I am upset my daughters dad sent her home in a shirt that said "I love my dad" and I am upset: Advice?

I think the issue is that the daughter can not read and be the one to choose this shirt as her own homage to her father and thus he is self-promoting her love for him and grandstanding in an area in which he hasn’t been present enough to feel such entitlement to feel.

However, as her mother you need to nurture her love for her father, her respect for him, and their bond. Let him be the one to destroy it by not living up to what you’ve nurtured in her to have for him rather than be the one to destroy it for him.

My ex-husband kidnapped our daughter and was on the run for eight years. I would get very short and very sporadic calls every once in a blue moon, all of maybe four minutes. And of course if she could get away from her father she’d tell me how much of an asshole he is. I painfully had to nurture her respect for him not only because he is her father but also because if he decided to flip on her her health and safety would be in jeopardy. Sometimes it wasn’t too bad with my Christian upbringing and that you respect your parents no if’s and’s or buts and other times it was dreadfully painful. More time that not, it was beyond painful, it was downright agonizing but I got myself a Willowtree figurine of a daughter looking up at her father to remind me no matter how much I hate him and/or what he has done there is going to be a little girl within her (no matter her age there is still going to be that damaged child peeking out) that looks up to him as a man and as her father. It got me through some of the most difficult and painful moments and conversations. She is now twenty, and has recently granted me permission to speak truthfully of her father.

Your daughter has to be the one to see for herself that he is not the man he wants her to believe that he is. And she will. And when she does she will see that you’ve always been the one to nurture bonds and relationships and he’s always been the one to destroy them. There is no need for you to get up in arms about this. Time is going to sort it all out and he will receive his karma in full.

I went from praying to see karma enter his life to praying for karma to leave him alone. Be careful what you pray for!

You’re being ridiculous. Grow up. Why wouldn’t you want her to love her dad? She’ll love you too. Just stop being ridiculous

Overreacting yes. But you could always have printed on the back ‘ha ha only joking’ and send her wearing it next time


Super overreaction. Me and my daughters dad aren’t together and I always buy her shirts that say stuff likes daddy’s girl and I love my dad. Because even if I don’t, I know she does. And I know I wouldn’t have her without him. So it’s not really something worth wasting energy on.


Girl…that’s her father. Whether present or not stand up fall down you chose him not her.
She is innocent she doesn’t know. All she know is her daddy brought her a shirt she loves him. And she can wear it in his presence send it when she is with him and there is nothing wrong with her wearing it when she is with you.
But your feelings are yours not hers.
As long as she is happy when she is with him don’t mess it up for her because of your feelings.
Don’t be petty.

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Girl get out your feelings, regardless as of how shitty he is she will always love her dad. Be confident that you are a good mother and care for her best you know how !

he did it to upset you and it worked. Get over yourself. Of course the child loves her father. Let her.

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This is a reach… she probably does love her dad. Even if he isn’t the best or most present. I wouldn’t let this bother me


Yes you are overreacting. clearly she’s happy and loves her father. I wouldn’t waist time or energy on him.

It’s a shirt it seems like you tryna put your feeling about her father off on her like why should he consider how you would feel about a shirt you don’t have to wear an if she Indeed loves her daddy why are you so bothered by a shirt expressing her love for her father definitely overreacting an coming off controlling an miserable honestly

You’re overreacting 100% overreacting. This is petty, and salty… additionally, you and the father aren’t together anymore, so your “feelings” no longer matter to him… he shouldn’t have to cater to your emotions anymore… the clothes weren’t inappropriate, or anything like that. He may not be around as much as you want him to be, but thats on him… you are being childish, and way out of line. You need to realize that you literally do not matter to him anymore. Clearly he is buying cloths for his kid, so obviously he cares about his child and that is as far as it goes. Deal with it like an adult.

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You’re dumb. He is her Dad, and she loves him regardless of how much he is involved because that is what kids do. They live their parents. She’s 4 years old for crying out loud. Get over yourself and stop being a whiney selfish parent. It’s not about you.

