I am thinking of reporting my neighbors: Thoughts?

Call CPS this is not normal

Possible the kid is autistic?

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I don’t know I mean if you actually think the kid is being neglected or abused that’s different a welfare check is by all means go for it but if it’s just because the house is messy they got some dogs and there’s some loud screaming that doesn’t indicate anyting the reason being I have five kids there is always some kind of screaming going on in my house and some of it with some of my kids who have some sensitivity needs they will go off screaming and it sounds like you are beating the crap out of them and you might not be anywhere near them and then I yell sometimes because I’m trying to get their attention I stay home all day all of my kids have potty trained on their own because sometimes you don’t have the time or the kid does not have the patience to potty train. I know some kids that are eight and nine that have to be in diapers or pull-ups whether it’s just at night or sometimes some of them if they have special needs are still in them as an adult so depending on what the child is like and how that houses I mean my house was clean and I mean spotless on Saturday. Sunday comes almost every single dish in my house is in the sink there are clothes scattered all over my house. The backyard looks like a tornado hit it and today is Monday and it looks like I had a college party in my house


the best thing to do is to try and talk to him say hey would you guys like us to have your daughter over for dinner or we’re going to a park or we’re going to do a movie or maybe you can come over and start spending the night you know things like that so you can get a little more feel for the child and see if maybe hey they’re not so bad it’s just stress


Or you might get the feeling that something is really off and that she does need help and maybe sometimes be a neighbor

If at age 5 she’s still not potty trained …and not in school …something is wrong call ! and beer and cigarette buts everywhere ! Looks like these people don’t have time to potty train but rather be drinking ! THAT’S Neglect


I would most definitely call it needs to be looked into!

Calling CPS is very passive aggressive. At the very least have the nerve to tell them yourself.


So much wrong with this…i have 6 small kids, so i know. Call! People are afraid to judge and then tragedies happen! If its nothing then ok. But obviously your conscience is telling you something is wrong… better safe then sorry especially nowadays… everyday i turn on the news and something happened to a child.
Also befriend the mom and find out more. Could be nothing, could be just laziness or could be more. As for the dogs, I wouldn’t care about that. Nor the cigarette butts but the beer? Yes.
So call and also try to befriend the mother… that’s what id do.


Unless you see abuse- you should mind your own business


Maybe talk to the little girl and ask how it’s like at home and ask why they dont teach her to go on the potty, sometimes kids can reveal things or at least ease your mind

Its called a well check and you can make them anonymously . youre not wrong at all.


It’s better to b safe than sorry


I would be so annoyed if my neighbors called for a wellness check every time my autistic daughter screams. I mean. Come on.


The girl could be autistic or have a developmental delay


My cousin wore diapers till she was 9 and she stopped screaming by age 11, she has autism. You sound very judgemental unless you have solid proof of abuse mind your own business!


If you feel that their situation is not right for the child, I personally would report it. If they don’t find anything wrong, they don’t find anything wrong, but at least you feel a sense of closure on the situation. Just know that they can report your name to the person being investigated. My sisters neighbor called on her and they told my sister exactly who called. Also, I can post in my comments, but if you remain anonymous they don’t always take those calls serious either. I called and that’s what the intake person told me was they put all complaints through a process and not all get checked on. I know there are going to be the “know it alls” and comment saying they check all complaints, but no they don’t. I have called and nothing was done not even a well child check… This is all said by the state I live in. All states may have different laws and how they intake the claim.

My tv is always on, especially during the day, I like the sound when the big kids are at school and my husband is at work, then when they get home it’s on because someone’s watching it soooo :woman_shrugging:
And if someone called CPS on be because they herd screaming, come on how many times did I ask nicely to stop picking on your brother?

Theres a BIG difference of calling because you truly feel this child is being neglected or calling because the tv is on and you hear hollering, that’s a decision you need to make

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Have you talked to the lady of the house?
Why don’t you make time and talk to her about your concerns! You might discover more if she refuses to talk to you then you can go ahead and call CPS . I think something is definitely wrong please follow up


Sorry some people are saying mind your business. Imo that’s how babies are neglected is because people mind their business. Yes if the parents fight mind your business but for heavens sake if you have a mom gut feeling there is nothing wrong with a well check. These days are not the days you can have a friendly talk with people🤦‍♀️. Besides if the kids are fine that household has no need to worry. I wouldnt ever mind a well check, I love people to see how much I love my baby.


