I am upset my daughters dad sent her home in a shirt that said "I love my dad" and I am upset: Advice?

Man , people in here are so rude. It’s ok to need to step back and process your feelings. To the writer, I’m sorry that you are feeling hurt and I understand that it would especially sting if the dad was less than stellar. I think you know it really boils down to having a happy kid. Try not to overthink it. Your little one knows who is there for her. (Hugs)

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Bruh. Get over yourself.



Just let her wear it and love about it inside. Be glad that he is making memories with her

If this is the worst you have to be upset about, be happy


Uhhh is this for real??? Its a shirt and he bought it be grateful he did something for her. learn to pick your battles.


Her loving her dad has NOTHING to do with you. I would suggest therapy for yourself because if that shirt really upset you, you are dealing with bigger issues here. There is absolutely nothing wrong with her wearing a shirt that says I love Daddy, no matter who she is with.


You cannot be serious right now? :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes: some people should be forced into sterility.


Jealous of a shirt :thinking::thinking: that’s new :joy::rofl:

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The love shared between a child and a parent shouldn’t hurt you. This is not a contest of whose a better parent and who loves the child more. This isn’t about you now that you have a child and that man isn’t with you any longer.
It’s just a shirt.
A shirt that he bought and provided for his child. Keep Perspective. You need to love your child more than any negative feelings you have about her father.


Wow!! Are you really serious? That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. Let her love her dad and be happy. It’s a shirt. Grow up!!


Definitely overreacting. It has nothing to do with you. That’s her dad, she loves him so what’s wrong with wearing a shirt that says so? If that bothers you then you’ve some issues there hun.


It’s a freaking shirt :woman_facepalming:

Surely this isn’t even a real question. The shirt says love my dad, not dad’s a better parent than mum or mums a shit parent FFS. If you’re actually bothered by it then you’ve got something going on that you need to work on because overreacting would be an understatement…

It’s a shirt by her one that says I love my mommy I bought both of my granddaughters shirts that say I love my dad.

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You are entitled to this feeling. But at the end of the day, their relationship doesn’t take anything away from yours.

The best thing you can do is acknowledge the feeling and try to
Figure out where it is
Coming from so you can adress it and use it as a way to strengthen your relationship with your daughter.

In 10yrs time your daughter won’t ever remember that shirt but she will
Remember your reaction to it if you let this feeling fester and grow.
Good luck!


Fuck. Me. Swinging. Time to have a birth day and grow up. Respectfully

You shod really seek therapy to discuss your feelings.

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Is it the shirt or do you think he was trying to get at you somehow? Either way, yes. Let it go.

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Why would that shirt upset you
. Your over reacting


Your definitely over reacting definitely more important things to worry about :roll_eyes:

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What the actual fudge :roll_eyes:

Usually I am very all for going with the woman. But this makes me :woman_facepalming:. If dad wasn’t present at all and another family member put it on her, I’d understand. But dad is at least minimally present (from what I can gather), so I see no problem with the shirt or what it says. What if the shoe was on the other foot and dad said “you put her in a I love mum shirt and I’m not comfortable with it. I also don’t like that and wish she never wears it in front of me again.” You would think he is childish and petty. Always look from a different angle before getting upset by very small things.

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Buy her a shirt that says love my mom. You could add and dad. It’s not a biggie.

Why don’t you get her a shirt that says “I love mommy” and let her wear it on a visit with him. lol. No, actually I would take it as a good sign that he purchased the I love Daddy shirt…kind of means he loves her…don’t you agree.


Ummmmm you need a hobby


I don’t see the problem. It’s just a shirt, what does it matter. When my youngest was born, most of her baby clothes was something like “daddies little girl” “love daddy” stuff like that. I didn’t care what it said, she looked adorable in the clothes.

I don’t see what the problem is?? I’m not a fan of my sons dad but I think it’s nice he did that shirt for your daughter cause no matter how you feel it’s not about you it’s about your little girl and her dad trying to be there when he can.

I love when my sons dad buys him stuff, even though he’s only around when it suits him… My son loves it and that’s all that matters. So I’m sure your little girl loves that shirt.

wat maak je je druk gewoon een t-shirt komen met tekst erop I love my mama… klaar verder niet meer op ingaan

Your overreacting let her wear the shirt .

