How to navigate a having a child that my ex and his family don't want?

It’s a whole lie, he won’t get in trouble. But you can 100% make sure he pays child support through his command

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Don’t bother with him again. File for child support through DHS and let them deal with him from now on

He won’t get in trouble he just knows they will force him to pay child support and he doesn’t want to. It took two to tango and he needs to at least help with cost at least if he doesn’t wanna help in raising the child. The only thing with that is if you do child support he will have rights and that could complicate things in the future so the decision is completely up to you. Either you can do child support and possibly have a mess later to deal with or you could just not put him on birth certificate or anything at all and never have to worry about him again and he won’t have rights unless down the road he changes his mind and takes you to court

Can almost promise he’s married. The military doesn’t care who you get pregnant unless you’re married and it’s by someone else or if they have to add child support on to your pay. He’s hiding something and his family is helping


His family don’ want that. Its obvious that they don’t want anything to do with this new human. Personally, I tried having my oldest see his relatives when his dad didn’t want to be apart of his life, and it was weird and awkward at first. I love them now, they still don’t see him, but they do talk about him and see his picture’s I post, etc. There’s really no point in forcing someone to have a relationship with your kids if they clearly don’t want one.

Seek child support! Your child deserves it! Don’t let him off the hook.


You don’t owe him nothing and save your responses for your proof later in the child’s life when they ask !!! If abortion is not an option then cut your ties now and prepare for your journey!! You will be ok

Keep your beautiful child and please seek child support it will help you !


You can sue for support and would get it once the child is born. If he never gets the child for any time, you never pay him anything.


Contact The Military They Will Make Him Pay Sent Child Support Order To His Post He Will Not Get In trouble…


If he is active military all you need is DNA to prove the baby is his. Get a lawyer contact jag and you will get child support. The military doesn’t look kindly on dead beat fathers or men/ women who cheat while married also. It’s not responsible or respectful in their eyes.


First the only reason y he would get into trouble being military is if hes already married otherwise they wont say anything and will force child support…second dont let him off the hook it takes 2 to make a child its his responsibility as well whether he wants it or not.


Document and get child support.


Give them some time
A lot of women don’t even know they’re pregnant at this time, or they don’t announce it,You got a ways to go before thinking about child support


So its ok for women to choose abortion if they don’t wanna be mums, but not men. Absolute joke of a system. Id never ever ask a man to pay if I knew he didn’t want the child and I wanted to keep the baby. I’d never hang that on a guys head. They have just as much choice to a decision as we do. Its their baby too. Women can abort when not ready but a man has no say as he’s not carrying. Its a horrible world for guys in this reality. She was on birth control so its not like he planned it. She knew from the get go he didn’t want a kid so thats on her. Leave the poor guy alone.


CLARIFICATION FOR ALL THOSE THAT HAVE QUESTIONS: She was with him for almost 2 years. She did a thorough background check on him before getting involved with him for the safety of her first child. He is NOT married and she has met his family several times and thought she knew them well. He never said he did not want kids with her. In fact they had been discussing when to start expanding their family.

For all of them saying terminate the rights: he CANNOT terminate his rights in her state unless there is somebody willing to step up and adopt the child in his place. They state will only unwillingly terminate his rights in the case of abuse/neglect and she refuses to let her child be abused or neglected.

Also. When the abortion happened, they were both going through a lot at work and she felt she had no choice but to abort. However, they discussed what would happen if she were to get pregnant again. He said he would not make her ever terminate again and he’d be there and support her if it happened again. When she brought up the pregnancy, he mentioned (what she thought was in passing) that abortion was an option if she did not feel ready. They discussed this in great length. She decided to get on birth control after the abortion (never against having a baby, but didn’t want to actively try at that moment). She took it every day at the same time every day and never missed a dose.

When she decided she couldn’t abort, he switched his whole stance. When he brought up termination of rights and signing away child support, she did speak with someone. Once she learned what she did about terminating rights and that she cannot sign away child support as it is her child’s and not her’s, she told him. That’s when she was blocked on everything and tried to be a good person and mother and reached out to his parents.


