I am upset my daughters dad sent her home in a shirt that said "I love my dad" and I am upset: Advice?

Your feelings towards her dad have nothing to do with how she feels towards her dad. When she’s older she can make her own decisions on her parents character. Until then you need to show your child how to love and respect both parents.

Literally a bit of over reaction…she was literally came home from being with him…doesn’t matter what clothes she’s wearing. And honestly doesn’t matter your feelings it’s not about you. It’s not. About your ex. It’s about the child you created together and her happiness. Maybe he told her what the shirt said and she wanted to wear it. She’s allowed to flaunt she loves dad wherever same as she loves mom.

No nicer way to say it but get over it. If she loves her dad and he loves her then there shouldn’t be a problem. :roll_eyes: just because you don’t have a good relationship with him doesn’t mean they don’t love each other. It’s just a shirt and that is her father :woman_shrugging:t2:

It’s her dad, even if he’s shitty she’s gonna love him, and you doing little things like this, she does notice them. Little ones are intuitive and if you always have an underlying resentment towards him, or him to you, it taints the image of her parents, the one who is resenting, and the being one resented. Just let your 4 yo love her parents without their relationship hang ups getting in the way of her feelings. My parents divorced when I was 4 and always tried to make their feelings about the other parent my own.

I think that is fine… i’m sure your daughter enjoyed her time with her dad, maybe your ex saw her happiness that makes him buy your daughter that shirt, it won’t define your love for your her…surely…:heart:

Her expectation from her daddy is different to yours. I dont think yoj should feel guilty for how you feel or think youre a horrible person i just think when we feel things we dont like feeling we should find other ways of lookin at it so we can add some more positive or at least helpful thoughts to our situation. She loves her dad. That doesnt mean she loves her mum less . Dad loves his daughter whether by anyone elses standards hes doing a good job or not doesnt change that. Its not some primal need to dominate the love factor its simply a dad trying to be included and for him to feel loved means he is developing and maintaining connections with his daughter which is so very important for her. Think of it less like a message for you and more like a connection for your girl and her daddy which is helping him develop the presence that you say he lacks in her life.

Jesus be thankful she has a father in her life she loves!!! Learn to be flipping more supportive of this relationship as I’m sure you sound like you don’t make it easy on him. This is NOT about you, this is about your kid you made with HIM. Read some coparenting books, see a counselor, but make yourself better and yourself right for her. Stop worrying about him.

Your interpretation of a fathers love and relationship is not relevant. Turn the other cheek, wash the shirt and send her back to his house with it clean or in the shirt. Kindness is contagious. Bitterness and contempt is also contagious. You are the one teaching your daughter how to love so focus on being a role model for her.

Your just sensitive to him since you know he doesn’t acknowledge your feelings. Let it go and put it on her for her to see him. When she grows up she will know what’s real and what’s not just love her unconditionally.

I think it’s normal to have hurt feelings pop up. It’s good that you are acknowledging the underlying issues/feelings. Don’t feel guilty for having feelings! But stop yourself before you Act on the feelings:) A supportive mother is one of the best things for children. Involved fathers- regardless of how involved- are another great thing for children. Sounds to me that you already have the best plan of just sending child back with the shirt on :wink: and not saying anything. And continue to acknowledge your times of overreacting before you act out on it. Your daughter will reap the benefits of a mom able to stay in check!! Best of wishes to you all.

You should be happy that she loves her dad and that he is present. What you and him went through has nothing to do with your daughter. Let her wear the shirt with pride!! Love is everything!

It’s not a competition for your daughter’s love. She loves her dad, so she got a shirt to show it.
No matter what happened between the two of you, the child loves you both. Don’t allow your feelings (good or bad) to interfere in hers. I’m sure it was not a spiteful thing and even if it was, you must be the bigger person, for your child’s sake.

Just get over it. Seriously. It is a shirt. My Daughter’s father shares his Hulu and Disney plus accounts with My daughter, my new husband, and myself. His stuff is all under #1 DAD, in both accounts .
Which we have to look at multiple times a week.
His mother pays his child support. He lives in California and sees his daughter twice a year.
Is this irritating? Sure. But my husband and I think it is hilarious that he had the balls to do that.
I’ll take what I can get from him.

