How to treat constipation in toddlers?

My son had problem, luckily he liked prunes. Just made sure the seeds were out.

My mother-in-law gave me a solution that helped my child. A warm drink with one teaspoonful of the dark brown soft sugar at night before bed. It could help :crossed_fingers:

My son had to have some liquid medicine and suppositories to make him go and he’s 5 MiraLAX did nothing for him. Hope ur little guys gets some relief soon

You don’t want to be on any meds for long, a GI doctor is the best suggestion.

My son has ulcerative colitis and he was that way as an infant and child. Go to a pediatric gastroenterologist

Apple juice or apples usually gets my toddler going. If all else fails including medicine, I was told to put some Vaseline on his butthole and it’ll help guide it out. It does work.

If he likes fruit get him to eat prunes as there is more sorbitol in prunes than in prune juice, I remember seeing an experiment on food unwrapped about it

My granddaughter had this and she was diagnosed with a sacral dimple. She was on meds for years and still has to take them sometimes. See a pediatric gastroenterologist and mention this too.

Purn jucie mixed in grape jucie. My daughter drank it and eat purnes till she was 4 before it got better. Also my doctor told me to give her a little cup of coffee with sugar and milk. So we would sit and have a tea(coffee) party every morning. Lol

I doubt you will see this. But my son was the same way. We gave him glycerin suppositories and they were two wonderful and they’re very cheap over the counter

Take gluten and dairy out of his diet. It helped my granddaughter. She suffered for years.

I did…he was always holding it and messed himself up more…I gave him fiber pills and lots of pears and watermelon it helped…he’s 37 and still takes fiber

Have you tried prune juice? My youngest had constipation issues and our doctor suggest us giving him a couple cap fulls of prune juice a day and after a couple days I started working pretty well. He’s 6 now. Drinks a couple cap fulls a prune juice a day still to help and it does help. I hope you guys are able to find something that helps.

I’ve heard apple juice is really good for constipation. It helps my younger cousins when they’re backed up for sure

Chlorella. It’s a natural algae, and can be found in stores. I buy ours at Wholefoods. Take one a day. It’s basically super nutritional and helps a lot of conditions.

Having a child that still struggles with toileting issues and he now 10 I feel your pain lovely. He has been on medication since he was 3 days old and has never had a break from them and I don’t think we are going to get a breakthrough any time soon either as it then becomes a learnt/ withholding behaviour problem as they then start associating the toilet with pain or discomfort so they don’t want to go. Seeing my son struggle every day breaks my heart as I know he tries so hard to go to the toilet but most of the time it’s too late for him as he has also got reduced feeling cos it’s gone on for so long so it’s constant showering and changing clothes for him and the embarrassment due to his age. Xx

I had to insert glycerin suppositories when my baby was 2. His poops were so big. Lots of fluids. No sugary drinks. More fruits. This was 21 years ago. Lol. I hated putting those in his little butt. But it was so helpful. It was all about his diet.

Pre biotics and probiotics!! Maybe get checked for h. Pylori also.

Stewed prunes works better than prunes juice. Should only take a few and it should work fairly quickly

Will he drink water? This may help and it surely won’t hurt. I would avoid all the fancy additives and stick to plain room temperature water. Good luck.

2 of my siblings had this issue and cutting out dairy entirely is the only thing that worked.

Try movicol baby in my daycare suffered terrible and leg and tummy exercises but might have to have scope done to see whats going on internaly

I always used Phillips milk of magnesia,not sure if he can take it because of his age but something to check into

sweet potatoes are really good to get things moving…I have found also an aloe vera drink that tastes like mild grape juice works extremely well without excessive need to run tot he toilet…you can usually purchase it at the dollar store…I would use more than 1/3 of a litre pop sized bottle…so for a child go a little less [works within 2 hrs]

I had two boys like that and the only thing that worked for them were 2 Oreo cookies at bedtime … Always worked over night for them …

Give him two bananas in day… Add dates in his diet, purnes milk share, high fibre food leafy vegetables, soaked rasins… Plenty of water… Avoid dairy n milk products for some periods

Honestly it sounds like the precursor to Encopresis. The therapy for it will certainly help!

Paw paw ripe or bananas that are ripe with black spots ripe peaches try those helps a lot

Believe it or not I used to rub Castor oil on my babies tummies and it worked, no harm in trying

Prune juice or prune baby food they don’t need much and can be mixed into other things

I seen a dr on Facebook she says she tells her patients to use 1 cup of applesauce, 1 cup of oats not cooked and 3/ 4 cup of prune juice mix it up . Eat 2 TBS of this a day with a glass of water an it will help you

I’m sry your child is going thru this. Continue as your doc recommended and try to get in to see GI asap. Hopefully there’s no tear in the intestines

mine did only grew out of it last year (age 6) she was on about u sachets some times more of movicol a day also she did have another medicine aswell Sodium picosulfate use this before the movicol worked on its own but all prescribed by doctor x

Try probiotics. I have the same issue but taking probiotics seem to help. Good Luck

You need to see a specialist. Try some mint leave ,try giving him the Miralax 3 time a day. Try milk that has no fat in it .

My daughter was like this from very early on. Pear juice worked and we had her on Mirilax also.

Try osmolax. One scoop in a drink once a day. Makes a massive difference. I got the adult one and used less so it worked out cheaper.

I was always told p foods are pooping foods. Pears, pumpkin, peaches ect.

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This was while I was pregnant. Walmart has a good size jug.

We had to cut out ALL dairy from my almost 3 yr Olds diet… milk, cheese, yogurt, ice cream. And it has changed her so much! Even just the smallest little bit of yogurt was causing her 3-4 days of constipation to the point I had to use a children’s liquid suppository to get her to go ( which always works within minutes ) ever since we switched to non dairy she has only had issues once and that was because she stole my son’s yogurt and ate it before we realized she even had it!

From personal experience either juice that he can drink or lots of water

My niece gave her daughter a spoonful of mineral oil every day and it worked

Yogurt. It sounds like his gut needs some help.
Mine deals with this a lot. You also may need to manually move the poop through by massaging with your thumb the intestines clockwise in circles starting from under the belly and just follow along, with slight pressure but gently. My mom taught me that one and it’s helped so many times.
We also give her oatmeal raisin cookies or just straight up raisins.

He could be Gluten sensitive. Also new studies have shown that children with celiac disease suffer from constipation. Also drinking the right amount of water helps (you should drink 67% of your weight in ounces). You need to find the formula that works for him < fiber - water - exercise > in the right amounts. Apples are a good fiber the pectin is known for its laxative effect. Kiwi is really high in fiber. A probiotic might help get the right amount of good bacteria in the digestive system, they have gummies for kids. Actually (if not gluten sensitive) whole wheat bread/pasta, brown rice. At least 20 grams of fiber per day… A cereal should have 10% of daily fiber. It is miserable to be constipated, poor kid. Hope he gets relief soon.

if figs, water, coffee or soft boiled eggs dont do it…

stay off sugar n flower… check those veggie noodle ingrediants. agree fiber without a lots of water not good… greens, chard, string beans, stinging nettle, escarole…
see about that iron issue too…
keep us posted.

Hydrate and regular eating times. Helped my boys.

my granddaughter has to take lacido sachets every day. if she doesn’t she gets so bagged up it’s heartbreaking. she’s been taking them for years now and may need to continue for life. but they do help. if she misses a days dose of two sachets she is ill. so needs to be on them every day. ask your doc about it
milk makes her worse so she gets milk in her cereal and an occasional milkshake. she was diagnosed by a consultant in the hospital. one for gastric problems. think you may need to see someone like that
hope you get some answers soon :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Severe constipation that causes bowel impaction can be a sign of tethered cord syndrome. I would ask to rule that out when you go through the list of possible causes.

Epsom salt baths. Drink lots of water, take probiotics, make things with bone broth, take concentrace. (You can buy it from amazon, vitamin shoppe, swansons vitamins.) Start off with one drop in a glass of water 3 xs a day…
next day 2 drops 3xs a day,
next day 3 drops 3xs a day
Keep this up til your child is going to the bathroom at least 3 times a day. It might be 5 drops it might be 20 drops… you’ll know its the right amount of drops when he goes effortlessly.

Like my son he may need a full cleanup with tube up his bum. My son had it every three to six months. Warm baths n tummy massage anticlockwise :heart::pray:

Give him to drink worm water around 7 glass or more that should help him

I say take him to a specialist as well there’s actually something that can involve the nerves of the intestine that basically they don’t do what they’re supposed to and move food out so that could be an issue

Straight uncut apple juice. I once made the mistake of giving it to my daughters like that and they both pooped for hours afterwards.

Water, water, water it’ll keep your insides moist, hence the poop is moist hence it’s easier to get out

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My 6 yr old granddaughter is on 1 tbsp of Benefiber daily. It took a bit but now she’s regular.

Awww poor little mite, try red pawpaw mangoes vegies and metamucil also a probiotic everyday, yoghurt everyday, every body works different with different types of fibre, some fibre may make you constipated and make the next person fine, he also could be having food allergies, such as gluten intolerance which may make him constipated, hope this helps

1-2 scoops Miralax daily. If it’s been over a year it will take many months of daily use to keep him cleaned out and let the colon shrink back to normal size. Otherwise it’ll just keep getting refilled.

All vegetable laxative ( of corse check with your doctor) and if you rub tummy click wise for about a minute then firm but gently thumps on the lower back area. Rubbing the tummy can get the intestines straighten out. Good luck, my grandson has the same problem.

Miralax and water will do the trick twice a day…

I used to put in a little rhubarb with his cereal x

Apple juice helps and lots of water. Does he eat vegetables?

Try flaxseed flour two teaspoons in 100 ml of kefir biotiful base
Put the flaxseed flour in the kefir and let it stand for a few mins
The kefir comes in a range of flavours and is lovely and the flaxseed tastes quite nutty
It should help but give it every day and for the first few days twice a day xx

Dark karo syrup. Just a half a tspn. They’ll poop within a day. Doctors around here tell everyone this. Just dont so too much at a time. But our son is 3 and it still works. Even with our 9 yr old. Its natural too so better than meds.

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It’s an old home remedy that always worked for my kids. 1 teaspoon of Karo syrup as needed.

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Use probiotics made for children daily. Keep up with using miralax just not a full dose is what helped my daughter to become more regular when she had problems she kinda finally out grew it after about 3 years

Try a little warm lemon water before he eats or drinks anything in the morning. I was having the same issue. I feel so much better now… I drink it before I drink or eat anything.

Mineral oil will lubricate his intestine allowing the food to simply slide through

Try to offer lots of water, a cup with a straw, etc. try to make it fun. It might help,

Ever tried ground up flax seed? Works for a lot of people?

Scrap an apple with a spoon, oatmeal water: boil some oatmeal and add more water so it’s like oatmeal juicy pour the juice into cup and let sit till cook and drink… broccoli and apple smoothie… if older I use “Super Cleanse” Organic Juice Cleanse ewe with 35 fruits and veggies. Supports Digestive Health it also Detoxifies…made by Country Farms

Chicken soup with all the fat and skin. Every day. Once a day.

They make chewable laxatives for kids, called pedialax I believe? My daughter needed them for awhile

We used to use two oz. Dark kayro and 7oz of warm water worked

Eat more soup… things with fluid and fiber… eat no white bread

I was that way as a baby and my mom would use a tsp of Karo syrup with eight ounces of water and would lay with me bare stomach to bare stomach for warmth and it usually helped

I work for a Pediatric GI office. We see this often. He needs a GI referral.


Miralax first thing in the am. That’s what my dr told me about my son who’s 5 and also deals with it

Have you heard of the Everlywell at home food sensitivity test? Might be worth a try? You’ll get results before you go to your appt.

Apples, pears (and juices) daily probiotics. Bran flakes, wholemeal bread.

My son had constipation and I was told to put white Karo syrup in his water. He did not have any issues with constipation issues with doing that.

When you consume fibre water must be drunk.try prune juice.

Look for nopalina, or a cactus based fiber, it’s gentle, it can be mixed with juice!

Raw milk does wonders for my digestive system.

I’d try Digestive Advantage (over the counter probiotic) which comes in a gummy version that a child could eat.

I’d take him to a specialist. Could be something else going on.


Have you had your child tested for Hirschsprungs.?

I think you need to get him X-ray-Ed . Maybe even go to an ER. Surely they will help you before it gets worse. Poor thing need relief.

Gastroenterologist :slight_smile: sounds like a food allergy or medical issue.

I would give my baby mint tea her doctor said it was fine

Give him digestive enzymes with meals, and get some good probiotics for him.

Restoralax. You can get it over the counter. My doctor told me to give a tablespoon mixed with a drink. Works like a charm.

A good probiotic or gut repair might balance him out. I know it works for me

The doctor can call in a prescription for that.

I would see a specialist if I were you.

Lactaid milk! Thats what saved us

tell them a story that will scare the shit out of them

Juice, but I had a doctor prescribe him a small dose of mirolax.

Until u can get into see someone of course this helps my grandson

Drop of corn syrup in his drink. Worked for our boy

Give him a table spoon of mineral oil daily it will work