I am upset my daughters dad sent her home in a shirt that said "I love my dad" and I am upset: Advice?

Have you seen the selection in the store? Half the shirts out there say daddy-something…the other half say mommy-something at that age…it was about a 50/50 chance!

Get a shirt says i love mom, and wear it every other day…

My ex has sent my 4 yr old in such shirts and I’ve sent her in shirts that say whatever on them. She picks them out and dressed herself. He’s sent me videos of him cutting them up and I still send them because as long as my child is loved and happy I don’t care.

Some of these girls are real attacking so here is my viewpoint. It is a shirt. She will grow out of it by the end of summer. She can’t read and honestly doesn’t know the difference. With that said, I get it. He isn’t obviously #1 dad and you are putting in the work. It’s hard. Don’t be upset honey. You stand up tall with your head held high. Why? Because if it is you putting in the work, she will be old enough to notice it one day. So you show her how strong you are and be unphased by it so that one day she will also be a strong independent woman. Feel your feelings, acknowledge the ick, and move on. You got this. :heart:

I can’t tell if this is a serious complaint? If so please seek help. That’s such a toxic mindset. And you need assistance in overcoming those mental obstacles. You are definitely overreacting.

You are overreacting. Who cares if she can’t read? She may want to wear it because she saw how much it pleases her when he saw her wearing it and she wants to relive those memories. Don’t make new memories of her seeing your reaction at her wearing it that ruin those memories for her. You already fired him from being a husband. If she’s happy with something he gave her and it’s not harmful to you (like a shirt saying you’re a bad person) then you have no moral place denying her that.

Side note, you wanted him to be more present, this short helps that if she likes to wear it and it gives her pleasant memories. Don’t get in the way of that. Just a thought.

Definitely overreacting it’s a shirt and it’s your daughter. Don’t make it about you or him

chill…really this is silly! he probably didnt wanna change her shirt before she left…just wash it and send it back next time she goes…its really not a big deal and you gotta learn to pick your battles fr. cause its about the kids…period…not you or your feelings honestly

Why would that upset you? It’s her dad and she loves him.

I mean its a shirt but I don’t put my son in those shirt when I have him those are the shirts I send him in :joy:

She now owns 1 more shirt. There are different ways to frame this. Learn about yourself from this trigger event.

Seek counseling, there seems to be some deep rooted control and emotional instabilities and insecurities.

Wow!! How many I love my mum clothing has your child got? Fml!

You need to save your upset feelings for more important things. This is not one of those.

There are bigger problems in the world! Don’t sweat the small stuff! I’m sure he’s done something worse to be mad about. Think hard!

What is wrong with you ? Would you rather her wear an “I hate my dad” shirt instead ?

I hated my ex-husband but that was my children’s father. It would not bother me

Stop projecting your personal issues with your ex onto your child. That’s so terrible and toxic to a little girl that just loves her dad

You’re petty. And if you continue to be petty, your child will pay the price.

Hahahha god you sound ridiculous- it’s a shirt, get over it. It’s her dad for god sake! And she will love her daddy what the hell is your problem? But controlling love, bet you wouldn’t be bothered if it said ‘love my mummy’ :see_no_evil::weary:

  1. He probably did it to get a rise out of you 2. Why would you let him and 3. It’s a shirt it’s petty move on

She can’t love her dad?


Up until this point I thought this group was pretty cool but after watching & Reading everybody’s comments it’s kind of sad how you can be little somebody for asking a simple question I don’t understand why it’s so hard for people to be nice it’s Monday morning and you never understand somebody’s mental state but for you to constantly belittle her or say rude things is just wrong just be humble people life is too short to live with negative

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It’s just a shirt. Tell her it’s her shirt to wear at her dads.

These comments are fucking atrocious. I hope OP knows her feelings are valid and it’s okay to feel irritated and frustrated with this situation.

This is just sad. I was emotionally immature once too and I was so confused and unhappy. There’s so much to say about this but long and short of it, he is her father and she loves him so when you talk bad about him or act in ways that would be hurtful you are hurting her. Love her more than you hate him!!!

A toxic mother is way worse then a absent father…

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You have got to be kidding me!! You need some serious HELP if you are upset about this because ahit is not going to be easy and far worse problems ate going to occur. If you cant handle a shirt that is completely innocent how the F will you handle teen years. Lmao. Grow up. Get some help. It’s not about you anymore and she has every right to love her dad as she does you.

It’s from children’s place. Get one that says love my mom. Or beautiful and smart like mommy.

Let’s build each other up ladies, validate each other.

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I’m having a hard time believing this is for real :grimacing:


This is a prime example of failing at co parenting. You should not have any hurt feelings over a shirt come the fuck on


:flushed::flushed::flushed::flushed::flushed:why do pol love to create themselves problems that are inexistent? I am sorry, mom, but this is childish…

This is the dumbest anonymous post I’ve read so far. If you think that’s a huge deal, I can only imagine how you handle ~real~ problems.
This is something you can literally just roll your eyes at and move on.

I really hope this is a joke. I am not trying to be mean but this is probably the silliest thing I have ever read (or at least today lol). She was with her dad…who you say she loves…and you are mad because she is wearing a shirt that says I love dad? I am trying to figure out why you are upset unless you are super controlling or you dont care about HIS feelings. Let her wear the shirt and move on

If it was done spitefully then I would put it in her drawer and when she wants to wear it let her but I wouldn’t say anything.

Get over your separation, it wasn’t the kids separation.

Don’t transfer your dislike of him onto your child. It’s a shirt, FFS.

Really? A shirt is your problem? Get a life and get a shirt that say “I love my mom more” if th a ts the way u handle things

You are overreacting
I hope you didn’t pick a fight over this because… petty
it’s just a shirt and she can’t even read it move on with your day

My ex husband and I are not always on the best of terms but my children undoubtedly love him even the times he chooses himself over them. Putting a shirt on my kids that projects their love for their father, only makes me hope he starts to see how much time he misses with them and how much they love him no matter what. I pray your heart heals and can see the good in the situation of your separation

WTF how childish some adults are… SMFH I mean really this hurt your feelings?? You have a some unresolved issue within yourself if a t shirt is causing you this kind of reaction… Yiiikes

He probably did do it to taunt you but eh im petty too so I would def buy her an I love mom shirt n send her back. Maybe it will even break the ice for you two

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You are far too sensitive sweetie! Nobody really cares about a toddlers tshirt, sorry but it’s a non issue for me

She should love you both. Send shurt back in her next visit to him. Quit quit the jealously. Co parent

Grow up. They’re more important issues to worry about.

If you’re upset about this you need counseling. There is nothing wrong with her wearing the shirt.

If this seriously upset you, i can only imagine why your marriage didn’t last.

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You can buy her one that says love my mom. Why are you letting this get to you?

This seems silly. You need to learn how to co parent better. Maybe get your own emotions in check?

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Shirt can get ‘lost in the laundry’ put aside as a ‘special shirt to save’ until time for her to visit her dad again . . . . . .

Is this a for real page or satirical? Of all the things going on this is upsetting for a human? I love my dad shirt?

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Um, it’s a shirt. You have control issues by the sounds of it. Stop wasting your time worrying and being upset about trivial things. If it won’t matter in 5 minutes, 5 hours or 5 years, let it go. Not only for your own mental benefit but your daughters. She’s entitled to a relationship with him just as much as she is with you.

It’s a freaking shirt lol omgg you got bigger things to worry about you are a mom

Probs just the cheek of it if he’s only there out of duty rather than actually wanting to be there? Don’t know your situation but I think that’s the only reason you could be annoyed!

Yes totally over reacting and should calm down and maybe send her back next time wearing it…

Does she love her dad? Stop being jealous

That’s a ridiculous thing to even think twice about…
Honestly it’s cute he went and bought her that shirt!

Is this a joke? If not pull up your big girl panties and grow up!

Definitely overreacting. If it means that much to you,just buy her some type of “Mom” shirt :woman_shrugging:. Idk,personally I really could not care less what my kids shirts say as long as its nothing inappropriate.

There comes a time when growing up is a smart thing to do.

Just because you think he could be more xyz doesn’t mean he isn’t trying and doing his best.

Is this even serious lol? This is actually pretty petty if you ask me….

At least he put her in a clean shirt, some don’t even care to do that.

Burn it​:joy::joy::joy::joy:. Seriously… don’t let that worry you. I’m super petty so I’d probably cut it up or it was mysteriously disappear :joy::joy:.
But shirts lie all the time. What’s really going on with you?

It’s just a shirt and she’s 4! I feel you are overreacting just a little.

Just loose the shirt. Waste of purchase $'s. Let it go. He is oblivious of lack of parenting skills. Not worth your time & worry.

I’d be mad if he put her in an objectifying shirt like daddy’s little princess etc. but a I love my dad short? Nah move along fam get some therapy.

It’s a shirt. You put way to much meaning behind it. And your kids father. Period.

I can’t help but Wonder if some of these posts are even real. Like, are these real situations happening because a few of them seem so trivial

She is 4. It’s a shirt. He’s her dad. What’s the problem?

Over reacting. Hands down. It’s just a shirt. My kids have things like that.

What? My kids dad buys them his favorite ball team or I’m cool like dad or whatever I buy mom stuff we all grown :joy: they ain’t naked and feed and loved pretty sure that’s all that matters

Seriously??? I had to read this post twice … go buy a “ I love my Mom” shirt and call it a day

Uhmmm sorry but you’re way over reacting and it’s a bit petty to be mad over a shirt… I don’t even pay attention to that stuff most of the time :woman_shrugging:t2: it’s a shirt and I highly doubt he had some master plan behind it… he’s a man… he prob saw the shirt thought it was cute and bought it… or someone else could of even bought it like his family and gave it to her…

The real question is why do you care?? Kids are supposed to love their parents. If this shirt upsets you than it’s time for you to go seek counseling.

Big deal, honestly knowing how much my ex thinks about anything, he probably doesn’t even know what the shirt has on it.

Choose your battles to be upset about. This is not one of them.

Its a shirt i mean cloths are cloths my kids wear shirts from different schools they dont attend lol

Its not that he “didn’t consider” your feelings in buying the shirt, because no one in their right mind buys a shirt with “I wonder how this would make _____ feel?” in mind. He didn’t think about it, because there is nothing to think about.

Keep it tucked away and keep it “special” for when she visits him. I would consider his sending it back to your home as another indication that it’s good that you aren’t subject to his antics on a daily basis anymore.

I do not understand why this would be upsetting at all…

That’s the problem! You clearly think it’s about you but it’s not stupid it’s about the child fuck your feelings

Set your feelings aside “it’s a shirt”. Wash it and put her in it on her next visit. Why allow something so little upset you.

Your childish get over your self an act like a human. So of you people who poat on here sound rediculous as hell. I dunno why yall even ask someone to share stuff like this

You have another 14 years to deal with this man. Toughen up…because there will he bigger things than a shirt.

Its just a shirt that she’ll outgrow in no time :woman_shrugging:

I get it but let it go. More important thing to tend to, no need to power struggle over this, with him or her.

Ur a rotten parent. U need to grow the hell up she is allowed to love her dad and he doesn’t need to consider ur feelings. Ppl like you cause trauma in kids so stop now if u love her u will grow up

You’re making a mountain out of a molehill.

You are overreacting its just a shirt no harm in that. I can’t even imagine other things you get mad about.

Why are you letting a shirt hurt you? Petty get over it

bro its a shirt , just get over it , sounds to me like someone wants something to be pettty over

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Wow. Some people want you to not overreact but post some over the top rude ass comments. Rude for no reason ass bitches. Sounds like he knew u well enough to know this would bother you and that’s why he done it. Even though it hurt ur feelings don’t tell him that. Feelings are valid and NOBODY (like these people) can tell u if they are right or wrong. “Feelings are valid but they are not fact” venting ur hurt here is a healthy option… If u don’t hold too much value in opinion of strangers with no relatable issues happening to them…

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Ask yourself why you’re feeling this strongly over the words on a shirt?

This is definitely not serious . How common is it for kids to have these shirts ,like what?

Absolutely overreacting over a shirt!! Their are more important things to be upset about in this world than a damn T-shirt! :woman_facepalming::roll_eyes:

What in the actual f$$$ is wrong with you?!? Regardless of what he’s done or hasn’t done that’s still her father.

My very first thought was! FFS
My second thought! This lady is petty
My third though! I wish my kids had a father.


I think we see why you guys “parted” to begin with