I am upset my daughters dad sent her home in a shirt that said "I love my dad" and I am upset: Advice?

Whattttt lol it’s a top ffs

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:joy::joy::joy: girl please stop

You are overreacting definitely

You’re definitely over reacting :woman_shrugging:

You sound like a joke :rofl:

Or maybe you split up because of things like this?:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:absolutely no big deal at all and you are upset? Lol. Now if it was a blm shirt I’d be pissed :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Completely overreacting.

Umm stop being petty :roll_eyes:

Stop being petty and get over it. :unamused:

Is this a serious question?!

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You can’t be serious

Umm… youre throwing a fit about nothing…

Yea, sorry but you are “over reacting” it’s just a shirt. Let it go.

Its a shirt. No more no less

Omg … I can’t… Smh this is so selfish

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It’s literally a shirt.

Its not a big deal, just a shirt.

Yeah very dramatic lol

see a therapist girl :joy::rofl: damn

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So…you think he bought this shirt with only you in mind?

Lmao this is a joke right ? This is what your mad about :unamused::joy: oh na

Life is short let it go !

It’s just a shirt :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Let it go
Don’t read it if it bothers you

You can not be serious

Get over yourself please ma’am

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Yes you are over reacting

Some of the questions asked on this page :skull::joy:

You are thinking WAY to much into this. It’s just a shirt.

You’re kidding, right?

You are over reacting. :100::bangbang:

Ridiculously immature post


Yes you’re overreacting

Pick you battles. This is not one…

:roll_eyes: its a shirt! :grimacing: get over it

Yes. You’re overreacting.

Yeah you’re over reacting :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

These have to be fake.

Uhm… wow loss for words

The problem is within yourself

This is just ridiculous lmao

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Your hurt on the inside over a t shirt? That’s ridiculous. :joy:
Your are overreacting.

Omg!:woman_facepalming: stop being petty :unamused: the things some of these bm get upset over geez!!!


Please tell me this is some sort of joke?

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Moron just don’t send it back and throw it away

Totally overreaching

For sure overreacting!!

This has to be a joke right

Get ahold of yourself

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Yes you are over reacting

Foolishness as far as I’m concerned, it’s a shirt.

You’re wayyyyyyy overreacting


It’s a shirt! I would worry about something else! Lol


Your childish…get over it


It’s a shirt…
Am I missing something


It’s just a shirt. If he bought it, doesn’t really matter.


Uh yeah. Big time over reacting. Like. C’mon lol


Time to grow up and realize it’s just a shirt and he is playing head games. Get her a shirt that says: I AM LOVED

Really? This is ridiculous. No matter how present her dad may be I hope she loves the time she spends with him and no matter what it’s his daughter… obviously she loves her dad and always will. It’s a shirt that says I love my dad it’s not like it’s a degrading or inappropriate shirt… this is just really childish honestly

I’m alarmed at how many women/mothers have bashed a fellow woman/mother. This obviously isn’t about the shirt. To me I see a lot of unresolved hurt. I don’t know how long you’ve been separated, but if it’s been awhile and you haven’t been able to heal on your own then seek out a therapist who can help you work thru this hurt because in the end it will spill over and negatively effect your daughter. I hope you find peace and healing :purple_heart:

Imagine if that was you biggest parenting issue :roll_eyes:

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Lol wtf. It’s a shirt. And like you said she loves her dad.:woman_shrugging:t3: I doubt the shirt was bought to hurt your feelings :unamused: sensitive much? Theres a lot more then a shirt that bothered you if this is setting you off.
I left my daughters father 3 years ago and buy her shirts that say that. His parents take care of her when she’s around and most of the time when she’s there he isn’t. He also drinks a lot and from what I’ve heard started doing drugs again. Doesn’t change that she loves him. Nor does it mean she can’t wear a shirt while she’s with me.

Sounds like someone’s hatred for this man is carrying over to the shirt :neutral_face:

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Beyond confused this is how toxic relationships between parents it’s her dad don’t be that’ll let him love her let her love him it

It’s a shirt,I bet the dad wouldn’t be on here complaining about a I love mom shirt. Which sounds petty.

