I am upset my daughters dad sent her home in a shirt that said "I love my dad" and I am upset: Advice?

Sweetie it’s ok he is still her dad. She knows who her mom is ! :sun_with_face:


Send her back in a shirt that says “I love my mom more” and get over it.


Mom…you need some counseling.


Who actually writes this shit Lol

Put on your big girl panties and get over it

Lmfao maybe the reason shes just a BM​:joy::joy:poor kid…

Wtf did I just read. If this hurt your feelings I see why he divorced you :joy::joy:

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I buy my kids clothes that say I love my dad even tho we’re not together. :woman_shrugging: it’s a small thing to get upset about, especially is he is spending time with her.

100% being petty. Stop it now. Be appreciative that she gets a relationship with her father and that he buys her clothes. Grow up!

Honestly I wouldn’t trip dude, he would obviously buy that & you just buy yours. I myself buy the cutest one no matter if it says dad or mom because he loves us both & when he buys stuff he does the same thing.

Buy her a shirt that says something about mom and send it with her next time she sees her dad. Lol.

Omg. Seriously?? You need help


At least you know she loves both of her parents even if their not together.

Seriously, tell me you are joking?

This is absolutely stupid.

I get it might sting a little. But seriously let it go. Let her wear it back to her dad’s. She will outgrow it in a month time. You know the truth. It’s OK.


Is this for real :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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I think you need a thicker skin.

It still her dad at the end of the day she’s still seeing her dad I don’t see the problem of course she’s gonna love him so is it ok for you to send her with I love mum would that not hurt his feeling? I’d say let them be and get over it

So tell us that you’re jealous without really saying your jealous! It’s her dad you chose him, make better choices next time!

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Wtf is wrong with people. Are you for real. Or is this just a fake question. My God.

As a human, sometimes it’s good to be sensitive. Now as for what her father does on his time. Be happy he’s at least giving her a new pair of clothes. The time to think about you and him is over, you both decided to give up on the relationship. I suggest to grow up, this is no longer about you, never was. It’s about her, her education, how she’s raised, the worst thing a parent can do is empower the anger of the ex-spouse into the child. Never brain wash your kids to hate the parent. A true relationship, relies on one’s self happiness without the need of your spouse. It’s your responsibility to be happy not his/hers. It’s your spouse’s duty to share that happiness with you. These are not tasks they are goals, it’s not ment to bring one down as you are doing now even after separation. Shame on you.

Yes, you are wrong here. Grow up. You admitted that she loves her dad. I think you’re just looking for a reason to be mad at him.

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Why let it worry you…go get one for her that says I love my mom…its just pretty I wouldn’t worry if not careful you will open more cans of worms

Definitely overreacting

Wash it. Send her back to her dad’s wearing it next visit.

Its her father. She will alwats him and if he has problems being a good father as she grows older, she will come to know it.

You are really upst of a shirt you even stated she loves her dad what’s the problem are really that petty why don’t you buy her one the says I love my mom then she would have 2 shirts stating she loves both her favorite people

What in the petty betty… I’m mean it’s her dad :woman_shrugging:t2: why not lord these baby momma today

I get it! My daughters dad does the same thing… BUT he also tries to tell me that she is happier there than with me and how I’m gone (at work) to much. He literally sees her 4 days a month and doesn’t help at all financially. At first when he did stuff like this it would bug me so bad. Like he changed her background pic on her iPad from me and her to a pic of him and her. I pay for the iPad. He doesn’t want her to have it. I kept my mouth shut and left it alone. Lyndee eventually came to me and said "mommy dad changed my picture on here and I don’t know how to fix it. Can you change it? If u let him know it bothers you he will do it more. :pensive:

I would be grateful for my kids father to spend time with his kids n buy them things tho he doesn’t care, about them so be greatful that ur daughter has the chance to know her father because there’s alot of 4 year Olds out there that dobt get to see there father.

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Its her Dad. She can’t read. He obviously didn’t it to stir some emotions…don’t let him. Send her back in a shirt that says I love my Mom!

I can’t with some of these post man. SMH

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Get over the pettiness. Only one person really matters and that’s your child.

what is it with petty ass parents now a days???

You should be grateful that he bought her anything at all tbh, and not be absolutely childish about a shirt…

I feel like I’m on punked… are the cameras somewhere? This is a joke right? :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:


You are being petty .

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if your daughter is happy-you should be happy

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This is a woman with delusions of grandeur. Once you split, it isn’t about you. In fact, it will never be about you again. Nor is it about him. It’s about the kid. And if you can’t see that, well, you’re bordering on being an unfit parent.


Don’t even let it bother u honestly much more things in life to worry about then a shirt that says I love my dad

Are you serious? Coparenting will never work if you butt hurt over a shirt

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So she’s not aloud to love her dad because you don’t?


She is gonna love her daddy no matter if he is around or does right by her. Let that baby wear her shirt she loves him. As a mom i want my kids to love both myself and daddy.

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Uh, yes, you are overreacting. Give me a break. :woman_facepalming:t3:

Eww. You sound terribly bitter. She can’t love her dad?

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Its a fucking shirt :woozy_face::rofl: you need help.

I don’t even know what to say to this one. I BUY my kids stuff that says dad on it and we’ve been apart for 11 years. I also get him birthday and Father’s Day gifts from the kids. It’s not about how we feel about each other, it’s about the kids. Anything else is just being petty🤷🏼‍♀️

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I’ll never forget the day my 8ish yo brought me a picture she drew with “I love dad you’re the best dad ever” blah blah something like that… the man hadn’t even laid eyes on her in years. :woman_facepalming:t4::woman_shrugging:t4::roll_eyes:
I just had to smile and let it goooooo for her sake.

