I am 7-months-pregnant and just found out my husband has been cheating: Advice?

Single motherhood time! I’d crash his world and serve him with divorce custody and child support papers all at the same time.


what are you looking for advice on?

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It hurt. You have to think about it. Can you deal with it or its too much for you? I deal with it and we are happy all together today.

I think it’s a tough decision that you ultimately have to make for yourself and your family. Just because everybody automatically says to leave, that doesn’t mean in your heart you’re done with the relationship. That has to be something you pick or you’ll be even more miserable. You’re in a very vulnerable place so sometimes making a life changing decision in that moment can end up being the opposite of what you want later on. My advice to you is to sit down with him, ask him what he wants, and ask him to put himself in your shoes. If he still wants a future with you, he’ll agree to your terms. Trust CAN be rebuilt but it does take time. Sometimes years. Do what’s best for you, and keep walls up at first if you have to. I know some people get embarrassed by counseling but I highly recommend it. There’s no harm in having you both sit down with an outside perspective and really delve into the source of the issue. No matter what you decide, I wish you all the best! :heart:


I would say leave, but been in your shoes. It’s not always easy to leave, especially if no where to go. Which I did not. But if you do, definitely get out.

So I’ll probably catch crap for this, but my husband cheated on me for Atleast 4 years that I know of. He cheated thru two pregnancies. He was even texting her while I was in labor both times. This is just that I know of. I love him, but initially I made him move out for a bit to decide what he really wanted. He came back and we are working on things (I only found out this past year, so it’s still up in the air) but he is doing better. Every day we work on fixing things. It’s all about what you choose to do. Many people are quick to say leave, but haven’t been in that position, or don’t remember how it feels to love someone so much and have a family with them and want things to get better. You have to draw a line that makes you comfortable and happy. I told my husband he had a decision to make, it was me and our family, or we get divorced if he couldn’t stay faithful to me and the family we built together and he actually changed. He decided to be with me and our family and has actually put forth the effort to change and make me and our family a priority. I’m not saying things are perfect, we fight still, and I’m still hurt. But we work thru things and I can see he’s putting in the effort to change and to do better for our family and to make me happy. He’s slowly building trust again, but knows he can easily lose the trust he has gained back. And he knows he doesn’t get another chance. So I say the choice is yours, but whatever you decide… put your foot down with that choice.


There is no gray. It’s black and white. If a dude can do this to you at one of your most important times in your life, what do you think lies ahead of you?! He may even miss the birth because he could potentially be with the other chick that day.

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Never, and I would kick him out. A man that could cheat on the women bringing his child into the world isn’t a man at all.


Leave his sorry ass.

Leave him, he has shown how little he cares for you… you are at your most vulnerable and he does it now…

When you are equally as vulnerable with a new born with hormones everywhere with sleepless nights and all that comes with a newborn he has shown now he will put his pants first so why would he step up then? You are going to be left to it and he is going to expect you to still run the house and look after him…

Do whats best for you and the baby and leave him now…

You need a support network and support around you when you are struggling with the baby he will make it harder.

You deserve better you deserve proper love get out now. Get out before it’s harder to get out.

He does not deserve you


Is there a therapist you can talk to? By yourself not along side your husband? I would leave “fixing” this situation completely up to him and center and heal yourself for you and this baby. It’s very hard but there is someone very important coming really soon and your husband unfortunately made his choices without you and baby in mind or heart. Do not waste any energy focused on him. Focus on you so much on you.


Kick the shit head out. Once a cheater always a cheater!!!

It’s not easy to leave and I’m so sorry you have to go through this. Just what I would do leave and don’t go back when he calls for you send him your proof of him cheating then change all contact information and just go start new for you.


Nothing will change!


Learn how to have a healthy co-parenting relationship with him for when your little one is born. Chances are, your husband won’t change if you continue with your marriage. I would ask for a divorce and start the conversation about co-parenting! You got this


Dueces mutha f*cka!!


Not easy to do but walk away you don’t need that in your life at all if he wants to be part of baby’s life fine but that it you owe him nothing! Your better off with out him!

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What a piece of shit

Yup happened to me.left him when I was 8 months pregnant and never looked back.

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I’d leave his ass on the curb divorce lawyer. And gather all evidence. Hes trash and you deserve better

Kick his snake ass to the curb and go on to family court so your child support will be waiting! Do it once will do it again

Been there. We seperated for a few months and got back together. It’s been a lil over a year that we’ve been working on things.

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Mine did. I too was 7 months when I found out. Gave him another chance. He did it again when my baby girl was 3 months old. After that I was a single mom.

Personally I’d let him go, get a lawyer, and file for full support. Zebras don’t change their stripes


I would leave you can go through this alone, I have been through i it I raised both my kids on my own with a little bit of help from my family

Get tested for venereal diseases! No more sex for him! Separating now would be too hard on you. Some men love their wives and children but still cheat all their lives.


