How to save a marriage?

Think about the kids and the lawyer. Keep a log as of today regarding participating with kids, bills etc. best o luck. I was a single mom wig 2 babies and we grew up having fun. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart:

Talk & Listen to him. Does he want to fix it? Communicate! Advise him to communicate with you even if it is not a lot of talking. If you want to fix it, Ask him calmly if he wants you both to work on it or if he just feels empty and done. If he wants to work on it then make a plan together. If either of you are completely done discuss your expectations & his for the split.

You canr force love, theres nothing you can do to keep someone. If he doesnt even want to try (professionally) then you should just lawyer up.

Just hope for the best. You have to go through the hardest times to get rewarded. Kinda like being pregnant and giving birth. One last thing. You never know what is on the other side waiting for you.

I wouldn’t worry too much concentrate on baby and once baby is here talk again if he’s still around. If not move on the best you can

There is not enough information to give a real good opinion… he is not a talker? How do u guys communicate just because he doesn’t want to go to therapy doesn’t really mean much…and we don’t know that he hasn’t tried to change the way he feels about the situation… are u still sexually active with your partner… besides the kids what do u have in common… what attracted you to him and vice versa… what have you done to “save” the relationship…

Don’t try to save this marriage. A man who would refuse therapy and has felt this way for 10 months, not a good human. If are about to deliver your second child, math says he lost feelings with you before he impregnated you. Cold! Selfish!

You can’t force him to have feelings that he doesn’t . Sounds like he had already checked out of the relationship. Protect yourself and your kids .

Sometimes relationships just simply run their course, you can’t force someone to love us. X

Go to counciling even if he’s sure he may find out what’s missing.

Hasn’t been in love with you for 10 months but got you pregnant, get rid, get a lawyer and look after yourself

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Look the truth hurts, but it’s time to move on and if possible raise your kids on your owern!

Find out the root of the issue. Watch Fire Proof & War Room. Get him to communicate his feelings. We all go through difficult seasons. Schedule date nights. Reconnect.

What an ass to tell you this right before you are to have another child. You don’t need this right now. It’s really unfortunate and selfish that’s he’s unwilling to try therapy. Especially with having kiddos. But if it’s going to be that make you sure you get support on paper black and white. He helped make those kids and he cant just decide he’s not in love and walk away from everything. I’m so very sorry you are dealing with this right now. I pray you have a smooth delivery and will pray for you and your situation

For a marriage to be saved, BOTH parties have to want it. If you’re not both willing to work, it’s a lost cause. Love can’t be forced. As much as it hurts, focus on you, your child and the beautiful new baby you’re about to have. Get a good attorney and make sure he pays child support. You got this mama. You can do it and there IS help available if you need it, remember that.

Ask him what’s wrong. Maybe you’ve taken yourself out of his life. Why do people find fault in the man?

I’m so sorry you are in this situation. Protect yourself and your children… get an attorney, know where your assets are, know your financial situation and your state laws. Call on your family if possible for support. Any man who cannot wait until his second child is born and the mother of his children is recovered and on her feet is probably going to present a problem.

If he lost his feelings then the best thing for you do to is accept that and learn how to coparent. You cannot make him change his mind about you and staying together for the kids doesn’t work

Poor baby! Ask him how he is going to raise the two kids on his own. That you hear being a single father is hard. So about the time he got you pregnant he lost feelings for you?

Why stay in a loveless relationship. He will only then cheat on you. That’s not a relationship.

That’s kinda heartless especially if you guys about to have another baby. Where do you find these selfish men? Jesus Christ


It’s going to be hard but pick yourself up and your children and put him out of your marriage. You don’t want somebody in your marriage that don’t want to be there. You need to feel loved and wanted especially giving birth to a new baby very soon. He is not worth it he is not worthy of you. It’s going to be very difficult but being a mom I know you’re going to be strong because that’s mom’s have to be that way. I wish you luck. Don’t look back

umm , DO YOU LOVE HIM? if you still do then maybe just show him that . maybe you have grown so used to having him that somehow somewhere along the way you just forgot to be emotionally present for him, and maybe he just needs to see that there is still hope for you guys. and if you feel that you dont love him anymore and you are just too far gone emotionally to be able to reconnect then maybe you could try finding happiness all over again seperately.

Show him the door ,have little contact , he will come to his senses

Flee before he changes his mind. Hard but you will be happier for it. When you discover someone has no real feelings for you(ever or anymore) its time to move on.

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You really don’t need this selfish pig back. He’s got you at a vulnerable time. He only thinks of himself. He sounds narcissistic, and, believe me, you don’t want that in your life.

Find a good lawyer first, a therapist 2nd and a good bottle for your one night of drunkenness. Love your kids.

You can’t. If he’s faced the Truth. Your marriage is un-saveable. Trying “ fix” anything is pointless. It’s only prolonging the inevitable.

