I am afraid my boyfriend is going to leave me for a dog....advice?

I think the boyfriend needs to get rid of you! I would kicked you out a long time ago

I guess the bf must not care too much about his dog if he refuses to communicate and get it the proper help. Y’all are so busy bashing this girl its pathetic. Doesn’t matter if she’s been with him for years it’s HIS dog and will still be his dog if she leaves. I feel for the pup but Y’all are seriously rude af.

I really hope he chooses the dog

It’s a dog and it’s crying because it’s obviously scared/anxious/bored, give it attention and stimulation, take it for a walk, throw a ball for it all of those things are simple and easy.
Think of it as a child. Are you going to complain your baby cries and cries and cries and ignore it or hate it, or are you going to comfort it and see to its needs

Don’t make him choose. You knew he had a dog (I’m assuming) when you moved in with him, so you need to get over it and try to bond with the dog. I bet the dog can sense that you obviously hate it, and that’s adding to it’s anxiety. If you make him get rid of it, I can guarantee your boyfriend will resent the hell out of you for it.

Dont try to compete with his dog, you will lose. Start bonding with the poor pup.

I would 100 percent choose the dog. Stop. You knew he had a dog.

There’s a Bach Flower remedy called Mimulus. You can get it at most Herb shops. Put a couple drops in the dogs mouth and put 4-6 drops in his water . Or theres Rescue Remedy. It really works.

She’s the one that needs to be medicated not the dog…jmo

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Dog comes first :wink: start packing he ain’t choosing you lol

Either try to form your own bond with the dog or go to any pet store and buy calming treats and possibly a anxiety shirt they aren’t expensive at all

You have a husky cooped up in a small house all day… they are working dogs, sled dogs, y’all have created a stressful environment that’s not fulfilling his needs.


Walk the dog? Take him to a dog park to burn energy m.
Arrange a dog walker if you can’t.

Why don’t you try to have a relationship with the dog. Start slow, and do something with him each day. Do you absolutely hate all dogs or something? I couldn’t imagine spending every day alone with anyone’s pet and not forming a connection. The dog is seriously scared his owner isn’t coming back. Try to build a relationship with the dog…you may love him to peices in the end. And that husky will be the best friend your baby EVER HAS!


If you don’t realize the dog knows and understands the fact that you hate it and that is playing a huge role in it’s behavior then you are the problem not the dog. Walk the dog, show it attention and start training the dog. Huskies are not lock in a house and ignore all day dogs and it sounds like both you and the boyfriend are poor pet owners. If you both struggle with a dog this much I hope you both do better with the child. If he had the dog prior to you and you force an ultimatum I guarantee you will lose.

You need to leave.
Being pregnant is not a reason to stay in a bad situation. Your bf does not take good care of his dog- what makes you think he’ll be attentive to you or a baby.

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Well, you’re having g a child with this person.

If he’s going to choose a dog over you two, you should know that.

You need to go to the vet and ask for medication since he won’t - and you need to call a trainer to help work with the dog, teach object permanence, reduce anxiety, etc…

Maybe some of those buttons, so the dog can communicate with you better? You can find good resources & ideas on Www.fluentpet.com (no I am in no way affiliated, but I do use them).

And perhaps most importantly…get a counselor.

It sounds like you already HAVE two babies, and a third won’t lessen the load by a long shot.

Consider this time of new beginnings a fresh start for your relationship as well and put your cards on the table; do you expect him to get up w baby, share household jobs, participate equally in childcare, what’s the financial plan, who will work and when and where and what will childcare look like - whose faith will the child be raised in, and what parenting styles do you each have and how can you best work together for the child? Vaccines? Public school? Vegan lifestyle? Cartoons? Video games? Who will read to the baby, who will interview for pediatricians, what kind of discipline do you see being appropriate for your family?

This is the time for those discussions, now, when every option is on the table.

You need support and I suspect a therapist will be the one to provide you with the bulk of it during this time of transition.

You can still move out of course, and I hope your state gives you every option available if you elect not to become a mom.

