I am upset my daughters dad sent her home in a shirt that said "I love my dad" and I am upset: Advice?

It’s just a shirt. You make a deal out of it and it’s going to make your daughter feel bad. Unless you want to be the bad guy, then go ahead. I know what it feels like to be in between parents like this and it mentally screws with you.


Over reacting big time .

I get this my ex husband did that when my now 22 year olds daughter was 6. So I just went out and got her one that said my mom rocks and sent her in that. It is innocence but I get hope much it hurt. It may be passive aggressive but it was effective he kept things like that at his house after that.

Super petty and definitely overreacting🙄

This post is crazy. That’s her dad. Period! You sound very selfish I would say.

You’re just spiteful. Grow up.

I would say your overreacting. She shouldn’t “stop” loving her Dad just because she is with you. That is super unfair towards your daughter on her part. It sounds like you need to grow up a little. There are far more things to worry about.


I think you’re thinking too much into this. Are you thinking that since she can’t read he sent her home In a dad shirt just to bother you? I very highly doubt that. You want him to consider your feelings but this is the craziest thing to have type if feeling about. Any good mom or dad would never even think twice about a shirt that says love my dad. I would even buy my kids clothes that say I love my dad to wear And keep at my house and ive sent clothes that said I have the best mom with them to their dad’s and I never even thought it might even slightly be an issue. They do have that best mom. They do love their dad. No matter whose house they are at those things remain true for the children. Just because you don’t want him in your life anymore doesn’t mean he gets washed out of your childs life when they are with you. No matter where you kid is at on any given day they still think about both parents…it’s unrealistic to think that when your child is at your house any and all signs that they have a father are to zipped up and kept in box to protect YOUR feelings. If you are so bothered by him sending her home in an I love dad shirt that you’re taking it as a personal attack I think you should sit and do some reflecting with a professional to help you sort out these issues. Because you do feel that way, you’re allowed to feel however you want, but that doesn’t make the reasons behind those feelings appropriate or healthy, and that’s something you should try to address before it consumes you or your child in an unhealthy way…I don’t believe in dismissing anyone’s feelings no matter how silly it may seem to me. But finding a better way to deal and cope with what’s causing them will eventually lead to you being more in control of the things you feel. You can’t take everything the wrong way forever without seriously affecting your life and relationships. He meant no harm but for some reason you believe he did and that’s not exactly a normal Thought process.

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Girl gtfoh :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: it’s a shirt and she loves her dad. Get over yourself.


So send her to Daddies house in a shirt that says, i love mommy

I do understand your feelings;however, it’s a shirt!!! I’m sure your little girl loves her daddy and when she gets older, she will figure out the whole situation. I would do exactly what you said…. The next time she goes to her daddy’s, make sure she has that shirt on. Be the bigger person, which it sounds like you are being!!!

This has to be made up


What? It’s a shirt he liked and put her in I buy my daughter mama clothes because i like them

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Lol very petty just dont put it on her while u have her and send her back in it when he tqkes her again


It’s a shirt. You’re being kind of petty about it

Send her back with a shirt that says “I love my parents”. Hopefully this way you both remember she is the innocent here and only needs love and support…not drama nor trauma


I would be happy if my ex bought our daughter any kind of clothes. He never did!


Totally overreacting!! I literally just bought my daughter a shirt that said “I love my dad”. I gave it to him to put on her wardrobe for when she’s with him. I’m certain she will eventually wear it to my house. No biggie. He also bought her a shirt that said “mommy’s little sidekick” and sent it home to my house with her. I THANKED HIM!! We have a TERRIBLE past. However, WE have GROWN as PARENTS to OUR child!! Our child is totally oblivious to the storm we had between each other!! You are an ADULT!! ACT LIKE IT. And let your child be oblivious to how you feel!! Do not TAINT that child’s perspective of him just to make you feel better!! That’s HER FATHER!!


