Tell him how you feel.
It was my 1st mother’s day with our 3 month old and my husband didn’t do anything or get me anything. I was pretty disappointed bc it was my 1st mother’s day with my baby and he worked then was asleep within 20 minutes of being home but my older 2 got me flowers. I think my feelings were hurt more than anything but what can ya do, just gotta get over it.
I’m kinda baffled by all these responses about not being a mom or not being his mom. No, she’s his wife and expecting their first child. There should be an excitement about that, and if I were in your situation I too would feel the same. Not to mention you’re ready full of emotions being with child.
I would definitely mention how, you’re let down that you were even celebrated, bc you are a mom. I don’t care if you’re just pregnant or have given birth, you’re a mom. you’re creating a life and family with your husband and that should be acknowledged.
you are not his mother…
You aren’t his mom. When spouse does something its usually for the kid to give/do for u.
That is wrong my husband gets me flowers @gift
I feel sorry for you, but some men have no clue to how much it means to you
Half these responses gotta be a joke. She’s a first time mom. They’re married. She deserves to be acknowledged on those facts alone. Seems grandmothers steal the thunder away from every mother on mother’s day. Grandparent’s day became a thing for a reason. These women need to teach their son’s to be more attentive to the woman they make a family with. They deserve respect and love too.
Your a mother and he is a father there is life growing inside you that he helped create…he should have acknowledged you my first mothers day I was pregnant my husband got me a necklace and a card he adressed it from our unborn son and himself. I’m sorry mama
Sarah Siskin wow what an ass thing to say. She IS a mom!
in a man’s mind, he’s not a father until the baby is born. he probably doesn’t think of the way women bond with their babies before they’re born and how we feel like mothers way before baby is born. forgive him. he can’t read your mind.
Once that baby was conceived you both became parents. The baby’s location will just be different next year. You have every right to feel hurt or upset.
No my husband didn’t get me anything either, he never does. It does not bother me. My children always make me something and tell me happy mothers day. That’s what counts.
Talk to him. My soon to be ex husband wished me happy mothers day this year…no reason your husband can’t make a point to do so.
You were a mother the moment you conceived and how inconsiderate of him.
It’s okay to be hurt and you should tell him, but lots of people do not celebrate pregnant women on Mother’s Day
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It’s been 18 years and I’m lucky if he remembers what day it is try not to worry about it. It’s petty & they’re stupid. Think about your healthy baby about to make you a mommy, that’s gift enough
This is my opinion, -
If Yor pregnant and Yor baby is alive inside of u then U r a mom already !! That’s a fact !
Shame on him but he is a man, only not all men think that way, so sad though. I’m very blessed
W/one of the best and rare men ever !!
Well, You are not his Mom. So, what’s the problem?
I think it’s rude for your husband to not wish you a happy Mother’s Day and celebrate yours baby growing inside you! Maybe he isn’t truly happy about having a baby or you getting pregnant. Talk to him
I would say it’s normal. I wasn’t acknowledged on Mother’s Day when I was pregnant. But when my son was born he does good every year don’t take it to heart.
You sound hormonal lol! Next year you’ll be a mommy relax
I would’ve definitely expected something also. No it is ok to be irritated by that. I would’ve been.
All these people commenting you’re not his mom. Wow. Mother’s Day should be to celebrate all the mommas in your life… I bet half these people wished all their FB friends a happy Mother’s day and y’all have the nerve to harp on this poor girl for having her feelings hurt. Girl, it’s justified.
But he just may not know. Talk to him about it and express that you felt left out when you anticipated being celebrated as well since it’s technically your very first mother’s day. Odds are he just didn’t think about it and they barely listen to the words that you speak; they for sure aren’t mind readers. Sit down and calmly voice your feelings. His reaction will tell you how you should truly feel about the situation.
Yea, hubby should have acknowledged you as the mother of his baby under construction. He’s the jerk.
Father’s Day is next month. Time for a pay back.
Have you told your husband how you feel? Have you asked him why he did not wish you a Happy Mother’s Day? He may have misguided feelings about jinxing the birth or something. You aren’t going to know if you let what you perceive as a slight gnaw at you. Speak to him.
Maybe he do not see you as a mother because the baby still not have been born.
Get rid of him. I can tell you from my experience he is a mama’s boy and it will not get any better
Never got anything on mom’s day while pregnant but while it might’ve been nice, I didn’t expect it until the next one. haha
My sons dad didn’t give me anything either so my sister got me a Mom necklace when I was pregnant. I would be a little upset. I didn’t get one from the guy i like either this year as its new I didn’t bother to say anything cause I’ve been alone for 4 years & im kinda of use to it now.
I get why you are upset but I also think that you need to tell him. My husband was very stern about special occasions because it’s not part of his love language. After a few years of me not getting not even a happy Mother’s Day or Valentine’s Day and one year even not a happy bday from him because bdays were not a thing at his house, now he finally understands what it means to me but if you say it to him no matter how hormonal it makes you sound it’s valid because you are!
