put people who are practically strangers on the deed to my house. For all you know she may not even be your sister after all. Did you do dna test?

You messed up, let the house go stop.paying and start over from scratch maybe with a apartment, seek help from a lawyer and quit keeping them up


The more you do for them the more they’re going to let you It seems as if they have more sense than you do Many a days they’re probably in there room enjoying and laughing at you Just STOP and GET YOUR LIFE


Can you consider her buying your half of the house so you can move? That’s if she is able financially.


Wow…sounds like u need to grow up u definitely made so…many bad choices & decisions what were u thinking seriously…& ur bad decision has most definitely affected ur child ( Shame on u) Stop…think b4 u made any more decisions please…if nothing else for dragging ur innocent child along the way…just saying


What was you thinking, you didn’t have to put them on the deed. You could have just let them stay with you.
They have as much right as you do to the house now. If you have any money left, move out and let them fend for their selves. Good luck and sorry family took advantage of you. Sounds like the niece knew, and past the buck for you to deal with.

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If it was me, I would stop paying the bills & use that money to get an apartment, take the loss & quit claim deed the house over to them. That way when its foreclosed on, your name isn’t in it anywhere. Good luck, so many times we want to help & end up on the losing end.


Really, you never visited the condemned house before moving there?? Really! Grow a pair, sell up and buy a house in your name only and leave them to fend for themselves

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Take yourself off the deed and start over by packing up and moving out. Let them crash and burn. Pretty much the only way you can preserve your credit and sanity.


Peggy Mullen Stull
I agree with this. But other wise you are stuck. If you put their names on the deed they gotcha as far as owning house.
I wish you luck and you are in prayers.

If they are on deed Sadly they have just as much ownership rights as you do.


Do they work?
Pay the morega
And keep it loged
On what you pay
Give them a bill for what they owe you (ther shair of the payment the lights and water
So on the same)
If your name is on the deed first and you have proof you are the one paying for every thing you might be able to get there names off then you can be able to evict them. You might wont to get a lawer to healp you. And befor you tail them find them a place in Gorverment housing. If they work or on a fixed incom they will be able to pay ther on way and be able to get food stamps to healp.

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Either get out now, and cut your losses or just stop helping them at all! Be responsible for you and you ONLY! They are grown ups! It’s time for you to be one too!!! Good luck!

See an attorney right away get out see what you can do maybe they can buy you out. Just get out and away from them. She was a stranger you never knew her now you do. GET OUT


If they have mental illness take them to court and get POA over them apparently they’re not mentally capable of handling their disability checks or their money. Take control!

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If they are mentally slow and you do everything for them go to the social security office and tell them you are their caretaker and you can get paid to be their caretaker and/or their disability check. Just tell them they aren’t paying their share of for food, utilities and mortgage. If you can prove all of that you will get their SSI check for caring for them. You can use that money to help you with all the home expenses.

I know it hard to decide on what to do, if it were me I’d leave take my name off the deed nd find somewhere else to go if financially able to, then if they wanted to continue living there they’d have no choice to pay the mortgage, utility bills, etc…, it’s a very difficult choice to make. Do what’s Best for you

I think you can sue them but check on it. Deeds are made to be broken.

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If the mortgage is in your name, you can’t just “sign it over” to anyone. The mortgage company will not transfer the mortgage unless your sister can qualify for a mortgage in her name. At this point the only way to get out of the mortgage is for you to just quit making the payments - which will destroy your credit or sell the house. If you sell it they more than likely would sue you for half of what you get for it. You could sell it for just the amount of the mortgage & therefore there would be no money to split. Good luck! I think you need to find a real estate attorney ASAP!!

Get a lawyer ASAP ! Get a DNA ASAP ! I’m sorry you are going through this you seem to have a good heart and was clearly taken advantage of. Keep your head up don’t do anything for them anymore and try to stay clear until you know your legal options.

Let the house go into foreclosure or sell it. I know you don’t want to be homeless but I wouldn’t want to live in misery. I was in a similar situation where a sister I hadn’t seen for 27 years. She called and we arranged to a reunion. Afterwards she asked me to let her and her husband move in. I said no!!