Send her back wearing it… be happy that he’s buying her cloths. Be happy she gets to be able to see him in her life. Some kids don’t get that when they go see dad, they come back wearing the same cloths they got sent in but 10x more filthy.


Lmao :rofl:
Really over a shirt

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Very petty. Let her be happy that her daddy loves her too.

Oh ok, so you saying it’s ok if you get her a shirt that says I love mommy, but not if he does? I think You are overthinking this. It’s cute, you need to get over it.

Girl HUSH …you sound very childish and petty! It’s a damn shirt for the love of god!! Ugh

No wonder ya’ll aren’t together :woozy_face:


OMG… get over it this is about as Petty as it can get


You’re being childish & petty. Get over it he’s her dad. Be glad she has one, many don’t. My advice grow up.


Wow! The fact you’re even making a big deal out of a shirt shows the level of maturity. I’d suggest you don’t involve your daughter in your bs that’s ridiculous! GROW UP LADY I FEEL BAD FOR THAT LITTLE GIRL


Geez, how are you going to feel when she says she loves him? Just because you don’t have the best relationship doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be happy that your daughter does


This is utterly ridiculous, SHE was with HIM, he probably wanted to show her off in that shirt while they were together and I’m sure he wasn’t trying to upset you as it’s such a petty not real issue.
I’m not with my sons dad- my belief it doesn’t matter how I feel about his dad it matters how MY SON PERCEIVES I FEEL. and despite his dads years of popping in and out due to server drinking and DV issues I still put our issues aside so he can feel free and happy to love everyone- because he doesn’t need to be in the middle of ADULT issues. We make and get his dad presents on birthday and holidays because he should feel safe to love and show love to everyone.
Is your daughter safe? Happy healthy? Then put your feelings aside it’s not about you and him.

Side note I use to dress my son in these types of shirts when he went with his dad- to be kind- to show i was happy they loved each other. When he was with me he wore similar shirts with “mom” instead.

Get over yourself and your spite before you fuck your kid up.

If you wouldn’t care if her grandma got her a shirt stating “I love my grandma” why is this any different? Grandparents aren’t always present all the time. I think your letting harsh feelings towards your ex cloud your judgment and are overreacting over something little.

It’s a fking shirt. Some of us have absent fathers for our kids. Find something real to cry about.


It’s just a shirt… if he sent her back to your house with a shirt that said “I’m a unicorn” would you be concerned that she’d turn into a unicorn?


Be grateful that her “Dad” loves her enough to buy her the shirt. It takes nothing away from you.

Get over yourself. Wow.


I hope this is the worst of your problems


Omg it’s a shirt . Find happiness

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Fuck your feelings, get over it. Grow up a little bit.

Get real it’s a shirt.ffs


Seriously you’re upset over this I mean I hate to be rude but I can’t think of any other way to be be happy he bought her something

That’s all you’re upset about? Oh, honey, honey, honey!

Yes you are. It’s just a shirt. And it’s a shirt he gave her. Her relationship is separate with him than with you so you just need to move on. And yes be glad she has one who takes her for visits and is present. A lot of kids don’t. Just my two cents.


You can’t be serious!!!

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Not a very mature attitude.

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Literally just wash it and send it on her when she goes back. What is the real life problem here?

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Goodness you walk into children’s place and all the shirts are either daddy’s girl, love my dad, daddy princess etc. most of the mom shirts says sassy like my mom :joy: or something like that

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She loves her dad. Why is this a problem? You’re also no longer with him and he no longer is required to consider your feelings.

This is about your daughter and her father, don’t make it about you.


OMG STOP ! AGAIN people pick your battles wisely

Over reacting : yes she’s your daughter but you n her have different relationship with her dad. Please don’t involve her with what ever short comings he has as she grows up she’ll see for herself. For now let her be a 4 year old child. Just my 2 cents worth.