Grow up because you will celebrate once baby is born
Easy young one, just say something to him. I understand his momma gift- it’s his Momma - like you said this is your first - maybe he really wasn’t thinking the way you are- you are over thinking this, sweetie. If it really bugs you - tell him - it’s all new to him too.and make a comment about teaching the lil’ one - just how special Mommas are -
When I was pregnant my husband didn’t acknowledge it but this year he did bc this the first year I have my little one
I mean could honestly be that if you didn’t tell him you wanted it celebrated he probably didn’t know my bf didn’t get me anything while pregnant for Mother’s Day either but made up for it the day after by having a date after I said something men don’t always know unless it was communicated you can’t just expect him to know parenting is new to you both he probably doesn’t even expect anything for Father’s Day either this year cause in his mind he’s not a father yet
yep you got that right Michelle Burgess
He is a jerk…tell him you are a mother…
For a lot of men, the whole pregnancy and child thing doesn’t become truly “real” until the baby has arrived. It’s very likely that it didn’t even cross his mind.
I didn’t get nothing from him I got a happy Mother’s Day like half way threw the day that was it I’m not a big fan of gifts an that either but him an I have 5 kids he does nothing for my birthday our anniversary or anything
Did you let him know ?? How sad & disappointed you are ?? Any acknowledgement would have been nice. I suggest counseling
Can’t U just be happy for your Mom in law?! Jezz… after U two have your baby you’ll be a Mother not until & anyways u r one lucky lady to have a husband who acknowledges his mother if it weren’t for her, there wouldn’t b ‘a husband’, a dad to be of ya’lls Child!!! I just don’t get sime of you, wow!!!
I am so sorry! What an unkind way to handle your Mothers Day! I am afraid he will live to regret this! You deserve better!
Mine didn’t either. I dont care he shows me mothers day is every day
Thats bogus! My husband usually buys me something . This year he been spiteful towards me for bogus things he’s done to me … he apologized at that night and told me Happy Mothers Day but that’s it. So when Fathers Day comes he’s not getting sh*t from me
My husband NEVER bought me a Mother’s Day gift because he said I wasn’t HIS MOTHER; I was his life long companion& he always bought me a special Valentine card or sometimes took me out to eat…He took the children to buy me a Mother’Day card/ gift, starting when they were very young & they are in their 60’s now & still do so. He always calley me “darling” or “sweetheart”, never “Mom” or anything similar. I loved it that way.
Honestly, it’s just a day. And venting on the internet won’t make you feel better. You’re not his mother.
That is true Jessi the reality that there is really a baby coming doesnt set in with men until they see it and hold it in their arms! My husband was like that!
Some men are just POS!
my a$$hole ex told me when i was pregnant “you’re not my mother” then left me to go to mother’s day lunch with his mom and his family and i went with mine.
You are a mother already! That baby is growing in your belly. Congratulations momma! <3
I believe you should talk to him about you don’t want this to become an resented issue
Technically, you are not a mother yet. This is your first, doesn’t count as you are NOT a mother yet.
I would talk to him, don’t accuse him, don’t say you made me feel…say I felt like…maybe, it’s just something he doesn’t feel about you being a mom “yet”…maybe, it’s he feels his mother is a mom…and you are his wife…talk gently to him.
A lot of yall are so petty. girl if it bothers you just tell him how you feel. Maybe to him, he doesn’t think your a mom yet or he didnt think about it much. Just be honest with him.
I’ve been a mom for 10 years, other than my grandma taking us all out for mothers day, it was just another day. My kids fought alot of the day and didn’t do anything special for me, my husband said happy mothers day when I woke up but nothing else. You just get used to it…
I am so sorry!! Very thoughtless of him.
Maybe just say something to him sometimes people just don’t realize. Communication is key from both of you.
treat him the same on Father’s Day my kids dad always told me I wasn’t his mother and I said well you do have a mother get her something
Why would you think your not parent yet? When that child developed a heart beat your became a paren
Maybe he’s afraid since the baby isn’t born yet, in his mind he scared things could happen. Or that he could jinx something. Don’t count him out just yet he may have a lot fears that he’s unable to talk about
Your not his mother, he had no reason to say happy mother’s day
I haven’t got anything for Mother’s Day for almost two years…… I know the feeling all too well, you don’t feel appreciated or wanted and it’s just sad. i don’t agree with just “because your baby isn’t born that doesn’t make you mother” that’s not fair. Your keeping your baby safe until it’s arrival and even after. mothers deserve to be treated like it’s Mother’s Day everyday…. Not just once a month.
Whether your baby is in your belly or on your lap, you’re still a mom. It was thoughtless of him not to celebrate you as well. Let him know it hurt your feelings. It could be that he’s waiting until baby is here. From the posts I’ve seen on Facebook, lots of women were forgotten or given something at the last minute. My heart hurts for them.
