Soooooo don’t acknowledge him on father’s day…petty I know
Most men do not think like we would want them to or expect them to. He obviously did not think about since your pregnant to acknowledge you or maybe you would want to be. I don’t think he meant to hurt your feelings bc he didn’t think about it. I would express your feelings in a positive and nice way. Just say that your feelings were hurt bc he didn’t say happy Mother’s day to you and you would have liked him to. Leave it at that and move on. I would also let him know that these days are important to you so he knows for the future. Now if he doesn’t do anything in the future then I would be upset. He is a guy, you have to teach them and tell them exactly how you feel and your wants and needs. If this is the first where he hurt ur feelings like this give him some slack. Communication is so important and especially now that your pregnant and hopefully you two will be happy and stay together but remember to talk, don’t keep things bottled in and move on from things after you guys talk it out. Good luck
A real man would have gotten u flowers.
I’m so sorry. I’ve been there.
Hi, I don’t know you but do want to put a thought into your head for consideration. My husband of 54 yrs. NEVER acknowledged me, and like a fool I took it. No, I wasn’t his dear Mom but I am his dear childrens mom. Trust me he won’t get better or more sensitive he will always be an A.H. and will never respect you. Leave now while you still have a life ahead of you. There ARE respectful loving men out there who would love to love you. If he doesn’t respect you now he never will. Don’t wait till your 73 and only have regrets to remember. I’m sorry, I hope I’m wrong but I’ve never seen an A. hole change. He’s got it or he don’t. Best of luck to you.
Your NOT a mother yet
I would be pissed. You have a life inside you, so your a mom
You never count your chickens before they hatch. You never know what tomorrow will bring. And you will get next year god willing.
Happy first Mother’s Day!! You’re a mom the moment that test is positive.
I work in healthcare and typically work on holidays a lot so for me it’s just another day. I’m currently pregnant with my second baby, but my daughter gave me a homemade present she made at school. Other then that I don’t expect anything personally. But I can understand why others would feel upset about it. Sorry you’re going through that
Don’t hold your breath!
You must start the training now. As a young wife and my daughter-in-law said the same thing …you have to teach them what you want politely let them know and hopefully over the years they build on it and get it & you’ll be happy and if not go out and buy yourself some flowers & a little card and put it out where he sees it! . My hubby does a great job on holidays.
Im sorry. Happy belated MOTHERS DAY BEAUTIFUL.
Well I am not with either one of my children’s fathers but I do expect a Happy Mother’s Day from them on that day after all I had their children. He should acknowledge you you are carrying his baby so you are a mother even before the baby is born. Like above comments I was set him straight now and let him know that it bothers you and he should respect that… but really some guys don’t have a clue
I didn’t get a Happy Mothers Day from my kids that are grown.Yes,it hurts after I dedicated my whole life to raising kids and grandkids. I still love them all more than life itself.Somethings you just have to over look and maybe one day it will come together before it’s too late.
My late husband told me when I was pregnant over Mother’s Day I’m not yet a mother
I think once you’re pregnant you’re a mother to their unborn baby and maybe flowers or something small to acknowledge you and be thankful you’re carrying your baby
You are parents. You’ve created a child it’s just not here yet and that’s what it’ll be, it’s not here yet. A bunch of flowers to acknowledge the huge process of growing and creating one would’ve been nice but it wouldn’t have be anything mean.
I feel like it would’ve been very nice for him to have atleast said something sweet to you and the baby or to have been excited with you about your impending motherhood
Your not a mother yet chill
You deserve to be acknowledged. You’re a mom at conception. You’ve been taking care of yourself and the child growing inside of you. Just because the baby is still in the inside doesn’t mean that “technically” you’re not a mom. You are a mom. A mom to a pre-born child. You should have been treated like a mom on Mother’s Day. You’re husband is selfish and inattentive.
I guess you can ignore your husband next month on Father’s Day. He shouldn’t be expecting anything on Father’s Day.
Your a mother from conception and it should’ve been acknowledged. Dont acknowledge him on fathers day and tell him how it made u feel
Sometimes men just don’t get it or understand. I hope you have the type of relationship with him to were you can be open and honest about your feelings about how that hurt. I have had to tell mine, it’s not about the money its about the acknowledgment and thought. It could be a home made card with a flower picked from outside. But at least you did something with thought and care. You have to always be open and honest with your feelings because men need that help.
Happy belated Mother’s Day Momma and congratulations on your baby.