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Not understanding the relationship you have with dad… it makes it hard to validate your hurt feeling due to the shirt. It may be a small dig toward you, but you must choose your battles carefully… when she is to be with him again… put the shirt back on her and thank him and tell him how much you like it! It might make you feel better, too! Enjoy life, it is too short…! :wink:

You are way overreacting.

You said she loves her dad, sooo? It’s a shirt lol. Maybe you’re a little jealous, or is it that you think he did it to be spiteful? I wouldn’t let a shirt get to you.

Don’t put it on her. She will soon outgrow it.

i don’t see any problem there…of course she should love her dad….you maybe separated but he is still her dad…you’re over reacting

Even if he did it to be spiteful just be the bigger person ignore it. Wash the shirt, send it back, and make no comment. I get it’s hard to work with him but it’s for your daughter not you.

Dont you, want her to Love her dad ? :woman_facepalming:

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Grow up! YES you are overreacting! It’s a shirt! She loves her Dad, and he loves her… there’s no room for your jealousy in their father/daughter relationship. Why should he have to consider how you would feel when buying his daughter a shirt? Would you be offended if a grandparent, aunt, etc bought her a shirt that said ‘I :heart: my Aunt (Nana, etc)?’
You should never involve your child in whatever problems you have with their other parent, those are between the two of you… not between them. As long as he’s loves her and is good to her stop being petty over a shirt or whatever he buys her next, and assuming he’s buying her things just to get to you.

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It says I love dad. Not “I love dad more then mom” . Just keep it up and send her back in it and move forward.

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I really dont think he sent her home in it to upset u on purpose. He probably just put her in the nearest clean outfit. I really dont think its that deep

This is really childish. She loves you just as much as her dad. I’m not being mean, but it sounds more like jealousy then hurt feelings.

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You are being childish and petty. Her wearing a cute shirt that says I love my dad doesn’t take any love she has for you away.

Learn to pick your battles peace is worth it. I would say you’re overreacting on the shirt. Let’s be honest men are special they don’t realize lmao.

Isn’t she suppose to love her dad?!? I’m confused as to why this is even a post??? I guess if you want to be petty then get her a shirt that says love my mom for her to wear next time you send her with him🤷🏻‍♀️

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Feel your feelings then let them go. I promise you have much bigger things to worry about than a little pettiness and a kids shirt.

Here’s a hint: this isn’t about you.


It looks like I don’t need to say anything here. It’s been said!

It’s a shirt…come on now.

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easy buy your daughter a shirt that says i love my mom and dad!! he’ll get the message…

Jfc this is childish.

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I let my son wear shirts like that (I despise my sons father) but you would never know it, and neither will my son.
I sent him in a shirt that said dads side kick, he isn’t a stroller coparent or dad tbh he didn’t see his son for 6 months then all of a sudden seen him, he pays no support, he’s 1000 behind but that s still his father
But I wouldn’t care if he sent our son home in a shirt that said I love my daddy. I know the truth, my son will never know that I didn’t like his father, because he comes first.

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Just get her clothes that says I love mommy or I love my parents. My kids dad doesn’t do anything for them.

My son has shirts that say “Cool like mom!” “My dad’s the coolest!” “Dad is smart, but mom knows everything!” All kinds of mom/dad sayings​:woman_shrugging:t2::joy: I’ll have dad take him in mom shirts and I’ve taken him in dad shirts.

With him not being present much I’d feel some type of way too. I’d also wash it and send it back for when she’s over there. Even though I would be taking care of the children more I wouldn’t send them to their dad’s in a I love mommy t-shirt. That would be childish. Even though she won’t be wearing it at your place still speak positive things about her dad. She will determine on her own about her relationship with him and won’t resent you for it. Good luck!

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Choose your battles.