Sorry. :man_shrugging:

I read your situation and it’s making my heart hurt. There’s a lot of questions here. You said he refuses to go to counciling , right off I’m wondering if he suffers from major depression. Does he treat you and your 3 year old well? Are there substance abuse issues? Because he sounds like he is completely overwhelmed. That would cause a fight or flight response. I know I asked you some deeply personal questions but I asked for a reason. If any of this is involved in your situation his leaving is only going to make it even worse for him. I’m definitively am not asking you to answer those things in a public forum. But they are questions you may think about. In the meantime iteaves you in such emotional upheaval that it’s not good for the baby about to come into this world for you to be under this kind of pressure right now…He is the one who is about to lose it all . You cant worry about him right now. , and it’s obvious you are. You need to take very good care of yourself, because you have a priceless gift in having two little ones, but it’s not going to be easy. There’s no looking back, you have to keep moving forward. I hope you have a strong support base. Do get a very good attorney if this ends up in a divorce settlement. I’m not saying take him to the cleaners here. I’m just saying you put those kids first. Be the best you can be. Lots of programs that help single moms go back to trade schools ,get their degrees. You can only move forward. As to your husband it sounds more like he needs help and I hope he seeks that help. So much positive vibes and all the love in the universe grace your every step and endeavor. You are strong. It takes courage to put yourself out there like this. Blessings to you on having this new tiny life to cherish and protect.

First let me start by saying I’m heartbroken to read something like this. If he knew 10 months ago he was done why didn’t he tell u or wear a condom? U deserve so much better than that. If he’s checked out there’s nothing u can do. A marriage takes 2 ppl to actually make it work especially when you have children. U deserve someone that loves u and he obviously doesn’t. It hurts I know but letting him go is the best thing u can do for yourself. Get a good lawyer and make sure he takes care of his kids. If u force him to stay he might resent u & the kids later but honestly he doesn’t sound like a guy worth keeping. Good luck! It will be hard to let him go & might take a while to get over him but doing so will give u strength & peace to find someone new. If your husband is mentally checked out instead of fighting for the marriage he’s not worth fighting for or any shed tears. Trust me in time you’ll realize he did u a favor. He’s a pos & u u & ur babies deserve so much better. I can’t imagine the pain ur going through. No man is worth ur tears but the one that is will NEVER make u cry. Just my advice. Good luck sweetheart. YOU’LL GET THROUGH THIS I PROMISE!!:hugs::hugs::heart::pray::heart::heart::pray:

If he’s chosen to stop loving, he can also choose to start again!

Sadly ima say take that loss . But if he held out for the majority of the pregnancy he could’ve atleast let you deliver the baby first damn … like :woozy_face::woozy_face:

Let me go but you get a lawyer and if he has a good job request 1/2 his retirement no matter what prayers for you

He cheated on you all through your marriage he is a scrum bag. Having baby Thursday think about your children. Get Lawyer put in through hell like he did you. I know how you feel.i know someone is goning throw same thing. And it a friend lives in the neighbor hood supposly a friend never turn back they will stab you

He probably found someone else to satisfy his happiness. You can keep trying until you can’t thats all you can do

So he’s been silent and felt like this for 10 months but can give you another child no problem

Stay put in the house by law it is yours because of the children but get a lawyer for the money for the children

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Like i,was told by my husband… ill stay but just know i dont want to be here… i told him to go then.

Walk away girl because :100: believe that he already in another relationship!

If he isn’t willing to put in the effort and work, sadly not much you can do. But why stay with someone who isn’t willing to put in effort to save the marriage 10 months ago ??

Time to figure out if he is the one for eh long haul

He.may be forced to have counciling before he can divorce. What ever happens. Make your life a happy one…

10 months? Well he had some feelings at least once since then seeing you’re expecting again! Get a lawyer before he does.

First suggest marriage counselling and try and work out if there’s issues between you
If that doesn’t work I would suggest getting a lawyer

Go to counseling alone and go from there

He is already with another woman. Probably younger and pregnant


What a time to tell you though :sob::sweat: wow… like giving birth isn’t stressful enough… your partner doesn’t love you anymore on top of it… I’m so sorry.

Let him go! He’s not worth the heartache he would drag you through.

You need to go to counseling even if you go alone. He is destroying your family.

Can’t force/trick anyone to stay where they shine want to be.
Hire an attorney and get your affairs in order.

All you can do is work on yourself, and he may or may not come around, but everything starts within you.

He’s done. Nice of him to feel this way, wait a month till you got pregnant and stay the additional 9 months. This is not uncommon. Many men and women try to get themselves in a position where they force themselves to stay in a relationship; they buy a very expensive home, they get pregnant etc. You can’t change his mind, but you can do these things:

  1. Do not engage in arguments
  2. Get help
  3. Give your spouse some space
  4. Keep busy
  5. Do not spy on him
  6. Do not turn into a crazy person
  7. Tell him your goal is to
    co-parent so the kids get the
    best of both of you.
  8. Become the best person you can
    Be. He sounds like a slime ball.
    Let him go.

Once one checks out, it usually doesn’t work. Sad but true. Marriage is work and most people don’t want to work

Unapologetically leave! & don’t look back while doing so!

Be strong & pack his shit for him make him pay child support & alimony he’s probably cheating take all you can get

Love is a choice. Id try counseling but he sounds like a wussy. Man up.