Your being very selfish. He clearly does.t want a child. Didnt the first abortion tell u loud and clear? Why would u make a pact to keep the next one and suddenly fall pregnant? How coincidental!!! He has as much right to a choice as u do. Quite frankly if u go ahead knowing he doesnt want It…knowing u had little to do with your outside family growing up but still u insist on doing the same to this child then leave him be and go have the baby but don’t ask him for shit…he made his position clear. You sound like a manipulator…probably put holes in thw condom…or forgot to take the pill by accident hey…I think u should accidentally have a good hard look at yourself and your actions…your in the wrong big time. You have no right to keep the kid and force it on him

This is a tough situation. I wouldn’t put his name on birth certificate, the hell with the child support---- BUT—there is going to be a time when he and his family are going to want to be involved. Don’t allow. Live, laugh,love. Make him go to court, get a DNA to prove its his, keep a total of all money spent and request the courts for reimbursement — what goes around, comes around— otherwise not worth your time.


Congratulations on the pregnancy. Definitely make the decision for yourself. If you wish to seek child support that is a decision you have to make as well. However going after child support will recognize that he is a parent and leave him the opportunity to go after visitation or custody if he wants to be petty. But him bullying and coercing you to sign papers exalting him from responsibly can be used in your favor in court if it comes down to it. So hopefully you saved any discussion via text or email. If not at least get a journal and write as much detail as you can including dates and times that it occurred. The only way he could get in trouble is if he was married when he got you pregnant.
You can usually get free legal consultation to discuss possible outcomes pertaining to custody and visitation. Good luck

Full custody claim & child support.


Don’t put him on the birth certificate.


The only reason he will get in trouble in the military is, if he is married and committed adultery by having a relationship outside his marriage.
The military don’t play with that. In fact I know people who were dishonorable discharge and ruined their lives because of that. Their wives went to their commander and told on them and now they are divorce and they can’t get a government job. However, if he is single, all you have to do is seek a DNA test tru court. He just doesn’t wants the child because he doesn’t wants the system to touch his money. They will take the portion of the child support first, before he see his check. Regardless of his family, block them! Is all about you and your child at this point. Don’t allow them to stress you out. They can’t dictate what you should do. Not their business.


Nail his @$$ to the wall go to his captain and tell them

That child support is for the baby! Go after him


You don’t know what he told his mom before you called. Wait till the baby gets here not to many grand parents want to get in their kids bs


Definitely seek child support since your ex doesn’t want nothing to do with the baby ask for the max. Remember it’s his lost not your.


First of all you would never be ordered to pay child support for a child who you have with you in your custody 100% of the time. Second, he’s obviously not concerned about how this has affected your life so why you so damn worried about the military telling him to man up and pay child support? The military is there to make men and women…not to coddle a mama’s boy. Third, collect all the medical history you can on his family so you have it if needed for the future and tell his ass that he’s either in this or out…there is no being a part of a child’s life only when it’s convenient for him. If he chooses to stay out of the child’s life he still has to pay child support (he owes your baby that much at the very least) and I would tell him to kiss your ass and don’t let the door hit him in the ass on his way out. Then you need to double up on your birth control…physical barrier and a pill!

Absolutely put in for child support. This is also his child…his responsibility even if only financially. He was a willing party at conception.


Hit his ass with child support and cut your losses

Leave them alone and go on with your life


It is not just child support you would get. The child may also be eligible for Tricare and other benefits as a dependent, even if he doesn’t want to see the child. As for a relationship you could always keep the door open a crack so in the future if they want a relationship with the child they would be able to but on your terms. I wish you the best of luck.


Please do not listen to these people telling you you shouldn’t take him for child support, that’s just not smart. At the end of the day even on birth control there is always a chance of pregnancy and he still decided to do what he did so he is responsible just as much as you are. If you have your child put him on child support and leave it at that, I wouldn’t try to force a relationship with any of them but financially he is responsible point blank period .


Document everything. Definitely go for child support if you need the help. The ones like this are the most dangerous and its not worth it. You and your baby will be so much happier without


Why people are always looking for connections where there is no one? WTF? Take care of the connections and people that are in your life already instead of looking for greener pastures. 8 they would want relationship they would do everything to make it happen. If someone is not beating down your doors it means they do not care enough. Take care about the baby, get his ass to pay for the baby and move on with life.

Child support is based on income and need. If you make more than him you may only be entitled to very little support. I would contact a lawyer and follow their instructions. It isn’t just about support as your child may be eligible for health benefits through the Father. In the event something happens to the Father your child would be eligible for survivors benefits ( worse case scenario) or. Social security disability ( in the event he gets disabled). Paternity will also establish inheritance rights down the line.
If the Father or Grandparents choose to become part of your baby’s life, wonderful! Encourage it as it is in the best interests of the child. If not, try your best to fill the gap so the child doesn’t feel like they are “missing” something.
Definitely establish paternity. Child support may be “iffy” but be prepared if you do seek support, he could seek custody also. So talk to a lawyer.


