I am upset my daughters dad sent her home in a shirt that said "I love my dad" and I am upset: Advice?

Overreacting is right.

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Wow this is a huge overreaction. I mean I dont have anything that talks about my kids dads but if their dads buy them a shirt that says something like i love my dad I wont get mad, atleast he bought a shirt, and hopefully more clothes, for the child. And if my 4 year old wants to wear the shirt that says i love my dad I wouldnt stop him because he chooses his own clothes.

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There is nothing to be upset about I’m sorry I don’t understand why u would be it’s there father or mother whichever the shirt says

These can’t be real people asking this shit?! Right? If you are legit real and worried about this kind of thing, please don’t have more children until you grow up. :roll_eyes:

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he had her for time, she likely does love her dad, why exactly is the t-shirt bad?

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Omg it’s a tshirt, if he had ’ my mummy is a massive C#@T on it then yeah be pissy, it’s her dad :see_no_evil:


Definitely overthinking it, nothing at all wrong with her wearing that shirt or being sent home in it.


Are you overreacting? YES
So send it back to dad on the next visit (her wearing it or not) but don’t be so petty it’s a shirt!
On the off chance dad did this on “PURPOSE”-- WHO CARES! It’s a graphic tee! Y’all are doing too much if an outfit choice is fueling your insecurities!


Your poor daughter is gonna have so many issues if you have this much of a problem with her wearing a shirt…
If he’s really a bad father she’ll have enough problems without you making her feel guilty for loving him anyway.


You are over thinking this!
Be happy he spent time with her
Be happy he bought her the shirt
Encourage this relationship…for your lil girl…lol girls need their dads as much as they need their moms


It’s just a shirt, and you should be ok with it no matter what your feelings are about her dad. You am she may have differences at this time but remember you two made that beautiful baby girl together. And if it wasn’t for him you would have her in your life to love too. Be glad he buys her things and isn’t a dead beat and wants to spend time with her. This isn’t a post to beean or nasty, not like that. Just appreciate the little things in life with a world filled with so much hate in it. You know she loves you too


Be better, not bitter (for the sake of your child). Your pain is relevant but don’t force that onto her with her own relationship with her dad.


I am appalled this is even a post! Are you joking? Because I feel as if this is a joke?! You seriously have an issue with her wearing a shirt that says she loves her dad? Wow…


My Lord. You. Don’t. Get. It. But. Need. To. Grow. Up.

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Wtf Is wrong with you? R u for real right now?


Bahaha I do that to my ex but its shirts that say I love my mom or Noone can judge me but God! I show my son the shirts and read what they say to him and if he says he wants it I buy them and then when in a petty mood have him wear one for his 6hr visitation bahahaha he’s petty in more hurtful ways like withholding his childsupport payment He’s never sent him in a I love daddy shirt or anything but if he did I would think when? Cause my ex says I love you to my son and my son has never said it back to him! Bahaha 5yrs and still hasn’t said it. Bahaha

If a shirt hurts anyone feelings that’s sad.

Yes you’re DEFINITELY overreacting. Like seriously, it’s a damn T-shirt. :woman_facepalming:t4: My advice to you is to go get some damn counseling to work through the feelings you have towards this man that has you pissed about a shirt. She loves her dad. The shirt says I love my dad. This REALLY shouldn’t be an issue. Don’t let you BITTERNESS and PETTINESS have a negative affect on your daughter.:woman_shrugging:t4::woman_facepalming:t4:

Seriously? It’s a shirt :roll_eyes: there’s nothing wrong with it.

This is the most ridiculous question I’ve ever seen.

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You are being petty! Get over yourself! And I’m sure she does love her Daddy! You chose to have a child with this man. Don’t make your issues your child’s issues!

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Make her two new shirts…one that says my mom loves me and one that says my dad loves me. So when she learns to read over the next year or so, she’ll feel loved. By both parents. Turning it to a positive may help you let your negative feelings about it go.

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Ur overreacting my kids where stuff like I love my mommy or I love my daddy n grandparents

It’s just a shirt. But, a Dad is a blessing.