Wow, you really need to get over yourself! You are lucky he’s in her life. Sounds like you are t over your break up with him, and that’s whatever but you don’t get to take it out on their relationship. You said it yourself she does indeed love her dad. Put your big girl panties on and enjoy life!

I think you’re overreacting. If you don’t like the shirt then simply don’t have her in it at your house. Send her back to him with it on & leave it at that. The important thing is that she is spending time with her dad that she does love.

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Your child’s father bought her something that was sweet and you’re upset? Is she not allowed to love her father or make displays that she loves him? It doesn’t mean she loves you any less and you’re petty for being so insecure.

Shes 5 and she probably does love her dad. She’s the innocent one here, don’t let your irrational feelings get in the way of what relationship they DO have.

I understand your resentment towards him. However she has none. She doesn’t understand the inner minglings between you and her father. It’s a shirt. She will know when she’s older who was there and who wasn’t. Embrace the shirt. Show her your the mother she should become. Put her and her love for her father before yourself. I know it is easier said than done. Even more so when the dad is a Jackhole. Much love. Give her a big hug and kiss and tell her how beautiful she looks in that shirt.

Let it go…just send it when she sees her dad. If u say anything it will appear petty and you always want to be above that when dealing with your child and her dad. Best wishes. It’s hard… I understand…

You sound immature, bitter, jealous and low key, stupid. It’s a shirt🙄.
Your daughter’s relationship with her dad has absolutely nothing to do with how you feel about him or their relationship and vice versa.
Are you still bitter that he’s not with you? Jealous because you feel that since he doesn’t do “enough” that he somehow doesn’t deserve the love she has for him?
Are you worried that her love for her dad takes away from her love of you?
And please tell me you’re not one of those moms that makes shit difficult for no damn reason them screams he doesn’t do enough because you won’t let him!!! Ee, never mind, you told me that you are without saying those words.
Grow up. Get some damn mental help as well, before your resentment of her relationship with her dad makes her resent YOU.

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So buy an I love mom shirt and get over it


Yeah you’re overreacting.

  1. It’s a shirt, not a tattoo
  2. That shirt may mean a lot to her, especially if it’s from her dad
  3. She’s 4, she’s old enough to pick out her own clothes for the day and if that shirt happens to be apart of her OOTD, you shouldn’t let your problems stop her

YOU ARE DEFINITELY OVERREACTING! My kids dad is a total POS he doesn’t call nor check on his kids at all but my kid’s still own shirts that say I love daddy because they do love their daddy and when we are at the store if they see a shirt they like I’m not gonna deny them getting it because it says daddy on it :woman_shrugging:t4: #growup

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You should perhaps look within yourself and think long and hard about the words that came out in this post. This says more about you than it will ever say about your daughters dad.

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She’s still a baby. Doesn’t matter if you care for him or not. If she’s coming home happy and clothed, be appreciative. Separate your feelings about him with your daughter. Let her decide what she thinks about him on her own and when she’s old enough. Don’t project, it’s unhealthy for everyone involved. Goodluck.

It hurts you that he thinks he’s a good dad? Your job is to be her mother and protect her but if he’s not doing anything wrong wearing a t-shirt that she doesn’t understand anyway is definitely not a big deal

Wow…I.think there is something much deeper going on than this shirt. My boys gather was not the greatest (has done a 180⁰ turn and I can’t fault him now at all but it took time) dad but I’d never get bent out of shape over I love daddy t-shirt. Whether you like it or not that’s still her father.

This is just stupid she is his daughter also and your upset over a damn shirt get over it Thats just insane you need to grow up already and be a adult

Yes, you’re overreacting. If you have a problem with a little girl loving her father just because your relationship didn’t work out, he’s not the only one with issues that need to be worked through.

My daughter and sons, dad is dead. So she is blessed to have her daddy.