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My step daughters mother did this same thing. We have full custody and before she passed away, she had supervised visits. She would always take whatever shirt she was wearing off and send her home with “mommy is my superhero” or “mommy’s angel” or something like that. Honestly, I recognized what she was doing, but it truly never bothered me. If anything I was missing the shirts I sent her in more. So all I did was wash all these shirts and return them during the exchange with a note that simply stated the clothes were washed and clean. The next visit all of my shirts were back with a similar note and it never happened again. There is no need to let such petty things upset your life. I’m sure you have bigger things to worry about in your life, dont let an “I love daddy” shirt be that thing. Maybe it’s his way of keeping himself present in her life when he’s not there. Give it back or keep it in her wardrobe. Just don’t let it consume you.

Wow!! I’m usually always positive in these post but wow lady you are being a jealous cry baby!!! This I can not stand behind!! Get over it and grow up!

She should be allowed to love both parents.Healthy divorce practice

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Umm, that’s her DAD. You’re being childish af. Buy her a shirt that says I love mom if it bothers you so much. Be glad he’s in her life at all, that’s more than some kids have. Grow up

Do not take it personally. I’m sure dad wanted to get it for her because it makes him happy to see her wearing it. Just put it back on her when she goes back to her dad’s and that will let your daughter see that you are thinking of her dad’s feeling, or at least later on she will see that you were. It doesn’t matter that you two are divorced now, you two did not divorce your daughter.

It’s a shirt. Even if she was was wearing a shirt that said i love God. Would it bother you because he is on the shirt and not you?? I’m confused how it upsets you especially since she can love anything and wear it on a shirt. It just says she loves dad. Not that she loved dad and not mom. Lol. Silly

It’s kinda sad you feel this way… your daughter loves her daddy… BUT sorry to the moderator but, YOU ARE THE ONE ACTING LIKE A 4 YEAR OLD!!! Get over it… your feelings towards him should NOT be what is more important!! Show her that even in hard times YOU support HER feelings!!! If you don’t you’re going to end up losing her respect and maybe even her eventually because you are being a baby!!

You may be a little jealous but definitely overreacting. I say jealous because even though, in your opinion, he’s not present enough, which maybe he isn’t, he made that tiny little effort to “show” yalls baby his love w this shirt and really didn’t do that for you when yall were together.

Yes, absolutely you are overreacting 100%! It’s a t-shirt who cares that it says “I Love My Dad” on it! I’m sure if she wore a I Love My Mom shirt when she is due to go with her father he would give 2 shits about it! You really need to get over that pettiness of a shirt! You and him may not have worked out and that’s fine but no need to get pissed about a shirt cauz you have resentment towards him.

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Your feelings? It’s not about you, it’s about your precious daughter! Stop being selfish and bitter and allow them to have their time together. Go take her out to have your special time and be the greatest, most awesome mom you are built to be. Pray about it. Let go and you’ll find peace and happiness.

Find something to really be mad at. Like for instance he could be a completely absent father and not have any relationship with her. I mean maybe it’s his silent way of saying to you “yes I’m her dad and she does love me so get over yourself”. Either way you seem like you have some unresolved anger with him and you should speak to someone.

It doesn’t matter if he’s not that great or not that present. She can and should love him anyway, free from your judgment of him as an adult (assuming all the usual factors that he isn’t abusive, harming her etc). A silly t shirt is inconsequential and you are definitely taking it too personally. He’s allowed to buy her shirts that say things about Dad, and you’re free to buy shirts that say things about Mom.

It a shirt and you probably being over sensitive to it. It does not say I love my dad more then mom or anything like that. I can see how that can bother you, but those are your feelings due to your relationship with her dad. He may have been a bad boyfriend can that causes your relationship to fail, does not mean he’ll be the same with his daughter.

It’s important not to force your relationship with your ex onto her and influence the relationship she has with her father. So it might be a touchy subject for you but from a little girls perspective I think it’s really healthy for her to have that I love my dad part of her life.

She can love both parents, and neither of you need to take that from her or make her pick a side.

If she wears a shirt that says I love animals are you gonna have a problem with that too?

Let her be a kid and love you both she will form her own opinions about both of you as she gets older…

Definitely an over reaction. Let her love her dad, without your influence. If he does wrong, she will notice it when she’s older. If you try and influence her, she will resent you. I promise she will.

How about next time you send her with a shirt that says I love mom lol. Tbh I think it’s just you. There is nothing wrong with a child that loves there parent. It’s a good thing

My daughters dad and I aren’t together and haven’t been since the beginning of the pregnancy. She’s 4 now and I will put her in “daddy” shirts and send her over there in them. I personally think you’re looking to far into it. He doesn’t need to consider your feelings while getting her dressed. As long as the clothes fit, are clean, and she likes them and is comfortable, it shouldn’t matter.

