I am upset my daughters dad sent her home in a shirt that said "I love my dad" and I am upset: Advice?

My daughter hasn’t seen her dad in 3 years. She found a shirt that said I love dad and wore it. She knows what it said. Did I get upset… no.
My thoughts are even though your little can’t read what it said, maybe she liked the design and picked it :woman_shrugging: I wouldn’t let it ruffle your feathers.


It’s not about you I’m sorry to say.

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WTAH? Are you so sensitive that you’re jealous that your child ALSO loves her other parent? Send the shirt back with her to her dad’s house if it bothers you, but get over it and grow up.


You’re being petty Don’t you have more important things to focus on This post is ridiculous :roll_eyes:

Any women that lets her personal feelings of an ex interfere with his relationship with his own child is a despicable human being.

The fact that you are upset over a tshirt speaks volumes about you as a person.


Grow up! Its a damn shirt…if ur that bitter send her to him in a shirt that says i love mom​:roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

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Pick your battles chic. This isn’t one of them.


Sounds like you’re projecting how you feel about him onto her. You are not with him. Him taking into consideration your feelings is a non issue. You shouldn’t care. Let your daughter love her dad. Let him put her in shirts that day so. Who cares?!


Omg really? Trivial stuff that teaches kids to be petty. Just send it back with her.

Your job as a parent to to teach and model for your daughter how to love. That is her father and she has the gift of being able to love him like no other. Regardless of what has happened between you and him she knows he’s the best Dad ever and you need to support her feelings. She most certainly gets to wear that shirt and brag about her Dad because this isn’t about you.


Allowing your upset over him not caring about your feelings as much as you want (wanted) is a very bad way to parent. He may also feel you didnt care about his which is usally the case when one parents mentions that!!! You might want to look at other things that are coloring what you are pushing onto your child.

Yes, you are overreacting… Get over it and grow up…


It isn’t about you. It’s about your daughter.


:flushed::woozy_face::rofl::rofl::rofl: is this real life?!

Be glad he cares some dad don’t oh well it’s short my son ware a shirt they days mom’s best friend toy think his bio dad cares no clothes are clothes

Stop being so damn pitty and grow up.

It’s a shirt! That HE got her! It’s a present from him to her. You need to also knowledge his feelings too. He put some effort into spending time with her. A lot of kids dont even get a hello from their dad so be humble. If you dont like the shirt, then boo hoo. Does she like the shirt? If so leave it alone and let her wear it. She doesnt have to know what it says she just knows the color and how it fits.

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Is she not allowed to love her dad because he doesnt love u?

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You’re overreacting. Period.


It’s her dad. Just because you and him had a falling out doesn’t make him not her dad. You should be thankful they have a dad daughter bonding going. Lots of kids don’t have dads.

I can’t handle these posts anymore :joy:


Out of a thousand comments how do you feel about the shirt now??..I hope you and your daughter grow closer, and you and him can grow as co parents and one day you can look back and laugh and giggle about all of it, I hope your days get better.

You are overreacting. There is bigger things to worry about than a shirt

With the way you’re overreacting about a shirt I question if he is as bad a father as you make him out to be. He obviously had his child for some amount of time and bought her a shirt. We only have your side of the story not his which is unfortunate. My youngest has about five shirts all touting how awesome her dad is. Nothing about mom. I am not getting my parties in a bunch about it. It’s a shirt, not like he tattooed I love dad on her forehead or brought her home in a shirt that said “mom sucks”. Chill.


It’s not the shirt, its the thought of her loving her dad more that bothered you. Seek help, your daughter needs you both happy, healthy and living your best life…not to be the in between for a broken relationship. Even if the shirt was put on intentional to get under your skin, allowing it to is silly, of course she loves her dad, and of course she loves her mom, as she should. Show her what love looks like :revolving_hearts:


Uhm… even when I hate my daughters dad I still buy her clothes saying daddies girl or I love my dad. That’s her daddy… who cares who he is to me anymore. There comes a time when you put your own feelings aside as a parent…

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:woman_facepalming:t2: lol choose your battles


It sounds like he is in her life that’s a plus plus now a days he must not be a bad dad if you letting her go you need to think hard on why this bothers you

If the baby is happy that’s all that matters

You need to get over yourself that’s ridiculous. At least he got her something

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Wash it. And her next visit, she wears it back to dad’s house🤷‍♀️

100% overreacting
Learn to pick your battles


I buy more shirts that say daddy’s boy then anything with mommy on it. :rofl:

This is one of the most childish things I’ve ever seen… :woman_facepalming:


I think someone has a little bit more growing up too do. I said what said… so childish

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how petty just go get her a shirt that says i love mommy to send her back in lol

There seriously needs to be an eye roll button


This is fucking RIDICULOUS if you’re tripping over something as small as this I can only imagine why you and your childs father aren’t together smdh a lot of ppl talk about dead beat dads but hardly talk about the childish bitter mother on being a big part of the father being a POS OVERREACTING

Your kid is allowed to have their own feelings about either parent. Let them develop that, not you on your past experiences. It’s not fair to the child.

