I am upset my daughters dad sent her home in a shirt that said "I love my dad" and I am upset: Advice?

You’re overreacting. She loves her dad. And it’s just a shirt. Even if he’s a crappy dad…let it go. Just love your kiddo and be the awesome mom you are. Kids figure it out eventually. And…it’s just a shirt.


Uhm yes overreacting. Your feelings don’t matter at this point, hers do. And if she loves her daddy then she should wear the shirt. Just like you should get her some mommy shirts!


Are you upset because she wasn’t wearing a shirt that says “I love my Mom”?

Do YOU buy items that say “I love my Dad”?

It’s a two way street. The fact he is in her life at all is a blessing. People like me never had that courtesy.

With all due respect, this is an immature response. Unless he is actively hurting or abusing her, why does it bother you? What EXACTLY about the shirt bothers you?

He doesn’t need to think about you, I’m sorry. You’re not together anymore. His thought needs to go into his relationship with your shared child, he doesn’t owe you anything but mutual respect (doesn’t sound like there’s any on either side from what you’re saying) and fatherhood.


Some little girls dads aren’t in their life AT ALL. So be grateful that your daughters dad is even in her life and quit being a bitter baby mama cuz she has a shirt that says she loves her dad🙄


My opinion your being petty. It is just a shirt and she probably likes to wear it because she does love her dad. He spends time with her and she is just a baby yet. No need to argue over something as minor as a shirt.


Seems like you should focus on the happiness of your child and let the baggage of your past relationship go.
Meant with love.


Use it as a go to his house outfit that way she’s not wearing all her good clothes and leaving them over there we use a outfit that goes back and forth so we aren’t losing school clothes at the other parents house ya know :slight_smile:


Seems like you have control issues if your daughter wearing a shirt saying i love my dad makes you mad. Way over reacting here. All you should care about is that your daughter is happy and came back happy.


If that’s her dad and she loves him, who cares. You will spend the rest of your life wasting energy being upset about the little things, and it will blind you from the good stuff❤️


Yes! It is ok for her to love both of her parents! What a greedy way of thinking. That thinking is what causes future issues for your daughter when she gets older! Get over yourself and act like an adult!


So your mad he bought her a shirt that says “I love dad” :sweat_smile:

Yeah your overreacting. You can dislike the shirt, whatever. But not be upset with him because he got it. Just send her back in it and be the bigger person.


Just my opinion, but I honestly think that you are putting way too much into a shirt :woman_shrugging:t2: she’s 4. She will undoubtedly outgrow it soon enough anyway


This isn’t about you. This is about your daughters relationship with her Dad… not your relationship with her Dad.


You are definately in your own head. Be upset but also realize it’s from an unkind place in your heart. It hurt you. And that reasonable. Its also reasonable that he just saw a cute shirt. Its ok to be hurt, its how we react that defines us.


I’m not with my daughters dad, but I make a point to buy her “dad” shirts. “Strong like daddy” “daddy’s princess” and stuff like that. He is her father, and I want to nurture that relationship as much as I can.
Life gets a lot easier when you stop taking things personally, and just understand that people do things not to spite us, but to further themselves.
It’s a shirt, one that he probably smiled when he put it on, made a cute little comment like “daddy loves you too” as he pulled it over her head. It was a sweet and innocent moment between father and daughter, and it honestly had nothing to do with you. And that’s ok. Sometimes as moms, we forget that we shouldn’t always come first, we shouldn’t be that kids one and only. We’re still part of a team, and the kids are always our end game.


Her relationship with her father isn’t something for.you to be jealous of… that’s kinda sick…


Wow u have too much time on your hands to whine about a shirt she has on. Like u should be thankful she came home with clean clothes on some kids don’t. U need to learn to pick and choose your battles


Don’t be a bitter baby mama girl. In this situation you are putting your own feelings before hers. He is her father and you cannot change that. I’d say choose your battles wisely. This one seems quite unnecessary to me.

My son’s father is a real you know what…and I can either allow him to get to me or I can just disregard it and continue on as normal. So far the second option has been working wonders for me😊


What does the shirt have to do with you? It’s just a shirt.

