I know you said you tried saltine crackers, I had to eat them before I got out of bed every morning. Let them settled before getting up. Good luck.
I was sick morning,noon, and night for 5 months…finally someone told me to change my prenatal vitamins to an organic brand and instantly the sickness was gone…
Oh the woes of motherhood but you’ll soon forget it when you get your bundle of joy. It’s a phase of being pregnant. Fact is I vomited everything. What I did was drink lots of water when I threw up that my stomach got settled so I can eat a light something. So that was my method to cope for all 3 my pregnancies
I had horrible nausea with my 2nd pregnancy my son the 1st two months were awful I couldnt keep ANYTHING down not even water hardly. I would suggest seeing if you can get a prescription from your doctor that was the only thing that helped me. Call your doc and ask!!! And feel better mama!!!
With my first one I was like that for the whole nine months I could pretty much only eat raw fruits and vegetables mostly mangoes for some reason mangoes seem to really be the key thing for me that I can eat and keep down
Good luck. Sips of flat gingerale. Popsicles. I am 13 weeks today and the morning sickness lasted to about a week ago. I still get off days.
When i was pregnant, since i couldnt take plain water, i had orange juice as replacement, which really helped a lot esp when im feeling like im about to throw up (like after taking a vitamin, or earing food) i just drink orange juice, it made me feel better.
Protein helped me . And peppermint candy. Starlight mints . Weird but it worked . Yogurt gave me 2 hours of nausea free bliss
When I was pregnant with my first I was sick for 4 months straight. I lost 20lbs and finally tried sea bands. There an elastic band with a pressure point that you wear on the inside of your wrist. I felt better right away. You have to keep wearing them but it helps. I wore them for a couple of weeks with my second and didn’t get sick
I was always so sick with my pregnancies. It didn’t always work and I wouldn’t chew it if I wasn’t pregnant, but Orbit mint gum helped me manage my vomiting. I made it to the UP without vomiting once!
Peppermint essential oil will help calm your belly. You can put some in bath water or in a diffuser or just a tiny bit on your wrist. It also helps with headaches
Are you taking prenatal yet? I found out I was allergic to the DHA in most prenatal that made me severely sick … switched prenatals with no DHA and didn’t get sick thru the rest of my pregnancy!
I have no remedy to offer as I’m long past childbirth age lol… just wanted to tell you to hang in there…try try try to drink what you can honey and make sure to have an air count to keep u as comfy as possible in the upcoming summer temps!! God bless you and your little one…
First off get the mindset you are not Sick, don’t wallow in it! All but 4 weeks with my1st, all but 2 weeks with my second including delivery for both with actual vomiting multiple times a day! Get up and do, rice cakes, what appeals To palate, the motion sickness wrist bands helped to keep emesis once a day
Once you Get through the 1st trimester it usually stops. Nothing worked for me. If you are losing weight doc may give you anti nausea medications. They dont give them often.
Definitely ask your doctor for a script for diclegis. This was my life saver.
I sucked on peppermints all the time to help.
For some reason vanilla wafers always stayed down too.
Don’t wait too long… I was hospitalized for dehydration at 7 weeks. I had to insist my doctor see me and then he sent me straight to hospital.
Potassium! Only thing thst helped me and I was sick for 9 months. Really cold apple slices. Boiled potatoes. Bananas.
My go to when I had morning sickness was nachos doritos and cheese its! Hope this helps
I had orange lucozade and chocolate m and ms with both pregnancies. I had morning sickness from 6 weeks to 24 weeks and then again at 30 weeks.
I ended up taking metoclopramide prescribed by the doctor… anti sickness tablet.
Travel sickness tablets can help too.