Stay in your own lane.


Calling CPS is only because you are concerned, its then their job to determine if the concern is warranted. If not, then hey, at least you can rest easier knowing it was checked out :woman_shrugging: you can call anonymously.


If you have genuine concern, then make the call.

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If you’re so concerned grow a pair of balls and go over there and talk to them maybe just maybe ask if they need help with anything!

Call CPS for a wellfare check. Every child matters and a 5 year old healthy child should not still be in diapers.


Call. To often people turn a blind eye. If everything is fine no harm no foul.


Report them. That child does not deserve to be treated like that nor to stay in such filth. Not any child. They don’t deserve that child

I hear everyone saying mind your own business but if the home isn’t sufficiently clean, it’s considered neglect. Calling for a well check isn’t out of order in this case. It’s not just the screams that matter.


Report it for a well check. At minimum they’ll go look and if they dont see a concern they’ll unsubstantiate it and leave. At most you saved a little girl and they’ll introduce some resources to the family so they can help her. DCS is here to help, despite what a few bitter people will tell you.


The family’s lives cannot be turned upside down if they’re not doing anything wrong. Call, call, call! Let authorities decide! Raising a child in filth is child abuse! Them kids that go to school dirty and smelly get picked on and why? Because the parents are too lazy! It’s not fair for the child. If nothing comes of it, good and if they find a reason to remove the child(ren), then so be it.


If your gut tells you something is off, call. If nothing is really going on then they should have nothing to worry about. It’s the people commenting “mind your business” “stay in your lane” who have kids that concern me. Like…yes kids with disability exist and can be loud. But that doesn’t excuse the house looking and smelling the way it does. Either way its neglectful. Even if the kid had a disability, she deserves to live in filth like that? Aren’t special needs children supposed to be in upstanding, clean and safe environments for their benefit?

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I would make sure 100% sure something bad was going on. I breastfed my baby on my front porch once and my new neighbor called CPS and they had to so an investigation on child abuse and that was hell to go through for our family. Until they dismissed it. Those people might be just trashy and the child might have s mental condition.

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It never hurts to call when kids are involved always rather be safe than sorry


I would at least call for a wellness check

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I will never understand why the first to cross someone’s mind is to call CPS. You just moved in! How about getting to know the family? I’m that type of person who gets to know my neighbors. I don’t want me or my kids to be a statistic. If I see you out, I will engage in conversation. If I see your kid in diapers and think they’re too big for diapers, we may have that conversation. If I come up to your door for something and I see stuff all over the house or in the yard… I’m going to ask if you need some help? It doesn’t matter if you have children or not. I’m going to ask if you need help. Some people have an underlying issue that may or may not be visible unless you get to know that person. Depression is real. Depression can cause you NOT to want to do anything. Absolutely nothing but sit and look around and cry. My kids mean the world to me. I got pregnant in 2017 and lost the baby. It wasn’t planned but it happened. My oldest at the time was 14. If it wasn’t for my children helping out so much, I probably would be in a messy house. :woman_shrugging: Sometimes, we just need that time to get through what we are going through. Sometimes it takes that caring person to say hey, are you okay? Can I offer some help? My TV stays on literally 24/7. I never turn it off. I do it for a reason. But, they’re my own personal reasons. It used to take a village to help raise kids and it seems a lot of people have lost that compassion and understanding that others need. I’ve always believed calling the government should be a last resort!


If your gut is directing you to be concerned then most certainly call and do a welfare check. Call the police and say you wanna do a welfare check on a child…they HAVE to check it out…and if you wanna remain anonymous they HAVE to honor that. I have a friend of the family who is a cps investigator and if you want to remain anonymous they cant disclose who called and when you call the hotline and you tell them a child is in danger they WILL send it to the highest up for a visit approval. Thank you momma, ita people like you who keep these babies safe and alive!

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Another commenter said this and I think its prob the best way to go: call animal services about the dogs. They will come out and check on things and if something is really wrong, they will contact CPS.


