I am terrified to give birth: Advice?

It does hurt but there is so much joy when you love and hold your child that it passes. Look how many women have more than one child. Honestly, if l would have been told you feel like you have to take the biggest bm of your life, l would have been better prepared. lol

The best advice is to not have a plan at all. It’s good to have an idea of what you want and how you want things to go, but do not think it will be set in stone that way. I went in to be induced and started on Pitocin. This was my first and only labor experience. Long story short is I wouldn’t progress. They manually broke my water since it wouldn’t break on its own. Finally, after having my water broke for 24 hours we had to do a C-section for the risk of infection. The C-section went semi-smoothly. No issues getting her out and she was health as ever. The only issue was I had been on pitocin (labor inducing medicine) so long my uterus had swelled up and wouldn’t fit back inside me (LOL) so they had to wait a little while for the swelling to go down. Other than that it was fine and I was so high from the medicine I remember hardly any of it. I was in labor a total of about 42 hours. I did opt for the epidural about 9 hours in, but it wore off after so long. I only opted for it because I started back labor and that SUCKS. When it wore off they gave me a shot of lidocaine but it also wore off. Then before the C-section I had a spinal block. All in all not the worst experience. Just be open to change. Follow your body’s lead as it will tell you everything. Don’t be scared and worried because once that baby is in your arms nothing else will matter and everything will all be worth it. Enjoy your pregnancy and the kicks and movements. Take as many bump pictures as you can. Have a good support system in place to be by your side and support you.

Listen to your body, because only YOU know what you’re feeling. Expect anything to happen and keep an open mind. I had no birth plan and glad I didn’t bother with birthing classes to worry myself stupid over. My contractions started around 6am, by 8-9am I was sitting in a hot bath trying to kill the pains. Called the hospital with contractions 3-4mins apart and they told me labour was hours away, because my water didn’t break. By 10am I got taken to hospital, because I was in pain and arrived at 11am being 6cm dilated. By midday I was screaming for morphine and they couldn’t give it to me, because I was fully dilated and my water broke on first push. If I stayed home like the hospital told me to do, I would have given birth at home or on the side of the highway.

I had these fears with my first. I had a very quick labour and no pain relief at all, I didn’t think the pain was that bad (had no pain relief with my second birth either), I required 2 stitches and everything went back to normal.
I’d do it everytime naturally with no pain relief but that’s me :slight_smile:
I honestly think you’ll be fine and think it’s normal to have all these thoughts especially with your first :slight_smile: good luck with it all

I think it’s normal to have some anxiety especially if this is your first child. However, you can do this. As soon as the baby gets here, you forget the pain. Pain don’t last all ways anyway. All you have to do is get to the hospital. The doctors will take care of you.

This is what vaginas are made for :two_hearts:… I understand there can be complications, but her issue seems more cosmetic than medical. Getting a C-section should also not be approached lightly. I know plenty women who have not been the same since getting one.

I truly understand the anxiety of birthing your first child, however the bloody, traumatic and painful parts you speak of are pale in comparison to the pure and utter joy on the other side of this life changing experience.

Everyone is different. Only you can answer the questions you have. Do your research but at the time of labour things may not go to plan and you may just want to do whatever you can handle and whatever arrives baby as safely as possible.

I weigh 45kgs and i had 2 natural births with huge babies. My first was 8 pound 3 and my second was 9 pound 1. I went as long as i could and then had an epidural. I had extremely long labours. I had incisions made to my vagina both times as i needed the use of forceps and i can assure you, you’re vagina goes back to being as “normal and tight” as it were before. You’re body will astound you.

Do whatever is right for you and it is perfectly okay to change your mind based on the circumstances at the time.

Goodluck. Its the best thing you’ll ever do! :heart::pray:

Meh…I felt this way too believe me BUT once you are in labour it’s on and there is no turning back. I have given birth no meds naturally 4 x. It’s not that bad. I never had pain really just felt like bad bad cramps. All my babies were 8 pounds. I got stitches 2 first birth. None for others. It’s not comfortable and it feels like it w never end but it will and fear makes it worse. We are made for this. Once baby is born, you will be ecstatic!

