I am upset my daughters dad sent her home in a shirt that said "I love my dad" and I am upset: Advice?

Don’t put so much thought into it. Go get one that says I love mommy and move alone.

Yes you are overreacting. I can honestly see why he left :expressionless: you need to chill out. It’s a t shirt. Did she come home Healthy? Unharmed? Clean? Happy? Those are the things that should concern you. With this toxic mentality you are only going to hurt your daughter.

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I think you’re what’s wrong with the world. Its not about you, its about her and him.

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Smdh, grow up, if u dont like the shirt, change it/dont put her in it when shes with you. Send it back when she goes with him, you’re crying about nothing

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Just be glad there is love. Stop putting her in a position to pick who she loves more. Dad’s are important!!! Just be glad there is love :heartpulse:

You’re over reacting. Maybe he’s trying to be better? I mean why be upset over a shirt that says she loves her daddy. Be thankful her daddy wants to be in her life and do stuff with her. There are women out here that wish their kids dad wanted to be in their kids life.

Remember it’s not about you

To answer your question yes you are overreacting!!

You need help. And some real problems :grimacing:

Your feelings are valid, mama- it may feel like he’s trying to use y’all’s daughter to hurt you, but she’s still just a baby. It’s okay to feel how you feel, but the only thing that matters is your babygirl. As long as she is happy and treated well than that is all that matters :sparkling_heart:

Really?!? I would be embarrassed to even post this!

You sound like a very bitter and petulant child … Why are some women like this ffs :upside_down_face:


Why on earth does she expect better from a man who obviously didn’t consider her feelings to begin with? It’s amazing to me how many women have expectations for decent behavior from men who they know are immature and thoughtless. He didn’t respect you, you left, he didn’t suddenly get respect, consideration, or maturity from your leaving. He didn’t LEARN a lesson. He’s an adult, he isn’t changing. Wash the shirt, have her wear it when she goes back. Buy your own shirt that says I Love Mom, and move on with your life. :woman_facepalming:

Yes you are overreacting. Get a grip. :roll_eyes:

I innocently purchased a bunch of clothing for my step children, per their moms request- she wanted sweatshirts. There weren’t many options. Three choices I found. One said “dad is my hero”. I sent a total of 3 for each of the boys(all different styles but one each had one about dad and one about mom). She left the tags on the dad sweatshirts and sent them back. When I ask what the issue was she said, “oh it must have been an accident”. I sent them right back. If you NEEDED them so bad they’d be wearing them, regardless of what it said. I hate the pettiness. They are CHILDREN not pawns. Who cares what the shirt says? It wasn’t purchased to make a point that dad or mom is better. It was purchased because it was cute and options were limited. It was purchased because regardless of YOUR feelings, to that child their parents are heroes. They do not know the difference yet.

If the T-shirt bothers you that much you need to grow up.

She’s asking for advice not criticism. And you don’t know their story. And if he’s anything like my ex a low life that only sees them when he feels like it prolly did it on purpose. I can see how it would be a little aggravating but I also can see that it’s just a shirt. But it’s not my place to make fun of her or put her down. Ya’ll are rude as f**k.

So you sound like a narcissist. I don’t really like my kids dad, but they love him. Whether they can read or not, I’m not getting my panties in a twist over a shirt.

Tell us you think the entire world revolves around only YOU, without telling us…

My daughter wore her “daddy’s princess” sweater on Mother’s Day. Why? Because it was her favorite at the time. Get over it. It’s an age appropriate shirt. Not everything is done out of spite.

Wth woman , are u for real? How petty

It’s her dad and she loves him. Doesn’t matter what you think about that. If your upset about a shirt that’s says I love my dad then big surprise to you it gets worse. It’s a shirt seriously. Don’t be petty about it. Grow up. Shows your immaturity being upset about a shirt expecting him to cater to you and not have daughter wear it

Lol just let him do his thing, if he is trying to make steps to be the best dad possible to your child then okay, it doesn’t matter how he feels about you. What matters is how the child is being treated. Get over it.

Girl get over it. Let her love her daddy no matter what kind of dad he is. She’ll figure out what kinda man he is later in life ON HER OWN. You keep your feelings about him locked inside your head. It’s NOT your place to tell her he’s not a good dad. Let her wear the damn shirt.

You’re overreacting…its a shirt…your issues with your baby daddy have zero to do with your child loving their father.

Let it go. It will be too small soon anyway

You are overreacting. Do you consult with him before you buy your daughter clothes or do you just get them… took 2 of you to make her. If she loves him what is the problem.

Wow control issues much. It’s a shirt get over it. She will learn as she grows up who the problem parent really is. Stop putting your own feelings ahead of your daughter. Just as you said she loves her dad that’s all that matters. You need to grow up and get over yourself. If he is making a effort that’s all that matters. Grow up!!!