Call, tomorrow might be too late.

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Unless you got pictures to post, I’d leave it alone. I was five and in diapers still. Zero developmental issues. Maybe try being a nice neighbor and see what’s up

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Call for sure. It’s better to be safe than sorry. Make an anonymous report if needed. It’s always ok to protect a child

I dont think the TV being on cartoons even if it os 24/7 is a threat lol. My kids are well taking care of and are in several after school activities I have 2 TVs one is usually video games for older 2 and the other is usually cartoon for 9 month old . My kids are very intelligent and do well in school. As for the mess and the diaper. Yes those are cause for concern. That child should be in school as well :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I would definitely call and have the police to a do a well child check. If their porch is that bad, and the house reeks from the yard, I can only imagine how horrible the inside of the house is.

In my mind this is at least worth a welfare check.


You have to live there , remember that


Call police for a wellness check. Police can decide to call CPS or not. Make sure to list the few points you have for them to check.

Call. :unamused: CPS does not just take children for the fun of it.

You’re wrong. 100% you have no idea what’s going on. It sounds like it’s completely possible the child has a disability. She’s also ALMOST 5, so not old enough to to be in school. Kids have to be 5, going on 6.
You’re judging them because of the state of the front porch, and the smell but you don’t describe what smell and that doesn’t mean the inside is a trashpit. It sounds like you judge them as not being up to your standards and are looking for a reason to cause issues for them.


There are some good ideas in these comments, both for and against. But I do know this to be a fact…although anonymity in reporting is Supposed to be protected, don’t count on it.

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Make a report. It can not hurt. If you dont make a report…the consequences cold be far worse for the child.


I’d get someone to check for sure better to be safe than sorry


Report to cps. No doubt.


Call animal services to check on the dogs. If its horrible, they would call someone for rhe kid. ( saw someone else post this and i agree 100%)


Call and report! They will decide if it’s a case or not! Please for the sake of the baby atleast call!! You never know you could have saved the child’s life! I’m a mandated reporter and I have felt bad for calling but one time it turned out the child was being abused, another nothing but please please please call! It will not hurt for them to come check!

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No I would report them just in case no one would know you report them

At least call for a wellfare check


Stupid question.
Should have done so long ago. Poor baby.

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Sounds like the little girl may be disabled. Don’t be so quick to judge


My daughter just turned 5 in october and that is passed the cut off point for kindergarten in my state becauseshe didnt turn 5 before septemeber 30th. She is in preschool. But preschool is NOT required by law, that is a choice. Also the diapers are definitely causing her to not be allowed ina. Preschool setting. She may have a serious issue with her bladder, pelvic floor, kidneys or even be pre-type 1 diabetic like my daughter. She also may be on the spectrum for autism. There are many different levels and some kids may even seem normal to most. My cousin AND brother are both autistic and werent fully potty trained until 6 because of it. I wouldnt be quick to assume things. Unless you have seen straigh up neglect od the child or abuse then i feel like reporting is just not right because you dont Know all their business. YOU dont need an explanation for these things. If you see abuse, or neglect then yes report but none of which you stated proves that. TV being on cartoons is also not a worry and also not your business lol.


One you really cant judge someone for smoking parenthood can be stressful and isn’t it better that the cigarette bugs are on the front porch and lawn rather that on the floor in the house and maybe they are animal lovers but for the flip side of the arguement yes report them simply because it is better to be safe than sorry what with the smell of the house the no school the blood curdling screams with all of that combined it almost sounds like there might be some abuse going on there

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If the dogs are being kept outside 24/7 and if they are neglected then call animal control on them…but that has NOTHING to do with the child.


I would have called already if i was you.

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Mind yo business unless you see marks on the child or if the diaper looks like it hasn’t been changed …offer a hand to babysit so they can clean up


Since you are a mom and there is a mom next door, you could go and introduce yourself and maybe take homemade cookies. Get to know the parent. The child could have IBS or something to where she needs to wear a diaper. She could have a colostomy bag, you never know. Unless you know the circumstances it is not fair to them for you to assume. Who knows, you might just become good friends and try to help her with other issues not known. You can never too many friends. Good luck!