It’s awful… hope you feel better soon xx
Nothing you can consume will help, you can talk to doctors about it and they will give you some meds that might help, edibles, might help…
I just tried not to think about it as much as possible, music helped me, keep destracted, keep eating for your baby. I felt like there was constantly a hair in the back of my throat, it was bad
Im 27 weeks and still have morning sickness but what has helped me is half a tablet of Vitamin B6 and half a tablet unisome, I take it at night! It really helps me…
I used emetrol and motion sickness wristbands. Both can be purchased at any pharmacy. So sorry you’re going through this
Tamarind help in reducing nausea that comes from morning sickness – sucking on a piece of tamarind with some salt on it can help the pregnant woman feel better.
Before your feet touch the floor sip on ginger ale and eat a few saltines… rise slowly… constantly nibble on saltines and sip sprite or ginger ale and peppermint disks help too. Other than that, hopefully time will ease it. Good luck
I was that way with all 3 prregnancies. The first one though I only took B6 and saltine crackers helped. And when i was at work Id chew minty gum to help. With the last two pregnancies I was given prescription from doc. I also think it was zofran.
What ever you do do do NOT take zofran. It’s been linked to cause issues in babies. I had hyperemesis with 5 of the 10 pregnancies I went thru. Nothing worked until I went to the hospital and they stuck a tube down my nose into my stomach. I also had 3 pic lines. If nothing natural works I’d ask your dr about options for hyperemesis. Just DO NOT take zofran
Ask your OB if you can take Dramamine? Also if they don’t work if they will give you zofran. I had to use zofran during my preference with my daughter for the same reason. Also it could be your prenatal vitamins
I never had bad morning sickness but a couple family members did and they swore by the bracelets and lollipops i dont remember the exact names of the items but i seen them both at meijer in the baby section
I had to eat something before getting out of bed - crackers and some raisins seemed to do the trick both times. If I had an empty stomach before getting up I was sick all day
I was recommended papaya extract from Whole Foods by my midwife. My morning sickness subsided so I didn’t get a chance to try it but thought I’d share
My last pregnancy was exactly like this, I wound up losing 20 lbs. in just a month. Peach juice (the canned kind in light syrup) first thing in the morning was pretty much the only thing I could stomach. I would also eat a club cracker every 15 mins and sip ginger ale. That was my diet for the first 4 months of pregnancy. I hope it gets better for you!
I literally went through this with my last pregnancy I was lethargic and couldn’t stomach ANYTHING went to the hospital and they gave me zofran but I never took it because I had 3 previous miscarriages and was way to scared I had to keep snacks wherever I was so as soon as I woke up I had snack in my nightstand I had to nibble something mostly crackers and bland things until I could eventually eat. Also I took my prenatal vitamins at night
Peppermint or lemon… either in candy or essential oil… put a drop in your hand, rub them together and then cup your hands over your mouth and nose and breathe in!! These helped my daughter… spearmint helped too!!
It definitely varies. I had to drink water (only Dasani or Fiji, or I’d throw up otherwise) with crushed ice. Or had to drink the unsweetened tonic water with hint of whatever flavor, with crushed ice. Watermelon was one of the only foods I could eat with all three pregnancies. Try the small oyster saltine crackers. So you can pop one in your mouth if your stomach starts to feel queazy. Ginger helped sometimes. There will be some foods you know you can’t have, and then others it can be a guessing game for what makes you sick this 5 mins vs next. And now that it’s summer really drink water, but make sure to stay cool as best you can so the hot doesn’t make you more nauseated. If it does get bad talk to your Dr that can give something like zofran that may help you keep something down. I sincerely hope you find something that helps you. Congratulations also!
I was so sick the first 3 months! Sometimes nothing will work. But if eating different things is not working for you, try using scents. Anything with a citrusy smell like lemons or also peppermint. Just slowly inhale. Also, as weird as it sounds, sniff an alcohol pad. That does help. For me, I started just sipping on ice cold coke through the day and it made it more bearable.
Try genger ale I was this way with both my pregnancies and that seemed to help a little you also may need to have your gallbladder out i had to have mine removed 3 weeks after my first kid.
I’ve had morning sickness the whole time and I’m 25 weeks it’s been bad so I just try to drink protein shakes and liquid or soft foods and hold it in as long as possible and take my vitamins .