Im confused a better more present father? Was she not in his presents for her to get the shirt?

You’re over reacting on a selfish level

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Good god if that’s all you have to worry about then your one lucky woman!! Grow up

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What I see from this is you are still upset about the relationship ending. He’s still in her life. You want more. He just loves his daughter. Thankful for whatever time he gets with her. Get over yourself. Let this man love his daughter and have a relationship with her. Send the shirt back with her, whatever??, the next time she’s allowed to be with him. Because if he didn’t want to be around her he would not have gotten that shirt. Things aren’t always about you…


Girl…what? My (also 4yr old) daughter’s dad sent her a bunch of clothes and shoes, that he ordered while IN PRISON…He has only actually met her one time “in person”, the rest being on the phone… One of the shirts says, “I love my dad”… Although the man has been in prison, literally, my daughter’s entire life… I wasn’t mad about him picking out a shirt that said “I love my dad”… I was just happy that he did something for her, and she was more happy than I was! So I guess what I’m getting at is that I don’t understand what you’re upset about? Maybe, instead of being salty, and what comes off as a jealous… You should be happy that he cares! Does she love her dad? OK great! As she should, so why is it a problem she has a shirt that declares that? I’m sure that you have bought her clothes that declare her love for you… What was the issue again?


I think you need to take a step back and think why your so upset… it’s a shirt that he actually went out and bought for his daughter … consider yourself lucky he loves her enough to do that. Or is it that you want other people to think you love her more ?

To simplify things… Does your daughter like this shirt? If so (most likely) Then there is your answer… Don’t be selfish mama, as long as her dad isn’t abusive, then please don’t hinder their relationship. I love both of my parents equally, but the relationship between a daughter and her father is unique and important!!!


I have a 5 year old daughter. Her dad and I were once married and in love. But we’ve gone separate ways. I don’t see it as a competition and I don’t want to either. I don’t talk to my daughter BAD about her father and her father’s Family. She’s the daughter, she’ll be the judge one day if her father is the BEST father in the world. All i want is my child is LOVED and that she’s happy.

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Most selfish situation ever on your part!
You guys aren’t together anymore so he doesn’t need to care about your feelings!!! His only concern should be his daughter.


It’s a shirt and he created her as did u. the fact this is even a issue displays how immature and petty seperated parents can be. Your child loves her dad. That’s all that matters. Not his presence or your feelings.

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It’s not a big deal. If you don’t care for the shirt then she doesn’t have to wear it with you. Send it with her when she’s with with him. It’s something he bought her because he loves her. It’s not about you. Don’t make it about your feelings and hold that stress over a shirt just let it go.

Get a life, you sound like a narcissist

I get why you would be hurt by this but he’s the only dad she has and of course she will love him. He may have done it to hurt you or it may have been totally innocent, either way you need to rise above it. If he’s not that great a dad then she will realise this in her own time. In the meantime you be neutral towards him in front of your daughter


Wow. Your definitely over reacting. He is her dad, and regardless of the situation she loves her dad. That’s really petty x


Sorry but defiantly over reacting. He probably put it on her as she was spending time with him at the time. Me and my ex aren’t together and I put my 4 year old in an I love daddy top to go to his house and when she comes back afew days later she’s normally wearing it. She also wears it for her step daddy too. Imagine if he said something to you because you sent her in an I love mammy top :woman_facepalming:t3:


Way over reacting and honestly sounds like you’re at risk of becoming a toxic parent. You do not own your child or her love. Your daughter sees her dad which is enough to say that he’s not a bad parent. Honestly you need to grow up and think about your child’s feeling not your own


Get a grip of yourself :roll_eyes:

Take her out of the T-Shirt if it bothers you so much…,

So basically your saying if he was a more hands on dad it would be OK for your daughter to wear it but because he isn’t your hurt by it …


So should she not love her dad? I don’t understand?

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Get a frickin grip. Get over yourself, and accept that your daughter has two parents, who she loves and love her equally.
This cannot be a serious question?


You sure it’s not the over reacting that help end the partnership rather then him not thinking about your feelings


Your daughter will realise in good time if he’s not a good dad if he still isn’t present enough etc but don’t you make the same mistake all because of a tshirt in reality she needs you and she needs her dad she’s only 4 and still so innocent, when she gets older she will realise who was there for her always. Don’t let a tshirt ruin your relationship because children aren’t stupid. Don’t be the toxic one just be her mum and love and support her.

You are definitely over reacting. Just because she is wearing a tshirt that says i love dad, it does not mean in any way that she doesnt love you.
I dont see why there would even be an issue with this :thinking: Its a tshirt :woman_shrugging::sweat_smile:


You’re entitled to be frustrated as your ex is a bad father but your child will love their father no matter what. Always keep in mind how are the one who is present and take the high road, even if these things frustrate you because at the end of the day, a shirt is harmless. He probably did it hurt you and you took the bait.

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Are you acting in the best interest of your child right now? :upside_down_face:

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my 3 year old daughter comes home in ‘I love my daddy’ T-shirts’ all the time, I couldn’t care less. In fact it makes me happy she has that bond with him. I can’t stand the prick but I would never tell her that or even let myself show it in front of her. She always tells me ‘I love mummy,daddy AND shuck (Luke my current partner who ive been with since she was 8 months old) and I think it’s adorable. Get a grip. It’s not even worth getting upset over it :joy::woman_facepalming:t4:

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I understand that everyone is entitled to feel however they are presented with.

My child’s dad is great with her when she’s there (we’re seperated) however when she’s not unfortunately she’s out of sight out of mind. This annoys me so much.

If she came home in an I love daddy tshirt I’d honestly just think he was trying to over compensate.

Be comfortable in who you are and what you are providing your child and in the long run the tshirt won’t mean anything other than to another child passed on to charity. :slight_smile:

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U are so wrong with this. I think u ought to be ok with a shirt saying she loves her dad. That’ don’t mean she love u least. Grow up


You’re definitely over reacting, send her back in a I love my mum shirt :joy::joy::woman_facepalming:t3:

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I’m not with my kids dad and guess what they wear I love my dad stuff and sometimes daddy is my bestie and guess what I dont care you really need to stop over reacting wether he is present or not he still has her and she still loves him and guess what she loves you too!!


100% overreacting. At the end of the day he is her dad and she does love him why spoil it for your own personal feelings surely your child comes first x


Nope it’s not okay to feel that way and you need to deal with a few left over bits of resentment. It’s not healthy for you and will only hurt your child in the end :heart:

That’s not a dig, I understand the resentment as I was bitter for a while too but I promise you, you will feel so much better when you let it go!

Think of yourself when you were a child. How much did you love your parents? Your child feels the same about her Daddy. You don’t have to love him but if you love your bairn you’ll put those bad feelings to rest.

Good luck :heart:


Honestly, it’s just a shirt. Sometimes I get upset about stupid shit between my daughters dad and I. He’s a thoughtless douche too, but listen be upset but it is a little silly. <3

Oh my word!! It’s a top, get over it. This isn’t a competition and if you make it that the only person who loses will be your daughter.

God help u if she gets a dad tattoo when shes older :woman_facepalming:


It may have been a gift from someone else, defo pick ur battles, I have learnt the hard way over pass 21 years xx

Would you feel the same if the shirt stated I Love My Mum

I understand when a dad is a prt timer and never put effort in, then all a sudden this pops up and you feel like all your efforts have gone unrecognised.

You just need someone in your life to tell you different so then you wont care in the future. To tell you how good of a mother you are.

Its not over reacting when trying to feel better and understand something.

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Are you taking the piss :woman_facepalming::see_no_evil: I don’t see the issue at all I think it’s silly to be honest (sorry I’m straight to the Point) she will love her dad just like she will love you too :woman_facepalming::thinking:


Defiantly over reacting!!! Leave her alone. Poor kid.


He’s a guy it was probably the first t-shirt at the top of the pile :roll_eyes:

Ffs, grow up, he’s her father.


So think weve established and safe to say shes over reacting? :grimacing::see_no_evil::joy:

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Definitely over reacting! That’s just weird behaviour tbh lol


Sorry but does sound like you’re jealous &over reacting …

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Grow up it’s a t-shirt.

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Its not about you…said in the nicest of ways

when she next goes back to his have her t shirt say I love my mum… two can play that game


Definitely overreacting.

Sounds like its more about lingering feelings for the EX than a T-shirt.

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Definitely over reacting. Get over yourself and leave your kid out of your bullsh*t parenting dispute nonsense. Poor bloody kid is 4 years. Believe it or not, just because you are the mother does not mean that everything is about you.


I’m sorry but I’m sick of seen woman go on like this over kids dads wen they haven’t done anything wrong. Bluntly, your been pathetic it’s a t shirt.

Sorry but you’re definitely overreacting :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming: she loves you both an can show it off with either of you and it shouldn’t be a problem…

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I am upset my daughters dad sent her home in a shirt that said "I love my dad" and I am upset: Advice?

Pathetic. You need to grow up.

At 4 have you considered she got herself dressed?

Whaaat did i just read.

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Hahahahahaha is this serious??? Hahahahaa

It’s a t shirt ffs :joy::joy:

Overreacting. It’s a t-shirt. :roll_eyes:


Who is sending this crap in to this page :joy::joy::joy:

I’m really hoping this is a joke

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Definitely 10000% over reacting

Are u for real?? You are :100: percent over reacting :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:


You actual taking the piss? :woman_facepalming: these members posts on this page now are just getting ridiculous!


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I am upset my daughters dad sent her home in a shirt that said "I love my dad" and I am upset: Advice?


Omg. I cannot even phrase this nicely. Get over it. Buy yourself an “I love mom” shirt and move on. I would guess that he didn’t buy the shirt and intentionally put it on her to spite you or even think twice it would hurt your feelings. Regardless of how present he is or how bad of a dad he is, it generally doesn’t matter to 4 year olds. Just…… don’t think he did it on purpose to hurt your feelings.


Wtf? You’re upset your daughter loves her dad?? I get things happen but let her wear the damn shirt, you said yourself, she loves him. I can’t stand my son’s father but I am civil with him because my son loves him and I love my son and support that he loves his dad even though I don’t. I don’t talk badly about his father in front of him either, I hope you don’t do that but it sounds like you probably do. Keep in mind, this man I’m civil with for my son has done horrendous and cruel things to me and I STILL support my son loving him. She’s a child, don’t force your hate for her father on her. She will hate you for it. Let her come to her own conclusion about him when she’s old enough.


It’s just a T-shirt, don’t let it bother you, if he’s anything like me ex he’ll be doing it to get a reaction out of you, your Daugther won’t even be able to read it……

You see
The difference between me and him is I don’t need to have it displayed on a T-shirt…….


Although I agree getting upset is not worth your mental health, I also want to acknowledge these feelings are much more than T-shirt and I am proud of you for reaching out. Your feelings aren’t petty or silly or immature. They come from a much deeper place. Take a deep breath and maybe write down what your feeling snd WHY! You can’t change him but you can change how you react. This is for YOU


It’s probably one of those things where you will have to distance yourself emotionally just as you did physically. It sounds like his “lack of thought” for your feelings, is still very bothersome to you. Get to a place within yourself where it no longer is. Good luck♥️


The shirt is not a big deal. It sounds like you still have a lot of pent up emotions about your daughters father, that need to be addressed. If he was not a thoughtful partner when you guys were together, than I GUARANTEE that he will be even less considerate and thoughtful now that your aren’t together. Especially once he gets with a woman who has her own opinions on the situation. Its time to either go to a counselor, start a journal, talk honestly to a friend or something that will get some stuff off your chest in order for you to move on. I promise you, he is not going to grow up now and the only thing you can do is to make yourself stronger.
Also, it’s ok to send her over in a Mommy’s Girl shirt next time.


I dont mean to sound rude but get over yourself. The shirt has nothing to do with you or the love your daughter has for you. It’s about her father. And I’m sorry if your feeling were hurt by him but I’m pretty sure he doesn’t need to worry about them. He bought something for his daughter. By yourself a mommys princess shirt and go about your day!


Yes, you’re overreacting but more importantly you think your feelings are more important than your daughter’s. Your daughter shouldn’t have to compartmentalize her feelings so you feel okay. She should be free to love her dad every day whether she’s visiting him or not. What’s even worse is she probably picked that shirt out and should be free to wear it whenever she wants, where ever she wants. It’s not about you. It’s about her. Get a counselor if this doesn’t make sense.