Pregnancy is a dangerous time for anyone. Your physiology is undergoing a lot of change, your whole LIFE is changing, and it is a tough time for partners who may be in conflict about something, which it sounds like you are. So please do let someone know what’s up - again, a counselor is likely your best bet for this.

I wish you all the luck with everything. 🫶🏻

First, he’s just a baby! Second, you need to understand his illness and that’s exactly what it is! Imagine if you will, that you’re bipolar and that you have high anxiety! It’s no difference! Try taking him to the vet and get that baby some medicine!

Are you even trying to like the dog? Take down your walls? Does are not stupid and they feed off your energy. Do you comfort or play with the dog? I have 7 dogs. My husband said “no more dogs” 6 dogs ago… If my husband loves me he must love my dogs. :woman_shrugging::joy:


It sounds like the your boyfriend has never taken care of his dog and met the dogs needs to the fullest. How can someone work all of the time and not take proper care of his dog??? Especially a high maintenance dog. He’ll probably be the same way as a dad. I would leave.

Girl if u don’t like the dog whining, just wait until you realize that your babies gonna cry too


You’re not going to lose your boyfriend to the dog… you’re going to lose him because you think it has to be a choice.

If you want to stay, try to bond with the dog. Go for walks, maybe a treat mat or toy to help with the boredom. Find yourself something to do away from the house each day, or a casual job until later in your pregnancy.
Maybe take the dog to the vet for an anxiety assessment, they have solutions.

You are the one with an issue, ultimately your decision is up to you, but yeah, I wouldn’t be getting rid of my dog for anybody.

Trouble is that you hate the poor dog, and he probably senses this. How unlucky is he. :disappointed:

You’re gonna really hate it when that baby cries all night. Girl, it’s a dog. They’re annoying sometimes. So are kids. Learn to love the dog.


It seems you already chose to leave so why stay because you are pregnant? Dogs are amazing instead of hating him try loving him play with him make him feel like he is not alone.

Why u worried about him leaving. You said you was thinking about leaving because if a dog. Its ok if you do it but not him…lol

I’d leave for my mental health. Pregnancy is never a reason to stay. The amount of women bashing another woman on this thread is crazy. I’ve had issues in my life and I’m not one judge someone else as I made some crazy decisions in my life. I haven’t seen a bashing like this since Rihanna performed at the super bowl pregnant. Even then every one bashed a woman of color, a survivor of domestic violence, music icon about how much she sucked. That’s when I realized there are no harsher critics than the people of my own sex. It’s crazy. Best of luck to you.

My dad had a husky she was a beautiful dog and loved him sooo much when he passed away she was so lost she then passed a few months later :broken_heart: anyway sounds to me this has been going on since you moved in and have made no attempt with it so the dog has picked up on it she just wants her dad back and nit the mean person in her home what are you gonna be like with a real baby? :thinking: they are far worse :rofl: get over it is what I say put the effort in get the dog help and bond it huskys are beautiful dogs I would so love one :heart:

Honestly you can just hire someone to come run him. Idk if they have it in your city, but there’s now vans with thread mills that come exercise your dogs :joy::joy::joy:

You’re nta but the dogs being neglected because his basic needs aren’t being met. Tell bf to start running/rollerblades with him. Getting pregnant doesn’t mean you need to stay together though probably should have been smarter about that before it happened


Why don’t you try spending some time with the dog since you’re there so much alone with him you could actually make a bond if you would put forth the effort but if you don’t want to put forth the effort to even try you don’t need to be there in the first place

You should leave. And if the baby isn’t something you wanted then nothing says you have to have it either, cuz babies are super whiny and have separation issues too… if you wanted the relationship to work you would put in the effort to play with the dog, walk the dog, find a way to help him get his energy out and be happy… but you don’t want to do that because you hate the dog. I hope your bf tells you to get tf out if you don’t decide to leave on your own.

The dog knows how you feel about him, they’re not stupid. No wonder he cries all day long… how would YOU feel living in a house KNOWING you’re not liked or loved? How about you try to build a relationship with the dog, pet him, take him for walks , talk to him, give him some treats and toys, and become his friend and care taker? The dog didn’t ask for this situation, he has no choice. It’s up to YOU to commit, not only to the dog, but the family your building.