Why dont u try to make friends with the parents, and once you get to know them, offer to babysit once in a while, or have a play date. A little girl with o ly brothers can so.etimes get very ruff during play which is normal. Her being overweight could also be a number of things, and maybe offering to take her to the park once or twice a week will help not only the child, but the parents.
A welfare check is nothing to feel bad about. To make sure the family is ok. Are the pups always chained up outside 24/7?? If so, that’s against the law and also just not fair to the dogs.
Always trust the gut and try to help where you can. But maybe start building a relationship with them and offer to help out with the kids if your very worried.


No, it’s not your business; There could be an explanation to everything; you could just mind your business. Yes. But there’s also no harm in sending someone out to do a welfare check. If everything passes, cool. Don’t worry about it. But what if it doesn’t pass? What if that child is in danger??? I’d call it in. If I had a family member doing this and I didn’t know about it, I’d be happy someone stepped up and cared enough


If you’re concerned enough and you just want to be sure everythings ok I’d do it.


It needs to be checked for sure

Glad your not my neighbor! First off the girl might have something wrong with her where she has to wear diapers…just bc they look fine DON’T mean something isn’t wrong mentally…the screaming well maybe she is slightly mentally challenged…tv being on 24/7 GOOD LORD theres nothing wrong with that shows me you need to watch your own kid instead of knowing what station a neighbor TV is on 24/7…you lady are a busy body that needs to mind her own business!!!


R E P O R T !!! The child may be disabled or handicapped and being neglected. If not and everything is ok, no worries. I’d call animal control in your area as well, just for safety’s sake. Be sure the animals are being treated well too.

You don’t know what you don’t know…

I would say that you should call when you hear the screaming you described. You can simply request a welfare check. What happens thereafter will be on the police.


It takes a village. Usually the reason kids end up abused or dead is because no one said something when they should of so if you think something is wrong I would absolutely report it. If nothing is wrong then nothing will come of it. No harm done. If something is wrong you may be saving little lives


See something say something
Better safe than sorry

I would just have them do a welfare check. They will decide from there whether to get CPS involved. Idk what state you’re in but here in KY we are a mandatory report state and can get in trouble if we thought something could be happening and we didnt report it.


You haven’t even met them. And you think it’s okay to get the law involved? There could be medical issues, it’s not your place. Are the kids being abused? You don’t pay their bills or know them as a family. Keep your child within your distance if you think another child is not up to how you would raise them. People raise kids differently whether it be family or strangers. It’s okay to be concerned but if you’re not helping, don’t make it worst.


I don’t know why the tv being on is concerning I think that’s a bit of a reach… but if you do call on them just to do a welfare check/cps, (not yelling, just emphasizing) PLEASE DO NOT MENTION DRUGS OR ABUSE. You aren’t sure, so that could cause so much more damage. Just report that there is cigarette butts & beer cans and a smell from their house. I grew up in a dirty house and they took us, and told my parents they had 24 hours to clean it all up or they don’t get us back. NEVER lived in a dirty house again. Could be helpful but only report what you see, not what you assume, you’re very sweet for being concerned and if that mom feeling pops up, and you think something is wrong definitely at least do a welfare check.

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put your heart at rest and at least call if ya feel the need to. that being said I smoke and drink in the garage or porch not around my child cig butts dont peeve me like they do some. Keep in mind they may just be filth mongers. when i was out of commission my place would look like a reservation because my BF is a SLOB who never cleans up or moves anything EVER! it gets overwhelming once it’s gotten bad so grab a 6er n some trash bags and be a good neighbour n try to offer a hand n get a better feel for the situation.

What would happen if that little girl was being abused? What if she died? How would you feel? I’m not saying running out and calling CPS is the right thing to do. I agree on a welfare check or calling on the animals after you try talking to her parents and trying to befriend them so you can better understand the situation before making an enemy and putting her parents through hell. Being silent could cost her life


The next time u hear the screaming like that just make a call about that especially if they are at night…if the yard and house is as u say it is then something needs to be done…given there are some cases where a 5 yr old might still need a diaper there are other cases where parents are just too sorry to potty train and Goin by th e discription of things I myself would assume there’s no proper potty training…24/7 cartoons sounds alot like parents who don’t care and keep ig there to keep her occupied. Which is fine for the most part but not 24/7 like that. If I were u I’d do a Lil digging and visiting just to get a better view of things.