Your definitely overreacting. Honestly a bit ridiculous you would be upset over something like that. You should be encouraging a positive relationship like that not getting upset over it. I wish my dad would have done stuff like that for me. Smh :roll_eyes:


Way, way, way overreacting!! It’s just a shirt, if it upsets you, take it off and put her in another, it’s astonishingly me what some people get upset about,! ITS JUST A SHIRT!

Controlled parenting right there!

Wow. It’s a shirt. Your relationship with dad should not be an issue with her wearing the shirt when she wants to. Since it’s from her dad and new. she may want to wear it other times she’s not with her dad. Please don’t tell her no. Kids understand more than you think and form their own opinion.

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Seriously? Never let you bad feelings for your ex get in the way of your childs love for him. I made a point to NEVER speak ill of or argue with my ex in front of my daughter. It was a bitter divorce, but that is her daddy and he should be her hero. I never wanted her to think I tried to drive a wedge between them. She is 17 now and has seen how toxic he is first hand. She saw it on her own. I didnt have to do or say anything. Stop over reacting over a freaking shirt. Just stop. Encourage her to love her dad after all he is always going g to be her dad. Leave your feelings out of it.


Honestly i went through the same thing and felt like a big turd when i ended up verbalizing… I buy my kids shirts that say i love mommy… Mommys mini… And stuff ans her dad had gotten her and taken her to the park and she had spilled something he run to the closest store and got a shit… Well i was livid so when i said something he was like i didn’t intend hurt feeling… Just thought it was cute and they had one thst said mamas mini in the same color and pattern and i got you one simply forgot to give it to you in the excitement… So maybe he just hadn’t thought it through and didnt think it would hurt you

Lol over a shirt? Really? 101 terrible things he could do but a shirt got to you ಠ_ಠ


You gotta let go of those resentments and thankful he spent time with her and was able to dress her in a shirt with a statement he is proud of. Consider it improvements for her. Obviously you’re a wonderful mother but don’t expect him to buy any shirts for that :joy:

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As for the other comments, show a little grace. Obviously mom knows this reaction isn’t normal or she wouldn’t reach out. We don’t know their history. Show a little support and encouragement towards growth without judgement.

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Be quiet :shushing_face:… You’re ridiculous


I can see one reason why the marriage didn’t work————-


Yes, you are overreacting. It’s a shirt. Smh


I can understand the frustration if he’s not a consistent present dad. And makes efforts. But if he’s steadily present dad then it’d be a little issue that is just silly.

I know when I was with my child’s “dad” , her sisters mother would send clothes like “mom is best!” “I love my mom” more or less to throw it in my face. Like come on. I KNOW IM NOT THE MOTHER!! And I would get so upset about it back then. But I look back now and think about how little it was. :woman_shrugging:t2: it’s just them as parents trying to make themselves feel bigger I guess??? Idk.

Stop freaking out. If you know he does that stuff on purpose and you react then he won. Guess what who cares. It’s a shirt. Fighting over clothes is ridiculous. Figure out how to coparent and get along enough to make sure that your child gets what they need from each of you when it’s her time with each of you. It’s going to get more intense as kids get older so learn to pick your battles and let the shirt nonsense go.

Why can’t your 4yr old read??? Must be waiting for the school to teach her…my daughter could read the news paper at 4…and basically knew what the words ment…she knew what bacteria was…


Oh my god I hope you’re fricken joking ew

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Just a shirt :woman_shrugging:t2: some men have the foresight to do things just to try to get at you, but in my experience, most don’t. If you have to roll your eyes, fine. But don’t fret over a shirt. You have bigger things you could concern yourself with I’m sure. Be a bigger person than that. She is allowed to love her dad and that has nothing to do with you. At least she has a dad to give her a shirt that says “I love my dad”

You got this. Buck up mama!

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Uhm he doesn’t have to give a hoot about your feelings anymore.
You share a child, grow up a little love.


Pls say sike right now

I’m a smart ass. I’d send her over to him with a I love Mommy shirt. yep…

My niece was sent to my brother with a shirt that was ugly and grubby that read basically to be careful what is said to her as she wasn’t afraid to tell her grandma - mum and grandma are both narcissistic bitches who throw little hissy fits and make up shit to make themselves feel better. We bought her another shirt to wear for the day, no big deal.