Babies can’t read and wear things like “my aunt is awesome”, “I love grandma”, “grandpa’s sidekick”. Do you have a problem with those too?


A dad is just as important to a child as a mom is. The mom might do more but they love their dad just as much as they love their mother. You’re overreacting. Jealousy is not good for the child.


Ummm just because you and him are not together anymore doesn’t mean that he isnt her dad or that she shouldn’t love him… seems to me like you have insecurity issues let the girl wear the shirt that says she loves her dad Lord God what’s wrong with people. Seems you are a bit jealous to me. send her over in a shirt that says I love my mom I can pretty much guarantee he’s not gonna complain like you are


This is petty I use to send my daughter in mommy is my hero shirts. Focus on the kid not dad lol


My daughters father lives in England and she has not seen him since March 2020, with covid. He does not stay in touch with her as much as he could etc. He buys and sends her shirts like “daddy’s sweetheart” and “daddy’s superstar”. My daughter is 4 and even though she does not see her dad often these shirts mean so much to her when I tell her what they say and that they are from him. I know that I am the more supportive parent, so does everyone else and my daughter will know when she is older too, but these gifts from her father are a comfort to her knowing that her dad does love her and thinks about her. Children first always. :heart:


I honestly still have the same problem (my son is eight) and his dad has not been involved with him much at all. Whoever his current gf is or fiancé takes care of my son when he is supposed to have him and it upsets me. I hate when they buy him shirts that praise dad as he is not involved and my son hates him (he has said this to others not just me) and I just bring a shirt to change into immediately if such a case arises because I refuse to support it. Don’t feel bad mama. You are definitely not alone!!! :pray:t2::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


It’s just a shirt, she can’t even read it and would never understand why you would be mad or petty over this. Don’t mess her up for life by starting these petty actions and attitudes. You chose him to lay with and be her father. Be grateful he bought her a shirt! It’s about your kid, not you.


Omg… over reacting.

My brain: At least he’s providing clothes for her…

send her back in it next time she goes over there. Also, it doesn’t matter if he’s bad when it comes to thinking about your feelings anymore. Y’all aren’t together. As long as he isn’t disrespecting you and your child is taken care of and safe when she is with him, Then I wouldn’t even trip.


If you were a good mother, you would let her love her dad with no problem. It’s a shirt and it’s okay for her to love her dad and not just you. No matter how much you don’t like him.


You need to take a step back and disconnect yourself from the relationship you got to understand that that’s a father daughter relationship and you need to see your way out and put your differences with him aside because you guys are separated you want that connection. The fact that you’re realizing that It did upset you and asking it’s a step forward and making the right decision on understanding and fixing it so congrats on that


I feel like this…
Even if he had her wear it to be spiteful, let her love her dad
You have her more than him she loves you both she is a child let her be that and love a child’s way
I think you should let her wear it next time she goes with him
CO PARENT pick your battles and love is NOT a battle


He probably literally did it for your reaction. So having the ability to blow it off is a win for you.


You are most definitely over reacting. It’s ok that she loves her daddy my daughter wants to get her dad a shirt that said worlds greatest daddy…. He is by far not the worlds greatest but that’s what she thinks of him and I have to let that be ok. It took a lot for me to realize this. But I don’t think he got her that shirt to hurt you and it shouldn’t hurt you she loves you too but she needs to love her daddy too


Your insecurities aren’t your daughters problem. She loves her dad. Let her wear the shirt. Sounds like you need to go to therapy.


Grow up. The only thing that matters is that your child is happy.


Send the shirt back clean on his weekend, I’m sure she has one that says I love my mom…it took both of you to make your daughter, let the petty go! Get along for your daughter, both parents can love a child.


Dont judge…when stuff like that is done for spite, it arouses frustration. Of course she want her to love her dad. But the shirt is a jab at the mom. It is the principle of it. Like I said previously, I had that happen and didnt say a word. I bought the mom shirt and she wore it to his house. The dad shirt never came back around again. It doesnt have to be a world war. If you have a wonderful relationship with your coparent, thank the Good Lord! Mine refuses to try and coparent and get along.

