I am upset my daughters dad sent her home in a shirt that said "I love my dad" and I am upset: Advice?

Sorry but I think your being ridiculous it’s a tshirt nothing major and whatever you think or feel he is indeed her dad sorry but cant help thinking your acting more like the child !


Definitely overreacting🤦‍♀️ it’s just a shirt🤦‍♀️
I’m not trying to sound rude, but oh my this of all things😳

You are entitled to your feelings. If it bothers you (for whatever reason) just wash the shirt and store it away. Since she can’t read anyway, she doesn’t even need to wear it when she is with you. If the dad asks for it back then pack it in her bag and send it back.

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Wait. You aren’t very clear on why this shirt bothers you. What do your feelings have to do with anything? If this is something that upsets you, I can only imagine what else you were sensitive about. I bet he bought fruit flavored floss and you prefer mint. Yes, I have gotten the impressions that you’re kinda petty.

No different than wearing one that says I love my mom. Would you think about her dads feelings and what he may be thinking? It’s a shirt for Gods sake.

You’re overreacting. I wear a “anytime fitness” shirt all the time and my ass has never been to the gym. :joy: it’s just a shirt.


Uhhhh… over reaction is a giant understatement on this one :grimacing::grimacing:

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Well if he is buying her clothes I dont think hes going to buy I love mum shirts.

At least hes in her life and buying her clothing…sounds present to me

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OMG. Get over yourself. :woman_facepalming:

It doesnt say “my dads the best”… It says she loves her dad… And she does.


I think you are over thinking it. But I don’t know what you’ve been through with your child’s father.

Wow…just wow…please grow up…for your child’s sake


Look at it this way as I was once told- love your child more than you dislike/hate the ex. It’s a shirt…if she loves him, let her have it. Because if you take it away, she’s gonna think she shouldn’t love him ,and that’ll open the while lifetime of f**** up emotions

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I swear if you put her in a shirt that says i love mommy i hope he wipes his butt with it. :woman_shrugging:t2: you arent being logical. You’re being gross petty. And its not pretty.

Whatever yall have relationship wise it has nothing to do with him as a parent. He doesnt have to like you or agree with your feelers to be a good dad. :woman_shrugging:t2: just saying

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Omg this can’t be a real question. You really need to grow up.

Skye Snowden this could be you

Find something else to focus on. Be great full your ex is still a part of your daughters life….oh, and GROW UP!!!


What is the problem? it’s just a shirt. She does not have to wear the shirt when she is with you. When she goes to see him. Either pack it with her Clothes or let her wear it to his house.

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Let it go, she loves her dad period, does it matter it’s on a shirt she can’t read? Would you feel better if she were in a shirt that said “my mom thinks my dad is insensitive, but I love my dad”? Seriously?


You’re overreacting…buy her a shirt that says I :cupid: Mommy

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It sounds like you are insecure mama. Not sure what reason though. 1/2 the graphic tees they make for babies and kids have a saying about mommy/daddy/family. If I was out shopping for clothes for my boys I buy what I like. And I love when they show love on mama shirts :slight_smile: also the dad shirts are adorable and I don’t see an issue. Especially beings she was JUST with him.


Sorry for you mom but you will feel better with yourself if you allow her to show off the shurit for because when it’s needed she will know we’re the real love is

Really he her dad why caint she wear it deffiantlyy over reacting

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Honestly I doubt he did to hurt you. He’s a man and sent her home in whatever she was wearing

Are you serious cause whew🤦


Simple answer, yes you are overreacting. You should want your kid to be able to love their dad.


Uuuuuh move on. If this is the worst thing you have to worry about then things are going pretty good.


Oh FFS! Selfish much. It’s NOT ABOUT YOU! He in her life, NCC he’s being dad, she loves him. Lots of kids don’t have that. Get over it. Grow up!

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So many women out there wishing the child’s dad was a part of their life…
Sounds like there is more to the story here, but teach her to love and respect her dad (if he is trying) and then when she is of age, she can make her own decisions. For now, let her be little. She doesn’t even understand the complexity of the situation.

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This is a joke right?! He’s her father grow up!!!

This person is going to have a real tough time when dad gets a girlfriend lol.


Lol for real?
Maybe therapy for your insecurities?
:muscle: Dads matter too


Overreacting completely

Not a big deal, I’ve bought my son shirts that say awesome like dad or things about mom. His dad isn’t very present also so I know how that aspect is too. The point is he does still care about his dad so I try making him happy.

Lmfao. Get over yourself. The shirt ain’t about you. & what if that’s what she chose?


Get one that says ‘I LOVE MY MOMMY’ and send her in it. Done and done

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Totally over reacting.