I’m sorry I can’t even put this nicely… grow the hell up. Your daughter isn’t allowed to love both of her parents? Buy her a shirt that says “I love my mom” if it really makes you that jealous. You’re clearly harboring some bitterness toward your ex and it’s only going to hurt your child in the long run if you continue to think this way. You might benefit from some counseling tbh

Absolutely overreacting. It’s like me getting mad my sister who sees my daughter only a couple times a year got my daughter a shirt that says I love my auntie. It’s a shirt and like you said she can’t read so it doesn’t matter to her. Now if it were something inappropriate he put on her that’s a different story.

She loves her dad, of course you’re overreacting! Forget about your own feelings & think about your child, no matter what the situation is she should always come first. If she wants to wear a T-shirt that says I love my dad then you need to let her. She’ll only resent you when she’s old enough to understand.

Stop being so insecure! Do you want your daughter to be!? Put your big girl Mother pants on and be an adult in this situation! If you think this is stressful you haven’t seen anything yet! Wait until the teens years & you and the Dad will be banning together as a United front!

I think it’s selfish of you. No matter what the situation was between you and him. Or if he isn’t a great dad. Even if he was being petty by it. You being jealous of a shirt for your child given by her father is extremely wrong. She is 4 and yea she can’t read but how many people read it to her?

Welll hear me out. What IF your child ACTUALLY loves her dad. Why would you be so butthurt about it? You’re overthinking it. Just send it back if it really “upsets” you that much.

He is being petty and knows how to push your buttons. My advice is to always defer to your daughter - is she happy? Is she loved? Does she love you and her dad? If yes then be the bigger person and don’t feed into it. Wash the shirt and let her wear it back the next time she goes. I wouldn’t even mention it.

Go on with your life and put your energy into growing and thriving! :heart::cherry_blossom::v::pray:

I mean if he’s trying to coparent I say you’re overreacting. How y’all ended and why shouldn’t effect the relationship he has with his child & even though my child’s father is very much absent on/off she still says “I love you dada” when she sees him even though I despise him. I can’t control her feelings only mine. Why not if he sends it back use it as a “mess” shirt put it on her when you’re making crafts or take her to the park. I mean it’s just a shirt

Your overreacting . It’s just a shirt. Not the end of the world. You may not love her dad , But she does.

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Just because you had problems in your marriage and it didn’t last, doesn’t mean she doesn’t love her dad? I think you have the right to your own feelings but let’s pick and choose our battles for the sake of the child. This is not a battle to pick.

Defaintly over reacting doesn’t matter about a peice of cloth that reads " I love my dad" obviously your daughter does as that’s her dad. Could be worse could read “best dad ever”

Wow you are what us stepmoms “high control baby momma”. Lord have mercy lady calm down. It’s a T-shirt. His thoughts about you left his mind the day y’all separated. Pick and choose your battles.

Just be glad she came home in clean clothes & happy & healthy… That’s really all that matters.

Get over yourself! She loves her Dad. Let her and don’t discourage him from showing his love for her. He’s there for her, not you.

So I normally dont comment because facebook drama isnt my place however. I would juat like you to know that I see where you are coming from and its hard to express in a short message why you feel the way you do about this shirt. I for instance have 2 beautiful children and they have a dad who sees them maybe 2 or 3 times a year. He constantly disappoints them by not showing up when he promises and he has bought them similar shirts. It bothered me, I did get upset because I thought how dare he try to buy them with gifts instead of just spend time with them. However I still allow them to wear the shirt, one month my daughter wore it every saturday because that was day he was supposed to come visit. Every saturday he never showed up. A shirt is just a shirt but can also be a trigger when we’ve been hurt. So please instead of listening to all these women belittle your feelings just know your feelings are never wrong however try to remember others may not understand so in that you have to pick your battles. Good luck girl, much love.

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Don’t worry, they will learn for themselves. My daughter is 10 now and she is learning the lies. Her dad comes on sundays and takes her from 11-5. That’s it. He has started to tell me lies several times while on speaker phone and my daughter will tell me he’s lying. If she has a bad day at school she will lie to him on the phone and not tel him simply bc she doesn’t want to talk to him any longer than she has to.

Seems like he dodged a huge bullet when you guys split. Selfish much? Pretty sure it took 2 make the child, and you said yourself she loves her dad. He probably would be a more present father if she didn’t have a control freak mother who also seems to be emotionally unstable. It’s a shirt that in your own words is true. My honest opinion in the nicest way possible to put it is: Find yourself a nice therapist who can help you with your issues because the father isn’t the issue here. You are.

Your not just over reacting your being incredibly immature :confused: it sounds like you have a lot of pent up anger/hurt from the break up that needs to be processed :grimacing: I agree to not say anything about it, thats a good choice, don’t let your wounds fall onto your daughters shoulders :heart: good luck moving forward :blush:

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A parent IS NEVER SUPPOSED TO TELL THEIR CHILD SOMETHING BAD ABOUT THE OTHER PARENT. SO WHAT AT LEAST HE BOUGHT HER A SHIRT GIRL . i say this because if she is crying over a shirt imagine what she is telling the little girl. Lady you got jealousy issues and insecurity within. You need help.

You need to chill. Go buy yourself a shirt for her to wear that says I love mom. You really are making mountains out of mole hills. Your daughter can wear whatever he puts on her, no matter your opinion of how long he sees her. If he is providing clothing for her and she’s happy then you shouldn’t be tripping on your feelings. Thats not coparenting. It ain’t burger King, you don’t get it your way.

Her relationship with her father is a seperate thing from you, you would not have her without him and he wouldn’t have her without you. Don’t make a child choose between their parents, they can love you both. If he isn’t there for her like he should be she will see it for herself in time

I mean if he’s her dad. Which you stated he was and she loves him. Even if he’s not the best dad I wouldn’t be upset about him buying her a ahirt that says I love my dad. Honestly I’d be happy that he spent time with her and even bought a shirt in the first place. There’s no reason to be mad over a shirt.

My daughters father was garbage to me, but he’s been a relatively decent dad (coparenting) for her 4.5 years of life. He sees her once a week but I’ve bought “I love dad” shirts before myself, and sent her in them for like his birthday or holidays that he asks to see her. Get the heck over yourself, you didn’t make her alone.

I bought I love mommy shirts and smart and beautiful like mom shirts and my oldest has worn them to his house… he just sends them back in whatever I send them to him in though.

Your feelings are valid. Maybe its upsetting because he isnt a good enough dad and it makes you sad. Whatever reason it upsets you, its VALID. With that being said, it is just a shirt. I wouldn’t say anything to him. If he wants to be prideful and it makes him feel good, then let it! If she didn’t like him it would be a different story but she loves him and shes only 4. Coparenting is hard enough on its own. Pick your battles, you know?

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Take it off, wash it and send her on the next visit in it. Not much you can do about. I personally buy both Mommy and daddy themed shirts for my children. I get how it could feel like a jab but really… it’s a shirt.

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He probably only did it to make you mad and it worked. My brother picked up his kids on Father’s Day one year and their mother made sure to put a shirt on their youngest that said “mom’s little guy”. We ignored it which I’m sure pissed her off in return because she thrives on picking fights. Just let it go.

My daughter wears one and I’m not a huge fan of it but if she wants to wear it she can, don’t get upset about it, only thing you can do if you really don’t like it is send her wearing it back to his and hope it stays there. It’s just a T-shirt at the end of the day xx

You should want her to love her father and be proud wearing that shirt. Some kids would do anything to have the other parent involved so be freaking happy your kid has their father their to love The shirt is for her so get over yourself.

I think it’s not a big deal, she loves her daddy, get one that says love my momma or mommy, I bet his mother prob bought it for her, but either way I don’t understand why it matters to you as much!

Buy a “moms my favorite parents” shirt and send her in it next time she sees him. :woozy_face::woman_shrugging:t4:

But also remember kids arent stupid, let them find that out on their own that the other parents is shitty. No reason to project those feelings on her.

I can see how it makes you feel some kind of way if he is not that great of a father but at the end of the day none of us are perfect parents. I think it’s a bad and selfish when one parent displays resentment toward the other parent. It hurts the child when they are put in the middle of petty bullshit. This causes depression and anxiety at times because the child ends up blaming themself. So feel however you want to feel but put your daughters feelings first and be mature about it. It’s just a shirt :woman_shrugging:t2:

Don’t over react. It’s just a shirt. If he isn’t that present this may be one of the only memories she will have. And sooner or later she will see the true colors herself. Let that happen on its own so she doesn’t resent you later. Good luck momma

She loves him. That’s it. You don’t have any say in it. Be supportive of her.