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So y’all ain’t together. Why in the world would he need to consider your feelings??? When you and him split he stopped having to worry about how you felt and as far as the shirt goes…why does that even matter you said yourself she loves her dad. I see babies in onesies all the time that say curse words and the such…get over it, some of you co-parents are just pettttttty.

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Good grief!!! Even if it was done on purpose, who cares. So she won’t ever be able to wear a shirt that says “I love dad” because it’s geared towards you?? So you’re denying her to be able to wear anything dad related because it naturally is about you? Buy an “I love mom” shirt and move on. This to me screams I’m not mature enough to even raise a child yet.

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Give me fucking strength :roll_eyes: and she doesn’t own anything that says I love mom or ever has throughout her 4 year’s :woman_shrugging::woman_facepalming: it’s a t-shirt for God’s sake!! Some people need a good talk with themselves :roll_eyes::woman_facepalming:

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OMG get over it and she does have a right to wear that shirt, that is her dad and she does love him so why take the right away!! you’re just feeling sorry for yourself and if you want go out and buy an I love mom shirt but get over it!! That’s petty!! Speaking from a single mom!!

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Yep, sorry but you are.
Let her wear it! You want to nurture her love for her father, and put your own feelings about him aside. Trust me, I know this can be very hard but it’s called doing the right thing by your child and being the bigger person. Truth always comes out in the end but that’s something you need to let her see for herself, if that is the case.

Be glad she has a dad who spends time with her. My twin daughters lost their dad when they were a year old and they always ask for him. Be thankful bc trust me it’s much harder to do it without that other person even being an option

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Was it clean? Was she clean? Was she happy? Was she fed? Did he spend time with her?

Literally the only things that should matter.

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Teehee, I use to send my girls to their dads with shirts that said, “my mom is my super hero”, “I love my mom” and whatever other shirt I could find that said something about mom :rofl: Once upon a time, I was very petty and thought I was hilarious! They are now 19 (twins) and I no longer do this :rofl::rofl:

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You can as well put her I LOVE MY MOM when the dad picks her next time. You are being so petty !

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It’s a shirt. She loves you both. Yes your relationship fell apart and he maybe a crappy dad but he’s putting in a little effort. Whatever he did to you. You need to let it go for her. If he is a crappy dad she will realize it when she gets older.

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Your overreacting & even if he isn’t a great dad who cares he bought her something wether she can read or not that’s still her dad & she still loves him. Don’t be that jealous mom your relationship with your daughter will be terrible believe me I know from experience

Respectfully, please shut up. You’re mad about a shirt? A shirt for your DAUGHTER. Smh there’s a deeper issue you need to fix within yourself


I understand your feelings. It sounds like you’re hurt because he’s not very involved and is trying to showcase a relationship with his daughter that he doesn’t really have. Feel your feelings, but just keep them to yourself and keep fostering a relationship between them. She needs her dad even if he’s not as present or the person that you would like him to be. You’re not a “bitter babymama” as I’ve seen some say for having these feelings, so long as you don’t let them dictate how you behave.

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Its a shirt and she is a child who absolutely does love her dad. There is obviously a bigger reason why you are feeling this way and needs to be dealt with without involving your daughter. You are putting your own feelings before your daughters and it seems you hold resentment towards the father for the relationship not working. For the sake of your daughter I suggest letting it go.

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You should be happy that your daughter loves her dad. Part of being a good parent is being supportive of your child’s relationship with the other parent. You are never going to think that anyone else will do as good of a job as you. Just because he wasn’t a good partner doesn’t mean that he isn’t a good dad. If he is using it to push and bait you, just ignore it and continue to be supportive of your daughter’s relationship with him. Besides, she didn’t pick him to be her dad. You did….

Let it go. Pick your battles. He may have done it to get at you knowing it will. Send it back with her next time and call it her daddy shirt or something. Your reaction will stay with her.

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This is probably the most immature thing I have seen in awhile… you would probably get her a shirt saying “I love my mom,” so he bought one representing himself. Present dad or not let him buy the little one what he wants.

