I am upset my daughters dad sent her home in a shirt that said "I love my dad" and I am upset: Advice?

Girl, you are too easily triggered.

Do she love her dad?

Ignore it. Purposely getting a reaction out of you and it worked…

I often see some of these posts and feel sorry for the kids…. Like you can’t be serious right ??? :woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2:

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OMG… she needs to grow up. This is so damn petty!!

Don’t be petty & jealous. Let her get a nasty stain on it if it bothers you that much.

I’m so sorry but you seem to be miserable for no reason.

Get her a “my mom and I laugh and talk sh!t about my absent father” shirt & send her with him wearing it :joy: #petty

send ger there with i love my mom and ask for pics during the stay

Wow. This blows my mind. Petty much? :roll_eyes:

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Wtf does her shirt have to do with your feelings? Grow up. Waahhhhhh my kid can’t love her dad when she’s at my house. Tf outta here. :point_right:t2: oh. So yeah. Wicked over reaction.


if you think it was an act of pettiness, BE PETTIER. :smiling_face:

Seriously…I have nothing to say positive here :woman_facepalming:

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Stop thinking about yourself and think about your daughter

You’re being horrible about that. That’s her father and he loves her so get over it. :tipping_hand_woman:t3:

This is petty I honestly can’t believe that’s a issue it’s her dad pathetic

It’s time to grow up momma! :woman_facepalming::woman_shrugging:

Yes you’re very much so overreacting. Who cares lol

Love isn’t meant to be earned

So you’re gonna put your daughter in the middle of your PETTINESS? WoW….SAD!

yeah girl, definitely overreacting for sure.

Just send it back next time she goes to him

Atleast he bought her clothes…

Girl, shut up. That’s my advice.

Hey at least he bought her a shirt

Is this a joke? You have issues with him, she doesn’t. Let her relationship with him be what it is. When you say more present, it sounds very bitter. He’s obviously involved which is good.


Oh my Lawd. If this is what it takes to upset you with your ex then you’re in for a rude awakening

Let her where her shirt and get over yourself

Sounds like you are trying to make this about you.

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Yes, you’re over reacting :roll_eyes: pick your battles

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Send is her a mommy’s girl shirt and let it be

Appreciate they have a dad that cares###!

Yes your over reacting grow up. :rofl::joy::roll_eyes:

Wow just wow. Please don’t have more children.

Uh, yeh. Overreacting is an understatement.

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Its really not about you, its her dad… very petty, put your feelings aside, shows your character to never let your children hate their dad, despite your past…your past was between adults not the kids… don’t drag them into your adult situations… let them realize that on their own when they are old enough to understand… its just a shirt!!

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Definitely overreacting x

Life hurts. Get a helmet. literally small crap smh

So many more important things to worry about :woman_facepalming:t2:

Shes 4 u are definitely overreacting :woman_facepalming:

I can see why you aren’t together anymore, yikes!!!

Yikes. You’re definitely overreacting. Very sad

Lol. Co-parenting in this life is gonna be super hard for you.

Let the child wear hwr6 shirt. Your kind of being petty.

Get over yourself. A child loves both their parents.


?!??!?! Don’t understand the problem.
You must be a very jealous person.

You’re still hurt from the ex :sob: move on and accept him for who he is

Girl. Be glad she loves her dad and that he bought her something. Chill out. Next time she goes on a visit send her out the door wearing it again! Seriously things could be so much worse than a fricken t shirt?

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This is petty. Its a tshirt.

Wow! What if she had a shirt that said I love my sibling,I love my grandma/ grandpa would you still feel the same way? You have resentment issues with him & that’s why you feel the way you do.
It’s a shirt.
She of course loves you & her father.
Who cares if she wears it?
Just move along & be more upset to the bigger things

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Honestly I see this as the beginning of a very toxic co dependent mother daughter relationship. She is as much his as she is yours. Having kids means getting over your childish behaviours and being an adult because you can damage her by your acting like that you can damage her father daughter relationship like that. She is going to feel like she has to protect your feelings thus hurting her and her dad in the process. Its not about you anymore sweetie. Its about her. I hope you can grow past these feelings. Not saying youre a bad mom either just calling it as I see it. I grew up with a mom like that. She poisoned me against my dad when i was a child. I never had a chance to know my dad because of her and he died. So do right by your daughter.

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I don’t understand why you would be upset about that, I have clothes for my little guys that have something about daddy on them, I dont get upset if I see that, I completely encourage it. I’m not going to teach my boys to only love one parent, just because they are not together anymore doesn’t mean they don’t love their children, just because they come home with a shirt that says I love dadyy on it is no reason to be upset… thats toxic parenting. As someone who comes from a broken home, your child needs to feel that she is loved by mommy and daddy, if mommy is getting upset when she comes home with a shirt saying she loves dadyy, that teaches her negativity toward her daddy. Just because you don’t get along with her dad or whatever the situation is there, does t mean you teach her hate against her dad. You teach her she is loved regardless. Co parent, Co exist for your daughter, stay civilized for her.

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Was the shirt clean? If so who gives a crap what it says. As long as their isn’t some giant penis or vagina on it just put on a different shirt on her.


Yes, you’re overreacting.

No wonder yall separated. Feel sorry for him

Just role with it. My adult daughters connected with their egotistical and narcissistic bio dad a few years ago and it took me a few to come to terms with it. He never paid child support to either our family or his subsequent ones he was abusive and degrading was kicked to the curb by all his relationships. As adults, what my children do is their option, not mine.

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Honestly you are so overreacting. She loves her dad and he loves her be grateful. So many mothers are raising kids that their dad have nothing to do with them. Count your blessings and move on.

Over reacting …dont let what happened between u dull the kids …

He may have given it to her because he knew it would upset you. Take a deep breath and just support the love and relationship between your child and her father. You should want nothing more than two supportive, loving parents for your child and if he ends up disappointing her she will see that for herself and see that all you did was be a supportive parent. Also, it will drive him crazy if it doesn’t get the rise out of you he expects. It’s hard, but put your feelings aside.

When you have a child, you have to set your pettiness and your own feelings aside. She may not know what it says now but if she did, how would you explain your feelings to your child? You wouldn’t. It’s a shirt. Be thankful she has a dad she gets to spend time with.

She doesn’t know him like you do or his faults. As she shouldn’t. Yes you’re overreacting, she loves her dad just like you said. And I hope you allow her to wear it whenever she wants, with dad or not. She doesn’t only love him when she’s visiting him, just as her love for you doesn’t diminish when you’re not around.

Good on you for realizing you’re being petty, nip it in the butt before your kid realizes you’re petty towards dad. It could change her feelings towards him, and especially towards you.

Don’t react that’s what he wants.

I cannot believe some of these. You wonder why BD left you or doesn’t wanna be around you. :person_facepalming:t2:

Grow up!!! You seem jealous

Sounds very emotionally immature. Get over it. You’re making something that’s for your daughter about you. Let her wear the shirt without it ruining your day. She’s literally 4.

Wait what!? She should be allowed to love her dad with you and love mum with him. Why in the world would that hurt your feelings???

She loves her dad right? Then the shirt is true. Would u not allow her to wear a shirt saying mommy’s princess or I love mommy? She’s a child and loves both of her parents. At least he’s buying her clothes and taking her. Be grateful for that mama. I don’t know the entire situation but based off the details you’ve explained I feel as though this is a big overreaction

Think you need help probs a narc if that bothers you

Get help girl, really. :pensive:

Buy a mommy’s girl shirt.

Seems like you just want control or something… seems a bit weird to me. Me and my kids dad arent together and he wasnt the best with me but is amazing with our girl. I buy stuff myself that says I love daddy for her. Im not trying to teach my daughter that we have to be enemies or something just cause we didnt work out… get over yourself :roll_eyes:

As someone who only saw their dad like five times in their lifetime, leave it alone. She is BLESSED to have a father that comes around, even if it’s every weekend. The relationship you have with her father should not eclipse the one she has with him. Your problems are just yours. Does he see her? Is he good to her? Does he help raise her? If all those are a yes, mind your own.

Wow he bought her a shirt. How dare he.

You are being very immature!

Maybe focus more on the positive things. Like he is spending time with his daughter. He bought her clothes. Including a shirt that says “I love dad” because he loves his daughter

Do you not want her to love her dad?
Maybe he did it to be a douche…but broader picture…she loves her dad. :slight_smile:

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Yes. Pick your battles and realize there’s bigger problems. Be grateful your daughter has her father in her life and be grateful a shirt is all you have to be upset about

Grow tf up. That’s my advice.

Be ok if it said mum im guessing :woman_shrugging: sounds like control issues tbh

Girl. You’re overthinking stuff. It’s just a shirt.

My goodness with all the other problems in this world and this is wat upsets you…get over yourself buy her a i love mom shirt and move on good grief

Stop it right now. Not trying to be rude but don’t do that. Lol

This is a ridiculous thing to be upset about. Just stop

Well I mean she was with him on that day. She does love her dad like you said. I mean I doubt he really even put thought into you being upset about it. Which isn’t a bad thing he’s just a man. Definitely not a big deal at all. You could even take a picture of her wearing it while you have her and send it to him to put a smile on his face. Because healthy co-parenting is so key and important. You could also get her a shirt that says “I love mom” and next time he picks her up let her wear it. I doubt he says a word. Because its simply a shirt.

Are we really with this, grow up.

That’s her dad :joy: send her wearing the shirt when she’s with him ! Your job is to foster healthy relationships …. Not create a worse or tense situation…

Girl… you are 110% overreacting

Remember if you don’t feed them they can’t eat

You have control issues and you are petty… at least you know you wrong too… what do you get out of being angry over a simple shirt??? The shirt doesn’t attack you in any way… Grow more love in your heart… I would be happy knowing my daughter likes the shirt, period… SMFH

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Really? You are overreacting a lot

There is never any room for hate, dislike O.K. but not hate

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You are overreacting. Its not about you so get over yourself. Its about her and her dad, which she loves. Stop being petty and grow up.

Overreacting. It’s just a shirt. Wash it. Put it away. Send it with her next time she goes with him. Done.
Don’t put so much energy into shit that don’t matter.

Ma’am your doing the most it’s a shirt…And you feel some type of way about it. Cause you probably don’t think he’s the best dad or whatever… But wow, let it go, and her out your feelings…

Yep I’d say you’re overeating.

your problems with the father are your personal thing and should not involve the daughter . He shows his affection for the child .Let it be . She needs good memories with her father . You need to make good memories also without fighting for affection .

When she visits her dad, put the shirt on her in the meantime put it out of sight. You can always buy a shirt that says I love my mom and put it on her when she goes to her dad’s. Get a sense of humor don’t waste your time getting mad it’ll put wrinkles in your face and you don’t want that think of a way to make yourself happy without being mean

You’re overreacting. You sound like you’re a narcissist.

You were hurt inside??? Over a shirt that he bought for his daughter saying “love my dad”?? And his “lack of thought” he put into doing that? Well guess what you’re probably right he probably doesn’t care about your feelings but he seems like he certainly cares about his daughters. Yes you should feel guilty and yes you totally are overreacting. I would be so flippin happy if my daughters dad gave her even a tiny bit of attention and bought her a shirt but my girl has gone years without and being neglected. Wow I cannot believe that this is even an issue be happy he even visits or buys her anything not all children are as lucky!:woman_facepalming:

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WoW!!! It must be hard to live in your head!!! Choose your battles, this should NOT be one of them!!! Its a shirt!! No one else has given as much thought to that shirt as you have. She loves her dad, your opinion of him should NEVER interfere with that!!! Those are your feelings and she does NOT need to know them!!! She is a child let her be a child free of adult opinions!!!

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you are way over reacting. as long as your child is happy, healthy and loved, are you really going to waste your energy over a shirt that says she loves her dad?? come on… the worst mother in the world will teach their child to hate their father. if he’s a POS dad, she’ll realize in her own time.