It’s about her not you. Get out if the way.

Send her back to him in that shirt.
He might be a not amazing dad but your daughter will love him and given she is four she probably doesn’t even realise what’s even on the shirt.
The reality is, no shirt will speak louder then his actions.

Just don’t put it on her, if it bugs you that much, tell her dad to keep it at his house

I feel like you are over reacting. I wouldn’t point it out to her either


Wow this can’t be for real? Very overdramatic . It’s a shirt and her dad is in her life so what’s the problem? It’s not like he sent her in a shirt that says I hate mom!

First world problems


Maybe his mom her other Grandma bought it for her,also she can’t read, but she’s a little girl of course she loves her Dad

Let it go and lose the shirt. Don’t say anything in front of your daughter, remember you can take the high road. You can be the grown up.

The T Shirt means nothing to you but it means the world to that little girl because Daddy gave it to her.Think about the child and not your ego The child loves her dad pure and simple


Is this for real? You’re mad over a shirt? It isn’t about you, it’s about your daughter who liked the shirt and has clothes on her back and he got it for her. Whether the father is present or not to your liking, ITS JUST A SHIRT. No need to bring it up, throw it out, nothing. Build a bridge, get over it and grow up.


Chose your battles……this particular thing feels like an insignificant battle

Remember that an arrow you sling at your ex will land a n your child’s heart. She’ll figure it out for herself when she’s older.


The best gift you can give your daughter is the gift of freedom to fully love her daddy and not feel pulled between the 2 people who gave her life. If there’s a problem with him, she’ll figure it out on her own. You giving her a heads up or making her feel that expressing her love for him in your prescence is not welcome will backfire on you exponentially. I practiced this with my boys about their dad—made excuses for him and made it look like he was just as crazy about them as I was. When they got old enough to ask questions I couldn’t dodge any longer, I had an honest conversation with them and told them I would never stand in the way of them having a relationship with him. They tried and it failed. Miserably. It was heartbreaking, but they never had to assume it was “just mom” saying those things about him. They figured out the truth for themselves.

I wish my kids had even gotten such a thing from their dad. They got no birthday gifts or Christmas gifts…and no cards or money either.

Count your blessings and as others have said, don’t let your personal feelings about him spill out on your daughter. Kids are smart. They figure things out real quick. :heart:


Question … do you now or have you ever dressed her in “I love my mum” clothes??


Uhhhh im sorry but this really is not a big deal. Like others have said pick your battles. Your kid will pick up on ur behavior and you want them to have a healthy relationship.

This is really nothing to stress about . I’m sorry he’s not a better dad ; do as you said and send her back in the shirt . I would not worry about this . You’ll have bigger fish to fry when she’s a teenager. I promise !

What is so wrong that a kid wearing a shirt that says “ I love my dad”!!!

Jeeeeeeesus Christ get the fuck over ur self. Drama Rama

What about when she goes to him wearing I love my mum tops :sweat_smile: I wonder if he cries

Let your kid wear the shirt and change it when she’s home if you don’t like it! It’s your kids shirt not yours! Let it lie don’t get mad about it!!

Wtf?!? Is this a serious question??? I think some counseling might be in order…for you!


Sounds like you’re the 4 year old, gtf over yourself :roll_eyes:


Really get over it. Why shouldn’t she wear that shirt. Come on people be adults.

If she can’t read yet and the shirt doesn’t mean anything to her. Send her back to dad with a T-shirt that’s says I love Mom MORE.

Send her in a shirt that says “But I love my Mummy more”:wink: and make light of something you seem to be taking too personally. I think the issue is how to change the way you’re reacting to this statement. I just wouldn’t read too much into it and let your daughter enjoy being doted on by her dad as things could be much worse.

This is extremely petty. My gosh.


Lady in the nicest way possible,

get over ya shit he doesn’t need to think of your feelings, he isn’t your partner anymore, he is your child’s father and he can dress his child in what ever shirt he wants. Stop thinking about yourself and think about your child together, it’s not about you … it’s about your child.


Wow you are so over reacting, childish more like it, he’s her dad & he can put that shirt on her. Smh

These people saying get a shirt that says l love mommy more….c’mon. Who’s being petty now? It may be upsetting to you, but it ain’t on purpose, your precious baby girl has no clue, and you may harboring some unresolved issue. Honey, let it go. In the grand scheme of things, 10 years from now, who’s gonna know or remember she even had the dang shirt? Rise above, you’re better than that. :heart:


Let it go, he’s just trying to push your buttons and he knows just how to, just send her back in that shirt and say nothing.

I don’t get it. She can’t love her dad?

Take the high road. Put the shirt on her the next time she goes with him and tell her that he loves her.

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It’s a tshirt!! Next thing you know she’ll be saying “I love daddy” and you’ll be on here complaining about it​:roll_eyes::woman_facepalming:t4::rofl:

Honestly, you are seriously over reacting!
How was this at all “thoughtless” on his part? He put her in a shirt that as you stated, is innocent. It would be no different than you sending her to him with one stating “I love my mommy”.
I seriously doubt he was trying to offend you. And honestly, I’m having a really hard time even understanding how this is considered offensive :woman_facepalming:t2:

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Yes over reacting. She does love her dad let her enjoy her t shirt. Be happy for her! Its not hurting a thing.

Let the child wear any t-shirt that says I love mummy or daddy FFS. A child should have both parents in there lives & sorry you are being “petty” over words on a t-shirt…

No need to get upset over it. She should be encouraged to have a healthy relationship with both of you whether you get along with the dad or not. That is between you two only. Just get one that says I love mom. Not I love mom more or anything. No need to make a competition about it. It isn’t about how you feel in this particular situation but how the child feels. No need for drama.

Encourage that even tho it’s not what you picture.


This is fucking hilarious! Get over it!!! That’s her dad!!! You’re taking this wayyyy to far girl. Lmao good luck to you :rofl::rofl: its hurting your ego way more than its hurting her.

:woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3: she loves her dad, you said so yourself. At least he is there, in her life and partaking. He is her parent as well. It’s a shirt, at least she came home in clean clothing. You are, overreacting. In my opinion.

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You are going to have a very rough time over the next 14 years of co-parenting if this is any indication.


Is she not allowed to love her dad?


Just let it go. It’s not worth the stress. Next time he gets her, put it on her to wear back to his house. You need to remember he is her dad, and she does love him regardless. For the sake of your daughter co-parent in peace.


Imagine being so selfish that you get your feelings hurt over you’re own flesh and blood"s shirt that her father bought her…sounds like he made a wise decision.


Good grief. This is ridiculous and it has nothing to do with you. Why should her dad think of you when she wears a shirt that says I love my dad. Maybe you should talk to someone if you take something so minor as a personal insult to you. She loves her dad. That is normal. Your feelings about the shirt are abnormal

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Yeah you are overreacting

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I personally would wash it and let her wear it the next time she sees her dad so that she knows it’s OK to love him to


I super agree with you about saving for the big stuff, great way to get her to see the big picture!!

Who gives a flying fuck get over it


What is wrong with you?
How petty can someone possibly be?
Whether she’s with you or her dad she still loves her dad…that has ZERO effect on her love for you

I am just blown away by the things people get butt hurt over. Is you life lacking so much that you get offended by something so trivial as a shirt?!?! Grow up!

Maybe he left you because of you overreacting over something so little. It’s just a shirt :woman_shrugging:t3:


It is far more beneficial for you to teach your daughter the proper way to have healthy relationships and being a more mature person than being petty. I sent my 4 year old to her dads with a shirt that said “awesome like mommy” because it’s what was clean. No one cared. The end.

U 2 are split ur feelings don’t matter to him anymore more should his to u it’s all about the kid ur def overreacting she loves her dad let her sport it and it’s just a shirt he ain’t thinking about ur feelings when he gets her dressed or sending her back . Hun let go. Seriously otherwise ur gonna go down a dark hole if u keep up with wondering why he doesn’t consider ur feelings with things y’all ain’t together let it go. If u really wanna be petty get a shirt that says I love my mom.

You sound a little selfish to me. Be glad he is spending some time with her. There are plenty of deadbeat parents out there.


Your question is if you are overreacting to the shirt, right? The answer is yes. Even if, worse case scenario, he sent her home in it because he knew it would upset you, you are still overreacting and giving him exactly the response he wanted by letting it get under your skin. But the chances are a relative of his bought her the shirt and he wasn’t even thinking of it going home with her. My hubs will dress our kids in a yellow polka dot shirt and purple striped shorts and not even think twice. Top covered? Check. Butt’s covered? Okay, let’s go…


Omg. Grow up. It’s not about you. It’s about your child.


You sound bitter,
Your daughter has relationship with her father be happy about that, complaining about a damn shirt is some petty ass shit! You need to grow up and stop your ridiculousness!!

Seriously??? Let her wear it,

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You really need to get over yourself. If he is involved in her life and is a good father, then what in the hell is wrong with the shirt. Her loving her dad doesn’t make her love you any less.

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jealous much? If it would make you feel better you could send her to his house in a shirt that says “I love mommy more.” ONLY KIDDING.


I wouldnt worry about it. Its a shirt. It serves a purpose. For clothing and if and only if you let it get under your skin. Not worth your time or energy. Honestly