Dads for the most part don’t pull their weight. However, you want your child to love them, and deep down you want him to feel loved too. She didn’t come home wearing a shirt that said she loved Satan. Don’t take it so personally. Encourage love. Be the bigger person and shrug it off. Men have a lot of work to do, but as women so do we. Children aren’t collateral, they aren’t property…they need to know their loved, it’s simple.

Its her dad why are you bothered put it on her when she’s next with him don’t waste your energy on needless crap doubt it’s on purpose to hurt you… that’s her relationship with her dad not your relationship with your daughter…

I cannot stress enough that regardless of why he did it she deserves to have shirts that say I love daddy. I get that it’s your ex but that’s her dad. When she gets older she will see anger and jealousy towards dad and she could resent you for it. The fact is as adults we chose to have babies with the other person but those babies did not chose to be born. So we have to pull up our big kid panties and remember it’s about the child not us. If he’s doing it to be spiteful then he got the reaction he want because you played right into his hand. If he did it because he loves his kid gen your reaction makes you look bad. If he did it because he knows it makes her happy and he could care less either way…. Your reaction still makes you look bad. So my advice is try to remember it’s about your daughter not you.

You said it yourself, this is an innocent thing and she does love her dad. When she wakes up the next morning, wash the shirt and put it in her overnight bag for the next time she’s with her dad, but even if he’s a crappy dad and isn’t involved enough in her life, all she knows is he’s her dad and she loves him. How you feel about him shouldn’t affect that, and until she can make her OWN unbiased opinion based on his actions, let her love him.

Just buy one that says I LOVE My Mommy Too! And have her wear it next time she leaves to go to his home. All is fair & square. And know he’ll get yer feelings and be done with it. DON’T SWEAT THE LIL THINGS.

Let her.stop worrying about it.Its a shirt.Love your daughter an be happy for her.She going to love both of you.Be the parent that encourage that.

I think you are def over reacting. It’s just a t-shirt. This is not about your feelings, it’s about her loving her dad too. Just send the shirt back to the dad when she goes back with him. It’s not that serious.

Ok, if you are making a problem out of this I wonder what else you’re making q problem out of. Look, life is so much easier when you stop caring about little things that don’t even honestly matter. It’s a shirt. She loves her dad and has every right to. Don’t be upset about it and allow their relationship to happen as well as he will let it and don’t interfere because it’ll be you who fucked up if you do, not him. If he’s a pos dad, let his true colors show and she’ll see it as time goes on. Do your part and be her mother, nothing else.

Send her back in it or throw it away. Go enjoy ur childs life. Go have the best day ever! U no he did it deliberately,but ur allowing him to take more happiness from ur life. Smile momma ur babies back from dads n shes fine. :heart:

Your selfish who cares if he sent her home with a I love my dad shirt. At one time you loves him also so maybe you don’t now but she still does she deserves to wear it honestly who cares what you feel about it let her love her dad and let him love her. Grow up and let them be like someone else said buy her a shit that says I love mom and let her wear it and I bet ya he won’t say shit about it :smirk:

It wouldnt bother me if my children wore such a shirt. Have to accept that she has 2 parents and not one. Be happy she has clothes over there!

Listen, I would definitely be annoyed if the almost-absent father sent our child home in a shirt that said “I love dad,” thinking he did it on purpose (because he probably did) — but not annoyed enough to post asking for advice. If this is the biggest problem y’all have with coparenting, you’re doing great. Ignore the shirt, send it back to his house the next time he has your daughter, and forget about it🤦🏼‍♀️

He’s in her life. She loves him. It’s not a competition between the two of you. If the shirt said I only love my dad then you could complain however this is totally innocent and you are clearly overreacting to the situation. He may be a crap dad as you say but you had a kid with him and now you must deal with it like a responsible adult. Is your child happy and safe when she is with him? Then that is all that matters.

Your feelings?! Girl you’re feelings are not his responsibility! She loves her dad and is wearing a shirt that says so. :woman_shrugging:t4:
Why is that about you? Like, at all?
Is it possible that he got it to pick? Maybe :thinking:
But if something this minuscule can take up so much of your head space, The shirt is not the problem. You may need some therapy to get to the bottom of the real issue here.

Definitely overreacting it’s not like it says ‘I hate mum’ or ‘I love my dad more’ what’s so wrong in her loving her dad x

Not trying to sound mean but be happy that her father is present at all. I have 2 children to 2 different men and neither of them are in their children’s lives whatsoever. I would be so happy for my babies if their dads would make some effort but they don’t… He loves her and she loves him right? Leave it be… No biggy. Be grateful. Gratitude will make you happier.:heart:

Its not his place to think about your feelings anymore. She loves her dad and I bet she was happy to wear that shirt. Gotta put your feelings aside. Over reacting in my opinion.