I was so scared too but once you go into labor nature takes over and your body does what it was made to do…

You need to do positive visualization every day and get the epidural. Absolutely 100% get it.

I can tell you a C-section recovery is no walk in the park. But you don’t feel a thing till they rip the tube out.

If you choose,you can have it painless.Relax and believe in yourself and the power of prayer.If it’s not yet your time,nothing bad will happen good luck new Mama.

I’ve had 2 c sections and it’s uncomfortable for a few weeks, but our bodies are amazing. Your mummy instincts just kick in and you get on with things! Yes, you will be tired and a bit sore, so when friends and family visit, let them make the tea and provide the biscuits and give cuddles for bit of a break x

I felt the same way. I was terrified. Not knowing what to expect. The truth is you can never know how it’s going to turn out, you have to lean into the fear. Have you got a good support system around you? Is your partner good in scary situations? I was induced at 38 weeks with my 1st, during covid lockdown here in NZ. So I only had my partner and my mum for a very short time. Once the ball started rolling I felt I just had to trust those taking care of me and breathe through every second of uncertainty. I got to 7cm dialated and then went back to 5cm and “failed to progress” so ended up having an emergency c section. Not gonna lie, that was scary but mostly because no on had explained what happened in an emergency caesarean so I wasn’t prepared. My 2nd birth 6 weeks ago was an elective Caesarean which I felt calm about right up until I was sat on the edge of the bed with the Anaesthetist feeling my spine getting ready for the spinal. Then all these emotions came over me and I felt utter terror. There was a few complications and I ended up being knocked out while they stitched me up… BUT seeing your baby for the first time is worth ALL the trauma. You could be one of the lucky ones and just pop baby out with no issues and relatively pain free. Try not to let your anxiety around it ruin your pregnancy. In the end it will be what it will be and you have to roll with it. Suck the gas haaaaard til you get dizzy. All the best xx you’ve got this mama :muscle:t5::two_hearts::baby:t5:

Dont be scared, in the end you wont even remember the pain. Only that it hurt. But the best will come right after. You’ll meet your sweet baby! Dont worry mama your body will know what to do. I was scared with both of mine and had to realize women do it every day. You’ll be great. Congratulations btw

I gave birth to my first child. My beautiful daughter. I love her so much, that when I think of everything that happen before her, was so worth it. I had her 3 days before my 30th birthday and I never thought I was gonna have children, so of course giving birth scared the crap out of me! I got to say I freaked when my water broke, totally came out of nowhere. Let’s just day I made it off the couch just in time lol the worst part I gotta say is before the epidural omg labor hurts like a b****! Just being honest. The epidural, well that’s another pain (oye I had to do it twice, I cried, but I needed it, I couldn’t handle the labor pains).Once that was done it was cake from there. I didn’t feel any of the contractions then the lady was all okay it’s time, it took 30 mins! apparently I tore a little, didn’t feel them stitch me at all. Then I saw her and like it didnt matter any of it. Couple hours later though the euphoria kinda ends lol and when you gotta move to pee or feed baby youre like omg my vajayjay. I wanna say for me it took a good two weeks to recover, they give you stuff for it, but I mostly just went off ibuprofen and walking around. I’d do it all again. No regrets :breast_feeding:t2:

Oh honey,try not to worry,I felt the same,I’ve had normal birth,breech birth and c section,each one had a different story to tell,the only advice I can give is,go with what your body feels like doing,it’s such a special moment,it’s all worth it in the end…

You know what, you’ll be surprised how your body and mind deal with the situation, in the situation … I was terrified to have a spinal and both c sections but it’s like your body takes over and just makes everything ok! You just deal … you will have nerves (totally normal) but at the end of the day, the baby has to be born and your body knows that too and you will go into coping mode. Try and relax, it will be the best time of your life :heart:

Please do not be scared. You need to try and be as calm and relaxed as possible. As for the c section, I had emergency c sections with both my boys and I so wish I could have given birth naturally. You will be fine momma…you got this!! Xxxx

It’s normal to feel the way you feel. Honestly once you have your baby you’ll forget everything that happened prior. Try to go in with an open mind and let your body do it’s thing. Epidurals are okay! Don’t listen to those that shame moms for getting them. They are there for a reason. You will have an entire team with you. If anything bad happens, which I doubt will, they will be there to fix it. I’m telling you it’ll go by quick and once your baby is here it’ll be worth it. Every contraction, every tear, sweat, etc. will all be worth it. You will be on cloud 9 when you see her/him. But you’re definitely feeling what every first time mom has ever felt. It’s completely normal. You’re a mom… moms worry. You’ll do great!!!