How about actually cuddling the dog or interacting with it instead of hating the poor thing… When I first moved in my husband had a huge black cat named midnight. He wasn’t fond of me at first and hated when my husband would go to work he’d pace back and forth in and out of our room and by the door. That cat was his pal I tried and interacted with him for a while until eventually he came to me on his own and he became my fuzzy little friend I got to feed, cuddle and would take naps with he was the sweetest boy. Show some compassion to that dog and interact with it so while your husband is gone it’s anxiety won’t be as bad because it will have someone there to keep them company instead of feeling alone it seems…

Huskies need daily exercises & not in the heat as they are working snow dogs. Know your breed b4 you commit. This poor dog is probably bored out of its mind & stuck inside with a human that hates it. God help you as you are about to be someone’s mom and you can stand or handle a dog that has separation anxiety and howls? What’s going to happen when your newborn cries all night and day or you have to leave kid with sitter and you or the child have your own " separation anxiety " !?! YTFAH

Not everyone loves dogs I would be annoyed too. Maybe. Pay for a dog walker twice a day would he good for the dog and you get a break

Why allow yourself to get pregnant? I don’t like dogs who shed because I hate hair everywhere. I would have been gone a long time ago. I also don’t do loud annoying dogs. I would never have allowed myself to get pregnant

Why are you home all day? Is your boyfriend supporting you or do work from home?

Lmao this is actually comical :rofl: :rofl:

If you hate living things that are clingy and whine around the house all day for no reason, you’re in for quite a surprise in 9 months :joy:

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Sounds like the dog does not suit the lifestyle. Huskies need a lot of exercise and stimulation. They can be absolutely amazing, if cared for properly. If your unwilling to put the work into the dog while your partner is at work, and you guys are expecting a child, it would only seem logical for him to put family first as hard of a decision as that would be.
Staying together for the sake of a child is not a good idea… your gonna be miserable and it’s going to effect your child. If you were looking to leave prior, id reconsider the decisions your making right now.

I hate dogs especially unruly ones. So I get it.

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If you don’t like the dog just move out Dogs sense things and knows you don’t like him. And why aren’t you working

Is there a reason YOU can’t bring the dog to the vet? Are you walking the dog? Paying any attention to the dog at all? If you have been with him for 3 years the dog is your responsibility just as much as his. Sounds like the dog doesn’t deserve you :disappointed:

Pets are family. And as many times as you said you absolutely hate this dog id be afraid of you hurting him. So what are you going to do if you have this baby and it’s a daddys boy or daddys girl and they whine all day asking about daddy, you going to hate your child too?

You and the dog need drugs

It’s not him leaving you for a dog it’s you leaving because of the dog. So let’s get that straight first. You clearly have a lot of animosity towards this dog, and he senses it. Dogs are very smart animals and can tell when someone does not care for them. If you can’t handle a dog crying all day, what makes you think you can handle a baby crying? You’re a few years in, but now just because you’re pregnant it’s an issue? Sounds extremely selfish to me.

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Lol one the dog know you dont likebit so when your bf leaves he feels your dislike of the poor dog … try showing love I bet the whiny stops … do you like dogs at all start by giving it a pat on the head talk to it and if you can take it for a walk … oh well if figure out if baby and he is worth letting him go over a dog oh well good luck but if you love each other for your kids sake make peace with the doggy lol

Maybe exercise the dog and bond with it so its not scared and lonely all day? I mean you knew about this dog and still chose to live with and reproduce with the dogs owner. Maybe try for a solution you can achieve vs making a dogs life even harder by permanently separating him from the person he loves so much that he freaks out when he isn’t near as well as breaking up your family because of what seems to be laziness and lack or empathy.