To me this is so caring and innocent in his part,hello after all he is the dad.

This must be a joke right? Even if he isn’t the best Dad of course she loves her Dad! It’s a shirt for the love of Jesus…. But as a mother you should be Encouraging her to love her father!!!


Let her wear the shirt. What if she had one that said love my mom???

Hard enough on kids when parents spilt, don’t be that parent that always acts or says bad things about the other parent. It’s a shirt, big deal

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Overreacting for sure.
Don’t major on the minors. Love your child more than you hate the other parent. Every child deserves to be able to have the freedom to fully love both parents in spite of anything that happened between the parents. Speaking from someone who is experienced. I have an ex-husband and my now husband of 31 years has an ex wife… so. There’s too much heartache already to add more fuel to a fire. God bless you all. I pray you can make it work in spite of all the obstacles. It’s not easy and there will be many emotions and feelings for years to come. Just Feel blessed to have your baby girl… :pray:t2:

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It’s just a shirt and some kids don’t see their fathers at all and if it was my daughter I would just be happy she even got brought a top saying that because it means the thought was there.

Don’t put it on her and clean the bathroom with it !!! Lol

So get her a t-shirt that says “I love my mom more”!

Really??? You sound like a real peach!!! It’s a shirt and that hurts your feelings? You are soooo overacting!


100% overreaction. Does this feed ever post serious questions?


It’s simple when she goes to visit dad let her wear the shirt otherwise put it away

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His way of dealing with his guilt.

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Wgat? You are overactive. So but her a shurt that says I love Mom and b ave her wear it for him.


I think its fair to ask him to keep it on her at his place if its bothering you. But its a you issue so say something like “hey this is super cute can you just keep it for your place though”

You know until you’re in that situation we all can say this that and the other and be judgmental but until you’re actually in the situation nobody else knows what you really went through and are going through been there done that not going back

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Omg GTFO. Whether it hurts your feeling or not- tell her that her shirt is really cool and send her back in it.


I think maybe instead of feeling bitter about a shirt, you should take a moment to thank God, or your ex, or your new guy, or your parents -or maybe even yourself- for how boring and happy your life must be right now that this is the only nail in your shoe, and that you have the time and energy to complain about such a petty thing.


Not everything is about you.


He’s probably just as proud of her as you are. Dress her in it when she goes again. As a single mom I would have loved it if her dad cared enough ever to see her or buy her a shirt. I didn’t get child support either because he lost his job and never got a regular job again. Be happy for what can make life better.


Girl go have several seats…it’s a freakin shirt for goodness sakes


Unless the back of the shirt says “I hate my mom”, grow up.


What is soo wrong with it? Get over it.

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I can honestly see why that hurt. And to make matters worse he put on her the day she’s coming back to you. It’s like, why couldn’t she have worn that on a day she wasn’t coming back to you. It’s a jab right in the gut.

On the other hand, I’d let it roll off me. It’s not something in the grand scheme to get worked up over. :heart::grinning:

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My bonus kiddos wear this kind of stuff all the time. Support it. Ignore it. Comment on the cool colour. It’s okay to be upset about it. We don’t know your or his situation. What we all do know is that this kiddo is 4. She loves her dad. She loves her mom. She’s in a really complicated situation.
Our kids are the best of us.
Let her be.
In the end, if we as step and co and alienated parents can only hope, things will work out. You’ll be vindicated, your kid will be where they need to. They’ll realize who tried, who loved, who was honest.

Until then?
Take a deep breath, cry if you need, and then make sure your kiddo knows you love her.
It’s hard. It sucks.

We’re all humans.
It’s ok.


Are you freaking serious :rofl::rofl:


The best thing in life a child could have is two parents that love her

Definitely overreacting. I buy shirts for my daughter all the time that say I love my dad or daddy’s princess. & my daughters dad sucks!!! :joy::joy: but at the end of the day she loves her daddy. So :woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2:


“Of course, this is an innocent thing, and she does indeed love her dad”

Leave it at that

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My son has came home from his father’s wearing “dad” shirts, mind you his dad sees him maybe once every 5 months so I roll my eyes but say nothing because my son gets excited over it. It’s a shirt. Yea I wish there was more meaning behind the phrase " I have the best dad" but to young children they don’t look at it like that.

