I am upset my daughters dad sent her home in a shirt that said "I love my dad" and I am upset: Advice?

Just have her wear a shirt that says she loves her mommy lol shouldn’t matter since she does love her dad. Just leave it alone and let her wear it, can understand how u would be mad if he’s hardly ever around tho

I don’t know why a shirt would bother you. I’m sure she loves her dad just as much as she loves you. My daughter has all kinds of daddy’s little girl and I love daddy shirts and I let her wear them whenever she wants to mind you were not together anymore and he’s more absent than he is present but who am I to say whether or not she loves her dad??

I think that you’re overreacting. I actually bought my daughter an I Love My Dad shirt and sent her to her dad’s house in it. I thought it was a cute shirt and she does love her dad.:woman_shrugging:t3: You can always easily buy her an I Love My Mommy or Mama’s Mini shirt. It’s just a shirt.

Ya no reason to be upset,
Buy a shirt that says I love my mom. :woman_shrugging:t3:
People buy shirts like that all the time
“Gramma loves me”
“Auntie is the best”
It’s a shirt and he wants her to know he loves her even when he’s not with her

This isn’t about YOUR feelings. You’re being selfish. She loves her dad and she’s wearing a shirt that says so. Quit taking that personal. It doesn’t mean she doesn’t love you or that she loves you less. Never make a child feel an ounce of guilt for loving their other parent! The fact that this bothers you, is bothersome!

Grow up!!! It’s not all about you!!! She should love both of you, for The Love of God do what’s best for your child!!!

You self righteous chicks kill me. Don’t act like you ain’t ever overreacted . Apparently she’s in her feelings. And yes it’s about something stupid but don’t act like we haven’t all been there. I mean c’mon. :joy::joy:

simply move on. This is what happens when u coddle children. They don’t know what to do when someone hurts their fragile feelings. You are a grown ass woman. Act like it. Be a mom and be happy that she spends time with her dad. Take a picture with her in it and send it to him with the caption I love the shirt you got her! She really does love you!. Done. He only does it because he knows it gets to you! Move on get her a stepdad and then send her there with a I love my step dad shirt on it. Some women need to stop being so passive and heartbroken. boss up. Screw him. His loss.

Yes, you’re overreacting. She’s 4 and shouldn’t be in the middle of negativity, drama, and ill feelings. Don’t waste your energy on something as small as a shirt🤦🏽‍♀️

This is by far the craziest shit ever! Pettiness for sure! She is an innocent child, i honestly cannot stand my kids father hes a dope head and a narsassictic asshole! He hit me and plenty of other shit but i put daddys girl onesies on my 5 month old and daddys helper on my 3 year old no matter the issue you have with him its a shirt and she is a small kid i dont see an issue!

That is her dad. She loves him. Still sees him. You both are separated and your feelings should not matter anymore. Do not ruin a childs life over a shirt, or how your relationship is with the father. The child matters, she will outgrow it.

way over reacting. The shirt is NOT ABOUT YOU. It is ABOUT YOUR DAUGHTER AND HER DAD. GROW UP

Petty and the type of conflict that people dread out of their exes. She loves her dad. You don’t. That’s the problem. It’s a shirt.

When my baby was a newborn she had a onsie that said I love mom. I’m kind of amazed that anyone including the other parent would be upset about that. The kid was made by both of you it’s not just your kid. Not trying to be an arse hole I just find this ridiculous and petty really.

I get it, it’s annoying. Especially if he isn’t meeting your ideas of how it should be. I’ve been through it. Take the shirt off send her back with it on washed and clean and by all means don’t let her or him know it bothered you! You got this girl, the important people in your life know your truth. Sending love and strength.

He has to think about Your Feelings putting her in a shirt that says “Love My Dad”
Have you lost your mind? Present or not maybe she loves her dad maybe she doesn’t, either way it’s a shirt and you need to not be so ridiculously sensitive

How old are you? You’re seriously upset because she wore a shirt that says I love my dad? Seriously, get over it and grow up.

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Im sorry your relationship didnt work out due to his lack of looking out for your feelings, sometimes actually most times Men just don’t pick up on womens feelings, or are oblivious, I mean when we are agro as or upset and our men ask are you alright and we reply ‘Im fine’ well most men would think you meant literally just that. but a tshirt is a tshirt and yes i can understand that it would get to you but like I said its a tshirt and he is entitled to feel loved and have these cute little things with his daughter. Don’t try take that away from him. And because you both are not together he does not have to think of your feelings, all he has to do is think of his daughters feelings. You do not come first in his life anymore, even tho it didnt seem that way when you were together, His daughter comes first.

I personally would buy my daughter a shirt like that because I know she loves her dad. Because my child can’t read yet I would tell her what it says so she can be excited about it. Even though he’s not the father I think he should be, she still loves him unconditionally and I wouldn’t take that from her. Her happiness makes me happy.

Overreacting and grow up! Geez! As long as she wasn’t being abused by him who cares. Get a dang grip. What if it would had said "I love my grandma or grandpa"are you going act immature as well? Just my opinion.

My god pull yourself together woman. Whether he is a good dad or not at 4yrs old he will be the world To her just as you are. It’s a t-shirt. Get a grip.

Absolutely ridiculous! Not once did u say anything about how your daughter feels her daddy might of told her what it says and she might absolutely love it now what’s that got to do with yours and her relationship! Sounds really controlling! Because hes not as present as you want you think she shouldn’t wear a t shirt saying she loves her daddy wtaf! The poor kid! You and your ex obviously have issues but hes your ex he doesnt need to consider your feelings he needs to consider your daughter and what makes her happy and that’s it! If she came home wearing a t shirt saying I love daddy more then mammy yeah but an innocent t shirt for father and daughter you should be glad of the bond not picking it apart with negativity!

Ok listen. My girls father was mentally and physically abusive towards me. We split up, he passed away to drug over dose. My girls still think the world of him. They know what he has done but still love him so much and honestly it doesn’t bother me. He is apart of them. They are kids. They are gonna love who ever they want. They will love you more if you embrace it. Trust me. Go buy a shirt that says I love Mommy and Daddy!

Don’t make it a competition. For your sanity.
I say that with love because I understand and it took me a long time to not be sensitive to these things. Don’t project your insecurities and feelings to your daughter. You gotta get through that because it’s going to be an unnecessary emotional burden you don’t need to carry and your daughter will feel it too

I’m sorry you’re relationship didn’t work out with him but I think you’re definitely over reacting it’s a shirt you know who is more active and present in her life so if the shirt makes him feel better about being a lacking father then so be it :woman_shrugging:t3: be the bigger person and ignore it. I wouldn’t throw it out I would one up him and make sure she is wearing it for their next visit. At the end of the day a parent can be so :poop: and children only know that’s their dad/mom and they love them.

Yeah you’re overreacting. She loves her dad just like she loves you. It’s a shirt, get over it. I bought my son a shirt that says rad like dad. He has bought our son a Mama’s main man shirt…Me & his father may dislike one another but we both know he loves each of us equally & we would never downplay his feelings toward either of us nor would we ever speak badly about each other in front of our son, definitely not saying that u do that tho. I guess just Be happy that he bought your child clothes & did spend time with the child. Don’t be jealous or controlling over a t shirt, if you’re that butthurt over it then change her, wash it & just put it back on her when she goes back to her dad’s.

It’s a shirt get over it and for the love of god, please love your child more than you hate your ex. Be happy that she returned from the visit at all sometimes kids don’t.

You can send it back and please let this go. She needs her dad and his love as much as yours whether he is present or not.

You’re overreacting Momma. Even though he’s not present or whatever like he should be, she still loves her dad. Put your feelings aside on this one.

I think that u should process and heal whatever is still hurting from the past of that relationship.
Otherwise u will always be offended by things that probably is not even directed at u, or with the intention of hurting u​:revolving_hearts: wishing u all the best on your inward journey towards healing :two_hearts:

Buy an I love mom shirt for when she goes back :woman_shrugging::joy: either way it’s just a shirt.No one can tell you HOW to feel so I don’t think that’s wrong or invalid but in the bigger picture atleast he’s buying her a shirt and spending time with her. Many kids don’t even get that much!