Hey she loves her dad in the more love she has in her life and if he loves her even though you don’t like the way he acts towards you no big deal. But I have all the love that she passed we can have in her life and daddies are very special to women when they get older

Ok but it’s her dad. Regardless of if he isn’t as present as you would like HE IS. And at the end of the day that’s what matters.
Him not thinking about your feelings now literally doesn’t matter (and I don’t say that to be rude but y’all aren’t together, so he isn’t obligated to think of them) me and my boys dad do a thing where he sends them in outfits and gets them back in those exact ones (we just wash them and send them home in them) if you want communicate that kind of set up with him. It makes for no one losing outfits and this won’t happen again.

Atleast he bought her a shirt :rofl::rofl:

Really? THIS is why you’re upset? It’s a SHIRT and yes you are over reacting.
Let the past go…your relationship with him is over so this isn’t about you.
Even if he is spending minimal time with her, he is spending time nonetheless. Let it go & move on

:100: over reacting… even if he’s only there one day every 6 months she still loves him even if he’s not present at all and she’s been exposed to him at any point she still loves him … guess what even if she didn’t know him she’d still love him… my daughters dad was 100 percent not present and she still loves him… this is absurd a t shirt shouldn’t hurt your feelings …

Are you kidding me? This doesn’t even deserve a response.

Are you kidding me… he probably did it because he loves her; not to piss you off. Cause she probably does love her daddy very much no matter the relationship between you too. That is very toxic behavior. I doubt he’d care if she came back in a shirt with a reference to mom. You think he’s not present and blah blah blah but he has her and buys her things. Not present in what standards to you? You’re probably scaring him off and stressing him out. Who knows what goes on behind closed doors but I feel like your making him out to sound like a bad dad to us just because the shirt made you salty for whatever reason.

If he doesn’t have her a lot it makes perfect sense she’d come home to you in a shirt like that meaning she wore it while she was with him. You are way ridiculously over reacting. If it upsets you change her outfit when she gets home omg at least he’s buying her clothes and spending time with her

Yes, you are overreacting. You are weaponizing love for your child and that is not ok.

Issa shirt - I wouldn’t stress it

Yea let it go…even if he did do it to be hurtful towards you…it’s not worth fighting about. Pick your battles

That this triggered a painful response in you, when it is not about you - pinpoints emotional wounds in yourself that need to be dealt with, because emotional wounds, if not dealt with, fester.
It matters not how good a father he is if that is what is upsetting you, the boast on the shirt was not that her father was the best father in the world, if it were then you would have a reason to be annoyed, but the shirt states that she loves her father. No matter what, good or bad, indifferent or undeserving, she will always love her father.

Wow really this is just foolish !!! Grow up !

So the kid shít herself at daycare, and they re dressed it.
I pity the care center for any other decisions they make without your Karen stamp of approval.

Get over yourself! Despite how you feel about dad she DOES love her dad.

I buy my kids shirts that say I love dad…hes still their parent.

It may hurt you but you have to ignore it and let her wear it. He is her parent just like you weather you like it or not.

This has gotta be some trolling ass shizzzz!!! You can’t be serious!!! I have all kinds of “I love my Dad, I love my mom, I love my Aunt, I love my grandma”…ect shirts…why would any of them upset me??? And clearly he is a good enough father that he takes her does what he is supposed to…you need help lady

So should he have the same feelings if yiu sent her to him a shirt that said “I love my mom”? Seriously seek help

It’s just a shirt… and she loves her dad… seems fine to me…

It’s a shirt get over it its not like it says I hate my mom …

Next time send her to his place with a “I love you mom” shirt. It’s just a shirt.

Over reacting in fact buy some that say mom… some that say dad… and just don’t look too far into it

Be happy he’s involved at all… some of the dads out there don’t give a crap even when they live in the same town😒

I just bought my 2 year old a shirt that says daddy’s princess or something because it matched the skirt. I dont get along with her dad but he loves her so… :woman_shrugging:. It’s just a shirt.

Grow up!!! I’m sure you have something more pressing to worry about…

Its a damn shirt. Grow tf up

Of course you’re overreacting he doesn’t need to worry about your feelings anymore because you aren’t together anymore.

Wash it, put it up & when she goes to her dads put it on her.

Is this for real? Sounds like someone is entitled and whiny.

It looks like you’re reaching for something to be mad about.

Overreacting BIG time. Grow up Mama it’s a shirt.

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You gotta be kidding right???

You’re so immature and definitely overreacting! Just get an I love my Mom shirt and you’ll be fine

Omg really?! Petty much🤦 Grow TF up! Smh

You are over reacting…its just a shirt

Sounds like this is muuuch deeper than an “I love dad” shirt… That’s where you need to stop and think about whyyy the fuck would you be bothered by that shirt?! You guys parted bc he was inconsiderate of your feelings - what are your feelings? Seems to me it’s about him… Not the shirt and not your daughter. I’m js there’s a deeper reason and REAL reason behind this. And you know it

Umm, get over it. It’s a shirt and your daughter has 2 parents. Seems like it’s not really a big deal.

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It’s a tshirt, it means nothing. Calm down and go relax

If he’s a shitty and not very present dad then send her in one of your outfits and hand him a plastic bag with the outfit from his house. Make sure you get your clothes back each time she comes back. And even if he intentionally put her in that, get over it?

don’t think you are overreacting cause if he is narcissistic (which my father is) then I know he sent her in that shirt on purpose. :woman_shrugging:

Definitely overreacting. Thats still her dad n you said she loves her dad. She’s gonna read those vibes off you.

I just hope you keep this crazy shit to yourself and don’t project it onto your kid as she gets older. This is ridiculous and you need to grow up. You’ll just end up pushing her to him and killing the relationship you have with her. Unhealthy and immature as hell. You have a kid, lady. And that’s her dad.

Girl sit yoself down and just be glad he’s there for his daughter at all

It’s not like he got her a shirt that says ‘I love dad more than mom’ :rofl:

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For what? You’re over reacting BIG BIG TIME
You’re jealously over get relationship with her father is very unhealthy

Get over it. He bought it SHE loves her dad doesn’t mean you have to like it but you need to accept she loves both of you!

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Be grateful hes providing clothes lol

Um you def need to go to counseling. That’s way too much

Get over it. Excuse him for buying a cute shirt. :unamused:

You need mental health help. That’s the kindest way I can put it

Whhhhyyyyyy is everything about FEELINGS!! Feelings this, feelings that!! Wahhhh my feelings!! Lord, you have some GROWING to do!!

Wtf. Let it lie. Stop complaining. Drink a coffee. Clean a house. First world problems. She does love her dad. Get over it.

You need to chill lol.

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What is wrong with people today :woman_facepalming:

u petty asf. it aint bout u. its bout ur kid. if she like it u love it ok​:wink: go and buy a shirt that says love mom on it​:joy::joy:

Calm down KaReN. He’s her dad. He loves her and she loves him.

You’re too immature to have a kid.

This is a joke right ??? You are not seriously mad about this

Why? Be glad that he spends time with her. Sheesh!

Sounds like jealousy to me

:thinking: um… yes, you are overreacting.

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Over reacting! It’s not about you or your feelings. Swallow that mess back down. You’re entitled to your feelings but keep them to yourself or talk to someone else. This is 100% about your child, your coparenting and giving her a happy life. I have two grown step kids. Both with different moms. The oldest mom is psycho, she did stuff like this but that was just to be petty. She took us to court at least one, usually more, every single year, costing over $100k in attorney bills and she never won. She did way worse psycho things down to kidnapping my stepdaughter and lost all custody. Stepdaughter 1 is now 21, has zero self confidence or self love and many more issues. The younger step kid, stepdaughter 2 had a mom that did everything right. She welcomed me into her life with open arms. My husband did the same years later when she got remarried. All 4 of us were present in her life for everything. Sat next to each other at events, she joined us for stepdaughter 2’s first concert, Hannah Montana. She lived 50/50 and there was never an issue with custody. She’s 19 now. The most well adjusted kid I’ve ever seen. When she’s home from college on breaks she splits time with her mom and here, and she does it just to do it. Nobody has ever asked or forced her to, it’s just what she’s use to.
Point of my story… Your decision, even the small ones, like this will have an everlasting effect on your daughter. You want her to grow up and be mentally and emotionally healthy, get over stuff and yourself. You want her broken, lost, self conscious and no self love, continue what you’re doing. I’m sorry if anything sounded rude or ugly, it’s not my intention at all. I had a first hand, front seat view of this… I know you don’t want to hurt your daughter that’s why I give harsh advice.

Don’t pass ur hate & anger to her

Are you serious right now? Grow up!

Sounds like someone’s not over him…

Grow up! Stop being spiteful!

Sounds like your childish to me

Grow up its a shirt.

Don’t over think it of course she loves you both … just get her a new shirt

Gurl… Gtfoh
This is crazy imo
I cant stand my ex but my daughter thinks the world of him… I buy daddy shirts for her.

Patty ass scorned ass woman
Take your own issues out on your daughter.
Not allow her to wear short that says I love daddy
What next she can’t see him because hes dating someone thats not you.
He doesnt give you something.
Grow up.
Put your child first