Yes, send it back, maybe in a bag and not on her.

Its a shirt. Dont feel some kind of way about it. Doesnt matter how you feel about the dad. All differences are put aside when it comes to the children

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Definitely overreacting. Just roll your eyes and move on. It’s not worth your energy.

Play their game and hurt your child…forewar is horror kids.:heart:

I can differently understand it hurt your feels . My ex use to do the same things just to see what reactions I would get.
But hon don’t lower to his level.
I would say he did it as just a jab to you but I would simple wash it and the every time he shows up to pick her up have that shirt on her.
Once he realizes it doesn’t bother you then he’ll find something else.
The most important thing is you have more important things to waste energy what is on a shirt.

The best advice I can give you.
Rather you like it or not he is her daddy. If he is a good daddy feel blessed, if he’s a Mia daddy please don’t bash him in front of her.
When she gets older she will know the type of man he truly is all my herself.
Kids have enough things to face in this world and she needs a strong kind woman so she can become beautiful woman. :heart:
Blessing and be a strong kind women and you will be ok.


You’re seriously overreacting


I understand the audacity of him doing that and why it hurt a little but let it go it’s just a shirt…and then have one made…with whatever you want it to say…lol

It’s a freaking shirt. Good grief

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Umm seriously! THIS is what you choose to be upset about. Good lord. It’s time to grow up now.

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You’re being ridiculous. Don’t let something like that get to you or life is gonna be a lot harder than it has to be for you AND your child.

Give your daughter a break, poor little thing doesn’t see her dad, and has had to live through separation of her parents.

Bitter much grow up lady u sound like a child :woman_facepalming:t4::woman_facepalming:t4::woman_facepalming:t4::woman_facepalming:t4::woman_facepalming:t4:


Huh. She’s seeing her dad. Your parting doesn’t make him less a dad especially as obviously sees her so can’t be a danger. You are been rediculous. My ex was vile hurt me but for a time was a dad. Unfortunately now cannot see him, I’d be thankful she has a relationship with him
You maybe need help though for yourself as obviously not over it.

Guess we can tell why they are ex’s.

At least he bought her a shirt :tipping_hand_woman:t2:

I understand why you’re upset, but she’s 4 all she understands is that she loves her dad!!!

You’re definitely over reacting…

Hell yes, you’re over reacting.
Go buy the kid a shirt that says I love my mom.
Holy shit you need a life.

Stupid thing to ask to be honest

This is female shit lol dudes dont even think like that … Yall chicks got to many emotions lol … Yeah your over reacting lol… Things like this cause problems between parents and do nothing but hurt the child … My kids mom would buy mine a i love my daddy shirt and send em to my house. With it on … I guess we just aint built the same … Its not his job anymore to worry about your “feelings” lol its only his to worry about his kids feelings

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WTF! Get over yourself Karen

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Be glad her Dad is part of her life and buys her clothes.

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Wow. Its just a top. Grow up.

You’re feelings about a shirt showing her love for her father are irrelevant. She can love both parents, and honestly you should be happy she has a relationship with her father. Leave your personal issues with the dad out of it completely.

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You are over reacting. it’s about your daughter not you.

Wow!! Atleast she has a dad first of all!! Be greatfull

It will be ok … pray about it … then send her in one says I love my momma

Are you serious?? You’re upset because your daughter is wearing a shirt??!! Yall ain’t together anymore. He doesn’t have to consider your feelings only his daughter’s. If you’re so jealous, get her a damn shirt that reads I love mama and grow the fuck up.

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Omg. Some of the questions I read on here are petty as all f! This might be one of the pettiest I’ve read. :woman_facepalming:t4:


You are definitely overreacting. Please for your child grow up and be happy her father is present at all.

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Lmao… I hope this is a troll post, of not… Wtaf😂


Wait what? It’s a shirt. He bought it for her when she was with him… She does love her dad… You’re being petty as hell. So what if your kid loves their other parent. That’s actually a GOOD thing.


Grow tf up more like your selfish that’s why shit didn’t work out :tipping_hand_woman:t2:

Take it n go have and my mom too put on it lol

I must have missed something. What are you upset about exactly? Her dad, who she loves, got her a shirt that says she loves him. I’m sorry he’s not the best dad, but what did I miss here? Whether she’s in your house or not, that doesn’t change the sentiment she has for her dad. And, it’s just a shirt. Be grateful your child is clothed. Many children don’t even have that.


Lmfao. You are hilarious. Is this a real?

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Send her to her dad’s with a t shirt saying she loves mum and dad simple

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Just change it when she gets home

If it makes you feel better, just chunk that shirt in the garbage. Like you said she can’t read.

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It is not always about you.


Jesus christ like is this post foreal :joy::joy::joy: just buy her a shirt that says but she loves her mom more and be done with it lmao

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She loves her dad… Just because you have issues with him doesnt mean your daughter does… Back off and let her wear her damn shirt… This is soooooooooo fucking petty… Grow the fuck up


Wow. Pretty selfish to think it’s even anything to do with you


is this even real?:sweat_smile::sweat_smile: such a petty act

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I feel bad for your little girl having such a selfish self centered mother. Change your ways before she can learn to be like that. Grow up it’s a shirt.


This must be fake. Are you for real? :joy::joy:

Dont sweat the small stuff its just a shirt

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Girl,GROW UP! That is not only a childish thing to be upset about bit it’s petty.

You have some serious :face_with_monocle: issues ma’am please go get help ASAP !

I think you would have been better off not posting this.


I would be the one sending her to her father’s place with that shirt, that I bought. Don’t create drama. My ex and I bent over backwards to be kind to each other and our kids. Always.


Yes you are overreacting