You need to stop worry. You can have it naturally or you can see if they can give u pain med. I have 5 kids they are different. You would be alright. Dont worry to much.

Go to a birthing class. Try a few methods. I did the Bradley method for the first but got Lamaze videos from the library for kid 2. The Lamaze helped me with breathing. I could not get an epidural for the second and I was glad to have other tools to get me through. The actual giving birth part is not the long part. It’s the labor pain/contractions you need to be prepared for. That can be longer so focus on that. I got epidural for first one but gave birth naturally the second. I’m not gonna lie. It felt like pooping out a rough cantaloupe but my recovery was so much better from the natural birth. I could get up and go to the bathroom and take a shower pretty quickly. Epidural birth took me longer to get moving. I don’t think you escape pain with a C-section because you’re going to be a lot sorer later when you need to be able to take care of your baby. Ultimately you want a healthy baby so do what’s best got the baby and realize that this is only the beginning of what you will go through for your kids. You’ll do great. I did not tear. My husband was helping massage my perineum area and v with vitamin E to prepare and I had no issues. Go by the Girlfriend’s Guide books. They are helpful and funny.

Hun it’s not weird or wrong to be a bit worried.

I used hypbobirthing (you can honestly just find some on YouTube) and listened every night whilst I slept.

Both of my babies were natural births with only 2 panadol (but the 2nd was scary and he was sent to be checked) in under 4 hours from arriving at the hospital.

Its a very natural thing.

But that doesn’t make it easy or less scary.

But you can do it :heart::heart:

Dont be scared. Women have been giving birth for years. Get an episiotomy and you wont tear.

Once in you’re in labor, you won’t give two sh*ts about blood or anything else. I’m just like you and I was worried but seriously, you’re gonna be fine. The anticipation worry is the worst! I know! And woman are designed to forget about the pain. Like, we know it happened, but it’s hard to describe. And we don’t care. That’s why we keep having more kids. Lol. The pain is the least of the ordeal. Once you get your baby in your arms, you’ll never look back so please try to enjoy it, try to be less stressed so you can be healthier for the delivery. Looking back on my 20 years at Motherhood (so far) the birth was the easiest part! And it will go down as one of the best days of your life…pain or not. You got this :heart:

It’s normal to be afraid. What helped me was- look around and see all the people in this world. All born of women in childbirth. Many gave birth more than once. Obviously, they made it through it and lived to tell about it and enjoy their children. If a c section would take that fear away- go for it if you are allowed to. You won’t feel a thing and you may have a harder recovery but hopefully you have help.

I am on my fourth pregnancy. . . I got in a minor car accident with my first. . . She came a month early. . . Was only 5.9 pounds and I was at a 9 when she came out. . . It hurt but the pain went away so fast that it was more the feeling of how weird it was when she came out that I remember. . . My second I was induced. . . The worst part of that whole birth was the shakes I got from the medicine they give you. . . Again you don’t even really remember the pain once baby is out. . . Third one came in such a short time. . . The second they broke my water he was out. . . Every single birth is different. . . Every single birth you remember something different from them. . . Yes it hurts. . . I won’t lie. . . It hurts A LOT but I promise you in the end you won’t think about that pain. I had no pain relief for any of my births and going into the fourth one. . I will won’t take anything for the pain . . . It’s not what I focus on when it’s all said and done and I want to be as with it for my new baby as I can be.

My sister had two home births and loved them both. . . No issues.