Wow… YOU my friend have issues beyond help from a FB. Group. Please see someone.

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Definitely overreacting. You need to so something about your hurt feelings because a shirt shouldn’t trigger you like this.

Send her back with a shirt that reads “I love my Mama” lol :joy:


Get a second shirt with the print "“One Mum for two dad’s” and send her to his with it. Clearly he’s started subliminal warfare, much like Whatsapp statuses :face_with_thermometer::face_with_thermometer:

Hahaha send her with a shift that says I love mama and see what he does :joy::joy:

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There’s alot of reasons to get upset but I feel that maybe because you hate him you are reading into it and it’s a shirt in a few months won’t fit her and not trying to be mean if you trip on the small stuff your daughter gonna pull away from you

Just take it off and change the shirt! There prob solved lol

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Maybe he was lax in thinking about your feelings…or maybe your crippling lack of self-esteem coupled with a severe focus on yourself hurt the marriage. Or maybe not. Maybe living with someone who never considered your feelings caused some damage. But, I would kindly but strongly suggest you seek help to find out. Get the help and healing you need before your daughter is affected by it. You only can effect changes in yourself. You can’t change him, but you can change how you react to him.


I think you’re letting it bother you more than it should. She loves her daddy. It shouldn’t matter how you feel about him.


Def overreacting if you got so bothered to make a post. Like you said she don’t know how to read let it go, she will eventually express to her father how she feels about him when older.

Don’t be a Petty Betty.


I think ur allowed to have ur own feelings as long as it doesnt get said around ur daughter. But maybe im biased bc my kids love their dad too but he hardly ever does anything for them or sees them. He has them in his fb pic n it bothers me bc its seems like hes tryna act like a father when he hardly ever sees them or helps us. Their dad loves them too but he struggles w addictions so idc that he doesnt. Hes definitelynot a role model. As long as they have me, we’ll be good.

Very over re- acting


Are u 5 yrs old ?:woman_facepalming: u sound like a fkn child :roll_eyes:


Uh lol
Super petty. My step son loves his mom so I buy him shirts that say stuff about his mom… makes him happy & it’s true he(and she) love their parent. Idk why anyone would be mad. It’s a shirt he got for her and she happened to wear it that day lol
He didn’t think about your feelings because it’s not about YOU. :woozy_face::roll_eyes:

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I don’t mean this in a rude way, but you are definitely overreacting. Of course your allowed to feel however you want, but don’t turn a non issue into an issue. Don’t create drama where there is no drama (even inside your head). It’s not something worth getting worked up over. Just change her shirt, and send the shirt back to her dads with her.

Omg grow up! Wtf is wrong with people🤦‍♀️


Don’t make a big deal about it. For one, if you let it be known that it bothers you he will keep at it, and do other things similar. And secondly, your daughter should feel peace, and if you encourage love between them, you really will reap the good. And it really will backfire if he’s trying to be snide. Once he sees it doesn’t get a rise out of you, it will no longer be appealing to do such things. She will see a good quality in you, and the sting of what he could be trying to do will be squelched.


There is also a possibility that grandparents bought this shirt… at least she is dressed and cared for- save battles for important stuff. You do want your daughter to love her father… right?


He don’t gotta worry about your feelings lady. Wether your hurt or not thats not his problem. How is this even a problem. No wonder yous parted sheezus.

Maybe that’s really why you parted,he was sick of your bullshit!!!


This can’t be real!?

Just let her wear it when she is with him.

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Yes you are. Grow up for the sake of your child


It’s a tshirt, your daughter has got a relationship with her dad and loves him. I don’t see a problem, unless you’re jealous that your daughter loves someone other than yourself?


A bit narcissistic aren’t we?

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It’s just a shirt. She can’t even read and will soon outgrow it. Pick your battles mama
And go out and have another shirt printed up that says something witty. Send her dads house wearing a t shirt that says" I WOULD LOVE MY DAD MORE IF HE GAVE MY MOM MORE CHILD SUPPORT" :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: