I am upset my daughters dad sent her home in a shirt that said "I love my dad" and I am upset: Advice?

The first question I have is, why does the shirt upset you?

Jfc. Silly. Ludicrous. Grow up. It was probably bought for her by one of his family members or something.

Does she not love her dad?

My ex does the same. It’s just a way to get under your skin. Don’t let him win :heart:

He did it for a reaction… my guess. Why give it to him !?? I’d toss the shirt out, but thats me- :laughing:

Just be glad that the father of your child shows up. Your daughter isn’t your property, and guess what… She loves her dad. I would think you’d encourage that. Maybe he would still love you if you weren’t such a psycho. #trolling

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It’s a shirt he just wants a reaction, top tip don’t let it bother you

So send her in a shirt saying “I love Mom” :rofl::joy: You’re completely over reacting as she is lucky to have both a mother & father in her life.

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Cause this is truly something to complain about into days world

I’m not trying to be rude but is this a joke?

These comments are pretty harsh in my opinion. Im sure the issue is deeper than a shirt-and as silly as it is to be mad about a shirt from the outside too many comments suggest it’s innocent-and not just another thing this man is doing to mentally abuse the mother and get into her head. On one hand, if he only sees her sometimes then i mean there are only limited opportunities to wear the shirt-but really if you cannot understand this post at all i want you to thank your lucky stars that you have never had to go through a toxic relationship/breakup with a narcissist and then coparent with one. It is obviously more than a shirt. Also…she obv is happy and supportive of her daughter loving her dad…so everyone thats like aww thats cute or saying she is jealous is funny since the daughter has no idea what the shirt says. It likely is a way for him to passive aggressively get under moms skin.

My 4 year old had a shirt that said ‘as*hole’ in shiny diamonds.

You should be happy :blush: she sounds like a loved little girl and when she goes back to her dad’s make sure she’s wearing it :ok_hand:

You are definitely overreacting. That is petty and immature on your end


You should only take it as her father bought her some new clothes


Huh? How does him buying her this shirt have anything to do with not respecting your feelings?

Her dad helped create that special little girl. Be thankful.

Advice!!! Get over it, stop being selfish and greedy and be happy she has a relationship with her dad

Idk about you but for better or worse… I want my kids to love their dad

If she loves him, you’re doing the most.

I could understand if he was abusive and she hated him. But she doesnt.

please put your energy into more important things in life

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Get her one that says “I love my Mom”. Get over it.

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Atleast your child’s other parent is in their life

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Tell me your petty without telling me your petty🤦‍♀️ fuck you should be happy he bought her a shirt who cares what it says.


Umm, this is quite petty. Would you prefer her to not love her dad?:roll_eyes:


Send her to his house with a ‘my mum is the best’ shirt. :joy::joy::crazy_face:

Get over it ! That’s her dad she loves him so what it’s a shirt!

Fabulous like my mom, it’s a shirt my daughter puts on her daughter when she goes to her dad’s

Overreacting. You’re making it about your feelings not your child.

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Baby out here having babies, you need to grow up honey


Send her back to him with an I love mom shirt :hugs:

Wow wow wow. Maybe THIS is a reason you guys split? :rofl: Pettttty. You’re upset that your daughter loves her dad and he loves her? Yikes.

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Seriously it’s just a t shirt … she’s innocent lil girl … there’s bigger things to be hurt about then a damn T shirt :roll_eyes::woman_facepalming:

I can’t :woman_facepalming:

There’s a difference in “I love my dad” & “my dad is way better than my mom” shirt

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Best advice my mom ever gave me and I still live by, Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff.

You’re overreacting. Kid loves her dad, full stop

You’re simply overreacting. Yikes.


Take a permanent marker and write and Mom on it. Send her back to his place in it! Dont forget the smiley face!:wink::grin::joy:

I think your bring very petty over this. It’s a shirt. She loves her Dad.

Guys! She said she is feeling GUILTY already for being upset…
Step back and give her support.

You’re definitely overreacting, when they were younger I would buy my kids tshirts with “I love my daddy” written on it, because they love their dad :woman_shrugging:t2:

Sorry but I think you are being petty, she is only 4 years old.

You’re reaching. The kid can’t even read.

I psychologist MIGHT help. Some therapy sessions are needed.