You:“I’m upset because my daughter who loves her dad is wearing a shirt that says she loves her dad. One of the reasons her dad and I split is because he didn’t think about my feelings”

Your feelings: must control everything, must be all about me

That’s the vibe I got from this :roll_eyes:

Definately overreacting she doesn’t know yet how present he is or isn’t all she knows is she loves her dad. Eventually she will get the picture no need to paint it for her.

Fighting over something so small and irrelevant is going to cause a bigger situation in the future. Pick your battles wisely . Your daughter loves her dad and there is nothing wrong with it. I’m not saying your wrong for feeling like this but I’m hoping you don’t make your daughter feel bad for wearing it

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You’re definitely out of line. Just buy a shirt that says love my Mommy if you’re that upset. :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

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Is he toxic for her? Is he abusive? Is he trying his best? Teaching your children to love their other parent is not about your feelings it is about the kids. You don’t have to like him you don’t have to love him but if he’s not a bad person you should help teach your kid to love him.

Seems like you still love the guy you need to chill girl!!! He’s trying for his daughter and to be honest that’s all that matters

if u are a matured mom just understand everything…have a wide mind thinking …the child doesn’t need to be in part of your problems …Both of you parents should understand… of you cannot carry the problems of ur life …just pray and thank God for everything
surrender ur plan to him and he will give u a peace of mind and wide understandings…

-I Am a single mom my daughter haven’t meet or seen his father since she was born…i have modules…i do my chores and i sale foods just to sustained the needs of my daughter…and i just pray if im down because i know god will provides.

Inappropriate & Unfiltered Momma what is the point of asking for advise in a group if said person is going to be immensely ripped apart and judged without knowing the entire situation? Seems like a lot of cruel people in here that immediately assume and point fingers. What if it was the other way around, and he did it out of spite to hurt her? We don’t know that, yet nearly everyone here is ready to belittle and call names. Absolutely sickening and shameful to see such asinine and imbecilic behavior from parents. Makes me sad. I feel for the lady who asked this and hope she can either move passed it or talk with the father about it, one way or the other. We never know the full situation. Better to not be toxic humans and practice a bit more human decency…especially in a mom group.

Wtf?!?! Petty much?!?! My daughter has a “my dad is awesome’” shirt and I let them wear it whenever she wants

Wow. Get over yourself. A child’s relationship with their other parent has nothing to do with your feelings.

Over reaction. Yep my daughter has had several little shirts with daddy’s deer or daddy’s girl etc on it and her dad can be rather useless and thought nothing of it. She has a tank top wore the other day that says mommy’s favorite daddy’s princess. Mind you she started saying bonus dads princess. Otherwise find a shirt that says something with mommy and dress her in it next time send her so your even.

Move on…your daughter will resent you later on if you make it uncomfortable or crap talk her dad. If he ends up not being a great dad to her, she’ll figure it out later on on her own.

Every child loves their Parents no reason to be upset just send it back on next visit to her Dad’s he’s present in her life count your blessings no matter how insignificant you think they are​:heart::purple_heart: that little bit means everything to that child

You are letting YOUR BITTER FEELINGS geti the wayof you being happy that he actually spends time with her. Don’t let that ugliness take over hun. There’s kids who never see their dad because dad doesn’t care, so suck it up and let him have his moments with her also. Its HER dad, hes not yours. You may not love him but I’m sure she loves her daddy.

Let her wear it and yes…you are overreacting…of course he is going to buy her a shirt that says Love my Dad…and not mom…sister etc…yes she should wear it even with you…
regardless of whether he is as active in her life as you would like…or judging him…she loves him…it has nothing to do with your feelings or the level of her love for you.

Im going to put it this way. I have a SD9 and her mom has this same mindset and is not shy in sharing her thoughts on what she thinks of our household. As a result SD9 is confused af and has to compartmentalize her feelings. Her mom has no shame when it comes to not censoring her thoughts when she sees how SD9 dresses here vs there. And i have heard her say “mmmhhmm” and “uhuh” in a disgusted voice as SD9 is excitedly showing her new clothes to her mom. Causing her excitement to cease. Now SD9 has been picking through mine and her dads clothes lately trying to experiment with style. We let her be and pick what she likes. Her mom however does not. SD9 is highly confused about many other things when it comes to her life, since her mom and dad were never together and have been given conflicting stories about her family.

Don’t be this baby momma. Its a shirt. Have your thoughts, opinions but keep them to yourself. Don’t confuse the poor little girl because you feel some type of way towards her father. I can guarantee it’ll have detrimental effects on her mental health.

That’s her dad regardless of how present he is. Be glad he’s there when he is. Some kids don’t even get that. Plus. It’s wasted energy on your part. He will always be her dad. You will always be her mom. You chose him :woman_shrugging: you should support that she loves him.

Definitely overreacting. It’s a shirt lol. Be glad he’s buying her clothes? How many shirts and things do you have for her that say “mommas girl” or “I love mommy”. ? :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:. Get over it.

You’re overreacting. Seems you have a problem with it, as long as she’s happy then let her have her relationship with her dad. The deal with you and him has NOTHING to do with his and her relationship. Don’t be jealous

buy one that says " I love My Mom more than my Dad" :joy: You are over reacting mommy. Chill! Her Dad probably did not think of anything. Just burn the shirt if it hurts you. :kissing_heart:

my kids have clothes that say stuff about grandma and grandpa and they barley even see them lol it’s just a shirt i wouldn’t put too much thought into it

Lol…I always read these and never made a comment,but this is one is just obnoxious.

Some dads don’t see their kids AT ALL or have passed away… your upset cause he actually saw his kid and bought her a shirt??…you have some growing up to do and make sure you put your feelings aside. Because it’s not about you,it’s about your kid.
And how do you know he bought the shirt? Maybe a aunt or grandmother bought it.
I’d worry about bigger issues,this is petty af.

I understand both sides but she is his daughter and you will have a lifetime commitment with him in some way…why not let her wear the shirt? Don’t play the hurt part …buy a I love mom shirt ,I love grandpa/ grandpa or even I love my dogs shirt…it’s just a shirt

You are over reacting. It’s not his job to make you happy, you’re his ex. Why shouldn’t she wear a shirt that says she loves her dad if she truly does? Don’t go looking for problems when this clearly shouldn’t be one.

This is why kids are f***ed up because of this petty behaviour. So if she was able to read and pick out her own clothes then you’d feel she attacked you or you’d guilt her for wearing a “ I love my dad” shirt around you?. You are not her only parent. You are not more important than her dad. What are you going to say to her when she is older and says oh I’m off to the mall to get dad and his gf a present, or tells you what a great time she’s had with him, or how much she loves the gift he bought her…
Grow the f up!

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Sounds like you are a bitter baby mama! You no longer are in a relationship with the father so your feelings won’t be considered. Plus it is no longer about you what so ever. It is now about your child. I’m pretty sure the father read what the shirt said to his child. So yes you are over reacting for sure!

It’s a shirt. I definitely think you’re over reacting. Just change her shirt and send it back with her when she goes back.

Definitely overreacting, it’s a shirt. It’s not like he tattooed “I :heart: dad” on her.

The way you feel about her Dad and the way she feels about her dad is different! Yes she loves her Dad what the two of you went through is you situation not hers. Yes she loves her Dad at 4 she still thinks her Dad is the coolest! As long as she knows her Dad and Mom love her that should be all that matters. Don’t put her in the middle. Yes definitely could have been a little dig :woman_shrugging:t3: you need to be the adult and let it go. She’s 4!

You can always buy her a shirt that says I love my mom. She should love both of her parents and have great relationships with you both. It’s not always easy having a child with an ex, believe me I know.

It doesnt say “dad loves me more than mom” so what is your problem? Whether she can read or not, whether he is a good dad or not, whether you like it or not, it is WORDS ON A SHIRT, saying this little girl loves her dad. Go buy one that say she loves her mom… bejeezus yall whiny Karen’s get on my last nerve… and I really dont care if anyone disagrees with my opinion… notifications are off lol

Just completely petty jealousy …theres nothing wrong with that shirt and you as a mom should help her celebrate that love

You’re over reacting. I buy my children the same kinda shirt both mom and dad ones when we split up. It didn’t bother me none. And it shouldn’t bother u. She loves her daddy, u should just send the shirt back with her when she sees him again.

I feel like your being very petty about it. It’s a shirt. Wash it and send it back next time she goes over there.

Someone has low self-esteem or just has a desire to control every situation. Come down from your horse Barbie, it will all be okay. I’m sure she loves mommy too. Now get over it and act like a mature adult.

Omg I have to say this is the most petty post I’ve ever read
Get over it! Get over yourself! It’s a shirt you need to find something else to focus your time on other than the father of your daughter wanting to have a relationship with his daughter! Remember without his participation you wouldn’t have your little girl. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: I mean seriously still can’t believe this was a post. How to you get dressed in the mornings? Wait I bet your daughter helps you right? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Umm this sounds kind of Pity . I’m sure your daughter loves you both equally. If you buy her things that say mommy loves me etc you have no valid reason to be upset

If she loves her dad it should really be a problem. I get he’s not very present, but even if she can’t read what about her feelings. She may be little but they still have feelings, just like you do. Maybe ask her if she wants to wear the shirt after you tell her what it says. Kids have choices too

Omg you’re one messed up woman…if you’re this sensitive, I can totally see why you’re no longer in a relationship. If you have this much time to dwell on a t-shirt, I strongly suggest finding a hobby because you’re going to be single for the long haul :rofl::joy: grow up, act your age…I’m actually embarrassed for whoever posted this :woozy_face:

Dudebro it’s just a shirt. It didn’t say “my mom sucks” or “my dads better than my mom” or anything. And I’m pretty sure every kid ever has had the “I love -someone in family-“ shirts. Get out of your ego. You wouldn’t feel the same if it said “i love grandma” right?

I put my son in “I have an awesome dad” “I love my dad” “dad’s little champ” etc etc when I send him over even tho I can’t stand the guy

It could be worse. I truly understand how you’re feeling because I felt that way at first too, but in the scheme of things…is it really important?

Oh my gosh. Chill girl. I buy my kids clothes that say, “I love my dad” or “Daddy’s girl”, etc. to wear when they go to his house bc they do love their daddy and he just doesn’t think to shop for cute stuff like that. It’s not a contest. You can buy her clothes that say things about mommy too. She can love both of you.

Are you upset by the fact that he loves his daughter and he bought her a t-shirt that says she loves her dad??
Please don’t put your feelings towards him onto your innocent 4 year old.
Ya’ll aren’t together for a reason I’m assuming. Don’t ruin their relationship. Because you will regret it.

Buy her I love my mom shirt and send her on the day she visits him. If she has a shirt saying her Dad loves her it means she knows him he is in her life. It’s a proud message to have a man to call dad. Leave the personal feelings and try to make the best of the situation for your daughters sake

That is real petty. Be glad 1. Her dad gets her 2. Her dad bought (thought) of her. That’s his daughter too. STOP!!! He could send her home in nasty clothes then you can be mad. :person_facepalming:

I’m a grandparent. I used to be a bit jealous of the other sets of grandparent (3 sets!)… My grandkids would come and say…“My granny did this or that!!”… It over time occurred to me how good it was that many people (grandparents) loved my grandkids and how sad it would be if I was the only one who loved them. They will learn something different from each of us…now I relish all the stories and experiences my grandkids have with all involved. So…just be glad he is present in her life. Be glad she has a daddy to love. Be there for her if he fails her. How sad it would be if she didn’t have a daddy to love. It isn’t about you. Its about your daughter. Grow your love for her and allow her this. Cheers!!

My ex’s girfriend bought my 8 year old one and sent her home in it. But this was truly done for spite . I just got a shirt that said My Mom is Awesome and sent her with that one on. Didnt say a word. He never sent her back in the “dad” shirt again.

Um there is nothing wrong with that it is a shirt and there is nothing wrong with her wearing a shirt that says she loves her dad she should love her dad as well as loving you it isn’t a compitition this is what is wrong in today’s world

I bought my exes kids clothes that said they loved their daddy and how daddy is their hero, it’s nice to honor daddy’s too!

Yes, you are overreacting. This was definitely an over reach. Children are innocent in this. You parted ways with him, she did not.

It is simply a shirt. You don’t have to wear it on her when she’s around you. You know darn well that she loves you too.

Wow, way to treat your daughter as a possession rather than a human. You’re the adult here, it goes without saying that you KNOW you’re over reacting. Grow up.

You said she came back from her dads wearing the shirt. At least he’s trying. Some men don’t even see their kids or get clothes for their kids. All this for a poxy t shirt. You’re in way over your head.

You are 100% over reacting🤦‍♀️ me and my Daughters father dont have the best relationship. Hé was vert abusive towards me. BUT i still help my Daughter when shes doing arts and crafts for her Dad and we have fun while doing it. Hes your Daughters father common.

Yes I are absolutely over reacting, and even if for some wild reason he put it on to “hurt you” it’s a shirt change it and let her wear it when she is with him

Is this the most narcissist thing I’ve ever heard…it’s a fucking shirt and guess what? Regardless of age, yes regardless of how often he is in her life she DOES love her dad. Get over yourself smh

Kids still love their dad, doesn’t matter if you like it or not.
My youngest have seen her dad like 40 times in her life and she 5 years old.
She never lived with him, she never spend the night with him, and she still know that’s her dad and she says she loves him. Who am I to tell her otherwise.
It’s just a shirt. Get over it.
If it bothers you that much, buy one that says I love my mom that’s it.
Dad doesn’t have to care about your feelings, you’re not together he only has to look for your kid.
And if you still see a problem, ask him to spend more time with her.

She’s only 4 she don’t understand u are being very immature u want her to love her dad not hate him my dad was an absentee daddy I never got to know him it could cause her to dislike u later when she gets older resentment will be a problem

, I do not think you’re overreacting I think your feelings are hurt and that is totally justified so I say just if you feel like it don’t have her wear this shirt around you have her wear it when she goes to visit Daddy

Lawd! You’re causing problems. At some point you have to move past your feelings and grudges against your daughters father and be a co-parent! You’re sweating the small stuff.
*im struggling to believe this is an actual real question that was asked.

Whatever issue you have with your baby daddy is about you two. Do not drag your child into such a thing over a shirt.

He was not much for thinking about your feelings when you were together and I take it that’s what really bothers you. That’s one of the reasons you are not together as you said. Work thru that and let go and move forward for your sake and your daughters. Your ex knows you and maybe he was trying to push your buttons. Very childish and immature then on his part. Show him by your actions it’s no big deal by not responding to these things. Anytime he chooses to spend with his daughter she will cherish just like when she is an adult she will realize to what an awesome Mom you were because you never played games and respected the time with her Dad. Remember always when she is an adult she WILL figure out looking back anything and everything. Let her remember how awesome you were being respectful of her Dad and there time. Anything he does or does not do she will figure out on HER OWN! For your sake and hers let go of the bull shit and move on from it.

Yea… whether or not she loves her dad has no bearing on whether or not she loves you. You may want to reevaluate your priorities. You should want her to love her dad. He probably also bought the shirt cause he liked the idea of her wearing a shirt that said that. I doubt it had anything to do with you at all.

This is absolutely completely ridiculous it is a shirt, who cares what it says. Just because you stopped loving you ex doesn’t mean your child did. I am freshly divorced an my little 4 year old girl thinks her daddy hung the moon himself. Ya know what that’s okay with me an over half her closest says something about her dad an it’s fine. An lord for the sake of the child do not say anything bad about the dad in front of the child. However I think you are being a bit childish with this bs so please grow up, this is not about your feelings it’s about your child’s.

Don’t be petty, that’s her father. If she loves her dad don’t try and change the way she feels about him just because you don’t love him anymore. He doesn’t have to think about your feelings in a t-shirt that says I love my dad. He got it for his daughter, not for you to wear.

Who cares its a shirt. If you don’t like it only let her wear it when she goes with her dad.

Your daughter is 4…there’s enough love for both parents. I’m sure it wasn’t a “dig” towards you, and kids should’ve have to deal with adult problems! You had/have issues with the dad, your daughter does not

Don’t let it get to you. She doesn’t have to wear it with you. Let her wear it when she sees the Dad. She will outgrow it before you know it.

I’m not sure why you would be upset, that is her dad regardless of How much time he is present. You are definitely over reacting let it go wowwww, if you are in your feelings then go get her a shirt that says I love mom smh