I am almost in the same boat but instead of something so set in stone like a deed. I put my sister on my lease for her to bail on me cause fights for nothing and leave her pet woth me to take care for even when working 6 days and freelancing on my days off. Sadly I did kick her out and just took all the stress of everything for myself. I don’t need that in my life when I left state for her and move 1000 miles away from my family and friends. :broken_heart:

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Find a lawyer, kick them out as soon as possible, and move on with your life without them, FOREVER.

get to a lawyer that knows how to handle mortgages. Be able to prove what is happening. Good Luck!

Are you certain she’s your sister and not a scammer? Sounds to me like she scammed you to get both of them on the deed. I would contact an attorney that knows real estate before declaring bankruptcy. Unfortunately, bankruptcy and leaving the house might be your only way out! You should talk to your niece and see if she would let you stay with her. I’m sorry, but the timing is extremely suspicious to me. I’m wondering if your niece was in on it! You’re better off by yourself, I think. Talk to an attorney before you make any decisions. You might want to hire a private investigator to even see if she really is your sister. Maybe when (if) you find out she isn’t, you can shame them into taking their name off of the deed. I’m not really optimistic about that though. Personally, you shouldn’t feel any guilt over leaving them destitute. Not after how they have treated you! Good luck.

Sometimes we’re just too kind to people because they’re “family”.
See a lawyer.
Find a way out now before they use you up!!!
I found out the hard way & am still kicking myself in the ass. But I allowed it to happen.

First thing you have to do is consult an attorney.
Then lease or not, and for your peace of mind , I would move out !.
Some people need you to show them instead of talk .talk. Talk !!
I don’t know if you will or what you will lose , but an attorney will hopefully guide you !
I lived with my brother for 3 years and basically was a glorified housekeeper and cook ,but I think because his wife
was unwilling to do anything , that she felt that I was " invading " her territory.
So a lot of times it’s best NOT to be so kind !!

Agree with Peggy. Go about your life as if living there quite alone. Do NOTHING more for them. Make sure they pay their thirds for all bills. Shares dhould be per person, not couples

Will the kettle is black. Let the mortgage company house back, file for bankruptcy, start over. You do need someone to over see your financial affairs to. As that mistake was a huge screw up from get go. Only a green really young adult would make this miss up. What I am saying are two mistakes, not one

You poor thing why if you bought the house did you put them on the deed ? I dont think you have any options unfortunately . Only option walk away leave them the house and move in with the niece

Cut your losses. Find a place for you and your husband and get out. If the mortgage company will let you, sign that house over to them

If u sell the property they can only claim for what they have paid in house. My husband moved in with me and my children and when he left 18mths later, when I was 7 months pregnant. He didn’t pay any of mortgage so could get nothing from house. Another thing why don’t you buy them out of house. Ask lawyer or broker for advise.

If you live in California you are screwed big mistake putting them o my the deed you can get them off if they can’t take care of themselves life is like a bowl of chocolate you never know what you are going to get but i would have let her be lost.

Lady I don’t know what to say to you, you have got to stop taking care of them and their pets. Go to work, pick up your dinner and go to your room. Come out to get a meal and for work. You are easy, they are lucky, what I could not do to them my two sisters will do the rest.

My adult son like this …just set ground rules and unless you have proof they pay their fair share you actually have a good legal case against them …so I’d be getting legal advice asap :heart:

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All eviction notice is the only way you can get family out of your house

Until you speak with an attorney, do NOT lift a finger for them. Tell em your chauffering days are over, pet sitting and cleaning services have closed their doors.

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If they have a mind of a 5 year old you can have power of eternal and put them in a nursing home

Sound like they on drugs I say wow u need to get away if it that bad there no way u make it if really sad disrespectful n not caring u should try get them buy u out or sign something if they dumb high on drugs they must of been crazy why u better try consult lawyer too maybe this is outrageous

Take advice of several people’s replies. Stop allowing yourself to be a doormat. Find out if you can sign a quit claim taking you off the deed, leaving the bums to pay. DNA test would be good.

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you said you can’t kick them out but you didn’t say you couldn’t sell the house? Sell then give your sister and her tyrant enough money to get their own place and 2 months rent and get the toxicness away from you. I am sorry to say but just because she is your long lost sister you owe her nothing!!