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I’m usually very polite and kind with my advice but I just can’t believe this is a real question! If this is a real question my advice is to grow the hell up and get a damn life lady! I honestly can’t believe you’d tell us such ignorant shit about yourself or your immature thoughts about a SHIRT without realizing we’d tell you, you’re overreacting! Smh

The good thing about clothes is you can :sparkles:change them​:sparkles:
It makes sense if she was wearing it while with her dad and then came to you from him still wearing it imo :woman_shrugging:t3:

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I don’t understand why this upsets you…she should love her dad. If it bothers you, buy her one that says I love my mom.

I think what you’re really upset about is it sounds like he’s a partially absent, insufficiently involved father. That’s understandable. It’s not really reasonable to be upset about the shirt itself. I wouldn’t say one word to him about it. First of all, if he never was considerate of your feelings, then he’s not going to listen to you now. Second of all, it may just be extra ammunition for him to bother you with. I would say let it go and just send it back with her when she goes to her next visit.

We are responsible for our happiness. If the child cannot read and is not upset I would let it go.

Wow…she has clothes on! Who cares what it says!! Seriously shake your head…

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Don’t make your child feel like they’re wrong for loving there dad. Why does it matter. U know your child loves you too. Atleats he sent her back in something. I’d be more concerned if it didn’t fit!

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You are over reacting don’t let it bother you , he is her dad . Get her a shirt that says I love my mom . There are more important things to worry about don’t be petty be the person your daughter can look up to be the better person

I think it’s great she’s wearing a shirt like that.

Are their really people out here who are that upset of this stuff :sob:grow up :roll_eyes:


Over reacting, what are you gonna do when she can read and sees you’re visibly upset about a shirt that says I love my dad? How about father’s day his birthdays and holidays is it gna upset you when she wants to make him something and actually write those words. You gotta figure it out now before she gets older and can understand these actions and reactions btwn her parents it’ll form a whole lot of self doubt in herself as she is part of both of you. She’s made up of both of you. No matter where you 2 stand with each other it shldnt reflect your daughter’s relationship with the other parent. It’s not easy trust me I know I have a 5yro my only kid child. And shes totally a daddy’s girl no denying it & at 5 she exhibits both mine and his personality that drives me up a wall ( ignores you when speaking to you & getting frustrated when she can’t do or figure something out and giving up along with a distaste for being ignored. U can see where it’s going with that, so daily me and her fight bc she ignores people when they speak to her her father ignores me 90% of the time and I dispise being ignored. She’ll ignore you & then get pissed off at you for when she feels ignored. Your daughter is gna start growing up and showing many traits of her father ones that you once liked about him and others that drove you nuts.


Yes you are overreacting about this shirt. Let her wear it, let her love her dad and find out for herself what their relationship will be.

It’s a shirt that isn’t insulting you. Move on.

Choose your battles. Not everything is worth the energy. This one of those times. :woman_shrugging:

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How old are you? :joy::joy::joy:

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Why does this upset you. Send her next time. With a shirt that’s say I LOVE MY MOM. Very simple. I just answered your stupid question.


Lmfao. Get over yourself.


She’s 4 and can’t read?! Maybe get started on that instead of worrying about some petty stuff.


Majorly overreacting. I can’t believe thos is even an actual question.


I would put it on her when she goes back to his house, no need to wear it at your house.

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I can’t believe this is actually a question. You should know where you stand as her mother. Your daughter wearing a shirt about her Dad should not affect you in any way. You need to mature because you have a long road ahead.


OMG at least her dad takes her
My kids father stopped caring about them the day he claimed them on income tax
Be grateful he even trying


Oh gosh of this makes you upset :see_no_evil: your lifes gonna be real hard


This is OBVIOUSLY not a supportive page, look at the state of some of these comments. I wouldn’t ask for advise here again OP. There’s nothing wrong with the way that you are feeling. It’s a normal feeling when you’ve been hurt.
Y’all are very nasty people. :wave:

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Get tf over yourself :unamused::roll_eyes::unamused::roll_eyes: so stupid.


Unfortunately been there, the more you say the more they do so pick a battle your going to win !

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Just be the best mom you can don’t sweat the small stuff :woman_shrugging:t3:

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