Omfg pack his shit for him show him the bloody door you dont need that stress he wont change🤬

Leave. You and your child deserve better.


Leave his ass and take him for everything he is worth

Leave. you and your baby will appreciate that decision later and you will be a better mom knowing that stress factor is gone !


People so quick to say leave lol … Uhm like that sounds like the right thing to do but it’s not always the easy


First and foremost get tested for diseases. If he will cheat on you with you pregnant he will cheat on you period.


Its going to be super difficult to manage your feelings and dont take what I say the wrong way but dont take it out on the baby. Because in the end of all this, youre not going to be alone, you’re going to be with a human that loves you unconditionally and doesnt know how to not make you laugh. Like omgosh are you going to enjoy this little being so much that they WILL fill a void you may be feeling. It is truly his loss and your gain mama. I’m speaking from similar experiences, except he didnt cheat he had to be gone for the first couple years of our newborns life, and it was actually better because I feel even tho it is a lot of work as a single mom, your child is going to be raised how you feel correct. It is easier saying to leave him then actually doing it, but it is going to affect a lot of the parenting you do. If you are able to live with your parents or close relative then I suggest doing so while figuring out your marriage. Allow yourselves to be parents and thrive, but I think before any decisions are made you both need to decide how to make it a healthy situation for your baby. Because please trust me when I say, everything we do as parents deeply affect our children both good and bad. Just please allow yourselves some space to think rationally and even with a professional talk to someone. Whatever makes you comfortable.


Mine did when I was three months pregnant with #3. It wasn’t the first time or the last. I finally left after 16 years of his shit and now we’re back together for our kids. Get out before it’s too late!

Yep…my 1st & 2nd pregnancies… my older 2 children r 10 & 1/2 years apart… they have different dads…I was cheated on during my pregnancies with both… my 1st pregnancy , i decided very early on i was gna be a single mother & i was single for almost 9 years… then I met my 2nd child’s dad & knew also from very early on in pregnancy I was in fact gna raise her by myself as well as my 1st… & I did… when my 2nd child was still very tiny I met my now husband & I knew he was THE 1… we went on to have 2 children together & I actually got to enjoy my pregnancies & experience what it’s like to have a good, faithful, loving, caring, Godly man in my life to help raise my children :blush::blush::pray::pray: prayers for u & ur baby


How about talk to him?
Talk to a counselor?
None of us here know the whole story, but a discussion needs to be had and then decisions made.

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Both go to counseling if he doesn’t want to go then leave him. Staying together for the baby is wrong. It only takes one good parent to raise a child. Not two that fight all the time.askk him due his part through court to protect yourself.My mom use to tell me you can do bad all by yourself.

Yes but I was stupid enough to know before I got pregnant what he was doing and stayed because I had no self esteem. He left me at 8 months pregnant. He came back the day I delivered and made it seem like everything was going to work out and he would do better. 8 months later he slapped me across my face in front of our son. I left and never went back. LEAVE HIM!!


Time to cut ties and leave him. It’s not worth it to put yourself or your child through that drama. He does not respect you. Leave him and slap him with child support as soon as the baby is born.

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Omg sweetheart!! That’s heart breaking. And I completely understand. The decision is yours. If you honestly don’t think he’s gonna change, then pack his stuff and tell him byyyeee… but if you think he’s sorry, and wants to try again, I suggest counseling, individual, and couples… you deserve better… but if y’all can work through it… I would.

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I went thru this 2 yrs ago. And we worked thru it and we are actually stronger in the end. We both put in a lot of work and I still have tough days almost 2 yrs later but it was the right decision for me and my family. Some ppl change some dont. You have to decide if your strong enough to work thru it AND if you man is one who is going to truelly change. If not then its best to move on. In my situation 3 kids and 11 yrs was worth more to me then walking away without at least trying to fix us. But again my life my choice it’s not for everyone


Kick him to the curb does he even realize what he can bring home to you and the baby or don’t he give a shit

Yes and I took him back only for him to do it again…and again…and again. Finally just got him tf out…moral of my story is leave now, dont waste more time cause chances are, he’ll do it again.


Kimberly Anne you got experience with a slimeball cheating husband…

First go get tested. Then if you wanna work it out you need to talk to him about why he cheated and maybe look into counseling, it worked for us, if you don’t want to work it out then leave now before there’s a child’s emotions involved in it.


Leave him it’s easier said then done. But the stress of you trying to figure out whether you should stay and work it out is going to drive you nuts. There will be no more trust so ur always going to be wondering. Not good for you because ur baby can feel those energies so better to just cut the ties now and focus on yourself and ur upcoming baby. It’s hard being a single mom but it’s a lot better then trying to stay in a relationship that isn’t going anywhere. I was single for 2 and a half years and then I met my partner and it’s been a hell of a lot better.