Sell the house she would have to buy your shares in the home if she want to stay

Talk to a lawyer. You can force sell the house and recoup your money. Just have a good a paperwork trail to prove what you have paid out. In the meantime, don’t do anything for them. And do not tell them what your up to.

Oh yes, my dear the only thing I would suggest is to get a lawyer and see if he can get their names off of the deed. Is there any proof that YOU are the only one that paid for the house? I am so sorry this happened to you, don’t wait to get help!!! You said you didn’t know she even existed, so you didn’t know her personality, and you say she has a mind set of a 5 year old, I would be very careful if I were you! Do you have anyone that can could take you in if need be?

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Lawyer up and get off FB… this is a mess but there is a way out. Meanwhile not one more meal cleaning nothing for them. I would advise you to start packing up boxes and distance yourself from them. There is zero encouragement as if this actually can work out . It’s not … accept it! Save yourself. You are being used and nothing will change. I feel sorry for the pets . You can do this!! Oh!! And stop paying the mortgage… take that money for another place for yourself. ENOUGH

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They may “get to live there” but nothing on the deed says they get free meals…free maid service…pet care etc tell them what their share of the bills are…an actual number…not that “y’all need to start paying”! Where did they live before they “found you!?”

So instead of visiting first you decided to move in? I dont think someone would really do that

Never, ever put someone on the deed, especially if they aren’t the ones paying! I’m so glad I never was that dumb with my ex, and even more glad that my current husband and I didn’t have my name on the house he bought before we married. The ex thought my name was on it and legit tried to get something out of it during the divorce

Tell them that you are moving out. They can by you out for share of the house. They probably cannot do that. That is when you say that you have you sell. Take your money and run.

If I would be you, I would stop paying the mortgage, lose the house before you lose your life. Is better have bad credit but don’t carry any more with this big problem. Get out of that house, eventually they are going to be kick out of the house. You will have your good credit back and the most important you will have your peace and tranquility back

She can take hers and her husband’s name off and leave there’s on and then go move somewhere else and leave them to pay the mortgage and all the bills

Just look after yourself and let them fend for themselves,if they don’t like it tell them to leave ,also I would see a solicitor to see if they can help you get their names off the deeds since it’s yr money that bought the house.wont be easy ,but you shouldn’t have to live like that. Maybe you could put them in sheltered accommodation,see how they would like that.yr not their slave so get yr life back.

Sell your part of the house or move out and get a nice little house for yourself and kids and stop paying on that one. When they have no options, sell and evict

I wounder is it you are them that’s mentally challenged. How could you be so foolish.

Put them in The nut House Baker act them and if they can’t read get him to sign the deed without them knowing it take them off of it

First advice and not only to you but to everyone.people like your sister and husband know how to use people and the system. Get rid of the house even if you have to struggle. There are legal ways. And don’t ever help a person in a situation like that again. They were in the mess they were in because they were lazy and are used to using people. Unfortunately you are one of those people. If you leave the house to them they will loose it because of the kind of people they are.I have always said if you want to know a person’s future look at their past.

You could sell, but with them on the deed they will take a portion of proceeds.
I say find a lawyer, show proof this was all done with your finances only, and see what they can do.
Unfortunately, you may only have one choice: stop paying and move out, leaving it to foreclosure - go rent somewhere

First get to a lawyer as fast as you can . Stop cooking snd doing everything for them and running them around .

I would move out immediately and let them start making all the payments. Or file bankruptcy. If They don’t like it , they can pick up the tab . And you are gone . Be sure to talk to a food lawyer FIRST!

Sounds like you have a mentality of a child just as well.Who in their right mind would buy a house with their own money and then put someone else on the deed? Family or not.Maybe theres more to the story though.

Sometimes making a decision to lapse your credit rating is the only thing you can do. People do it all the time in bad situations, though. File bankruptcy or let the mortgage go into default. Get a nice rental home for you and your husband let them fin for theirselves. If you’d like to buy again, it generally takes three years to be able to purchase after bankruptcy or a mortgage default. So save and plan for your future. Take time to recover from the trauma of this situation and go forth with a happy life. You’re not responsible for your sister. Her irresponsible nature does not make you responsible for her. Give her a second chance to grow up, this time, get out of the way so she’ll be successful at it. May God bless you and your family.

If you put their name on your deed, you better get a lawyer on board. They can refuse to leave, they have ownership rights.