At least in Canada if he is in the military then you can go over his heD to his bosses and child support is taken directly off his paychecks

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Get a lawyer. Make him take a paternity test. Then he can be held responsible, atleast financially. If need be. Go to court

Once the child is born you can contact his command and get assigned in getting the support you need for the child. Financial and medical. You’ll have to wait until the child is born though. As to the family, I’d leave them be for now. They might change their mind with time.


I would file for the child support. If he doesn’t want to be in the child’s life, ok BUT the child will also get benefits due to him being in the military. Don’t feel bad. You might at first but then again stop and think about what he’s basically doing to you and that child. You basically have no support from him when he said he would support what you chose. His mother’s response wasn’t direct either. Leave the door open for them in case they do want to be a part of the child’s life. Technically she wasn’t rude and wasn’t saying to abort or anything. She just said It was irresponsible which in all reality is on her sons part.

Get the child support, it will help you raise your child. You don’t get to choose how others accept your child. As long as you always make the best decisions for your children you will have no regrets.


He sounds like an immature ass. The military doesn’t care but, being military that means he pays more child support and they will look at it that if he can’t support a child that he’s not going to support he’s Brother In Arms.

Leave it alone though. If he doesn’t want to be around then get him to sign he’s rights away and live your life raising your kids.

So I am similar to you in the no child support if parents are there Etc. Also if dad doesn’t want to be involved he shouldn’t have to be. Just like us women can decide we don’t want to men can as well. However healthcare, including good healthcare can be very hard to come by. So at the very least establish paternity and if you don’t want child support have dad keep him on his insurance (tricare) with you being someone who can talk to all of them etc for just the child’s benefits.

Now the only thing with establishing paternity and doing this is dad can go for custody later. So prepare for that. But truly I’d keep the door open for family to know anything.
His mom didn’t really say what she wanted to do, be involved or not. I would recommend waiting until baby is born, mom may still be processing everything. And it might take a few years to come around. My oldest’s grandma did. But they have an amazing relationship now and she is an amazing grandma.

Also my oldest’s dad didn’t want anything to do with her until 1.5 years ago really and they also have a great relationship. Not a father/daughter kind, as he isn’t her father, he didn’t raise her. But like a goofy uncle/friend. And she knows exactly who he is, we have never lied to her about that.

You can’t force anything of them to want a relationship. That’s just reality. I think right now its rocky, perhaps when the baby is actually born, his mom will change her mind. Who knows. You WERE responsible, its not your fault that bc failed. You took the precautions from your end. As far as he goes, hes shit out of luck. he already pressured for one abortion and never learned his lesson about wrapping his weenie for his second. if you need the financial help, get child support.

Call his co and take care of you and your babies.

I would not do any drama just calmly and legally ensure that he financially supports his child. Leave the door open for the possibility that time will cause him and his family to reconsider. I wouldn’t burn any bridges for the sake of the child who may want future contact
But the child deserves the financial help. Even if it all goes in a college fund.


First go after him for child support. It’s his child too. As far as the grandparents give it another try after the baby is born and then let it go


Go to a lawyer and Get him to sign his paternal rights over since he doesn’t want anything to do with the baby


Girl you better get you your CS. The military don’t play. And he’s not in trouble that’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. Go on post and give ask the info you have and also to attorney general

Put him on the birth certificate and apply for child support. :woman_shrugging: if he wants nothing to do with baby then that’s his decision. But he is still responsible.

My ex and his family haven’t seen our kids since we separated and he’s expressed that he doesn’t want too. He still has to pay CS though.

If he’s in the military then just before the baby’s born contact his commander so the ball will get rolling on ensuring the baby is put on tricare at birth. Work out child support after birth. Just because you chose not to terminate doesn’t mean he’s not responsible.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to navigate a having a child that my ex and his family don't want?

The next time you reach out to your baby’s paternal family should be to have the father sign away all rights.

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I am retired military. Only way hes in trouble is if hes married, which from his reaction, makes me suspicious of. Yes you CAN get child support, and he should put the child in DEERS once the baby is born for insurance purposes, because its free and will be best coverage. Dont force a relationship with anybody and the child. Leave it alone, go forward, do you and whats best by the child.
If he didn’t want kids yall should’ve used extra protection beyond birth control.