Boo hoo! You don’t like a dog? Fi d ways to make the dog your own. Obviously this poor creature needs love and attention. If you haven’t got enough of those for your dog, pity your child

Maybe the dog can’t stand you neither

Don’t let having a baby stop u from walking out don’t sound very good that’s his baby He would turn on and be very upset about losing his life that he has with dog try and see his point just a little bit or it won’t work for you

Dog for the win🏆 i feel bad for the baby tho bc if you cant have a shred of care for an innocent animal you’re just not gonna hack it as a parent
Consider giving him the kid too!

Have you tried bonding with the dog? Taking him for walks, giving him treats. Huskys are high energy and need the stimulation. They’re just like children. Dogs sense when people don’t like them. If you learn to love the dog, it’ll be better for everyone involved. Just remember. The dog was there first. That HIS daddy. Try being his momma. If you really can’t manage to love the dog too, just leave. When the child comes he can get his parenting rights and get partial custody with overnights and you don’t need to worry about the dog anymore. Also babies and kids are whiny. If you can’t manage a dog, the baby might be better off with daddy.

Girl just leave it’s obvious that he doesn’t respect you.

Lmfaoooooo girl that’s exactly what a kid would do. Suck it up. I’d leave you for my dog too so idk what you expect when that child is gonna be screaming just as much.

So you spend all that time with a dog and you haven’t given it a chance because it whines? You sound like your whining oh I hate the dog it’s his dog and I don’t want him to choose yet I’m pregnant and can’t move out. I still hate the dog what do i do. Whine whine whine. You’ve been with him long enough to no he loves that dog and you’ve always hated it so why not leave sooner. You can interact with the dog and take it for a walk while your at home all day. That dog knows you hate it and that’s why it pines for him all day long. Get to no the dog and learn to love it or move on. I also think when the baby arrives your gonna try and get rid of the dog and use the baby as an excuse. I hope you don’t as that would make you an awful human and no wonder the dog doesn’t like you back.

Why don’t you go get the medicine for the poor dog, did you not realise that the poor dog is actually suffering ?

Get you some Hemp dog treats and drug that Doggie.

So what are you gonna do when your kid does the same thing? Not trying to be an ass but kids do the same thing. Try bonding with the dog. Love on the dog. Take it for walks. Dogs are smart and know when a lot of people don’t like them.

Woof woof woof…get over yourself.

I was debating on whether to post almost the exact same thing your going through only thing is, is I’m married to him and his dog is a husky German shepherd that he got five years after we were together.
Without my approval too!
I understand what your going through like I am an absolute animal lover but do to my allergy’s I can’t have animals and when he came home with this dog without discussing it with me first… you can bet your butt I was furious I’m still furious about it and it’s been a year since he got the dog and regardless of what I say about the dog it’s a constant blow up of anger. I absolutely hate this dog as well. And I rarely ever hate anything dislike yes but never actually hate…
Good to know I’m not the only one who has this problem.
So I know exactly what your going through

Why isn’t she working too? The Bf works 2 jobs and then she’s home all day ignoring the dog :thinking: If she can’t handle caring for a winey dog then how is she gonna handle a screaming, gassy, fussy baby?? :thinking:

U need to love the dog too. How about be a good human and u derstand that dog has been thru something to make it like this help the dog to be a strong part of the growing family

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U would be out the door tbh pregnant or not u hate my dog then I hate u simple. That dog is that man’s child aswell so fucking grow up and stop hating on innocent animal who if u took out wouldn’t whine all day. Who the bitch u or the dog.

Yeah it’s your hatred and bad attitude around the dog that’s the problem. Dogs sense that. You said you hate this dog half a dozen times in one paragraph. That’s pretty deep. You need to try and bond with the dog. And idk what medication you think a vet would give this dog for anxiety but that’s never going to happen. They don’t give meds like that. The solutions is you. The poor dog knows how much you hate it and it’s negatively affecting his and your quality of life. The solution is you changing your behavior and trying to help the dog. I would never get with someone that hated my dog so MUCH. It’s wild to me that your first thought was to move out. After several years this should be your dog now too. Invest in a training class for the dog. They have classes that meet for 1 hour one day a week for 6 weeks. Also you can look into calming treats. There is a huge variety of them with active ingredient ranging from mushrooms to CBD and lots of other things. They work! Another issue is this poor dog obviously is not getting enough exercise and that contributes to the noise he makes all day. Large breeds like huskys need a lot of exercise to be happy and healthy. This is legit they need like 1 to 2 hours a day of running, walking, playing, fetching, and just moving around. You will never see any improvements if the dog doesn’t get more exercise. That’s #1. Exercise. #2 change your attitude about the dog. Stop hating him so deeply. Start showing him love and attention. Take him for a walk and start bonding with him. It’s unreasonable for anyone to hate their partners dog.