Put them out 60 and 62 is young enough be on their own. Consult attorney see if their name can be removed from deed. Stop doing anything for them

If they are incompetent…go to court and have them declared as such.
Get a good attorney too. Let him work out the legits on the lease.

Is it possible they may agree to sell the house and they get half of the money and you the other half and you live separately

First pray! Get good advice without their knowledge. Keep yourself healthy and try not to get stressed. Put some dollars aside you need a rainy day cash. get help. Would a pastor have a talk with all of you to lay down some rules in the meantime?

Your goose is cooked! Move out!

If you have a mortgage you can’t just walk away especially if the mortgage is in your name only. Get some legal advice. You may be able to sell the house. Because they are on the deed you would probably have to split the proceeds with them after the mortgage is balance is deducted but you would be free of them. If they refuse to sell they can buy out your share and again you would be free of them. If they are financially incapable of buying you out then I believe the court would order the house to be sold. That is what happened with my father and my sister. Because my sister never contributed the court ordered the house sold and 93% of the profit to my dad. My sister received 7% to cover her court costs. Talk to a lawyer to find out what options you might have that you haven’t thought of. My Dad went on to buy a condo with his proceeds and no one in the family will help my sister because of all the heartache and expense she caused. Your sister and her husband are freeloaders. It’s sad but true. Now it’s time to look after you and let them fend for themselves. They are incredibly ungrateful. Good luck. I wish you the best. You deserve it.

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Another suggestion. . Go talk to your mortgage company. Tell them what’s going on. They may have a suggestion

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Sign over your half to them and leave. If you aren’t willing or able to do that, I’m not sure what to do. It sounds like they are completely unreasonable and therefor unable to work with on the issue. Maybe talk to a lawyer and see if you can sue them for their part of the deed?

Have a couple of Hell’s Angels move in for awhile, see how long they enjoy that.


You need to move… and let them repo the house. find another place before they repo…that’s the only way unless they die…

Get out of it if you have to walk off and leave it. You ain’t getting no younger. Leave. Take your sanity with you.

If they didn’t put in any money on the house when you bought it or spent money on repairs since you bought it, i would get an attorney to get their names off the deed, option #1. Or if you cant remove their names of the house option #2 sell the house they will maybe be entitled to something but not half take the money and run ( they may not want to sell too). Option #3 take a loss and hit on your credit ( which can be reestablished in the future) and walk away from the house . They arent paying for so it will go into foreclosure but secure you a rental before your credit score goes down. It might take a minute for a foreclosure to show. None of my options would not be to bite the bullet and stay with them

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You might want to accept, that house will not work for you and force the sale. They unfortunately will getatleast half, but will be out of your hair

Move to a apartment, in a different town, quit paying on the mortgage. You’ll be so much better off

Seek a lawyer’s advice.

I would try something like having them sign it over. They may not read paperwork.

Get your name off the deed.Get a lawyer to assist you and don’t walk but run fast just away. While you are at it get a DNA and if she is not related that is fraud but you could get lucky but just get your name off that deed fast

stop looking after them. Let them get there own shopping. Get in touch with a solicitor you will have a paper trail showing they pay noting.

Why did you put them on the deed let them rent from you you still helping or let them rent their own place

Get a one bedroom place and move out. When you stop making payments and house is repo’ed they can deal with it.

Quick claim deed, lawyer photo evidence and state counselor (cps) are a few thoughts

Put a lean on it for charges they owe you. Taxes, upkeep on house. Give them a bill for their half of everything. Keep records,

Is this a case of elder abuse and can a lawyer help her?

If the are mentally the ages you indicated file for financial guardianship . Then do what you have to.

Quick deed the house to them and get the heck out. Also get some therapy so you are not used again.

Maybe if you have proof of buying the house and are paying the bills. You might be able to get
Their names off the deed

Does the deed have, and…or… and/or… between the names?

What possessed you to put them on the deed?

Don’t cook for them so they will starve… Why be a baby seater… Live your life be happy you owe it to yourself… I feel you… :heart::rose:

Jackie you are absolutely correct and also a wonderful person.

Well you said you did a foolish thing so that makes you a fool. Sorry but that is the fact.


We had family for a while. But she was not on the deed. Thank God.