People for real getting mad at a newer parent (as the kiddo is only 4) seeking advice… that’s helpful. :roll_eyes: I think the person asking understands they might be over evaluating, but needs reassurance. Sending her with that shirt when she sees him and not commenting is best plan. The dad probably didn’t mean any harm by it. These comments are toxic. Most parents overthink small things it’s normal​:+1:

Um yes you’re overreacting. Seriously? It’s shirt. This says way more about you than it does him as a dad. Rethink your priorities and put your selfishness aside for your daughters sake. She deserves to love her father unconditionally as I’m sure she does you.

Imagine being so self-centered that the though of your child actually loving their other parent infuriated you🙄

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Your feelings have 100% to do with you. And nothing to do with your child. He may not be a “fantastic” dad….but it sounds like he is still seeing his daughter. Whether it hurt your feelings or not, it’s his daughter too.

The father of both my daughters hasn’t been around in almost 5 years. He hasn’t seen my older daughter since she was 1 year old and left when I was 3 months pregnant with our second daughter so she never met her father. So not to be mean but “more present” seems like a selfish crap way to word things. Especially when my understanding of it is that he had her overnight?? If my ex had done the right thing and stuck around for my daughters (not me bc he was a liar and a cheater) I would’ve bought them a shirt that said I love my daddy. Because as sad as it is to say children having their fathers present after a split is a blessing.

The fact her father is participating in her life and trying to co-parent with someone this petty is amazing. Would he be upset about an I love my mom shirt? Get over yourself! Its not about you its about that child! Let her wear a shirt her dad bought her, let them have a loving relationship even if you can’t get over your ego.

I’d put her in a “I love my mom” shirt next time she goes over to him

She is 4 an doesn’t even know what it says. You are definitely overreacting to a shirt. If she loves her dad very much don’t worry about it. If you are jealous or something buy her a shirt that says I love my mom. An second it’s NOT A competition on who loves the kid more. If she sees you acting like this over shirt what else will you acted out on them you will just push her away when she gets older if you keep doing this.

Get out of your hurt feelings and let her and her father have a relationship. Stupid ass shit these females get mad about… how dare the father of my child love her and buy her clothing :roll_eyes:

Just because he wasn’t a good husband doesn’t mean he isn’t a good father. Put aside your issues and help build the relationship between your daughter and her dad, it will be much better for everyone involved.

What? Is this a real question. Yes it’s overreacting. Why would your feelings be hurt by this? Just cause you don’t love him anymore doesn’t mean she has to stop. You should be encouraging her to have a good relationship with her dad. People like this make me so mad.

It’s a shirt. Let her wear it when she goes to see him and if she is with you have her not wear it.

There will be much larger things to stress about in your life than a shirt. Don’t pick a fight with him about it. Your daughter doesn’t need to feel the stress that would come from.

Don’t be those Toxic “moms” that plant hate in their kids heart towards the father. Whether he’s a hands on dad doesn’t matter you’re kids will soon see the type of Dad he is when they are older. Just do your part and be a mother.

is this what parenting has come to these days… we’re upset over a shirt. we’re letting the other child’s parent dictate our emotions over a piece of clothing and then coming to social media to make ourselves feel better, knowing damn good and well it’ll make it worse. 2021 really ain’t it.

Not all dads, or people, are good but that doesn’t mean we don’t love them. Feel sorry for him that he needs to buy that to boost his insecurities. Just don’t put it on her if you don’t want to see it.

Wth, my daughter has clothes that say, I love mummy, I love daddy, daddy is my prince, I love my nanny. She even has a personalised (her name) love daddy top. She can’t read either. I bought all of them. Buy yourself one. She is allowed to love her daddy and he is allowed to be a proud dad even if he’s not there full time

I’m not trying to be rude, but you’re being overly sensitive. You’re letting your feelings and your issues over-ride the bond the child does have with their father. Regardless of if you wish he’d be more present ( I get that my child’s dad goes months/years without seeing them) you need to remember your child only knows that she does love daddy. Would you expect him to be upset if you sent her in an I love mommy shirt? A shirt is just that. Just remember that it’s not you and him anymore, it’s about the child. I wish you all the best because I know co-parenting isn’t always easy. You got this

Regardless of your adult baggage…a child deserves to love both parents and not have to feel bad for it.
Shame on you