Peppermint tea. No joke. Old wives thing but man it saved my life during my 2nd pregnancy and anytime anyone in my house gets nauseous, peppermint tea. Helps every time.
Also lemonade. It dilutes my stomach acid and helps if I really cant stop throwing up.
I’m sorry! I had extreme sickness!! I basically slept on the bathroom floor for the 1st few months. The only thing that helped me was sipping on Pepsi ( Which I had never drink before in my life) My body just needed it I guess. Then also eating one cracker at least and trying to sip on extremely cold water or ice only. And then I quick will realized that if I just stayed semi full I never got sick after that. Lots of yogurt and Gummi bears. I’m so sorry!!!
Tums took them both my pregnancies I have a 22 month and a 9 month old. Also I did have a coke if u dont want caffeine drink gingerale and peppermints always had rhen around
I lived on icees or slurpees. Once I got past the worst part in the morning I was good for the rest of the day to eat mostly anything I wanted. Morning was always the hardest.
My husband would tell me why don’t you skip the middle man and prepare breakfast and throw it in the toilet !!! He had a good point !!! However, I was a diabetic , the doctors hoped some stayed in !!!
The Bible says “ this too shall pass “ and it will !
When I had morning sickness my Dr put me on unisom. It has a side effect of relieving morning sickness and is safe for baby
Drink the juice from canned peaches. Not the ones in their natural juice; you want the ones in heavy syrup. I worked OB for years and swear by it!!
I had oral Zofran in the beginning and when that wouldn’t work I went to phenegran suppositories, then a zofran pump. I had to have home health do an IV so I could rehydrate for a week here and there. Do the BRAT diet and eat whatever you want whenever you can. I ate Lipton soup packets and oatmeal cream pies. When I could I’d get pasta to go and do pickup in my PJ’s. At the end of my last pregnancy I’d lost 24 lbs.
My sister was very nauseated and started vomiting after zofran and phenergan were prescribed to her. It turned out to be her gallbladder acting up. She followed a strict low fat diet and her nausea and vomiting resolved.
During the day, I would suck on a piece of crystallized ginger. With my second pregnancy, I would pull a uncrustables out of the freezer and put it on my side table. When I would wake up, I would eat the sandwich lying down and let it settle before I got up. I couldn’t handle an empty morning stomach at all.
Ladies try taking your prenatal vitamins at bedtime…i was able to tolerate them a lot better doing this
Half a unisom and 25 mg of b6 every 6 hours thats the only way i got through week 5 and 6 i was so sick i couldnt move try different things to drink i cannot do water or milk this pregnancy at all, and last pregnancy it was all i could drink, im week 9 now and its evened out alot since week 6 i only get morning sickness in the mornings now mainly unless i eat something that doesn’t agree
I feel for you. I had hyperemesis and lost 25 lbs. nothing would stay down except a little bit of macaroni salad which I thought was odd. I hope you feel better soon.
My mom is a nurse and she said as long as your drinking water or anything your body is still absorbing some of it. Try body armor drinks and pedialite. Take small sips. I went through this at the beginning of my pregnancy and now I’m 28 almost 29 weeks with my daughter. It’s rough but as long as you are drinking something you are absorbing something. See if your doctor can at least call in zofran for your nausea it’s the only thing that helped me until I got to around 13 weeks. I’m praying for you
Try warm ginger ale my daughter had same and it worked for her good luck and congrats
Make a pineapple ginger smoothie. I made them everyday for my sis when she was pregnant and had horrible morning sickness. She said they always helped
I made fruit smoothies for mine. Also tums, i know many might say its too early but they worked for me. Im 8 wks now. Also ginger-lemon tea sweetened with honey.
I used the peppermint altoids for mine I had it bad those were a life saver for me
I find that anything mint helped me. I had horrible morning sickness too. Mint helped me out lots. Anything from minty antacids to mint tea and minty treats
Try pink lemonade. Just sip on it. It helped me with my last pregnancy. However, with this one, I’m having issues with no appetite, so I’m not sure I’m much help lol
If you’re as bad as I was then literally nothing will help. Just find something you can stomach everyday even tiny bites. For me it was always changing. Hang in there!