You are overwhelmed, stop ! You want your Daughter happy? Stop. Grow up

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It’s cute. Why would you be offended? Do you not want them to love their Dad? You may not get on with him but don’t destroy his relationship with her.

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Lol its a shirt chill tf out.

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Ewww. I see why he don’t want to be with you. Grow the hell up and stop being bitter. Just because YOU don’t have a good
relationship with her dad does mean she has to take on your toxicity and bitterness. Get over yourself :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:


That’s ridiculous you would be offended and your feelings hurt . Get over it… it’s a shirt !!!


You’re childish. Asf.


You’re being a complete ass. Grow up

Ur joking right!!! Grow up ffs!!! Poor child!!!


Mom shaming at its finest…


It’s a shirt. Be thankful it’s clothes that fit.

Hell I would have been happy if my ex bought my kids clothes!

Are you kidding me?! Don’t you have REAL problems?! Wth is wrong with a child loving her dad- you want her to hate him? You’re ridiculous. Find a hobby and keep yourself entertained while she spends time with her dad.

Do you know HOW MANY people wish they had a dad alive or one that have a damn?! People like your deserve partners who don’t give a damn so you can stop whining about nothing.

If I had a daughter who had a good dad and they went to spend time with their OTHER PARENT, I’d love that. Gives you time to yourself and a break. My advice- get over yourself!

At least he diden’t send her back to you shirtless. Maybe the child pick her own shirt to wear. Even if the Dad pick the shirt himself to let his daughter wear, maybe he meant no harm. Just not thinking or making a big deal about it.

Pick your battles and DON’T let this be one of them.


A t-shirt? A child’s “love dad” tshirt :roll_eyes::roll_eyes: Wait, is this real or you just one of those who like to be “upset” every time dad doesn’t please YOUR little needs?
Honey reread your whole little story and you’ll see how ridiculous you sound.
I could understand if the shirt was inappropriate for a 4yr old or she was sent home half naked or dirty.
Get over yourself and be glad she has a father that LOVES HER AND SPENDS TIME WITH HER. It’s all about your daughter NOT you!!!


Gonna go against the grain here but you have a right to feel any way you feel, Please don’t let that show to your daughter, be happy they love each other, that does not take away from you & your daughters love just adds to it.

You have no right to be mad

Seriously. However immature and stupid. Its a shirt she loves her dad. Grow up

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Are you serious right now??? It is a shirt about loving her dad and you are upset? Be glad that he is actually apart of her life!!! Wow some moms are just so spiteful and more concerned about their feelings than the feelings of their own child! Your love for your child should be more than your hate for their father!

That’s why it ended, oh wow. I can’t believe what I read.


I spent entirely too much time seaching over 1000 comments desperately trying to find even ONE who supports you and your immature, self-centered, selfish and petty ass. Couldnt do it.

Ive been following this page for years…this is one of the MOST ridiculous posts Ive ever seen.

You sound dumb ass hell girl… it’s a shirt :joy:

To all of you who are saying she is overreacting, maybe, but did he do this specifically to upset her? Is this one in a long line of things? We don’t know. No reaction of course is the best reaction, but sometimes it’s hard.

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Yes you are overreacting in my opinion … it’s about your daughter that’s what you have to think about when thoughts like that go through your head

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Wow!!! You are a very immature person!!! Grow up

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I think you need to suppress those feelings. This isn’t about you. Your relationship with the father is not about your daughter. The relationship between your daughter and her father are what matters for the health and well-being of your daughter

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“I am a grown up” … do you have that one ?


You are allowed to feel however you feel about the situation, and if he has been less than stellar co-parent your feelings may be understandable. HOWEVER, projecting your feelings onto your child is not ok. Try to let it go, stewing about it does no good for your own mental health, the well-being of your child, or your ability to co-parent. Forgive (no need to forget) your ex whatever the transgressions are that have led to these feelings, and it will only benefit you in the long run. Keep in mind that while someone may have been a terrible partner, they can still be a good dad. Live and let live.