Honestly, it sounds like he’s married.

You can file for child support, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he files to terminate his rights considering he’s already made his stance clear.

I hope you have family as a support system. :blue_heart:


Oh honey, get that child support. If he can have the time to make a baby, he can take the time to support it!! Your other childs father is supporting him. Different situation. Good luck!!


The grandparents may be in a tough spot of choosing between their child and possibly letting a/ or stranger(s) in and God only know what he has informed them of you.

Don’t force the relationship, but do file for child support. If he is in the military this will be one of the easiest cases to get and it will be directly withdrawn from his active pay and/ or any future benefits (disability/ retirement, etc.) Given being active duty as well, he can not “take” full custody, yes, he will have a right to see the child but he should be able to regardless assuming he’s no harm to the child and willing to have a healthy relationship. It sounds like you are already willing to do this.

That also being said, at least for the next 18 years this will provide an insight to his future wife that he has a long lost child that he chose not to be a part of.


First and foremost I have read every comment before deciding whether I was going to comment on your post. I am a mom I am a woman of abortion and I see your pain.

First off good for you for trying to protect yourself fu=/ anyone saying you should have tried harder or found a different birth control because let me tell you the only effective birth control is not having sex at all so no shame to you love. I have an angle baby who was a medical abortion from birth control the iud and I have 2 nieces who are birth control babies.
Secondly you had already been talked into aborting once which is so fucked up if he didnt want a baby he should have raped his junk before the dunk. I applaud you for not letting him do it twice love this baby god wanted you to have this baby’s clearly.
And three take his ass for child support also let his lieutenant know that he has gotten you pregnant so that they can get the baby on insurance and whatever else when its born and yes take him for child support if he won’t step up and pay and signs his rights away at least you tried.


Well if he gets into trouble at work because of a pregnancy that’s his own fault. There are two adults involved and we all took sex education in school. We all know birth control isn’t 100% effective. I’d file for child support still. Doesn’t mean that he has to be involved but I do believe in responsibility. If he doesn’t pay, then fine. But he needs to pay. Just like you will have to pay to support the kiddo. But don’t pursue a relationship with dad and his family. A weird, wishy washy family isn’t a family for a kiddo.


Have your baby, and hold him responsible for having a child!

You take his ass directly to court. And you can get legal aid.

He needs to understand that abortion is not a form of birth control, just because he doesn’t want to have children.
Point blank.

As for his family that’s no skin off your ass honey. You gave them the opportunity to be a part of your baby’s life, if they declined that is their loss.

You show your baby all the loving stability that you can. You are all your baby needs.

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First off I’d like to say I’m sorry about what’s going on.
Second off, I wouldn’t bother with him or his family. He’s made his decision.
Third, do what’s best for your babies and for you, and that means being happy with yourself and your choices. You’ve got this

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I would get him on child support because you didn’t get pregnant by yourself and as for him and his side of the family it is their loss not yours and since they don’t want to have nothing to do with it I would keep it away until it old enough and then reach out if he or she wants too and it really doesn’t matter how much you make it’s the simple fact that this father needs to grow up and own up to his responsibility and stop being a child but how ever his parents may come around once you have the baby then that’s when they have something to do with it because this is still a shock to them

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He said he didn’t want a child and talked you into an abortion then you got pregnant so soon after. He stands his ground. Do what you have to do to support the baby, but don’t reach out to him or his family anymore. It will only stress you out. They know and if they ever decide they want a relationship with the child they know how to get in touch with you. The thing about him getting in trouble because he’s military is only 1 of 2 things. 1. he’s lying OR 2. He’s married.
Seek child support and full custody, go on with your life and let him deal with any consequences.


Sounds like he may not be honest with you. He would not get in trouble with the military for getting you pregnant unless he’s married and you don’t know them yea he’s in trouble! And go for child support but don’t force him to be an active parent if he doesn’t want to. The baby will suffer from that


Yes put him on child support. If he terminates his rights then fine too. He can’t just pretend he didn’t play a hand on this.


Screw them. Get that money. I dont see why you wouldn’t. They sound like jerks anyway, so it’s a win win. You can get child support and hopefully not have to share your baby with them. I’m sure once baby is here his mom will feel all maternal and want to play grandma so keep those texts to remind her later on. Keep EVERYTHING. Screenshot and send to your email. He knew you could get pregnant and still knocked you up…again…men cant just expect us to keep getting abortions…that’s not healthy. Do what you want.