Watch the show “It’s Me Or The Dog” full episodes on YouTube. She has great tips on bonding with dogs and training them. Using her tips I have been able to get my dogs’ (4 small dogs) to stop barking so much.

I had a husky for 14 years… they are very intelligent and very vocal. A husky needs lots of exercise and interaction. Plus the dog probably senses you don’t like him. Try forming a bond with the dog. Huskies are very lovable. And it sounds like u want him to choose between u and the dog. I personally would choose my dog over a guy. My dog is my child too .


I fully support your frustration. Is it possible though that your boyfriend had divided his time with the dog ever since he met you? Try looking at the dog from that understanding and learn compassion and compromise as your life will be full of it :cherry_blossom:congratulations on your newest family member

The dog probably knows you hate it….huskies are pretty intelligent creatures and can be extremely loving once you form a bond with them. Have you made any effort to form that bond?


As a husky owner myself I say you try to spend quality time with the dog. Become his other person. Maybe it’s possible he can tell you don’t care for him which is why he whines for his “dad” all day. Huskies aren’t bad dogs but do get a bad wrap sometimes.

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My dog picked my husband…40 years ago!!:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

You might want to learn to be friends with that dog sooner than later lol

I would pick my dogs over any relationship always. The only reason I bought a house in this economy was so I could keep my large dogs. Either make an effort to train the dog that is equally your dog or pack your stuff & move on lol


Lots of exercise. And maybe one day a week take him to puppy daycare.

Dogs are family, not to be rude but if you got with a guy and he had a dog and knew he was a dog lover it sounds like you guys love differently because a dog is like a child you can’t make somebody choose and what do you thinks going to happen when you have a baby, they are going to cry and keep you up all night are you going to get rid of it.
BTW suggested harmless pill that will help the dog is Prozac

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My husband got a husky pup when we just started dating. Fast forward I moved in and became the primary caretaker. My husband went overseas to work. The first few months were rough but the dog and I finally bonded and now she’s like my dog lol. They have a lot of energy and sometimes it’s like having a baby. Take it out, walk it, let it run. If the anxiety is that bad talk to a vet. Our husky is now my girl and like a child to me.

Your boyfriend cant give the dog proper love and attention he wont do it for a baby either.

All the people saying he needs to choose the dogs side are CRAZY. You are carrying his child. His dog is just a dog at the end of the day. If he is going to choose a dog over his potential family, then the trash is taking itself out. If you don’t like the dog, you just don’t and you can’t force that. He has a family now and it’s obviously tough. He needs to medicate the dog or something

He needs to pick the dog. You are shallow.

If you have been around the husky for years then it’s safe to say you haven’t given him the chance… huskies are very loyal and loving dogs if raised properly. They need excessive exercise and they need to be able to run off the energy. Dogs are usually a great judge of character so I’d maybe reconsider. He probably feels you hate him and honestly i wouldn’t be nice to someone who i felt was rude to me either. He feels love from your bf and he feels annoyance from you. Which is why he cries when your bf leaves. As if to say “no don’t leave me with the lady who doesn’t love me” and that’s sad :face_with_peeking_eye:

The dog probably acts like that bc it knows you hate it. Animals react to peoples intentions and the vibe they’re giving off. If you put out love and affection to that dog it’ll be completely different. Does the dog act up when you’re boyfriend is home?