Girl, take a chill pill.
If it bothers you that much, get her an I love mommy or mommy’s little cutie shirt and send her to dad’s in it.
At the end of the day, she is his daughter too and as long as he is not abusing or neglecting her when she is with him and they have a decent relationship and he is not trying to force something upon her despite all of that, it’s fine.
She is allowed to love her daddy too and allowed to publicly show it as much as she is when it comes to you.

So damn petty. I don’t even understand why these questions get through SMH.

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I cant with some of these fan questions. Theyre just ridiculous.


Wow :open_mouth: it’s a god damn shirt!?!?
Be happy that he’s present in her life now!

That’s what is important!

If you’re feeling guilty, that’s your fault, not his.

Be mindful of your daughter and her needs, not yours when it comes to her and HER father!

Damn, some kids don’t even have a dad or both parents for that matter.


Is this a serious post? You’re seriously mad because she loves her dad??

Sorry. But ya. Your over reacting. I mean it’s just a shirt. If you want next time send her back in it so he can keep it. And you don’t have to argue about it. Shit I mean at least the man is trying to be there for his kid. I’m doing my best to be a better mom than when I was.

Are you serious? You’ve got to be kidding.


Yeah you are definately over reacting. Envy and jealousy towards the other half that brought your kid into this world is only gonna make your kid resent you. She does love her dad, and he loves her, he is trying, he bought her a shirt, acknowledge that and be happy for your kid and him for making an effort. Choose your battles wisely. Don’t take things personal.

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Holy baby Jesus. Do you all have nothing else to bitch about?

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This has to be fake.

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Seriously. I always put things like that on my baby. Especially when he’s picking her up. It’s not about our feelings. Grow up.

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Om goodness you seriously need to grow up.

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So if she wore a t shirt saying “I love mummy” on it that would be fine would it? I actually can not believe that you are upset over this! You are being rather immature and acting like a child

Seriously? Dumb thing to be upset over. Go find one with some mommy saying on it if that makes you feel better. My granddaughter has them and what is so wrong with an I love my dad shirt? Being upset over that is childish- grow up

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This can’t be an actual question lol


I wish my problems were this minor :woman_facepalming:t2: just change her shirt and send it back when she goes back


I’m sorry this is freaking ridiculous! Grow up . She loves her dad, does the shirt say Mom sucks love my dad more? No I’m sure it wasn’t some plan to make you feel bad this is the type of women that makes all moms look bat shit crazy.

Seriously?? She loves her Dad and it’s just a shirt…get over yourself :thinking:

Stop attacking this woman. To you her feelings may seem irrelevant and silly. To her they are not. Everyone has been through some kind of trauma and this may be a trigger for her. Personally I wouldn’t be upset.


You are way past crazy.
The dad needs to get full physical custody, you are too immature to be a mother


It’s just a shirt, don’t sweat the small stuff.


Let her wear the shirt when she around him she loves her dad let her have the shirt nothing wrong with it …go get I love my mommy shirt …it’s what grown ups do stop be jelly and let her be a kid

This can’t be a serious post, it has to be a troll and if it’s not then my recommendation to you would be to seek therapy pronto Tonto! :flushed::thinking:


Are all these questions for real?


And this is why people can’t Co-parent. :woman_facepalming:t3: it’s a shirt that says she loves her dad, they guy that helped create her. Who cares? It’s not like he sent her home in a crop top and booty shorts.


Smh… some of these questions make me think about when men say women always nag them… damn its just a shirt… Buy one that says i love mom… sheesh

Yeah you’re overreacting big time. Also this sounds more between mom and dad. Don’t bring your children into it. She loves her dad… why can’t she express it?


Please tell me this a joke!!


Really, its just a shirt. Man you are insecure.

The things people ask. I couldn’t do nothing but laugh when I seen this. Someone needs some serious help.


Don’t play that game. DO NOT use your daughter, a child in adult childish games. Be the bigger parent and ignore it, and just love your little girl. It is not her fault.


This is an opportunity…send her back to dad with a shirt saying “I love my Mom” and send him a direct note thanking him for the wonderful idea that the daughter can express her love for both her parents. You take the high road.


Yes you are overreacting to the shirt. She loves her dad, you don’t end of story and move forward with your life.

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