He’s been feeling that way for 10 months that’s your whole pregnancy does he not want the baby ?

who is she? there is most likely someone else. Let the ratbastard go.

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Some of us are just jerks. The time to quit was 8 years ago.

So hes felt this since just before u was pregnant then? :broken_heart:

If he was thinking about it 10 months ago why did he get you pregnant?

I say try talking about it but sometimes things need to be talked about and find out what he is lacking in the relationship and see about compromise. do you still have date night or some kind of relations or does he feel he is being left out because of the children. Look forward to knowing what transpired.

He might want out of the marriage but don’t let his sidestep his responsibility as a father…talk to a lawyer.

Leaving when you are about to deliver…hes ready to leave…

Any chance he didn’t want child no2?

He’s having an affair or has met someone

if he’s lost feeling for you- then let him go. it will hurt more if you hold onto him.

Why on earth did he wait so long to fess up? Do you talk to each other?

If he bases all his relationships on his “feelings,” he is childish and immature. Best to find yourself a real man who understands real love comes from and honors commitments, not feelings.

So sorry. The best and most important thing you must do is get a good lawyer Immediately.

I agree with everyone telling you to get a good lawyer, but while your waiting on what happens next, pray. I don’t know what your relationship with God is like, but if you honestly don’t want this marriage to end, get on your knees and talk to the creator of this universe. God loves you and wants you to be happy. It’s the Devil who comes in to kill, steal and destroy and that is exactly what is happening now. He is killing your joy, stealing your husband and trying to destroy you in the process; this is war sister. Luckily no matter what you have done, it’s not too much for God to forgive. Repent, (apologize) for being a sinner and then pray like your life depends on it. God will fight this battle for you if you are willing to let him. I will be praying for you and if you want; feel free to send me a PM I would love to talk to you one on one about this! :heart::heart:

Wow I think I would lose interest in him myself if I was with him. Telling me this days before I’m going to deliver our baby. Grrrrrrrr sorry JMO

Hmmm- try a trial separation - talk weekly - see if feelings develop … or not … give it some time.

See a good lawyer you can’t save something that doesn’t want to be saved

Never forget you self worth. You deserve more than what he’s offering

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Let go, or be dragged! It’ll steal all your joy if you try to hang on…let him go!!

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Turn the love you have for him into yourself and your children. Hope you have a good suppost system

Awful situation but as already mentioned, get a good lawyer and protect yourself and babies😥

Give it to God-Pray for the best case and prepare for the worst… You got this!!!

Pray. This could be the universes way of telling you it’s time to let him go!

You see these kinda men really pisses me tf off :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: cuz y would u fall in love in the first place when in the long run ur gonna break her heart and yet even with a baby on the way :man_facepalming:t4::man_facepalming:t4::man_facepalming:t4: I’m really going to pray hard for u my sistah cuz no WOMEN should EVER feel the way ur felling rn, god bless and Aloha from da 808 state :call_me_hand:t4::call_me_hand:t4::call_me_hand:t4:

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If my husband told me that… I be the happiest person alive. Be like hold on let me HELP you PACK.

Tell him to get lost and get on with your life
The sooner the better
Don’t be with anyone who doesn’t want you it will pull you down
You will be fine xxx

U need a break take a trip some way u too alone this help : talk happy stuff things to make u both laugh and enjoy eachother company dont get angry or down

His timing certainly sucks! You’ll be better off without him…

Smile and wave. You’ve dodged a bullet. Be happy.

Men seem to always kick you when your vulnerable.:woman_shrugging:t4::face_vomiting:.
Go…this is him! You’re better off alone, he can’t help you.

I’d say, hit the road,. Jack. See you in court.

He has found another woman, move on!

Promise you… he has another woman. I’m so sorry to say that. I hope I’m wrong. :pray:

You don’t need that kind of man for a dad or
husband. Get rid of him after you get a good

I am so sorry to hear this.I am saddened ,I feel for you at this time.

What awful timing for this to happen. I’m so sorry that this is happening when you needed the most support to go through the transition of birthing another child. Unfortunately you can’t force anyone to do something they don’t want to do… I would encourage you to seek out support elsewhere, perhaps therapy on your own so you can be strong throughout this transition. Much love :pray:t2:

let it go. i wouldn’t want to be with anyone that does not want to be with me.

So Sorry You Married A Bonified Jerk…
Sue him for child support, let him go, he’s not worth it at all.
You’ll be waiting for “THE OTHER SHOE TO DROP” and your life will be miserable.

Unfortunately there’s nothing to be done if he’s felt like this for awhile… you can’t force someone to love you… however, you can take steps to ensure he provides for the children he helped create, get a lawyer for the divorce to make sure he pays his child support… other than that give yourself time to heal

Sounds to me like there may be someone else involved :thinking:

Let him go sis. Focus on you and those babies.

Immediately hire an attorney! There is more to the story that you do not know.

Even if you convince him to stay, you will never trust that he has the right feelings for you. It’s hard, but it’s best to let go, take some time to yourself to learn to trust again, & find someone who will never make you question your worth to them.