Please tell
Me this is a joke. Kids are supposed to love their dad

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As she should love her dad. Carry on :roll_eyes:

Uuhhh your over thinking :thinking:this shirt you even stated she loves her dad

Send her to him in a shirt that says I love my mom. :woman_shrugging:t5:

I can only laugh. Yes, yes you are!

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You can get her one that says I love mom

I would have a t-shirt made up that says
" I LOVE MOM MORE" :sweat_smile::rofl::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

The fact that your self-aware is great because your explaining your emotions

It’s a shirt. She’s 4. She’s allowed to love her dad.


Get an ‘I love my
Mom’ shirt to drop her off to him in….:roll_eyes:

Newsflash. Her world isn’t about you. It’s just a shirt. Let her love her dad. It’s the only one she gets.

Do you not want her to love him?
Please don’t be that mom. She will grow up disliking you for that.

I think you should let it go. Oh my gosh, don’t let your insecurities get to you. Your daughter loves you too

I’m gonna be very blunt. GET OVER YOURSELF!!! How you feel towards him should not be inflicted on her

Children are allowed to love both parents

Girl get over yourself and let that man raise his child the way he feels

Get your kids a mommy’s the best and send them to dad like that for the weekend

yes you are overreacting - this is about her, not you

GET OVER YOURSELF. That is her dad and she loves him. It’s a shirt. :roll_eyes:

Lmfao what? :joy: :woman_facepalming:t3: like seriously, you’re not joking? Girl it’s a shirt and that’s her dad why would you even be upset over that? My god. And what do you mean if he was a more present dad. He obviously keeps her on certain days he’s supposed to have her. Idk this just sounds so silly to me

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Buy one that says I love my mom.
Get over it

Get over it. She can lover her dad too. :open_mouth:

The fact that he bought her clothes is good :woman_shrugging::joy:

Send her to the his house with I love my mom shirt and have a laugh lol or a stained up I love dad shirt really just let him have his moment with his kid

What the actual fuck?! That’s her dad, she loves him, and of course you’re overreacting. Grow up

If you want my honest motherly opinion, you’re over reacting.

Here’s a little secret. It’s not about you and your feelings.

It’s just a shirt.just be you an don’t re act.get a shit that says I love my mom

Yes! You are overreacting!!! Not trying to be rude but you sound ridiculous.

Get her a “My Mom Rocks” T-shirt. :woman_shrugging:t2:

Buy him a shirt that says “I love my daughter.” See if he wears it :woman_shrugging:

Too sensitive, the shirt only means he loves his daughter, that’s it.

At least her buys her clothes

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Get her a I love my mom shirt

How bout shirt that says mommy’s girl

That’s kind of petty. She has his DNA too.

It’s just a tshirt :confused::woman_shrugging: if your babygirl is happy then let it go. More problems/issues in the world

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Sing like Elsa and keep smiling.

Send her with a ‘love my mum’ shirt back!

Don’t be upset. Kids will love both parents. Do you love both your parents

Just send her to him in a Nickleback shirt next time. :woman_shrugging:

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TOXIC. This woman here is why men talk bad about females and call us crazy lol these ones right here

Childish. Stop reading so deep into it that’s her dad.

Wow, there’s something wrong with you :unamused::sweat_smile: Get over yourself. I feel sorry for your 4 yr old, get some professional help :woman_shrugging:t3:

Petty. Goodness if this is a problem, everything must be turned into a battle. :-1:t3: Be kind for your daughters sake.

Um get over yourself honestly its a shirt its her dad get over it

I’m sorry, but WHAT??? :exploding_head: maybe time to reevaluate yourself and grow up!

Yes, you are over reacting. Her father had zero obligation to consider your feelings when he bought this shirt for her. And even if he had considered your feelings, there would be no reason to assume you’d be offended by this, since most parents wouldn’t be. It’s just a T-shirt, not an award having been rightfully earned by the parent it’s referencing.

Get over yourself. It’s a damn shirt. :roll_eyes: If he was trying to get a reaction, good job, you let him win. :woman_shrugging:t4:

I think it’s safe to say who left who in the relationship

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gee mom let dad have fun with his daughter

It’s not about you. If she has a relationship with her dad… which she obviously does of they visit… you’re making drama where there isn’t any. That is also a problem.


He knew what he was doing. Send her back in it. Never let him know it bothers you

So childish…it’s just a shirt. Be glad he spends time with her.

Send it back home on her next visit!

Just don’t put it on her if it bothers u that much!

In the nicest possible way… grow up :woman_facepalming:t2: