How would you feel about this?

Child support has nothing to do with visitation. Let you child have memories. Those are priceless

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I’d feel like lack of child support is not a good reason to withhold something like that from my child.

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Let him go and you are now able to take that time to prepare meals, get the house cleaned, surprise him with something he has been asking for. Do something that’ll be worth his vacation away from home so once he’s home you have a some free time with him.

My child would be allowed to go on the vacation with him. The father still needs to pay child support though. They’re separate.


My ex never paid support of my two kids and I never denied him!!! Wtf is wrong with women these days?! So petty, materialistic and spiteful?!


Child support is for absent fathers, not lazy mothers. If a father is fully involved in his child’s life, provides for all of their needs, and has joint custody, then there shouldn’t even be any child support payment going to the mother. Period. The system is broken.


How can he afford a vacation if he can’t pay support?


Child support has nothing to do with what dad wants to do with him on his time with his child. Quit being petty.

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As long as he is safe and having a good time is what matters. The financials should be addressed in court not with the child visitation schedule.

Wooo hooo, free time for meeeee.


Seriously :unamused: are you really that petty???
The only person that gets hurt is the kid… stop thinking about you pocket book…


Would I trust someone who has been neglecting his child’s needs, to take him on vacation? Probably not.

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If he isnt abusive, what’s the issue here? Preventing your child from seeing their father out of spite isnt a good look. Especially over child support. The fact that he even wants to take the child on vacation speaks for itself. These are separate issues.

What does child support have to do with your sons father wanting to take him on a vacation?
My sons father doesn’t pay his child support but still goes to see him on the weekends

Is this even a question?
Why do so many parents equate the right/opportunity for a kid to spend time with one of their parents, with whether the other parent pays…:unamused:

Im sending em. My 2 oldest dad doesnt pay anything for 6 yrs but I let them go whenever it works out he can or wants to get them.

My ex husband hasn’t paid CS in YEARS but he still gets to see his son every weekend. My son loves his Mamaw and that’s who he goes and vists bc ex lives with his parents. I do it for my son bc he would be heartbroken and lost without that side of his family. Women need to learn to put their pride and ego aside and put what’s best interest for their child. Pettiness will get you nowhere and your child will grow to resent you. Will my ex ever start paying his dues? No probably not but I will not take that out on my son or his grandparents he loves so much.

So its all about money for you huh?

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I would definitely let him go

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My ex owes me $48,000 in child support. No joke. But personally, if it was a healthy and consistent relationship then I would rather my son go on vacation with him than get child support. I get it’s annoying, though.


Now ladies, let’s not get the 2 mixed up. Child support has NOTHING to do with visitation. Child support is only there to help support your child not give dad/father the right to see his child/children. Anyone who believes that needs to grow up. Regardless of if the non custodial parent pays child support or not they still have a right to see the child (it’s their child as well). Paying child support and visitation are 2 different things and have their own court proceedings. Child support has NOTHING to do with visitation! Bottom line. So what if he “doesn’t pay child support” he isn’t “Paying to see his child”. Sorry, but these kind of “mom’s” irritate me.


In the case of my son, not a chance in hell. He barely sees our son as it is…and if he took him anywhere, chances are that he would forget our son somewhere, as he’s so absentminded

Um… he wants to spend time with his son and that is worth more then ANY child support payment. As long as he is a good father you should have no reason not to.


Seriously wth! Some moms can be petty as all get out. Support your child regardless of what dad does and be supportive of their relationship.

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I mean, your ex shouldn’t be taking a vacation if he’s behind on support, but take that up with the courts. Don’t punish your child. Also, denying parental time due to missed payments is illegal if theres a court ordered schedule


I get where you’re coming from. Why does he get to take him out to do something fun and expensive when he doesn’t help me with any of the essentials like school stuff and clothes. I get it trust me. But I you have to think about it from your child’s point of view. You wouldn’t want your kid to miss out on anything I’m sure.

It depends….is he a good dad? Does he contribute at all to the child’s needs? Does he see him consistently?

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My children’s father hasn’t been fit in 4 years has no where to live let alone take the children, no child support at all but I still let them speak on the phone so they always remember he loves them. Sometimes it is hard but as a mother you do what you gotta do as long as it is right for the children/child.

Dad spending time with kiddo has NOTHING to do with CS. The best thing for a child is to have a relationship with their parents regardless of adult financial business. You’re never punishing your ex you’re punishing your child


They should always stay separate.

As long as he is treating the child correctly let your child see their father. He may be a deadbeat financially but at least he is there emotionally for them. You can have. The courts address the back child support but unless the father is abusive or toxic for the child let them have their memories. Your child will thank you in the end.

The two are not connected. You can’t keep your kids away from a parent because they owe child support, that’s not right. You deal with the child support, bring them to court, whatever, but if they have rights to visitation that stands regardless. I get that would be frustrating, especially paying to bring them on vacation when they’re not helping financially support them day to day, but the time with them is invaluable.

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Seriously? You’re one of those???

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So your not gonna let your son go with his father because they haven’t paid child support? Has the father been active in his life? If so he should have all rights to take his child on vacation. Child support has nothing to do with keeping the child from spending time with their father. Geez some women are money hungry. I despise child support.

That’s a petty ass reason to withhold visitation. Follow the damn custody agreement that’s in your divorce decree or custody agreement if you weren’t married and then reach out to the court to inform them that your ex isn’t paying their child support, because that’s contempt. Don’t be that mom that makes their children grow up resenting you because you hindered a relationship with their father. Him not paying his child support is not your kids burden to shoulder. He’ll have to answer to that down the road. I get it, not getting paid sucks and makes it pretty hard on you but NONE of that is your kid’s fault.

Of course. My ex is behind but took my kids to disneyland. A trip they will never forget. Time spent with their father :woman_shrugging: time matters…

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It shouldn’t be about the child support. If he’s a trustworthy parent I would say yes. Don’t deny your child from having fun and building a relationship/ spending time with his father. Unless like I said it’s a safety concern or a trust issue.

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If he doesn’t have money for child support then there should be no money for vacation


Visitation and CS are 2 different things. Don’t be that mom who uses your child as a bartering tool. :nauseated_face:


well i mean one has nothing to do with the other.

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Not unless he’s taking YOU TOO

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I would let them go because I dont won’t my kid’s thinking that I’m trying to keep them away from their father. That’s just me

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If he doesn’t see the kid(s), no. Cause the kids barely know who he is. If he sees them regularly and they are familiar with him then yea. I would only go off of just cause he doesn’t pay child support.

This child is his too your hurting the child sorry about the child support problems it’s unfair but with Covid and the government screwing with us things are bad prices sky high hope he gets it together and pays you you sould like a nice person

If he’s taking care of his child, what do you need the child support for sis?

Let your child make memories with their dad. Wtf. I’m sure you still get your nails done even when you’re broke.

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You let him go . By not letting him you are just hurting your son. So you care about more money than your sons happiness. My husband could owe me 10,000 in back child support if we ever split guess what he still gonna see his kids.

Bye!! Be good for daddy see ya when ya come home

Let him go? At least he wants to spend time with his child.


Does he see ho child outside of wanting to take him on vacation? If he does on a regular basis? Honestly, the issue of child support is an issue between YOU AND YOUR EX NOT THE CHILD. Don’t be that parent that deprives a child of time and making memories with their dad cause of stupid money…


If he can afford a vacation then you best believe he can afford child support and I wouldn’t let my baby daddy take my kid on any vacation if he hasn’t paid child support. He’s trippin.
Just sayin. Good luck momma❤

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You shouldn’t stop your child from spending time with their father just because you havent got CS. Be happy the father wants to spend time with his child.


It’s all about the money to some people


My dad never paid his child support and my mother never kept him from seeing me. She always made it work somehow.

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bye kids :woman_shrugging::clap:t3::clap:t3::clap:t3::clap:t3:


Don’t ever let money stand in the way of your child spending time with his father when the father wants to spend time with the child. That’s horrible.


problem is, he hasn’t paid his child support.

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Of he is involved and sees child regularly then ya vacation with dad sounds great. Who cares about child support. A good relationship with both parents is worth more then a couple bucks a month.


Is someone else paying for this vacation? His parents maybe? Family vacation on the father’s side? Like many others have said, if he has a relationship with his son, let him go. Why would you even think of not letting your son go if they have a good relationship? Now, if it’s the opposite and he never sees him, etc. Yeah, that might be an issue. Definitely need more information here.

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if its only over money but does stay consistent in the kids life then yes you should let him. if not consistent thats another story


If there have been issues of violence or threats definitely not​:unamused::pray:

Why not? Children are not pawns.


Have funnnnnn son :wave:t3:


You will never regret letting your son be with his Dad.


Me wishing I had the financial support I am entitled too would not prevent me from allowing my child to enjoy the things I wish I could provide myself, in any circumstance. I’ve pretty much accepted the only support I will get with my oldest child is when his guilt kicks in on Christmas and at this point, I’m just happy my kid gets a good Christmas. It sucks and I’m sorry but definitely don’t make the kid miss out to teach them a lesson, they’ll likely go anyway and the only one losing out is the kid.

Would you rather ya child have memories w their father or you have a little extra money this month? Don’t be selfish

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Let them go with dad. My kids dad doesn’t support them financially at all. He still gets them when he wants them. Unless, I have prior plans. Even then, I’ve changed them. It’s about the KID(S).


If he’s consistently in his life then why would you deny your child that time and memory with his father…

Why punish your son just because his dad isn’t doing what he’s suppose to??

No way, if he don’t give child support how is he that child life, :thinking: he has no money can’t give the child the time of day.

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Visitation which includes vacation has nothing to do with child support. You can’t legally block visitation due to unpaid child support and you should be ashamed of yourself for even considering it. You don’t even know if the father is paying for the vacation.

It depends on the situation between the father an child… Everyone has their own opinion and only you know what’s best for your children and yourself

Child support & quality time with their dad are separate things… too many parents use their kids as weapons for financial gain & do not take the feelings of the children into account… fight for child support but do not limit your child’s time with their dad, it’s not fair on the children!

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I pay mine and still don’t get to see my daughter it’s not fair

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How would you feel about this? - Mamas Uncut

Yeah no healing from that


He’s already showing red flags. Run girl. :triangular_flag_on_post:


You said a new relationship, but not how new, don’t waste your time throw him back to her…unless your that desperate for a man…he’s already a liar…


Liar liar pants on fire…let this girl put out his pants


Throw out the whole man child, start over with someone else


Kick him to the curb…hes not worth the effort and time you’d have to put in to a relationship with him! You could never trust a man like that!


If that’s new, imagine the secrets afew years down the line… Get out now and save urself the heartache. I ignored all those signs and 7 years later im left alone with 3 kids after he had an affair for a year and hid a second life behind my back for nearly 3… Run…


You’ve discovered who he is. He is not the one.


Well the girl obviously is a friend cuz he’s talking about you to her so it’s not like you’re a secret but the other stuff seems to be flag Worthy


Maybe hes using you to make her jealous and trying to win her back.


I would feel humiliated and belittled and be wondering does he even like me? So many questions that wouldn’t have acceptable answers. You need to ask yourself where your boundaries are and how much you are willing to put up with. Lack of boundaries invites a lack of respect. Choose yourself mama. Always choose yourself. Fuck that.

Walk. This guy has no respect and if you see it at the beginning then it’s only going to get worse.


Bye byeeeee….this will just continue and you will get hurt in the end :confused:


So many red flags. Run from that situation.


Girl run. Don’t invest any more of yourself into this relationship. He’s already shown you he is a liar and now he’s crossing boundaries. Don’t stick around long enough for him to learn to cover his tracks. Consider yourself lucky you discovered these things early on.


Serious red flag!! He won’t change… if he lies when he really had no reason too… then get rid…
he is definitely not one u can trust…
if u carry on with that relationship u will only have urself to blame when he totally destroys u with his lying etc…


He has shown you who he is… RUN


Bin him now once a liar always a liar and it would escalate not worth it


He had friends before you he will have friends after you, as far as the strip club lighten up magic Mike I am sure he is not let him do stupid stuff and relax however if you come home and he is in bed with someone then you got problems or in my case he was in my barn beastiality is definitely not for me anyway good luck and remember if the red flags pile to far up only you can blame yourself for staying

Strip clubs aren’t red flags

Girl bye :wave:; he’s not over her and as it looks like you’re the other woman keeping them apart. Walk away now and save yourself years of trauma and tears. Choose you.


Not worth the tears, he. Is and out and out liar you have already caught him out so I wouldn’t waste your time, go now before you invest anymore it will never work and you will only end up hurt


Any lies with me would be a no go. Get out now and find a real man not a boy x


He betrayed your trust straight away and then told her about it……get rid of him


Liars are liars the End …