First, whether or not you stay with his ass don’t ever have a child with him again and make sure he knows you won’t. Get all the evidence of his infidelity if you decide to divorce that way the court will be on your side. Get tested for STDs and make sure the girl he been fucking knows he’s a dirty ass cheater and he gonna lie to her too if she stays with him.

Leave. If you let it slide he’ll just keep doing it because he knows he can get away with it. I went through it with my ex. He still hasn’t changed at all. Luckily indent have to deal with it anymore


I’ve went threw the same with my first daughter. He was more then cheating on me, he was abusing me. when my daughter was born, I though he would change for the baby that he wanted, but turned out while I was pregnant with het, he nocked another up. I left that guy when my daughter was 3months. best thing for us. I I cared for my daughter by myself with some help from family

Stay strong

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Both my first (whole time…had no clue until I was 6 months and we ended it for a long time)… again with our 2nd but it was a one time thing (same girl) and he owned it and it took a long time but we were married at that point and we worked through it… we’re having our 3rd and have since moved and have a completely new life and our marriage and relationship are a lot better and a lot stronger these days. His guilt ate at him for a long time… the forgiveness was easier than the forgetting but we don’t talk about it anymore because … New life

Oh sweetie…I have been in your EXACT spot. I will say this. Go to counseling, if you can truly forgive him and move on then it will work out. Unfortunately, this was the second time, and after counseling and 3 more years of trying, I could not rebuild the trust and it turned very bitter. You need to do what is right for you. I know your emotions are all over the place right now, and when people tell you you have to suck it up for the baby it does not make it any better! If you want to talk PM me, but know I am praying for you!

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Not sure of the whole story but I can tell you it happened to me. I listened to others instead of myself. I regret it. I miss half my kids life now because we do 50/50 custody. I miss holiday’s, milestones and in the future will have to understand they now have 4 families (we both remarried) they have to decide where to be. I cry 10 years later and wish I would have worked it out. Really mediate on this. It’s a big decision.

Kick him squarely in the nuts!!!:joy:


I hope you make the best decision for you and your baby. I’d be so heartbroken and hurt. Maybe wait till the baby comes to make a decision. As for the hubs I’d avoid him till you decide. Idk how your not on the news for murder! I’d be that out of mind.

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He’s not worth being with, pack up and leave,

To be honest with you… men cheat when you pregnant especially with the first. Others do change and others don’t, you should know your man by now, follow your heart if you want to work it out but just be safe, go get tested. If you truly decide to forgive him …
Punish him, let him work very hard for your forgiveness n trust. Be strong and all the best sweetie.


My husband of 20 years started cheating with my babysitters best friend when I was pregnant with my 3rd son… I did not find out about it until 7 years later… I knew thIngs were not right but everytime I confronted him he lied… cried… begged to stay together & offered to go to marriage counseling… when I finally caught them together I was done… I only wish I had known sooner and left when I was pregnant… he put my kids & I through hell in those wasted 7 years…

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If your man is abusing you and
Cheating on you you need a new
Man that man don’t love you he is
Just useing you

Been there done that leave him it won’t get better and he definitely will not change sorry mama

Kick him to the curb you deserve better than that.

Two words… Get rid

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For a co Ed response join Parenthood Uncensored

Why is this even a question? When your partner cheats, the relationship is over. Goodbye. Sayonara. Farewell. Elvis must leave the building. Out.


Get out before the baby is born!

He put your unborn baby at risk. That’s unforgivable.


Run 4 the hills hun. Once a cheater is always gonna be a cheater. He isnt a man he is a lil boy. A man steps up n takes care of his family not dip his stick in another hole.


Leave the relationship.

Leave him before the baby is born…trust me it will be way easier that way…

Once they cheat and basically get away with it ( staying with him is getting away with it ) they will continue to cheat ! Just hope it doesnt get any uglier than that because BELIEVE ME it surely can ! But it will never get any better ! Coming from my 40 year experience with 2 men and 2 marriages and 2 divorces !


I understand. It feels like your dreams have been crushed. When I was pregnant the child’s dad cheated on me and he acted like I was repulsive. He was very hateful and shunned me, so I know how it feels. I left him and he has no contact with me or my child. I have been single for six years and I don’t date. I am the happiest I have ever been. My child is wonderful. He loves mama.


Didn’t know it wasn’t already obvious LEAVE HIM and give your baby your last name not his

Why do so many of you give a free pass to guys like this?
It sends a loud message to the guy- she’s willing to put up with anything, for starters. So she’ll forgive me again. You’re disrespecting yourself!
Plus, the rest of us here, who know our worth, and the first red flag we’re out… It’s wrong. K?
NO MAN is worthy of having you if he’s out cheating and putting you at risk for catching something. NO amount of talking is going to change the situation. He showed you by his actions/choices how he feels about you.