My baby’s fathers did nothing for me and besides your pregnant. You can celebrate when the baby is here earth side
So might rub people the wrong way but your husband did what a son should do celebrate his mom it wasn’t wife’s day I know it sounds harsh but my mom and dad never expected anything from each other on mother’s or father’s cuz she isn’t his mom and he isn’t her dad us kids would buy or make something for our parents and one year he did help pitch in to buy a mother’s ring. My husband and I are the same he helps the kids pick something out for me and I do the same for him and now since me and my sister all have kids we go and have a family day every mother’s day with my mom. And your 1st mother’s day will come next year after you birth the child. Motherhood has yet to begin for you darling❤️
I was totally heartbroken when the love of my life left me, it was so hard for me I was giving up already if not for a friend who recommended me to this Powerful and Honest man called Dr Sam a spell caster from west Africa, who helped me bring back the love of my life. He treats me with so much love and care as I have always wished and loved to be taken care off. I don’t know what your problems or challenges are but I want you know Dr Sam is Capable to helping you get your Life back in Shape with what he did for me I know he can help you Too. You can Contact him through his email: or his WhatsApp +2348054458279
You have to tell men in the nicest way what you would like. See men are inconsiderate, selfish beings and they will not consider your feelings in any way. You have to drop hints, but even then it is touch and go whether they are actually listening.
He might of not thourght men don’t think like we do, when I was pregant with out first I told my partner I wanted a card cause he wouldn’t of thourght himself to get one, and he got me one but if I didn’t say anything he proply wouldn’t of thourght about getting one with not having her yet
You are a mother! Just because you are not physically carrying your baby in your arms yet doesn’t make you any less of a mother carrying your child in the womb!! My thought is that It’s very easy to write a sweet note, make a homemade card, pick one flower out of a garden/off the road etc. or buy you an over the top gift if that’s what you are into but it’s the thought, the effort, the caring gesture that matters. I’m sorry, he is at fault & he should have treated you equally to any mother since you are one already. He may of not considered this point of view but it goes both ways. I know some men who would of instantly thought of it as I do & I know others who are so ignorant they never would have known any better. I’m sorry either way since clearly it brought negative feelings on a meant to be happy day.
I’m a mom to an almost 3 years old and I didn’t get a happy Mother’s Day
I’m a stepmom & didn’t get anything- didn’t last year either… his kids don’t
Yea, my pregnancy hormones got the best of me a few times as well. Good times
I have a 15, and 13 year old who didn’t acknowledge Mothers’ Day, so prepare for disappointment. It is just another day. My kids always say I love you. So I can’t base our relationship on one day that they missed.
I’m a stepmom & didn’t get anything 4 Mother’s Day…didn’t last year either… I don’t know what they consider me as… I think just as there dads wife- I would like them 2 say Happy Mother’s Day 2 me but I’m not going 2 make a Big Deal out of it- I’d like 2 get 2 know them but they got 2 want it also- my hubby’s son wants to get a nicer house etc b4 Im invited over… but my hubby can go 2 his sons house- I just don’t understand it… hubby has a daughter that doesn’t talk 2 us also…
if you are pregnant with your first then in fact you are not a mom yet in some peoples eyes because the baby is not here but that is some idiots way of thinking so let me be the first to say happy first mothers day and also better late than never
This is bizarre to me, I think I would have felt uneasy or awkward if I’d got a Happy Mother’s Day on my first pregnancy. It’s something that didn’t even cross my mind tbh & I’m sure maybe your husband hasn’t thought anything of it either.
You’re pregnant, you’ve not given birth so you’re not a mum yet… and you’re not his mum either, get over yourself
A bit silly if im honest.
Drop him like a hot potatoe
We broke up the day before. Never really have ever gotten acknowledged. Return the favor on father’s day. They never like how you treat them the same!
Maybe he will say happy mother’s day when you are a mother ?..
Get in his A$$!!! Y’all are parents now no matter what!!
Mother’s day is everyday…we celebrate ourselves.!
All mothers should get some recognition after all, mothers are MOTHERS
All the comments about how you aren’t a mother yet, YIKES From the day you found out you were pregnant and on, you have been a mother. Your body has already started to sacrifice for, nurture and protect your little. That’s what mothers do
I didn’t get anything for mother’s day but that ok I just like spending the family instead
When I was pregnant with my first I was acknowledged. Breakfast,movies,card… my hubs and mom acknowledged me. I was (am) a mother. I was carrying my child and taking care of her.
I’ve had a child for 6 years and never once heard happy Mother’s Day. This year is profound as I am with the father and he still went on about his day normally, and bitched to and about me too.
No you are not wrong , your husband should of acknowledged the day and go you something for Mother’s Day !
To the Women on here writing snide and heartless comments about her not being a Mom need to do better! As far as I’m concerned the moment that test showed positive you are a Mother. It’s sad that you weren’t praised or acknowledged, you genuinely have a right to feel disappointment. You should be celebrated.
Don’t feel bad, I don’t get anything special material wise. My husband cooks and I get to sit outside if nice and just watch my kids play.
Baby is not born yet… that’s why.
In my opinion, husbands shouldn’t need to buy their wife a gift. They aren’t their mother. Once a child is born, then a gift from the child is appropriate.
Tbh you can celebrate mothers day when baby is born then you can call yourself a first time mother its fair in saying that my daughter had her first child before mothers day so she could celebrate mothers day this fair in saying that be different next year you could say your a mum and celebrate your first year for mothers day .
Your not his mother so no problem there!
Once the baby is here he can give you a gift from your child but you didn’t push him out of Your vagina so obviously he took his mom things. If he misses next year, then be offended.
Was it your husband who asked the question about not getting his pregnant wife anything and is asking if he’s in the wrong or not?!?
My husband always helped the kids do something for MD, but never from him cuz I’m not his mothher
You are overreacting, don’t make something out of nothing
Any gifts on Mother’s Day would come from the child once the child is here.
He could have just said something heart felt about you being a future mum. It really is rude. You are his wife you are both pregnant and supposed to be happy about it. Yes he has his mother and to get her flowers was lovely but if you have completely different ideas on how you are treated then it really doesn’t bode well!
if these is all you can complain about in your marriage be grateful.
I have found that some mom think because b their wife is not their mother they don’t have to do anything for them. Its sad but true. Then you got the men who realize their wives who are mother’s on mother day.
I try to buy myself something and consider it from my kids, my boyfriend tells me, Happy Mother’s Day. Happy Mother’s Day to you even though it’s a little late.
Let’s give him the benefit of doubt maybe he wasn’t thinking that way maybe he just assumed your not a mother unless child is here.
It’s not to late to tell him how you felt… I myself probably would had just said where’s my gift I’m a mother too.( With a smile)
Not a damn thing…I never get anything from my husband. Just some nice gifts from my kid if the school has them make a life something. Not gonna lie, it sucks …thats why I do something for myself usually.
Not a word for me neither…he can’t remember my birthday but bought flowers for his friend’s wife on her birthday
35 years of marriage speaking here!
Unless you married a a$$, and it doesn’t sound like it as he cares for his Mom, I believe he didn’t think along those lines.
I would have celebrated him if it were Fathers Day but I’ve seen how men think. I’ve got the best husband made and I think he might have missed this.
Yes, he should have made a big deal out of it. You are not wrong to feel hurt.
I bet he will show you the best time next year.
Happy 1st Mothers Day, dear.
You aren’t not his mom. My husband cooks for me and the kids give me gifts. My husband buys for his mom.
Girl get your hormones in check. He probably wants to wait until next year after you give birth to make a bigger deal out of it. It’s not that deep
You would think he would WANT to acknowledge the fact that his wife will soon be the mother of his child. Hallmark has mother-to-be cards…
If you make a lady a Mother, then once that kid is born, your responsible for making sure the kid then treats their Mum on Mother’s Day, same as if you make a man a Father, then your responsible for making sure the kid then treats their Dad, on Father’s Day, that is only until the child is old enough to do it themselves. A lot of people don’t believe in celebrating either Day, until their child is actually born.
You absolutely are a mother! You became a Mother as soon as the baby was conceived. You may not be HIS mother but you are the mother growing and already taking care of HIS child and should be celebrated. My husband has always acknowledged me on Mother’s day because I am the Mother of his children and became so as soon as I started sacrificing my body and doing everything to ensure our children were taken care of in my womb and every day since.
Things will change when the baby arrives!!
I don’t think it’s a lot to ask for my husband got me a mom to be card when my daughter wasn’t here yet. BUT I’d let him have a pass because he probably didn’t think of it. Just tell him how you feel. People saying you aren’t a mom yet
It could be that he just is not used to it yet. Maybe just talk to him in a kind manner and let him know that hurt your feelings.
You are right to be upset! Your ARE a parent - taking care of that baby is already a priority for you! I’d let him know he slipped up!!!
Just a “Happy Mom to be Day” would have been nice!
That’s because your pregnant your a mum to be and as it’s your 1 st he probaly didn’t think and he got his mum something but then that is his mum.i never expected anything while pregnant as wasn’t yet a mum .so don’t feel left out .
Is he usually an attentive husband?
It was probably an oversight since your still pregnant and he isn’t used to it.
While I was treated like royalty this year, I almost never was celebrated on Mother’s Day. But having family was enough! I thanks God for my family! My treasure!
When I asked my dad what he was getting his fiancé (not my mother but a mother) for Mother’s Day he replied ‘she’s not my mom’ so maybe he’s waiting for the kid to be ‘the gifter’
Uh yeah your feelings are valid I can see how he might now have thought of it but you’re literally caring for and growing a child… and people saying you’re not a mom yet just yeah
Well mine didn’t for mother’s day
Or my birthday
Or anniversary. So I left 3 years ago wonder if he noticed yet
My husband always said I’m not his mother, and didnt give me gifts or cards , for Mothers day nothing for 35 yrs. Our kids did when old enough. I tried to clue him in by giving. Him Fathers day gifts, cards but he was selfishness enough to not change, but I believe his dad was like that also. so ??? God bless you sweetheat.
Most people don’t consider you a mother until baby is born…
Maybe he just didn’t even think of it
I’m sure next year will be different.
You’re not his Mama!
Like you said, you’re not a mom yet. if that’s all you have to worry about, consider yourself blessed
- he’s your husband and your his wife
- he’s not your child only your child gives you stuff on mommy’s day!
- your pregnant with a baby, it’s not in your arms. Silly goose.
Baby isn’t born yet
All the people saying your not a mama until your baby is born have never lost a child. When you have a child growing inside you, you are a mother…
Your feelings are valid, but I also feel this could have been somewhat addressed before mother’s day by communicating with your partner yours and his expectations for the day. Some people are very black and white, most men don’t even bond with the baby until after it’s born so to him the day is likely irrelevant. Communicating with your partner helps, you can see the other point of view. Validate experiences of the other and come to a compromise you both can live with. Start talking - but be prepared to really listen to his answers and don’t have a go and make him defensive. Start with something like - when you did xx I felt xx and I’m having a hard time letting that go.
You aren’t his mother.
Happy belated Mother’s Day
I’m so confused by people saying you’re not his mother… tf does that have anything to do with anything? You acknowledge all Mothers …. Also happy late Mother’s Day hun
Awe honey I totally understand and being pregnant your even more susestable to a broken heart I think he could have done something for you any little thing to make you feel appreciated am so sorry I do understand xxoo
Well, technically, you arent a mother yet, are you ???
“You’re not his mother” AND?? We acknowledge ALL MOTHERS on monthers day. Even strangers in public, waiter/waitresses, cashiers, etc. say happy Mother’s Day to people with children on Mother’s Day. I receive messages from my mom, dad, friends, co workers, and siblings on Mother’s Day. Not because I’m their mom but because I am a mom. I would also feel some time of way because you should acknowledge the woman that I you made a mother on Mother’s Day. But sweetheart he is a man still and he doesn’t have the same connection to the baby as us moms do before they arrive. They don’t get it. Some men try to understand and get close to their unborn children and some men don’t bond with them until they arrive. Both are fine and understandable to me. My fiancé never bonded with either of our children inside my belly but as soon as they were born and every moment afterwards he has been the absolute best. I see both sides of this, and I think you both just see it differently. I wouldn’t freak out or anything. Wait until the baby arrives to be upset about Mother’s Day! But don’t listen to the people saying “you aren’t his mother” because that’s insane. He made you a mother and should acknowledge you too.
So after I delivered my first baby and mothers day rolled around I told my hubby to think about the pregnancy, childbirth, many late nights etc and get me a gift. He gave me horse shoes😂like the game…… my mom and I made so much fun of him(in a loving way) that he got better at giving gifts…. I think men are pretty simple. Have you told your husband it hurt your feelings? Talk to him about it.
That’s an insult to you. And yes he is wrong. That’s a red flag hun
He’s just a jerk your a mother to be he could have gotten a card or flowers or cooked you dinner anything small and your not his mother but you will be his child’s mother and that should be acknowledged
Omg I can’t read anymore of these comments. Some of you are just nasty. She is a mother. There is a baby inside of her. Wtf is wrong with you people?