My OB told me to drink 1/2 can of regular coke slowly in the morning. It worked! Also little nibbles of kings Hawaiian bread.
Awww. I had it really bad with first pregnancy. In and out of hospital for 6 months. When I finally found something I could hold down every few days, I just stuck with it until it finally passed at 7th month. This was 1980…STILL, they’re no closer to a cure. I know it’s miserable. It will pass eventually
Ask ur family dr. To give you prescription for diclectin …he or she can write it without seeing u…it is the best thing to have in this condition…will stop this nausea vomiting
As much sour stuff as you can handle and lemonade too it helped me
Nothing really seems to help but to ease the stomach ache maybe try a peppermint? These always help ease my stomach woes
I’m 34 weeks and still can’t wake up and drink water I throw it up every time… I have to drink something with sugar in it first, eat and then I can drink water. My first pregnancy I was sick the whole first and second trimester and lost 35lbs NOTHING HELPED…
Oh no thats the worst. See if you can email your doctor and tell her what is going on or talk to the nurse for anti nausea medicine. They shouldn’t require an appointment for that. I have emailed my doctor many times and she sent in script for whatever I needed.
Is there a walk in clinic or urgent care available to you?? Zofran was the only thing that could stop me from constant vomiting
Take your prenatal vitamins at night. My dr. recommended it and it helped me
What helped me was salt and ginger ale. Saltine crackers, pretzels. The salt helps with nausea. Feel better.
Ask your doctor to call in zofran and keep track of your weight at home so you know how much you’re dropping from morning sickness.
Sucking hard candy helped me with the hyper salivating that came before intense vomiting.
I had it with both my daughters the entire time!
I think the only thing I ate was watermelon, a little coffee, and an occasional bean and cheese burrito.
It was tough keeping stuff down, crackers just ball up in your mouth, sometimes water even makes you feel sick.
I wish you luck It’s all worth it
No advice… With my first I threw up morning noon and night for 9 months and 5 days.
With my second I was sick maybe 5 times.
Both girls.
I feel for you! It’s no fun!
B6 and half a unison tab before bed, and a protien bar before bed helped too.
Also, just cutting up and smelling lemons and limes in the mornings!
Mashed potatoes not gravy. Just plain. Small bites. I suffered for 4 months with my 1st son. Crackers, dry toast, and mashed potatoes were almost only things I could keep down.
Get out of the bed, chair, couch. Do all of your daily activities. Drink baby pedilight, Sprite, 7up, quarter cup every half hour, plain saltine crackers, 1 or 2 every half hour, chicken broth without the noodles, every half hour, nibble of small bites of apple slice. Start with baby bites and move forward daily. You will and can live without real food for a good week, just drink liquids. You will prevail
Eat what sounds good to you. Just eat a little of whatever you think sounds good, wait like an hour and try to eat some more. Try not to stress and avoid triggers like food commercials on t.v. White castle commercials always made me barf. Good luck!
Sounds weird but sweet tarts helped with my nausea. I would eat 1 or 2 before drinking something then I would try to eat after that. I usually snacked.
It got easier later in the pregnancy but I struggled for the first couple trimesters. Eventually I found some foods I could keep down and ate those when I was hungry.
There’s literally nothing you can do if its that bad. I’m 26 weeks now, it gets better. Just make sure if you get dizzy a d dehydrated you get in for an iv. It really helps after that too.
Everyone saying it lasted the whole pregnancy and there was nothing to be done is not helping this women. If anything its freaking her out!!