She’s 4. She loves her dad. Nurture that relationship, not be bitter and jealous. Its just a shirt.

Also you loved him enough to get pregnant by him so it’s time to grow up sis

It’s a shirt…she can’t read. My daughter has a onesie that says grandma was here. We don’t even call my mom her grandma she’s called lala. I was given clothes that say things about sisters and my daughter is an only child. It is clothes. My daughter has onesies that say daddy’s little lady and her dad isnt even I her life and I still put her I it. It is clothes.

My mom was like that. And I hated it… when I would go on field trips and buy them something she would compare value and whatnot. Always compared mother’s day gifts with father day gifts… let’s just say as an adult I call my dad alot more than my mom… get over it

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:roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes: she loves her dad, grow up and move on its just a shirt, give him half custody and make him be more present

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He’s a dick. Probably part of why you two are divorced. Laugh it off the best you can. Don’t give him a hold on or in your mind and emotions. Motives will be revealed to the kids in due time. Keep your patience and be that awesome mommy they know and love.

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My kids father is a whole wife beating, take the kids around the side chick cheating, sadistic narcissist. And he always sent them over my house with “Cool Like Dad” and “Daddy’s Girl” shirts. Ignore it…it’s petty for a response. Don’t give it to him. A shirt is a shirt…be thankful he bought them something and keep it moving.

If you don’t go somewhere and
Grow up… you wanna have control and that’s obvious. That’s her
Just like
You’re her
Mother. I’m sure he wouldn’t
Be bothered by a shirt that say I love my mommy. Get over yourself

Wow…. One thing I taught my kids was if they didn’t have a relationship with their dad then I failed as a mom. We are still married but he was always a good dad and our issues didn’t define him I guess. Buy your daughter an I love mom shirt. She should only know love from both sides

What? Pick your battles. This ain’t it. I wear stupid shirts all the time and I can read lol It’s just a shirt. All she sees is love. You’re having adult personal issues about a 4 yr old wearing a shirt.

Yeah you’re overreacting grow up. There are real problems in the world. Be glad he didnt send her home with a black eye. This is petty

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Yes you’re way over reacting…hell that’s something I would buy and put on my kids because they do love their dad. He may not be your husband but both of you made her so as her mom and loving ALL of her ( which is part of him ) you should be praising him in front of her, building him up in her eyes…and yes putting a shirt on her that says “I love my dad”

I understand where your coming from but would you be as upset if it said "I love pappy " or “auntie” or anything else for thT matter I think your over reacting a tad and he probably did it ro upset you on purpose just let it go just bcuz a shirt says something doesn’t mean she loves you less or him.more at least he’s trying don’t let him get under you skin

he seems present if he picked her up and bought her a shirt? the problem is …putting your child in the middle of your negative feelings about the dad.
shes 4. she loves her dad. if hes am ass , she will find in time when shes older. in the mean time be the peace that she deserves. let it be.
its the same as putting a baby in a i love daddy or mommy onsie…the baby can’t read. 4 year old cannot .
its a shirt. take it off wash it and when she goes back to her dad put the shirt on her so he can see . do not!!! let this petty thing over power your logic of being a good mom.
she loves you and you know this!!! get her a i love mommy shirt. no biggie.

a shirt does not control anything. remember that.

hugs dear

You should want your child to love her father. Overreacting a lot on this one. There’s more important things to be upset about, not this one. Let it go

Ok…I wish I can kick that peddastool you have put yourself high up on. Like it’s clothes doesn’t matter what is on it she will soon grow out of it atleast daddy is buying her things that she needs shouldn’t matter what’s written on it. And when should you feelings ever be brought into it lmao like be thankful he is there for your daughter and spending time with her as there are alot of parents that don’t do any of this. Plus what we think of one parent shouldn’t be rub off on your child. Your child needs to grow up with the love of both parents not one that is obsessed from her own selfish needs. If it didn’t work out that’s fine but don’t play your child against the other that’s not right. Let them be kids and happy that they have both of you.