My mom had four kids with epidural and with 5th they broke her water and she needed c section. . . Every birth is different. . . Just try and choose which you would feel you can handle the best. . . Your made to give birth to your baby. . . One way or another. . . Just know when the time comes your body will know what to do

Try meditation…yoga…light exercise…music…etc. Whatever helps you to relax…you need to try to control your fear/anxiety asap. Fear/anxiety causes stress…stress causes your body to sometimes not function properly. Try reading all you can on childbirth. Best thing to do is join a childbirthing class. Ask your OB/GYN questions…no matter how trivial or silly you might think they are. Find a Midwife or Doula to talk to. Knowledge is power in this situation. :grinning:

Is it possible you might have a genuine phobia? Because I do! I have a full blown, legitimate childbirth phobia. Even seeing pregnant bellies and ultrasounds etc makes me feel very uncomfortable. Honestly, therapy will help

My son is now 53. When I went to the hospital they gave me the shot that numbs you. After that it was a piece of cake. Of course I was in labor most of the night at home. So I was only in the hospital about two hours when he was born but it was such a relief and it didn’t seem to stunt his growth. He got to be six foot eight

If you focus on your breathing it will be much easier.

I suffered from many fears before the birth of my first when someone said, “If childbirth was unbearable people would not have a second child!”

Keep in mind that the goal is a healthy baby, and you’re not in competition with anyone. It doesn’t matter what anyone else tries to guilt you into. You and your doctor need to decide what is best and safest for you and your baby. It’s nobody else’s business.

I can safely guarantee that you’ll be willing to do whatever is necessary by the time the baby comes. I’m pretty sure God designed the last few weeks of pregnancy to make women willing to go through labor! :smile: Seriously, make your birth plan, but be ready for plans to go out the window if that’s what’s best at the time. Labor is called labor for a good reason, but it will all be worth it in the end.

Really labor for me just felt like really bad cramps and before I knew it, it was over with. If you have someone with you for delivery I’d say hold their hand and just focus on taking deep breaths slowly. I had a C-Section during my third and I would never have one if given the choice. The spinal and pain meds didn’t really take and it was painful. I don’t want to freak you out as this isn’t the norm, but I’d say choose vaginal if you can and don’t feel like you have to prove you’re tough and turn down an epidural. There’s nothing wrong with having one.

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The gas and air will have you feeling so good if they offer it take it I was exactly like you too I never wanted to get pregnant because of the fear but once I found out I was there was no going back for me I felt like it was meant to be I worked Allllll the way through so I couldn’t get anxious that helped massively I was so exhausted by the time I got home I just slept I don’t know if that’s an option for you x if not please go for plenty of walks meet up with friends in my opinion I often found it wasnt helpful to open up to family or friends about my feelings because they scare mongered I had my colleague and my sister in law that were sooooo good at keeping me positive if you have someone positive talk to them x

Try hypnobirthing!! It’s amazing takes away worries and helps you manage your own anxiety and stress! I did it along with a water birth snd even when things went a little wrong was able to read-gain control and deliver a happy healthy baby. He got stuck and his heart rate dropped so was delivered and rushed taken out room to be checked over but was back very quickly and fine! And once I had him the drama with after birth and stitches was soon forgotten. I thought o would struggle as have crap pain levels but was told by my sister I was boring in labor as didn’t scream and shout as I took myself off somewhere else so had no pain relief either x

I went all natural. No medication. Of course it was 37 years ago. To me it was like having bad cramps. My body pretty much took over.

It’s absolutely normal to be apprehensive about having your first baby x
Do you really thing we would go on to have more if it was so bad x
Just think of it as one day in your life a big day the best day and then the birth is over and it’s just a bit of that day where you will actually have your baby just a small amount of time in a whole lifetime
I felt the same when I was having my first baby who is now 48 but I went on to have another two
The hardest thing is bringing them up after lol x
You will be fine all will be ok please believe me
Talk to yourself from now and tell yourself you will be ok relax and practice relaxing do as you are told when you are having your baby and breathe lol
All will be ok xxx best wishes

A lot of people don’t seem to realise that wether you give birth vaginally or through a c section. It still changed your vagina…
if you want to experience what birth would be like then you are able to allow natural, if you think it’s to much whilst your in labour then get an epidural. Then if your still unsure request a c section whilst I. Labour. Providing they have the room they can take you straight down…
I would try not to worry and get yourself worked up about it because until it all happens you don’t really have much control about what happens until you start and then you deal with it as it goes along…
good luck x

I was afraid but as the time got closer I just wanted to get it done so I can hold my babies and have my body back lol not a vain comment when I was pregnant my babies dictated my schedule of sleep and everything else lol I seemed to have no control lol

I did this for all 4 of my children. It’s goi g to be ok. Start practicing some calMing breathing techniques now. Get a playlist of your favorite songs, make sure your momma is going to be with you (or who ever your person is that makes
You feel safest/best) it’s Gonna be ok.