Kick him to the curb

Some men get stupid when a woman gets pregnant. It’s the responsibility they can’t handle. They see their lives change because now they can be taken to court for child support and they resent the woman for getting pregnant.


There is NEVER a good reason to cheat, ESPECIALLY on your PREGNANT wife. Not a message to send to him that you will take it. You can forgive him but you cant trust him now. No relationship if there is no trust. Its up to you and I know how hard it will be to start over but if you dont, it will only be harder to once the baby comes.


He is showing you who he is. My husband cheated and I had to leave because I knew I could never trust him again.

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Leave hz Cheating Ass… raise your baby to know tht women cnt be used & abused…raise your baby wth love & security…noone wil love you more loyal thn your Baby…and tke time to live & laugh…love yourslf 1st before hedn n2 anotha relationship…yep itl be hard being a single mom bt believe & hve faith…reachout to family & true friends wen it gtz rough…you can do this…

Move out or kick him out. Don’t let him see your child. Don’t give the child his name and don’t put his name on the certificate. He’s a piece of crap and you both deserve better


Leave him. This is a simple one tbh.

I’ve seen it in my own family. Leave. If he gets away with it and there’s no consequences, he’ll do it again. I know it’s easier said than done but you deserve a man that respects you and loves you.


What a pig to even do that to you and his own blood … I’d leave him asap let him have his hoes your unborn baby is more important x


If he can do this while you are carrying his child then he simply does not care. You need to think about your health, emotionally and physically. And now the baby as well.


Leave his ass and file for child support.

Get tested for std s now . Sorry he is an ass hole . Enjoy your pregnancy . Your gonna love that baby so much you wont miss him.

Time to kick him to the curb and take care of you and baby.

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Leave now and get custodial custody of the baby. If you can file now, do it. Once a cheater, always a cheater! You and your baby deserve better!


Think of your baby NOW & not months down the road or even years when he does it again …or never stopped and you find out about it again. It’ll be harder to deal with then. Harder on you and your child.

Leave or make him leave.


I went through it and stayed. DONT! If he doesn’t respect you when youre carrying his baby then he never will. I am with a wonderful man now so i can honestly tell you that one exists for you and he will love this baby as his own. Dont stay. Please dont stay.


I found my boyfriend cheating on a Fri. Both of us pregnant. I was 5 mo. I had a miserable weekend. I went to my doc the following Monday to make sure we were both ok. I was dilated to 4 at 20wks prego. They immediately put me in the hospital and did a Cervical Cerclage. I was put on complete bedrest for the remainder. I lost my job, my apartment, my car, and my boyfriend…But I didn’t lose my baby Thank the Lord! There is no possible way that I would put up with cheating ever again! He put our lives at risk and I can’t forgive that.


For the people saying leave him- sure why not break up a family before it even has a chance? Of course that’s the best thing for everyone since growing up without a father has absolutely no downfalls :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes: if the father really loves her and the child then he will do what he needs to make things right.


Leave… I promise they never change. Do not allow this person to be a bad example for your child. Save yourself years and years of pain and suffering. Right now you can be strong enough to leave. 15 years from now you will be beat down. Love yourself and your child enough to know once is enough.


litrally going through the sams right now also have two other children. he went out on sunday and come back todat and i find out his been cheating. its so heartbreaking and i dont know how to cope with what im feelikg right now. my kids are the only thing getting me up in the morning xx


Get out now.
It will only get worse

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This is more common than you think. Some men are overly concerned about having sex while their woman is pregnant. They don’t want to be “poking around” where the baby is close by. Not all men cheat, many are never found out, and some are revealed. It’s up to you to decide how to move forward - with or without him. P.S. Try to entice him to have sex with YOU - to show him “it’s okay for the baby!"


Leave him he seems like a pos


If your spouse is cheating on you, he does not respect you. You should not ever be put in that situation and out of respect for yourself i would leave.

If a man can cheat on you knowing you are pregnant with his child and going through a whirlwind of changes physically and emotionally he doesnt deserve you.

And for the one saying " why break up a family before it even has a chance" he did that himself by cheating ON HIS FAMILY. If he truly loved her he wouldnt be able to do it.


Leave. He’s obviously has no respect for you and once the baby comes you don’t want to be worrying about where he is and whether he’s cheating or not. You and the baby will be much better off. Don’t worry about those women saying you’re breaking up a family. Who knows you may meet a lovely guy down the track and he’ll step up and be a proper father. Good luck.


Leave he dont deserve u and ur baby if he cheated he shows no respect nor love for you guys

I would sit him down & ask him if you wants to go to marriage counseling, and what he really wants with you & your guys baby that is not even born yet. Your a smart woman.