I doubt it had anything to do with YOUR feelings. It’s his. At least he got her something and didn’t ignore her. You need to grow up and let your daughter love her Dad too. It isn’t ABOUT you

Wow…you’re part of what’s wrong with families today. It’s a shirt. He’s proud of his daughter. You’re making it about you. You should be grateful that he loves her and is in her life. Jesus get over yourself.

Lmfaooo I cannot :joy::joy::joy: this has to be a joke right. Let her love her father. There’s so many kids without fathers appreciate a man who’s trying. Your personal feelings are invalid when it comes to a father with his children unless he is putting her in harms way. It’s a t shirt.

Just because you are not with him don’t mean he broke up with his daughter too, my ex actually was in your shoes at one time he RIPPED my son’s shirt only because it came from his step dad🤔

Sounds like you’re being selfish and not thinking of your kid and just yourself. It’s a shirt. It’s not the “lack of thought” on his side it’s your inability to let shit be and your petty bone working itself up.

This is why you should have to pass a psych test to have kids!


Why let your feeling’s get in the way of their relationship…
If she likes the shirt then let her wear it.
It’s not about you, grow up a bit…

You are overreacting BIG time. You need to get over it. Wow… its about your daughter not you.

Yes you’re over reacting. It’s not about you. It’s not about him it’s about your daughter. Get over yourself and your feelings

The world does not revolve around you and your petty feelings. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the shirt and the fact that your “feelings are hurt” by it make you sound like an incredibly selfish child. No wonder you’re single. Buy a “I love Mommy” shirt and get over yourself.

Idk who this chick is but she needs to grow up A LOT…def blowing it wayyyy out of proportion…I bet her kid has an “I love mommy” shirt and her dad gives no F’s about it…

Wow! Yes I will be very frank. You are over reacting. I hope you make sure she knows she can wear it proudly whenever she wants. It is so important that kids feel free to demonstrate love for both parents and don’t feel they have to hide it from one. Your issues with him are yours, do not burden the love of your life, your child, with negative adult emotions that you are saddled with.

I get it…if he is absent, shitty, or abusive it seems like a petty slap in the face. But they want to see you upset over something small so they can gaslight you. Don’t give em the satisfaction.

It’s a shirt. They make shirts that say “love my dad” “mommies mini” etc. Get tf OVER yourself, you sound bitter as hell.

I think you are immature and being ridiculous. Grow up! For your child’s sake!

You are one them bitter baby mommas huh? :rofl: the fact that this shirt “hurt” you… makes you look pitiful and pathetic.

Almost bought a “my mom is my hero” shirt for my boys…. Thought it might upset their dad so I didn’t.

You are BITTER! That’s it
There’s absolutely nothing wrong with the shirt

I can’t tell if this is serious or not. Like??? Da fuq? If a shirt that has NOTHING to do with you upsets you, you need to grow up. That’s her dad whether you like it or not.

You know normally… I don’t tend to let other people’s life upset me… but this one hit me differently. Woman you are totally overreacting! You must not know how many kids are out there just dying for their dad to acknowledge, accept, and love them… as the child spends day after day after day feeling unwanted and unloved. Yet, here you have a father who is atleast loving his child and spending time with her. You need to grow up and get over yourself! His relationship with his daughter is just that “his and hers” and father/daughter! He may be unpleasant and you may not get along with him but at the end of the day… he is her father and it is her God given rights to love him and be just as much a part of his life as she is your’s. Him being unpleasant to you has no bearings on how he is to her unless he is abusive or unloving to her… then it is an issue! I strongly dislike my children’s father but I’ve used my own money MANY times and I bought them clothing and other items that said things like “I love my dad, daddy is my hero, daddy’s little girl, strong like daddy, etc.” Because at the end of the day my personal feelings and relationship with their father should have no impact on their relationship with their father and I 100% promote and support their bond. If something so simple as this upsets you and triggers you so much then you clearly aren’t putting your child’s happiness/feelings before your own and that is very sad!! Keep this kind of non-supportive behavior up and see where that gets you… I can assure you that as your child ages she will pick up on your bad vibes and response to things and may end up resenting you. JUST BE HAPPY YOUR KIDS DAD LOVES HER AND WANTS HER!!! Please for the love of your child’s innocence don’t be petty and go buy her a shirt to send her back in like this is some type of game and you have to level up. Sending prayers for your situation and for your unhealthy views to change so you can find peace with a situation that should be making you smile.

But she does love her dad so what’s the issue.
Stop being so petty.

u sound petty please get over yourself for the sake of your child. when it comes to coparenting with ur ex u put ur kid first. it dont matter how involved he is or not. ur petty for getting upset over this

Get over it. Now that you’re not together, most don’t regard the others feelings. It’s just a shirt. Pick a different battle.

Way overacting in my opinion. It’s a shirt from her father.

Over reacting, change the shirt and put it in a bag to go back and don’t think bout it again but don’t put your feelings about her dad on her, let the kid love her daddy

Get over yourself!! It’s about your daughter who cares about what the shirt says!

All I have to say to you is this:


Like really? That’s what got you upset? I’d think if he introduced her to a woman he barely knows without consulting you would be something to get upset about but a shirt with a saying on it? Like wow. Lol

Choose your battles wisely‼️


I’m actually really embarrassed for you for even asking this question. Wtf. Don’t be a ridiculous and selfish mother. If it said I love my mom, would he be upset? :roll_eyes: Grow up. You’re a mother.

Girl it’s a shirt…IUM is really picking some really crazy ladies huh?

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Im try not to be put in fb jail. But get tf over it. Wow. Your daughter does love her dad. Am i rite? Aint got sh!t to do with you.

Overreacting for sure. As long as she’s happy that’s all you should worry about. Bigger things than a shirt to worry about that’s for sure :slightly_smiling_face:

Grow up little girl is what should be said to her in my opinion

How is that lack of thought on his part? Lmao do you buy her mom/mommy stuff? :joy:

Are you actually serious right now? Your kid cant read so they shouldn’t wear a shirt stating an actual fact of their own feelings?

Def overreacting :100: all parents get shirts that say i love my mom, dad etc! Its not serious! If you’re bothered over little stupid things like that, thats on you not him​:100::woman_shrugging:t2:


He doesn’t need to think of you. You’re not his concern . How pretentious! SMH

What is wrong with you?

She’s 4 like seriously, all this fuss about a shirt? A SHIRT? Like seriously grow up

You got some major control issues and probably need to seek help if they actually upsets you

Be thankful your kid has 2 loving homes :clap::clap::clap:


Now this rubbish is the most ridiculous shit I’ve ever read​:man_facepalming::man_facepalming: it’s mothers like you that make it so hard for us fathers, get over yourself and grow up!! I can see why he left you!!

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Is this for real? Lmao…um let the kid wear the damn shirt how immature

Omg, you are being ridiculous! Let the child love her dad!

How selfish. Let her have things from her dad. She DOES love him! Advice: GET OVER YOURSELF.

Please grow up for your child’s sake !!!

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You ever wonder if these questions are even real? Cause tons of them are super stupid.

It’s just a fucking shirt. Holy shit!!! If it makes you feel better then get her a shirt that says love my mom. Don’t be so petty.

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Girl, calm all the way down. It’s a t shirt.

Moms is DEFINITELY reading too much into it.

Send her to him in a shirt that says “I’ve got the worlds best mama”

U know him…he’s being a jerk like always! Ignore it

At least he buys her clothes :woman_shrugging:t2:

in the nicest way possible. get the fuck over yourself girl

I think this is a huge overreaction…if it’s her dad then it’s appropriate :person_shrugging: