I am upset my daughters dad sent her home in a shirt that said "I love my dad" and I am upset: Advice?

Bigger things to worry about

She loves her father and you shouldn’t have a problem with a t shirt that says that! I think your acting very immature!

She is his daughter , get thru this

A therapist sounds like a good call

Grow the f*** up and stop being whiny. You sound like you’re 6 :joy::joy::joy:

Yes. You are definitely overreacting.

Yes you are overreacting.

It’s a shirt. Pick your battles. This one is petty

It’s a shirt…that’s just petty

I’ve I read this right :joy::joy::joy: control issues here

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Tell me your a liberal with out telling me your a liberal. Get off your high horse

Throw the shirt in the bbq grill, problem solved​:rofl::rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy:

This gotta be fake. :person_facepalming:

What a waste of time.

Gurrrllll tighten up

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Yikes! It’s… a t-shirt. You are overreacting 100%

That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard

People get mad over everything now

Seriously :woman_facepalming:t2: Get.Over.It. :roll_eyes:

Omg you are a complete psycho lmao get the fuc* over it

I’m actually confused, is this a troll post because Jesus Christ :joy:

Is this for real? :rofl::sob:

It’s a shirt… hun let it go. It’s really not a big deal.

Such stupid questions on here! Grow up

It’s just a t-shirt. Shrug it off.

You are overreacting.

Definitely overreacting

Signs of a narcissist

Definitely over reacting! It’s a shirt!!!

Yeah, um… I would probably delete this post. You sound ridiculous

You are a narcissist and I feel sorry for your kid

Yes you are definitely overreacting

There are much bigger problems happening in the :earth_americas:.

I’m sorry but thats just petty :woman_shrugging:

You are absolutely being ridiculous.

I’m sorry but I’m not going to put this in a nice way get over your f****** self she’s allowed to love her dad she’s allowed to love her mom she’s allowed to Love Her grandparents she’s allowed to love whoever she wants I’m sorry but she is 4 years old. I hate my kid’s dad with a burning f****** passion but if he sent my kids and shirts that I love my dad I’d be glad that he bought my kids clothes it’s just one of those things get over yourself get over it let your good be your kid I want to be a goddamn Dad if he’s putting clothes on your kids and taking care of the kid be happy some of these moms don’t even have that

Get over yourself you petty twunt.

I think “fan questions” on this page anymore are fake and just made up to bring more activity to the posts. Because this is ridiculous.

It‘s just a shirt honey.,no big deal…

Forget it. Over reaction big time.

Pick your battles! This shouldn’t be one of them. It’s just a shirt.

Definite overreaction

It’s a shirt. Get over it.

It’s a shirt. Don’t let it bother you.

I think this is ridiculous :person_facepalming::person_facepalming:

Ur a sick jealous twisted women

GET A GRIP!!! :exploding_head: these questions HAVE to be made up to just wind us all up?!

Get over yourself. Petty as hell.

Don’t worry about it

LMFAO GROWWW TF UP . its a shirt ,

Over reacting for sure

…its a shirt not a tattoo

Wait…is this a joke?

Imagine Being this jealous and insecure

Totally over reacting!

Yes you are overreacting.

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Well…this is super petty. :roll_eyes::woman_shrugging:t2:

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Lol I’m sorry but this is so stupid. Get over it. It’s a friggen shirt

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Grow up. It’s just a shirt damn

This is petty level 1000! Get over it.

Tell me your petty without telling me your petty.

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It’s :clap:t5:not :clap:t5: about :clap:t5: you!!! :roll_eyes:

It’s a shirt, there are worse things let it go.

Yes. You’re overreacting.

You are over reacting

Unfollowing this same page these posts are fukn dumb

You are overreacting, it’s just a shirt.

You’re kidding right?

:roll_eyes::flushed::grimacing: is this for real?

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Yes, you are overreacting.

Get over it. That is all.

Omg did I just read this right upset over a shirt childish

Wow is this a joke. Lol


Yes, you are overreacting.

You’re over reacting. It’s a shirt.

:woman_facepalming:t2: choose your battles wisely

Yep, you are absolutely overreacting.

Definitely over reacting.

over a shirt. SIS GROW UP PLZ do not ruin that child with your bitterness and hatefulness

Definitely overreacting.

Omg it’s an f’ing shirt!!! Get over it :woman_facepalming:t3:


Wth did I just read… You can’t be serious. Let that girl love her daddy! Get over yourself.

:woman_facepalming:t2: is a shirt. Quit being so bitter

Wow this is petty it’s just a shirt

Get the fuck over it you damn snowflake pudding cup!

Definitely overreacting!!!

Really … it’s a shirt…

This is super crazy.

You’re absolutely over reacting.

Yeah, you are overreacting big time.

bigger fish to fry :woman_shrugging:

Get over it and worry about something worth worrying about!!!

Over reacting for sure

Yes, you’re over reacting

This is a joke, right?!?


With EVERYTHING that is going on pandemic…people dying a new strain killing kids kids dying with cancer … homeless people Women in abusive situations Abortions
People out of work the US is in worse standing than EVER before and that’s ALL you have to worry about? Be thankful your kid is healthy! Do you want some Cheese to go with that WHINE? Suck it up buttercup Never have I read a more RIDICULOUS & SELFISH post on fb!

Really? This is stupid.

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Innocent hon.
Take a breath and re evaluate.

Not worth making a big deal out of it

??? Why do you have an issue?? If it bothers you SO much just get her a shirt that says I love momma.
I mean…wow!!! How petty can you get??
Sounds like you have Bitter Bitc# Syndrome!!!

You need counseling.