I have two kids and pregnant and my kids dad didn’t but we aren’t together
Liah Hendry she is pregnant
You are not yest a mother nor are you his mother - it is MOTHERS day live with it
You are a mother, you are growing a human inside of you. Happy mother’s day! I’m sorry he didn’t tell you.
Did u tell him ? I didn’t get anything from my bf or kids but I’m okay with that cause we were all sick in bed together
I would talk to him. He may have no idea since the baby isn’t born yet.
Speak up your disappointment in a nice way. Some times men arent thinking straight. Honestly their brain just doesnt put 1 +1 together unless you point them
Did you speak to him about this? Maybe he sees it differently to you. Personally I wouldn’t expect my husband to say HM day unless I had given birth.
That was nasty of him … oh well return the same on fathers day
Next year . Not a mother yet.
4 those who say u not his mother why shud he wish u - why den do u wish other mothers on the day.None of them r ur mothers.
The day is “MOTHERS DAY” - Not wish “your” mothers only.
A day of appreciation for the role of a mother.
That’s absolutely awful I am sorry and well you aren’t alone. When I told my now ex husband I was pregnant after having 3 miscarriages he asked me who the father was, so now my son is almost 4 n my 46th birthday was May 2nd he got me nothing for BOTH days. Thank god my mom made sure I had a flower and a card. Sadly I struggle with this as I want my son to do this when he is older so despite the lack of respect n acknowledgement from the ex I will always make sure he gets something from our son. Set an example and get him a card at least for Father’s Day. Best of luck n hope he wakes up real fast.
I have a pregnant daughter in law. We all wished her a happy Mother’s Day and my son got her a card (got me one too!)
You shouldn’t feel like you do because you are not a mother yet. Now if he doesn’t acknowledge you next year then you have every right. Just expecting doesn’t give you the title of mother yet.
he should have said something kind to you.
Anyone else feel he prolly thought that’s for when the baby is actually here? No one wished me a happy mother’s day til the child was here in our arms
I got a key chain (love it) from one kid and was told happy mother’s day (appreciated it and loved that my teens actually hugged me lol) by two and oh i thought mother’s day was on the 15th from the boyfriend lol…it’s just a hallmark holiday and if you are a upset while your still pregnant I feel you may be disappointed a few times in the future lol.
My son didn’t give his wife a gift as she wasn’t his mom. I wish he had taught his boy how to treat her.
What in the world is wrong with him?
Sometimes men just don’t get it. Hopefully, you can tell him. Honey I’m hurt you didn’t acknowledge that I am caring your child. It would of been nice to acknowledge that I am a mother in the making. There are cards for Mothers to be. I think if you have a conversation with him, it will resonate every year with him and he will not forget in years to come. Boys do love their mom’s. He just needs a little education. Hopefully his mom put a bug in his ear, too!
If you don’t get it through to him by father:s day, get him a card at least. If he can’t tell you’re hurt, go buy you something, like flowers and a necklace.
Sometimes men really just don’t and not because they are heartless, they are really just that simple. I would communicate to him, get it out in the open. Don’t let it get out of hand. Make sure there isn’t any mistakes or miscommunication later on.
Technically, you not yet a mother… So you cant be upset. Men don’t think like us ladies so you cant blame him
Ya sorry I didn’t get a Happy Mother’s Day when I was pregnant. Don’t be insulted. If it happens once ur baby is born then I would be pissed.
Your not a mom yet. Selfish
I didn’t get a mother’s day gift or anything while I was pregnant, nor did he get one for father’s day, because we were still expecting. We weren’t parents yet🤷
You deserve to be acknowledge but please consider that she is his mother who loved, raised and sacrifice everything for him. So maybe some flowers and time for her doesn’t hurt your budget. Im guessing its pregnancy hormones. But its mother day. Thats his day with his mom. Its not wife day. That would be Valentine day for you. Give him a break. Gifts are so stupid. What is it suppose to represent that he hasn’t given you yet.
Same for me …we have 2 boys 7 & 5 …m.i.l got breakfast n shopping… I didn’t even get a card or happy mother day then til the day was pretty much over
you need to actually tell him. since he’s so thoughtful of his mother, he probably didn’t think of it
Communicate with him. He might have not registered that you wanted something.
People are not mind readers.
Mother’s Day isn’t just for YOUR MOTHERS but for your grandmas and sisters or aunts anyone who has a child or pregnant should still be told happy Mother’s Day .
Didn’t get nothing not even a happy Mother’s Day .
He’s a thoughtless idiot. I wouldn’t be around next Mothers day.
I am beside myself. What a jerk you’re married to I’m sorry to say.
All I can say is as I hope things get better for years to come. I don’t know you but I’m sure you are a beautiful woman carrying a beautiful child.
You became a mother of the moment that child was conceived. 
That is sick and twisted.