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I feel like this is immature thinking on your part. Be glad she loves her dad and more than likely loves you as well. You need to learn to co-parent and teach your daughter what a healthy separation looks like. Even it was the worst most god awful experience to you. That resentment towards her father can accidentally be reflected on her as well. That’s the last thing you want to do to your child.

Never heard of such foolishness.shes suspose to love him .tell her you have to wash it…fold it. Pack it in her overniter .she can wear it next time shes at dads … Dont have to wear it at your house …or if you want to be childish buy a I :heart: my mom shirt and
make sure she wears it everytime he picks her up . .

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Definitely overreacting.
Quit being the bitter baby mama and do your best to foster a comfortable relationship for the 3 of you.
Especially if he’s trying to.

there will be school things and life events where you two need to get along for your baby.

maybe he’s not a 24/7 dad, but you don’t have to make it seem like he’s a bad guy or he’s out of the picture all together. have some respect.

I mean… If you can make a shirt your daughter wears about you… And your feelings … no wonder he couldn’t keep up with acknowledging your feelings. This whole post is shameful. I feel sorry for your daughter at this point. :woman_shrugging:


Let it go… if you’re a good mom that’s what matters… the other stuff is not worth thinking about twice life is short. Hug her tight tell her you love her everyday and it will all be good :blush:

I hope she loves her dad. That is the best thing for her developmentally, emotionally, psychologically. She will love him even if he isn’t perfect or far from it. She will love you, too. It’s not a competition. Most of us had less than ideal parents because parents are human. We did alright. Honestly, you making it a contest will hurt her and your relationship with her. I see it all the time.

Man, you can’t worry about her. Regardless of how often he is present and what kind of father you feel like he is, your child still has a father she loves. And it’s just a shirt… That don’t mean she loves you any less. I’m sorry to say it, but your feelings are just a little on the petty side.

I hate how people shit on others for seeking advice about their feelings. At least this mom gives a shit to analyze her feelings and doesn’t just continue on thinking she’s right.

To answer OP’s question:

Yes, it feels like a bigger deal than it is. But it doesn’t mean you’re wrong for having feelings surrounding this. Separation is hard, coparenting is hard, there is absolutely nothing easy about coparenting let alone with somebody who is constantly taking stabs at you. For your own peace of mind I would let it go. Because at the end of the day no matter what she will always love her dad just like she loves you. And the faster you come to terms with the fact that even though he may be a shitty dad so to speak she will always love him and that will never be her thought process when she’s with her dad, she’ll just be happy she’s with him. For the sake of your daughter I would work on forgiving him and try to let the little stuff go. And just for the record nobody’s perfect. All these perfect people on this comment thread acting like they’ve never had a bitter moment can shut up.


I think it’s good that she loves her dad, a lot of kids don’t get to spend time with their dads and their dads don’t even think about them. So for him to be spending time with her and loving her enough to get her that shirt then I think it’s a good thing.

It’s about what your daughter thinks about her dad. All you can do is be the best mom you can be. She will grow up and if he is a crappy father then she will see it for herself and have her own feelings. She knows your a good mom. Don’t doubt the love she has for you.

Its a shirt,and thats her dad if she came home clean, happy and fed then who cares! Honestly how do you know she didn’t pick it out. My 3 yr old dresses her self daily.

That’s her DAD! Be thankful she has one in her life!!! You’re gonna make her feel like she’s doing something wrong by simply loving her daddy and that will end very badly, for you and her!

Dude, it’s her dad… She loves him. You don’t have to. Don’t let your feeling for her dad dictate hers. I know it must be hard but try to not let her see how much you dislike him. It will affect her feeling towards you in the future.

Insecure much… speaking from experience… when my mom would pull that love me more than dad crap it made me grow closer to my just bc he didn’t… so what, I’ve been with my kids father for 24 yrs… kids had I love my mom, dad, mamma, papaw, unicorns, cats, dinosaurs, gaming . It’s a shirt and child…

So let me get this straight. You have an issue with your child wearing a shirt that says she loves her dad? Get over it. You’re way overreacting. Good lord

Get it washed and pop it back on her next time she sees her dad. Pass her over with a huge proud smile.:grin::+1:t4:

I completely get what you are feeling but for your child dont let it bother you… if he isnt a good dad then she will realize it in the future. He can buy her all the shirts that say “i love my dad” but that shouldnt make you feel like any less of a great mom! A shirt is just a material thing which proves nothing… time, affection and attention are going to be what sticks with her !

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Wow…petty nonsense. Get over it and get over yourself. There are single parents out there praying and hoping daily for the other parent to participate in their children’s lives. As a once single parent, this type of bitterness and pettiness when another parent tries to be involved just blows my mind. It’s just a shirt! :exploding_head::roll_eyes::face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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You should thank your lucky stars he loves her like that, and that they have a good father-daughter relationship…grow up

Let her love him. Put your feelings aside and let her love him. One day she will see what/who he truly is but for now let her love him. And that will be his cross to bear not yours. Also remember she will someday see what/who you are too. Make that the example you want her to lead her life with.

You are mad because he bought a shirt that says I love my dad?? You’re ridiculous. All children love their parents regardless of how the parents view each other. Don’t put your feelings towards her father on that child. You should always encourage a healthy relationship with them. Geez ppl

Im sorry that your heart hurts. I do think you’re over reacting. Loving dad does not mean not loving mom. Not divorced so maybe it hits different. My girls have stuff that say like momma girl, daddy’s princess, I love my dad, mamas mini ect. She doesn’t even know what it says so it really doesn’t mean anything yet anyway. Even once she does read if she wears something like that you gotta work on your self confidence to know you are still her mom and also loved. Even if he is t as good of a parent or as present she will still love him. It’s not a slight on you. Maybe he is petty and meant it that way but try to be happy that she has a dad that does love her.

Wow, so she can’t love her dad to?
I’m sorry but you are definitely overreacting. Seems like you may be taking things out on her when it shouldn’t be. Don’t let you relationship with him ruin the relationship you have with your child. He will always be her dad regardless.

Just buy one that says I love my mommy for when she goes back….even tho u guys aren’t together she needs love from you both & should be encouraged from both sides.

Sooooo many bigger things you could be upset about. And having an absent parent is far worse than having one that shows up and buys her things. I’d love for my children’s father to come pick them up for his visits and take them shopping. Maybe I’m out of touch with the world but I PERSONALLY will get shirts talking about their daddy because in the end that it their father. He doesn’t see them often enough but they love him and I’m a supportive co parent. :heart::heart::heart::heart:

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My mom used to do this when I was a kid. My grandparents raised me, and she was a slight part of my life. It upset my grandparents too. I even remember it, and I was only 5. My grandma threw the shirt in the trash several times, and I always took it out.
Just remember it isn’t the kiddo’s fault, and she may actually love the shirt since he got it for her.

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Does she love her dad? Girl, let that go. You are seriously overreacting to something so minor it shouldn’t even register. Don’t put that negative energy in your daughters atmosphere. She may not be able to read words but you carried her for nine months so she can definitely read you.

My ex husband and I aren’t even on talking terms, we switch them through a third party and my girls have I love daddy shirts, no matter what went on between us they do love their father


You’re upset about the wrong thing . This is very bitter & childish of you ! No matter what you 2 are going through has nothing to do with dad & daughter relationship. Grow up & start healing before she’s old enough to see how miserable and full of hate you are .

Oh Girl, get over yourself! She will love her dad, no matter what he does. It doesn’t take away from her love for you.

Wow. What is with parents that cant get out of their own way. She loves her dad. His lack of parenting has nothing to do with it. Sure we’d like to send her back with a tshirt that says “my dad is finally taking responsibility and spending some time with me(however little it may be)”…but we’re adults. You did however just give me a grand idea. I need one of these tshirts to post a pic, hoping my absentee father might see it and feel a little guilt. However, I still love him!

Grow up. I’m sick of seeing moms act like this. IT’S ABOUT THE CHILD!!! Not you or the dad that’s yalls buisness that should be handled in private. Don’t project your issues on the child. My kid wears mom type shirts to his dads and dad shirts to my house it’s not a big deal. It’s clothing. Shocking I know but kids usually love both parents. This baby is allowed to love her dad and her mom and it should never be a competition. Parents stop being so gosh damn selfish and making everything about you. YOU HAVE AN INNOCENT SWEET BABY!!! Focus and worry about her.

