I am upset my daughters dad sent her home in a shirt that said "I love my dad" and I am upset: Advice?

Girl pick your battles

Sounds like you’re not ready to be a parent lol immature

No harm in the shirt, let her wear it

HEAL YO’SELF GIRL! Just because yall ain’t make it work that doesnt mean the child stops loving the other parent. You’re lucky their dad even co-parents with you and sees their child, my kids’ dad doesn’t even try and tried to control when he would see his son based on how he was feeling towards me and not because his son wants to see him. Bitch get over yourself.

You sound crazy and simple minded.

It’s a shirt, lady. You’re reaching.

I think maybe your the problem after reading this…

Go smoke some weed.hunny you need it. Maybe a shot or 10

I’m glad y’all said it so I didn’t have to. :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

Grow up…very immature all upset over a t-shirt…:woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2:

Definitely overreacting. She’s 4.

What the hell!!! You have some serious issues. I feel bad for your kid.

YES YOU ARE definitely OVERREACTING. It’s a shirt get over it🙄

Really? Lmfao take him to court tell a judge that see what they say bahahahhaha

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Grow up… my god its just a shirt

This has to be a joke? She loves her dad. you’re selfish, immature and childish. Get the fuck over it. It would be a problem if he sent her home in a shirt that said “boats n hoes” :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes: what a joke

Judging by this post somebody was bored

Chill. It’s a shirt. If you’re offended by words on a shirt, you have bigger issues.

the audacity. :new_moon_with_face: like , can we be proud of the fact that he is actually present ?

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It’s her dad? Ask in Parenthood Uncensored

How do I put this nicely , please and I mean this … Shut the fuck up with this spiteful crap​:flushed::roll_eyes: sounds like he dodged a bullet :grimacing:

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let it go
that shirt isn’t about you

Pick and choose lol
Pick and choose
Of all the issues that could arise, this wouldn’t even cross my radar

Over reacting let it go

:exploding_head: yes. You are over reacting. Lmfao this is wild

Its a fuckin shirt…:roll_eyes::woman_facepalming:

Definitely over reacting…


1st world problems :roll_eyes::woman_facepalming::rofl::rofl:

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Yea your overreacting

Omg get over yourself :rofl: WOW

Seriously overreacting

Really? Go buy a I love my mum shirt if it is such a big deal

Some of these comments!

Yes you are over reacting

You have serious control issues

oops so sorry Ex, it got caught in the washer and ripped!!!,…… to shreds​:grimacing::flushed::rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl:

Wow… if that’s the worst there is to be upset over :woman_shrugging:

200% over reacting smh

You sound jealous jeeez it’s no big deal it’s a tshirt get over you’re self

Big overreaction , get over it

Off course she loves her dad

Yes you are over reacting

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Get over yourself SMH!:face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Get over it ASAP ur going to have bigger issues to deal with that in the future.

Send her back with I love mommy shirt :joy::joy::joy:

Omg !!! You have got to me fuckin kidding me :joy::joy: !!! I gotta get the fuck out of these mom groups :woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2:

What? Why is this even an issue? :roll_eyes:

This is a joke right???

He probably didn’t even think. Let it go over your head.

It’s. A. Shirt. Are you actually serious?

Massive over reaction

Ur definitely overreacting

Yes you are overreacting

You’re definitely over reacting.

Yes, it is no longer about you.

This isn’t about you

Definitely overreacting

Yes absolutely you’re overreacting

Just a shirt, I wouldn’t sweat it. :slightly_smiling_face:

You are making a big deal out of it.

You need a boyfriend

Um what the hell… thats her dad and she loves him no matter what… get over yourself :joy:

I’m sorry but it’s a damn shirt. This is a major overreaction.

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You are overreacting.

Wow, just wow. How petty🤦🏻‍♀️ I can’t even believe this.

No big deal! Shrug it off hun!

Are we serious right now?! :joy::joy::joy: LMAO

It shouldn’t be an issue.
A non starter.

Get over it and stop being so sensitive. Focus on real problems.

This is some petty, petty bs. Yeah, it isn’t about you & him anymore. It’s just about her. He’s allowed to embrace the idea that his daughter loves him & shouldn’t have to worry about your ego in the process.


Yes you’re overreacting

It’s not about you🤷🏻‍♀️

Is this for real?!? :woman_facepalming:t3:

Majorly over reaction

Omg it’s a shirt. Get over it.

Omg. Overreacting and childish af

Just toss it in the trash BOOM that’s how you fix that lol

You have bigger problems!

You’re overreacting. It’s a stupid t-shirt

Omg seriously :roll_eyes::woman_facepalming:t2:

What. In. The. Actual. Fuck!?

Wow no offense but just stop …

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What a stupid thing to be upset over! Lol nooo idea why I was following this dumb page :woman_facepalming:t2:

Get over it. Go to target and buy a shirt that says something about mom.

Well. You’re a toxic person.

Please don’t have any more kids.

Wow your being petty

Lol what?! This is a joke, right? I have no words :exploding_head:

No wonder why he left. Wtf?

This is petty, I would ignore it and move on. Bigger issues to worry about

Wtf you’re a Petty Betty!!

Yes you are love your child.

Get over it. Oh my god. You are stupid and over reacting

Its a shirt. Get over it.

now you’re being petty af

Ignore. Hes just being a jerk as usual.

It’s just a t-shirt !!

I can not with some of these posts :skull:

This is petty, youre being bitter dear