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Definitley get someone official to go around. You just never know. You could save that little girls life. Please do it


You could always do a check but there could be a number of things to explain what you’re seeing.
I’ve worked with autistic children. I would go to their homes and help out. I once had a 6 year old autistic boy still in diapers. It’s not that they didnt potty train him, he just wasnt able to do it himself. Also, mom always had on cartoon as well. The child would have a behavior if it was turned off. They dont like change. That could also be this child isn’t in school. The 6 year old I helped out went to a certain program to help educate him. But he wasnt actually in public school just bc he didnt like change.
Another thing, since he was autistic he had behaviors where he would scream bloody Mary for no reason. That’s just the child.
Sometimes, you have to be more understanding then judgemental. Some things arent always what they seem.


Go and talk to the neighbour, get to know her, ask if everything’s ok, thats the least you can do first, dont go calling people on her, what if someone did that to you? Called child services because they thought your kid wasnt cared for, without even talking to you, she may be trying her best, if shes rude or abusive then yeah go for it, communicate, it’s not hard.


Mind your own business



  1. not potty trained at age five !
  2. Not at school or at any programs !
  3. Night time screaming
  4. Filthy house
  5. Dogs runny loose
  6. Beer cans and cigarette Butts everywhere
  7. The television on 24/7
    If anyone thinks that’s a normal behavior towards a 5 year old child … you should go check your own parenting skills and get help yourself !
    It’s so funny how people are trying to justify this and telling her to mind her own business! This is obviously not a stable home ! And obvious signhs of the parents being alcoholics and not paying attention to the child and Neglecting Her !. Please call

I say trust your gut. These are childrens lives… They might just need someone to not look away and care a bit!


the child could have some sort of genetic problem, that she just can’t control her bladder or bowels. But the screaming at night & unkept house,(that really doesn’t make a person/family bad) But if you think something just isn’t right, it is better to call, let them investigate, just to be sure

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I would report it, mostly for the screams! It may be nothing, but it might be something serious too.

Would you lett your child spend the night over there ,or feel good about letting her stay with them for a few hrs while you go out? If No then , I would certainly call the authorities for a welfare check.

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Make the call. Better to be safe than sorry


I would ask to do a wellness check. That way it won’t be too harsh if there is nothing to worry about. Moms have instincts for a reason


Report them. The reason why? For peace of mind. You can do it anonymously and if they find a reason to take the child it will be for good reason. I turned my own sister in. I’d do it again.


she may be special needs, but I would call the police anyway about the dogs and the smell as well as the child. she may need help


Trust your mama instincts. Sounds like there are a lot of red flags… best to call and have a professional asses the situation than wait.

I would report them honest that is scary. I mean the worst they can do is go and check the situation. It’s anonymous so I would definitely do it.


Have the police check it out. More people need to care these days. Just please don’t go over there yourself. Call the authorities.


I’d have them checked out.

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Better safe than sorry…

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You are saying who am I to judge while being completely judgmental… the fact that you felt the need to mention the child’s weight says very little about your character. However since you did mention it, obviously she isn’t being starved, she gets to go outside and play and as you mentioned, your own child screams so what is your concern??? That their house is messy or smelly. Not your house. You are judging this family from outside with no real effort to get to know the situation. I do agree that the child should be in school at least part time, but with as many parents out there that homeschool their children, who’s to say what is going on. Maybe talk to them and see if there’s something you can do for them rather than to them by involving people whose job it is to remove children from homes.


Trust your gut feeling


If I were in your shoes, I think I’d ask the mother if she wants to go meet up at the playground and have the kids play and interact. I wouldn’t jump to conclusions based off what the house looks like. I do agree that the child should be potty trained and in school. However, I don’t know them so I can’t judge a book by its cover. I’d probably get to know whatever the child’s situation is. May have medical issues that requires her to wear a diaper still? You never know. If you’re really uncomfortable, I’d call anonymously for them to be checked on!

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Trust your gut. You can always ask for a wellness check.