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Definitely feel like you are WAY overreacting to this. It’s a good thing that she loves her dad…it’s up to him to reciprocate and show her that he loves her. Just the way it’s up to you to show her that you love her!

You are entitled to your feelings. Personally, every kid has a shirt that’s days “I love my daddy, mummy, grandma…” etc etc. It’s just a shirt. If he ends up being a lousy dad (as much as he is was a lousy husband) let your daughter be the judge of that. Even at 4 years old they understand being let down. That shirt cost him maybe $10. It won’t buy him your daughter. And it definitely should not buy him anymore of your thoughts on it either.

Get over it. She has 2 parents and loves them both. She doesn’t know any different. So he’s not always present. Does he treat her well when they are together? Does he love her back? That’s what matters. Good grief.

Just toss it and move on. No need to waste energy on it. Especially negative energy.
Your daughter will pick up on the vibe and not know why you are giving off a negative vibe when looking at her. She’ll think it’s her, not the shirt :heart: maybe talk with the dad and request she gets brought home in the clothes she left in :woman_shrugging:t3:

Leave the statement ending with your emotion. “I AM UPSET.” Don’t project your baggage onto your kid. The more people who love her and the more people SHE loves, the better right???

Get over yourself. I hope she does love her dad and that she has been taught to love her parents despite them not being together!

So… you don’t want her to love her dad?
He doesn’t have to think about your feelings now… you aren’t together and his concern is for his daughter, not you.


Take your emotions out of the situation. Think about how you would feel, if your mom, aunt, grandma, sister, etc got upset because you “love your Dad.” Your child NEEDS love from both of you. Your child will eventually get older. Resentment, rebellion, depression, anxiety, lack of self-worth, etc, will be the result of being negative about the child’s other parent. Children have a right to love BOTH families!

Your relationship with her father has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH HER RELATIONSHIP WITH HER FATHER. You’re being extremely petty and immature. Are you sure you’re not projecting? You’re mad at the shirt because he loves her and he could never figure out how to love you?

I understand how you feel, I do but this isn’t about you right now. If your daughter loves her daddy just focus on that! It will get you through trust me. Because you want her to love him and have a good relationship with him. Their relationship sets the tone for her healthy relationships and attachments to other men in her future. You are overreacting BUT I get it and your feelings are normal. But remember people won’t always act with the same level of compassion you might, if just be the bigger person and let it go. And realize that your daughter is going to go through life looking to you for how she should react. React with kindness and love and she will be great…as will you mama!!!:heartpulse::wink:

As a 37 yr old currently dealing with the consequences of my mother’s hate for my father, get some professional help before u channel that to ur daughter and ruin ur relationship when she is 37.

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I think you are over reacting I’m sure if he took her home in a short that said I love mom or you sent her to him in a short that said I love mom he wouldn’t care and neither would you.

Seriously!? Would you mind her wearing it if you and her dad were still together? You need to grow up and think more of your daughter than yourself when it comes to her relationship with her dad!

It’s a bitter feeling that you have to put to the side! Things did not work out between you and the dad…That’s ok! That doesn’t always mean it’s not going to work for your daughter and her dad. Let it go! Once you do the simple things like “I love my dad” shirts won’t be such an issue.

You had a child with this man, hoping that this man would love and cherish your daughter just like you do- and hoping your daughter loves him as well. This shirt could’ve been a gift by someone who’s not the father and he put it on her, but regardless - be happy that this man has a relationship with your daughter even if it doesn’t meet your expectations.

Ok you are going to have to learn to Co-Parent. While you’ll need to protect her and make sure she is taken care of while with her father you will need to keep your emotions out of it. Do not let the way you feel impact they was she interacts with him and vise versa. If he buys her a shirt who cares, at least he had the wherewithal to make sure she was clothed. If you let your emotions take over she will feel the hurt you feel and then pull away from him bc she will think she’s protecting you and you don’t want that. She will need to be allowed to form her own opinions without the influence of how YOU feel.