Mom, you’re making yourself sick with all of this worry. Your baby feels your stress. You should probably see a therapist and learn some coping techniques for anxiety. You’re going to be just fine. Your baby will be just fine. But you have got to get a grip on your anxiety or you will start having health problems. Stress is very bad for you and your baby. Enjoy these beautiful months knowing you’re growing a miracle that will give you more joy than you can ever believe. Good luck and congratulations. You’ve got this. You’ll be a lioness. You are a woman and we are so very strong. Breathe. Don’t let your anxiety ruin the joy of being pregnant. :pray:t3::pray:t3::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Thought I had to poop all day, delivered naturally-don’t regret the pain…best 36 hours of my life-my son is 29!

My anxiety about drs being between my legs gets so bad that the idea of a vaginal birth sent me into a full panic. My water broke at around 1030am (she was full Breech) I had ONE contraction that felt like a vague period cramp. Then they gave me the epidural and got her out at a quarter past 2. So from start to finish my “labor” to delivery was 4 hours almost exactly and I didn’t feel anything. I won’t lie though, the first potty break after is a bit rough and the week after the c section you really do feel kinda like your guts are in the wrong places but I was told that’s normal and it really wasn’t too horrible with painkillers and lots of rest :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::purple_heart::sparkling_heart::purple_heart::sparkling_heart::purple_heart::sparkling_heart:

You need to chill. At some point in life, you have to stop being afraid and accept that things will be how they will be.

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Unless your doctor recommends a csection, have a vaginal birth. I’ve had both the vaginal birth was so much easier and I recovered so much faster. I felt fully recovered by day 3. My baby was 8.12 and I didn’t tear at all but when I was in labor they were rubbing some oil around me down there and I think that helped. The csection was a faster birth but the recovery was painful. It took about 6 weeks to heal from the csection. The first day you won’t even be able to roll over and get the baby out of the bassinet. So def go with the vaginal birth and epidural. You are strong our bodies are meant for this. You got this either way!

I totally agree with the other moms. Do the epidural. I did it with no medication and now I wonder why I put myself through that. It doesn’t make you less of a woman. I had my first with just getting my water broken. My second I had to be induced with pitocin. I was late with both of them. That one was a shorter labor but much harder contractions. 27 hours of labor with number 1. 10 with number 2. Baby number 2 was just shy of ten pounds. She was quite the chunk. :sweat_smile: Be prepared to have everyone see your lady bits. You can’t be modest and have a baby. Lol. When you get that baby in your arms, the labor and delivery will fade from your mind very quickly. It is so worth every cramp, every incident of morning sickness, swollen feet and hands, back aches, the whole experience. Your body will change. Your hips will ache from preparing to give birth. Your boobs will hurt. But then…here comes your baby. I used to love laying on my back and watching them move. You will be able to watch your belly get all lumpy from knees and elbows as the baby gets bigger. I wish I could explain what a beautiful experience it is even through all of the unpleasant parts. Be prepared for your hormones to make you very moody and emotional. I don’t know a single woman who didn’t experience the hormone roller coaster. The point is you’re not alone. Talk to people. Ask for reassurance when you need it. I swear if I could have afforded it, I would have had a baseball team of kids. :joy: A woman’s body is a magnificent creation. Just look at what we can do. Sorry for being so lengthy on my response but I really want you to relax and enjoy your journey. It’s so beautiful. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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i just gave birth a month ago.

i had the exact same fears as you & ended up having an amazing birth experience! i had an epidural - which is the greatest thing ever invented lol & ended up having an episiotomy (which absolutely terrified me) & barely had any pain from it. i was just sore, but nothing crazy. i was able to go to the bathroom just fine! it was so strange to me cause i was all worked up for nothing! i know others may not have the same experience as me, but a good experience is definitely possible.

don’t be scared. our bodies were literally made for this :muscle:t3:

I had a vaginal birth w epidural and by week three I’m pretty much all healed up, the epidural took away all the pain it felt so good :joy::sweat_smile:

Oh sweety all will be ok it’s natural to be worried and anxious.just remind yourself that after it’s all over and you are holding that beautiful bub you won’t remember anything about it xx

Get an epidural so you’re not so panicked.

As soon as your baby is here you won’t care about anything else not the pain the blood nothing . When you know you are about to deliver the baby something takes over and your focus is getting them here , I remember with my first I had to have an emergency section, I walked into the theatre on my own and knew what I had to do, I know how stressful it is like you I worried about everything and had quite bad health anxiety before being pregnant , it isn’t good though for you or baby in the end I was in hospital every week as my blood pressure would go through the roof with my anxieties , talk to your midwife , everything will be fine you’re in the best hands possible

You are a woman! Women are warriors, full of strength during these times. Imagine how awesome it will be to hold your beautiful baby, the pain ends and your new family begins👨‍👩‍👧

I was in post-op…a gal was in the next bed…a friend of hers came to see her…and she was about 8 1/2 mo along…She said…" does it hurt? We both laughed and said …of course it does…She then said…" I don’t think I want to go on with it…now…" I said…" It is a little late now!"…but seriously…when they did an episiotomy…took longer to heal that when I tore…When I tore…seemed to heal faster and easier…I do not know about anyone else…But they can give you a block where you will not feel anything till it is all done …So I would suggest that you stop worrying about all the blood and gore stuff and know that soon you will be a mum and a wonderful baby to love and that baby needs you to love it…and take care of it and if you know nothing about this stuff…get in touch with a LeLeche League in your town and they would love to help you…learn to breast feed your baby (the best way for the baby)…With my first I knew nothing and made some mistakes…so be one up on me…and get help before the baby is born…I wanted to be so perfect…and thought I could not nurse that baby…so had bottles etc…and sterilized everything…to the point that I boiled the nipples that they melted…

I don’t have any health issues but I was concerned about my vagina being like… ruined/not feeling the same while having sex. I had a c section. I felt nothing at all during birth and the scar was very small I don’t even notice it tbh and my vagina isn’t completely torn up I had to stay in the hospital for 2 weeks while I healed and couldn’t do a whole lot on my own. Had to be moved on a stretcher to use the washroom. But again that only lasted 2 weeks. Next kid I have I think I will do the same thing. I had an epidural as well which made me numb from waist down. I hate needles so it was a little scary getting this long as needle in the spine but I got through it. I was totally freaking out myself so I don’t blame you for being scared it’s totally natural. But I was very happy with how everything turned out in the end.

I had 2 natural births, no pain relief and I didn’t feel a thing

Epidural is fantastic ain’t even kidding after 9 hrs in labor then 7 more hrs after that to end up having a c section. you heal faster from natural but don’t have to worry about tearing down there if u have a c section. I had c section for both babies I have.

You can ask for an epidural. It makes the lower half numb, you know when to push. Or gas and air. With c section, they take baby through stomach , then stitch. Either way enjoy your baby…xx

Water birthing would be so relaxing, I know a few girls that did this.

Iv givin birth and had a C- section had no choice… but id choose giving birth then a section…your be fine babe your body knows what to do your be in great hands so just listen to your body just remember with every contraction its a step closer to meeting your new little one.xx

This was definitely me, I just got myself into a mindset that it was only 24 hour’s of pure hell and it would be over, and I would have my sweet baby… after 13 year’s of trying… and every fertility treatment going…best of luck

Same here! 31 year old first baby due Dec 25th! All of these comments help me as well♡

Whatever u do epidurals are not the way to go ,it didn’t work for me until hours after I had my 1st baby :weary: I had 2 natural but enduced births not as bad as it seems I tore and baby got stuck with preeclampsia and gestational dibietes(1) &my other one had a few complcations due to my size but all was fine at the end

Try visualization. Because worriers can’t just stop worrying.

Here is a short step by step guide for a basic visualization technique:

  1. make sure that you don’t get distracted by doing your visualization in a quiet environment.

  2. close your eyes, take some deep breaths. Slowly inhale through your nose, count to five, exhale through your mouth, count to five again. Do this a few times until you feel fully relaxed.

  3. Imagine a clear mental picture of what you desire. Focus on every detail. Pay close attention to things like textures, colors, smells, or sounds. Imagine yourself to touch things, listen to what you hear, smell the things around you, can you even taste something?

  4. Feel how good it feels now that you have (achieved) what you desire. Feel it deep in your heart and anchor that feeling.

You can stay in this state as long as you wish. When you truly feel the good feelings of your achievement, you can then open your eyes again.

Nursing your baby will make your uterus shrink back to normal. Most of the time you can feel it.

Every birth is so different. But regardless your body will amaze u with its pure capabilities. My first was a planned epidural… 17 hours without, then with the last 5 hours with the epidural… he was huge (9lbs)…and yes with a small frame I was cut - but that heals so much faster than a tear! I left the hospital 8 hours later… then with my second one (I def planned for the epidural) but she came so fast that no one had the balls to tell me during labour that it was way too late (i went from 3cms to 10cms in 59 mins)… so I just had the gas (HEAPS!) and thought I could NOT do it …my final push i literally screamed “FAAARRK!”… but we are born strong women… and are able to do it even when u swear u can’t. Plan as u will but expect the unexpected. I was absolutely petrified too… I felt traumatised by my 2nd birth for at least a week. I was walking contraception for anyone who would listen… but eventually it all fades away into the beauty that u hold each and every day. it seriously does… like a snow that melts all u see afterwards is pure beauty. Every single birth is as uniquely different as every one of us. It’s normal to be anxious and afraid. … not every woman admits it, but by doing so u are regaining ur power and owning the strength within u. Trust that the body u were born with knows intuitively exactly what to do… as long as u have the medical team with u … all will be good. I was a Xmas eve baby… so I am sending u a huge hug… embrace the fear as it’s new…understand it’s meant to be there as u have the most precious cargo. All will be well… trust in that… especially during this time… :+1::purple_heart::crossed_fingers::heart::hugs::purple_heart::pray::heart:

I took lamaze and it helped my fears a lot!

Every one is scared to give birth the first time

I loved being pregnant (5 times)The miracle of birthing outweighted any bad❤

epidural and no big deal, had 4, 3 natural

My dear cast your burden upon the shoulder of jesus Christ he will see you through in Jesus name amen


Women have been doing it for years. I’m just being honest you’ll have that baby one way or another :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Do not be afraid the lord is with you I wish happy delivery in Jesus name amen

Relax, enjoy your pregnancy let people spoiled you.

The doctor will let you know what you need.

I went with labor pains, I did not dialet Dr said you need c section I say ok.

My 2nd son c section. 11 lbs 7 Oz

Do not stress or worry they say the baby feels every thing.

Ask God to give you a healthy beautiful baby.

Read as many books. they say baby are smarter when you read to them.


Is ur husband ur support person … take some crystal breathing classes or find a doula… i hear ur anxiety

Epidural for sure,wont hurt as much.:ok_hand:

If you can have a water birth do that!! It helps tremendously.

Yea giving birth scares the heck outta me too.:joy:

You were made to do this.

I had 3 C-sections, I had no issues and babies were perfect

It probably sounds cliche but

It’s really not as bad as you’re thinking. OK it’s sore but we are built to give birth. I didn’t tear but I had an episiotomy so I was stitched up. They inject you for that so you don’t feel it. It’s tender after but just move carefully. I managed a pain relief free birth. Now I’m not suggesting you should if you can’t handle the pain.

Step back and relax, talk with your doctor

Honestly, trust your body, it will know what to do and the most painful part for me was the contractions, the pushing kind of relieved it along with some funny gas cause I wanted to take some pain off the top but definitely didn’t want an epidural cause everyone I know has terrible back problems now after having it. Just don’t fight it, let it all happen and try not to clench up cause it’ll only hurt more.

Trust me girl take the epidural LOL. If you can take the vaccine shot you can take that shot. Much easier especially if you have health problems you won’t be near the pain

My kids are in their 30s. You are so lucky to have 1 now in this day and age, its progressed so much. With an epidural it’s almost pain free. What an awesome experience that would be. I never got that!!! You’ll do great mama. It will all come naturally, don’t worry…

Women are warriors. We can do the unthinkable. You got this. Don’t worry about anything at all. Just relax and when the time comes, you’ll know what to do. Til then, enjoy your moments right now of being pregnant and having that little one inside you. You’ll do great!! Congratulations!!

It’s normal to be scared, but you will surprise yourself. and everything seems worse in forethought. You’ll be okay.

Fear is one of the primary causes of complication in childbirth

Once you get into the labor and delivery room you will forget about everything you are now worrying about. Let the nurses and your family or friends take care of you that’s why their there.

You will forget all about the pain, how was your mother’s birth of you

En su Mayoría y normalmente el Cuerpo de una Mujer está hecho para parir. Si tiene tanto miedo, pues procure una Cesárea. Y ya está! Después del Parto todo el Cuerpo vuelve a acomodarse. Haga Ejercicio y ya!

We all get scared. Do what the doctors tell you and use any meds they wanna give. Epidural for sure. And if a c-section happens it’s not bad. I had one. You will be ok. Us women have been doing it for centuries. You are strong. You’re body will know what to do. Praying for you my dear. You’ll do great!

Truth? It hurts. All of it, whether natural or C-Section, is painful. Having said that? Billions of mamas have given birth MULTIPLE times, even knowing what it’s like; so it’s not something you can’t handle! The pain truly fades away as soon as you hear that first cry & you know you brought a tiny being into the world. After that? You are too busy marveling over your little blessing to think about much else. :heart:


I was terrified when I went into the birthing room at the hospital I went completely pale

I had c section with my son as he was breech
I had a c section with my daughter also

Don’t regret it at All but it’s no picnic

It’s full on

I think it’s normal to be worried about the pain and all x

Your body is built to handle it … I had a c-section the first time and natural the second time. I mean no pain meds what so ever not even Tylenol. And if I had to choose I’d go with natural … I didn’t tare I was cut … And sowed back up my V was no different after … Child birth hurts … Once you see and hold your baby for the first time you won’t care anymore :heart: it’s gonna be okay .

Try not to think about it…expect pain, but somehow, because we are women, we can and do, endure it…my Doctor didn’t believe in epidural or any pain relief, I never felt any urge to push my daughter out, so 3 nurses laid across my stomach and pushed her out…try to relax and not worry so much about it…you will survive it, believe me.

I think a lot of women have these feelings and, especially for first time moms, it’s normal to have these fears! It’s a scary thought with all the stories you get told and heaven forbid you go into the labor and delivery ward in some hospitals for say, false labour, and hear all the screaming and yelling. Seriously, it sounds awful and it’s downright intimidating! Now, realize that our bodies have been doing this for thousands of years and then some. We used to do it with no meds and little help just grab a tree and hang on! We did just fine. We do this by design! I had mine natural, no meds and I’m still here. There are risks to everything we do to include just driving to a store. You’ll be ok! I had no complications, no tearing, 3.5 hour labour and done. Now, every birth is different. When my mother had me i was breech and had to be taken by c section. None of us can really tell you how it will be for YOU, buf we can all tell you that as women, this is what we do and have since humanity began. Try to relax into it. The anxiety is perfectly normal and yes, even healthy to a degree. Talk with your ob, maybe make a pain plan because that bit, there’s no escaping. Nothing wrong with say, an epidural! Remember too, any surgery comes with it’s own set of risks and healing time. Don’t be shy about talking to your ob about all options and what may be best for you! Good luck and congrats! You’ll do just fine momma!

Oh sweet heart that’s natural. I was terrified with all six of my children. And I can assure you that your vag does go back to normal. I can’t advise you what to do as it’s up to you. But I can wish you all the best​:blush::heart_eyes:

I had two w no painkiller.
I saw my girls suffer HORRIBLE pain in hospital WITH painkiller. Its not natural.
Actually, giving birth was one of the easier more pleasant things i ever did .
Only had 6 pains with second before she "POPPED out.
Piece of cake !