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As an ex military wife …
Girl he’s playing and lying to you !
Once the baby is born take him to court ( you will need dna test ) and ask your child to have military insurance. If he doesn’t pay child support he will get in huge trouble. If he ever get any benefits from the va , social security it goes straight to your baby .
Don’t let him fool you and play with you .
He can sign his rights away , but your child deserves everything.
If you are not married and you are shown as better parent ( he’s in the army , getting full custody is hard because of his deployments blah blah ).

Hopefully you can learn to make decisions for yourself. Its not anyone’s choice but your own what you do with your body. Unfortunately, most of the responsibility is on the female in these situations. He doesn’t sound like he is going to take accountability, however you need to. Its so sad to see young women in situations like this. Stop basing your decision on what a man says or does. Do whatever is best for you. You can not control what others say and what their opinion is.

He’s married, and hasn’t told you. That’s why he would get in trouble. Unless you are also military and he’s your superior. It doesn’t sound like that’s the case. Get that child support, just focus on yourself and the baby. I was with someone that had a secret double life and his sister went through the same, with someone in the military. You don’t think people do it in real life but there’s some folks that need to get their heads out of their asses and take responsibility for their choices.

With the toxic behaviors from both parties already I’d cut all ties before baby was ever able to make them. Don’t let those people break your child’s heart


If he’s in the military the only way he would get in trouble is if he was married when he entered into the relationship with you. Also since he’s in the military Uncle Sam will make sure you get your child support money. There is a handful of guys that I went through basic training with that realized once they entered military service they couldn’t run from their child support anymore.

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Depending on the state you live in it differs. In the state of Kentucky, if a bio parent doesn’t want anything to do with said kid then they can sign their rights away and they wouldn’t be responsible for any kind of financial support. Like child support. Also, if he signs his rights over he will have no rights to child whatsoever. You wouldn’t have to pay child support either way, as long as the baby is in your care and you support them most.

I’d leave the situation alone. If the Grandparents reach out at some later point, I’d be open to a cautious relationship w/ strict boundaries as they come off as potentially toxic.

Don’t bother with him. Forget him and his family. Do what’s best for the baby. That means being happy yourself so you can provide a happy healthy life for the baby! You got this!


Being in the military they will make sure he pays child support and he may have to sign over full custody to you he has a contract with the military! When you have the baby sign baby up with his health insurance with military that is a good insurance for your baby with 0 co pays and medicine! You can also sign up you and your baby with wic! They will give you prenatal vitamins and food checks for free juice milk cheese and when baby is born the baby will get these checks till their 5 also baby cereal and you get cereal also and checks after for a while they want you healthy! Do what’s right for you and your baby I hope his parents and him change their mind about being involved Best luck to you and congratulations!!

Wow…forget that ex and do what is best for YOU and your children. The fact is that you should’ve left him a long time ago, stop being “shy” and easily manipulated and take control of your body and decisions. Put him on child support and don’t allow him to control you…from what you describe, he sounds like a narcissist.

  1. If he doesn’t want to help the don’t pursue that. 2. He will not get in trouble with the military for having a baby. Do go after child support!! after you file if he denies the child is his he will have to do a paternity test. Once it show’s he is you will be awarded child support and it will go directly to the military and it will come right out his pay. What he would get in trouble with is not paying. They military does not play with children and the solders responsibility.

Yes, file for support. Call the base and ask for assistance too. Sounds like he is married.

Well I don’t have anything for women who has abortions after that decision from you then you should have gotten rid of him right then closed your legs so just saying he’s a piece of shit and you made your bed so leave well enough alone then raise the baby or give it to someone who will

File for child support. He dont care what you have to say dont care what he has to say.

My first child I was not with the guy long before i got pregnant, he supported me at first but then he left went back to ex and went on like this for a few months the second time he left he decided he didnt want to support me anymore told me he wanted me to have an abortion( something thats not for me) I told him no and after that i didnt go back to him, 4 months later he got the other girl pregnant, and then 3 years later he got another girl pregnant so after the last one I decided to put him on child support he wanted a dna test we got it done turned out she was his (big surprise there) well 8 years later he only seen her maybe a week or less out of her whole life and this was when she was 3… He nor his family have anything to do with her. And when we did get the test his mom tried to say it was his brothers… Like what!!!
He is one child support he is supposed to pay but does not so when he does his taxes or his wife does they take it out there.