Find anything u can tolerate. For me it was small bites of cold watermelon to take the icky taste out of my mouth and just cure how thirsty I would be. I also used popsicles and ice pops. I had to avoid smells and put scented chap stick under my nose to help lol. It was all day for me. I tried to eat 1 cracker the second I woke up to help with the acid. I couldn’t do prenatal vitamins but I could keep down kids gummy bear vitamins. It wasn’t what I had hoped but it definitely helped. Took 1 four times a day w. Dr approval. Despite all the trouble my lil girl was 10lb 24 inches. They take what they need but unfortunately your body gets pretty depleted and u get the side effects. Find what works for u Momma! Whether its ice cream or even a slice of bread. PRAYERS
Maybe you need to get up in the middle of the night for a snack. A big part of the cause of morning sickness is a belly filled with stomach acid and no food.
Peppermint Starlite candies. I was super sick with mine. I had to have an IV on the daily. Starlite mints are the only thing that helped.
I lived on Farleys rusks throughout all 3 of my pregnancies. Was sick every day until I gave birth but could just keep the rusks down
Eat what you crave. And find a doctor that will see you. You don’t want to dehydrate in this season. Keep calling around see who accepts you health insurance. You may need to venture away from your town. Because something needs to stay down for your safety. And do small sips if possible.
Popsicles are good and flavored ice cubes worked for me not to much liquid at one time.
Zofran helped me! I was so sick until 16 weeks ): but zofran helped me the best!
I read watermelon works amazing never tried it because it was after my babies. Anti nausea meds helped and lemon water and crackers
Dramamine makes one for nausea now and it helped me with my first trimester sickness. Also vitamin b-6 is over the counter and I know obs who recommend it for nausea.
Actually this tricks works out good for me… Just try this and tell me…
When u open ur eyes from sleep, stay alike in bed itself for 5 to 10 min… Dont get up suddenly when u open ur eyes… Whatever the emergency is not an issues… The issue is ur baby in u… So just stay calm and relaxed in bed for 5 to 10 min, if required 15 min is also acceptable, whenever u wake up… May be in day time naps or night time sleep is not an issue… Then slowly get up and rub ur hands softly and gently and keep in ur stomach to make ur baby wake up slowly… Then see what works u have…
Acupuncture. Different things work for different woman sadly so it’s just a process of elimination. I ate wine biscuits or crackers before I got up in the mornings with 1 pregnancy and another black coffee worked and I don’t drink coffee so go figure. Good luck hun and remember it’s not forever
Sadly…it’s welcome to pregnancy some can do the things you listed and it works…some just have to suffer through it…I ate ice chips for almost 2 months…it will get better sweetie…
I got this cream from my doctor that I could rub on my wrist that worked wonders!
Snack, no full heavy meals. Sip drinks don’t “drink” them sip frequently through out day. Peppermint candies the red and white round striped ones worked best for me. Saltines, again snack don’t indulge lol. always try to keep something small in belly but don’t overload.
Ginger pills! My first trimester I could even keep water down and lost weight. Ginger pills helped so much and I was finally able to eat
I was like this with my daughter it was so bad. Like u I tried everything and anything. But unfortunalty for me nothing really worked. Up until I was about 6 months I would literally lie about either being sick or feeling like I was about to throw up (Constant sweats). Even after that settled I was still sick everyday. All through my pregnancy… My second I was sick to begin with. It wasn’t as bad and once I hit about 3 months that Constant sick feeling left. I did find if I forced bit down it did make me feel better for it. But everything just came back with my first. It’s a horrible feeling. I used to get so upset because nothing helped. I would make a strong cup of tea and toast and basically only thing I could slightly keep down and manage to get anything out of. But by then I was a about 5 months gone. Hope u find something that helps ease it for u. There really isn’t anything worse. Xx
Ginger supplements. That was the only thing that helped me. It took a few days for it to get in my system. It didn’t solve it entirely but I could at least eat a little and didn’t always throw up.
I lost 20 lbs while pregnant with my daughter. I threw up EVERYTHING! I could only drink super, duper ice cold water with an entire lemon squeezed into it.
My doctor recommended dramamine (non drowsy formula) it is over the counter. It helped sometimes for me.
If you’re taking prenatal, take before bed and not in the morning. Helped me big time.
I started taking these prenatal vitamins called prenate pixie. As soon as I did my morning sickness stopped.