Take the dog for a walk,bond with it.
It will be your best friend

They do make a thunder jacket for dogs see if that will help. I would bond with the dog, he might turn out to be your best friend!!! They also make a collar for dogs it’s for anxiety get it at your vets office. I’m sure the dog can sense you don’t like him, try loving him and walking him everyday I bet he will calm down. But we had both the anxiety collar and thunder jacket they both work really well.


That a great bread he knows u don’t like him that’s why he crys for the bf try sitting down wit him and let him know u like him then he will be happy with you and u can bet he will.guard hour new baby with his life thsts the kind of dog he is…try it!!!

Wow … maybe be a better person and change your perspective on the dog because the dog senses your bad energy … also he should provide proper accommodations if you are not reliable to take care of the dog while he must work… poor pup :dog:


You would be shocked at how much love an animal has to offer you. He can feel your energy and wants away from it. You are missing out on one of the most genuine, tender, sincere, types of love you will ever experience. You sound like your mind is made up. someone save the dog

I would forever pick my dog over who I was dating/seeing…

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I think first off, you need to try bonding w the dog. That dog can be YOUR best friend, protector, of u and BABY. You said yourself YOU are the one there all day with it. I completely understand your boyfriend not wanting to get rid of dog and getting mad. Like you said, dog wad there before you. However it sounds like the dog is not getting enough exercise for one. Huskies are a working breed they NEED EXCERCISE or else they become destructive and annoying. With any dog, they need routine, they need jobs, they need exercise. I’m not saying that should fall on u entirely, no. Boyfriend needs to step up and adjust as well. Maybe some medicine would help, but that’s just a band aid on the bugger issue. The dog needs more, that’s why he is as annoying as you say he is. Not to mention, he’s not getting attention like he should. You could completely turn this entire situation around. Bond with him, go on walks, let him go to a dog park and run off the energy. Your baby is going to be the same way. This could be a positive thing. That dog is going to be your best friend if you turn this around. If you truly don’t want to, then don’t, that’s on you, but don’t be hurt if your boyfriend does choose the dog over you. That’s also entirely on you.

I’d pick my dog every time. :woman_shrugging:

try to bond with the dog so he doesn’t cry & whine all day. of course he’s doing that as he’s being ignored by someone who is home with him all day & has absolutely nothing to do but that.

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Sounds like to dog is bored. That breed is high energy. Go get a ball and throw it down a hallway or out side

I don’t blame the bf.

I wouldn’t stay w someone my dog didn’t bond with nor with someone who can hate a dog. SMH.

Dogs know good people.

Wow. I didn’t even read the whole thing. I’d take the dog and leave you too. The dog knows you can’t stand him. He doesn’t want you living with him either.
Poor dog. Just needs exercise, attention, and love. And he’s stuck with you. I feel bad for the dog.
The fact that you are thinking he discard the dog like a piece of furniture is pathetic and sad. I never would date you in the first place. That’s heartless.

Clomicalm. It has changed our life around here. My 4.5 yr old dog was the same - driving everyone bat sh*t crazy!!! Whining & barking unless she had my attention around the clock, in & out ALL NIGHT LONG. Very anxious. Just started over the past 6 months. Even has to be fed with a fork. It’s ridiculous- so I know you aren’t exaggerating. Clomicalm has changed everyone’s life in our household (and probably our neighbors). You might want to look into it. I’ve owned/bred/showed/rescued dogs & cats since I
was 10 and I’m 55. I’m not a beginner- I think some pets are mentally ill, and with proper diet, attention, and behavior modification, I finally realized that like people, some need & deserve medication. Wishing you so much luck :four_leaf_clover:. :heartbeat:

He will choose the dog and sounds like he should… he had it when u met him?? N u choose to move in??:roll_eyes:

If any one ever told me they hate my dog I’d show them the door!!! If you were ready to leave him because of the dog I don’t understand what ur deal is and honestly you sound jealous of the dog and a little cold hearted!! It sounds like the dog doesn’t want to be stuck with you either!!!


Either get the needs yourself or leave.

I’d leave mine for my dog too if it came to it :woman_shrugging:

You need to build a relationship with the dog. He senses you don’t like him & that’s not helping his anxiety.