My point being he made the baby also, it shouldnt be only the woman held responsible for the decision two grown adults decided to make.
Men get off to easy IMO.
So i say put him on child support and if he decides to have a relationship with the child then go from there. If not then so be it also but he would still have pay and be responsible also

You need to put child support on him! Fk that! He needs to be responsible regardless so :woman_shrugging: I’d say do it.


File for child support… Yes there is trouble from the military. But that is his problem

Your body do what’s best for both, your choice

Sounds like this naughty man has a wife

Lawyer up and take your ex to court! And then go from there

I feel like your other questions were already answered here so as for you paying him support. Unless he has 5050 custody or equal access you wouldn’t be the support payor, regardless of your income. The primary residence/parent doesn’t pay support. The parent with access does. However if you shared equal time the equality of homes comes into play and you would indeed be paying support if you make more and share equal time.

No if you go to his commanding officer he will talk to you. You will also be able to have military ins.

Go for the child support!

I would love to be your childs grandma

You totally got this! Just relax for now. Go a bit quiet on wanting conversation or any validation from any of them. They’re clearly W⚓ & completely unreasonable selfish people.
You’ve done the right thing- you Let them all know what you’re doing! Stick to your word! Keep a open invitation to a relationship with the child, don’t get Bitter because I bet they shape up!

Under NO circumstances have a termination no matter how they try make you feel (however I believe you’ve made your mind up on this & you know what you’re doing)

He can just grow up & when the child comes you’ll seek child support because it’s not only the right thing to do, but it’s your responsibility to protect your child’s interests & your ex’s too :slightly_smiling_face::wink:

Who cares what they say think feel
Give it time everything comes full circle with time.

Thats the dumbest thing I have ever heard he will get in trouble at work for getting someone pregnant he’s a liar and needs to pay child support. It’s 100% his fault ur pregnant u got the protection u could get but he obviously didn’t use the protection he was suppose 2 use and now he doesn’t want to support the child he created fuck that shit he needs to contribute some how and since he doesn’t want ur precious baby then he can pay out the ass. The military will 100% make sure he pays his child support or he will no longer be apart of the military. To be 100% honest with u ur ex is a dirt bag and doesn’t deserve to see his own childs face ever.

You be a single mom and raise that child the best way you can without him. He doesn’t want a child and has made that very clear to you. You’re only setting yourself and that child up for heartbreak if you try to keep father involved. Forcing him won’t do either of you any favors. This is your child that you want. Leave it at that and enjoy your pregnancy! If he decides he wants to be a father, you can then decide what’s best for the child and go from there but don’t force anyone to be involved in your kids life that has said they don’t want to be.

You absolutely should go after child support!! That story he told you about getting in trouble at work for getting you pregnant is B.S.!!!


Go for child support! He lead you on and lied…acting like he would support a baby after he made you abort the first. He is shady and,like someone said,it wouldnt surprise me if he was married or something the way him and his family are acting and you were a side piece. He deserves to have to support you and this child. He’s a liar and manipulator. Go file today. He deserves any trouble.

if he aint happy he aint the one.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to navigate a having a child that my ex and his family don't want?

I think you’re really strong for keeping your beautiful baby. And maybe your strength will have an impact on him in time and he’ll want to be involved with the babies life later on. I know it’s difficult to provide for another baby but it’s really nice to hear your first child’s father in supportive and helpful even with your differences. That’s so important. I hope you reach out to your community resources for support on food, diapers, milk, and etc if the current father is unwilling to participate and you feel alone in providing for your new baby.

That’s wrong, as long as you list him on birth certificate. The military would look down on him but they would make sure part of his paycheck goes to you for his child. I only know this because my sister had issues

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I first read this as her saying she has SIX (6) kids from a previous relationship (which is a lot at 25)

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I’ve never heard of getting in trouble with military. It honestly sounds like he’s hiding something. My first thought was that maybe he already has a secret family and he doesn’t want them to find out, and that’s why he’s making some weird excuse, and pressuring for termination, and telling you not to file for child support.
I’m so sorry you’re going through this, he’s being really immature, it takes 2 to make a baby, its not right for him to just walk away with no worries, I really hope you file for child support…


100% file for child support.