Why can’t she love her dad? It sounds like you guys might have some bad blood. Don’t drag her into that crap. She’s a child and that’s toxic af. You don’t get to dictate her feelings towards her dad. Letting your own bitter feelings damage her end her relationship with him is unfair and selfish. Grow tf up lol.

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She probably does love her dad. And her mom too. You’re right, make sure she wears it the next time she’s with him. It’s not about you mom. It’s about her relationship with her dad.:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Over reaction, in my opinion. Kids love their parents. Good parents, bad parents, full time parents, part time parents. Hell, absent parents whom they desire to connect with.

It’s ok. She loves her dad and that’s awesome. She loves you too. Get her an ‘I love my mom’ shirt and wear it with her.

You’re overreacting.

Seems to me that you are upset with him for your own reasons. That shouldn’t mean your daughter can’t love her dad and wear a cute shirt about it. Just my opinion :green_heart:


You are allowed to have your feelings, be upset or down right completely pissed. DO NOT LET YOUR CHILD SEE THAT. It’s a simple shirt that your daughter may have picked out herself, is she happy? If yes then let it be. Life is way to short to be upset about a t-shirt. Co parenting is tough, I know first hand but learn your battles. Some things are not worth it in the end. Remember it’s the child that is important


IMHO, yes, you are being too sensitive and your daughter may pick up on that, which I doubt you would want to happen

One solution - have an agreement that she comes back in the clothes she went there in. Then you won’t have to deal with a situation like this is the future.


It’s just a shirt. If you’re no longer together he has no need to have regard for your feelings. It’s about the child only. Wash the shirt and have her in it when she goes to him again and if it bugs you tuck it away til then. My kids insist on keeping up some family pics and pics of dad and I not only allow it I encourage them. And we had a terrible I MEAN terrible divorce. We’ve become pretty good co parents tho.


:astonished: I can’t even begin with some of the mess thats posted on this page. :expressionless: she has clothes on. She loves both of y’all. It’s a shirt! Grow up and get over it.


People can be shitty spouses but great parents, we have to seperate the two and really help him become a loving dad over worrying about stuff between you too, maybe he just wanted her to know he loves her, it probably had nothing to do with you, and I think that’s why your feelings are upset, you aren’t together, its only ever going to be about her, its hard but its a process.


Maybe try to co parent and get along and let the bitterness towards him go. Tell him you want to see them spend more time together and don’t get upset over a shirt. Get one that says i love my mommy. She can wear hers that says i love my daddy when she goes to him. It good to have a healthy co parent relationship. It not about yall but the child.


Yes it’s ridiculous. I don’t mean to be mean babes but it doesn’t matter what he’s done to you. What matters is how he treats your daughter because SHE is the most important thing here. Not either of your feelings (something I had to learn with my ex husband as well). That’s her dad, he is allowed to have clothes like that and I’m 100% certain it was not in malice on his part to try to rub in your face that she loves her dad. She does and she’s allowed to. Your feelings literally do not matter at all and neither does his feelings as long as your daughter is safe, happy, and healthy in both homes :heart:


Imagine being so self involved that you think a shirt is a slight towards you. Grow up. Co-parent. Let him love her & her love her daddy.


She loves her dad wether he is around all the time or not. Thing parents have to realize it’s not about you it’s about your child. Put her first. Not your feelings it’s a shirt. I see a lot of growth needed. I hope it comes with time. Worry about your daughter not that man. She loves her daddy this is a good thing. Positive relationships are a good thing for your child. Don’t make her feel it’s wrong.


Very petty. I’m sure she has “I love my mommy” shirts


Get a shirt that says love my mommy or something like that. It makes sense to be annoyed but I would agree to keep that to yourself. You are the real parent and the real support for your baby. She loves you too.

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What is that saying, something about the problems in your life are 1% what happens and 99% how you react to what happens. Sometimes it’s evident why people have so much drama in their life. This is not something to pick a fight about.


Are you serious? Your issues with him are with him only. Even if his time is small and limited compared to yours. You know a child’s love for their parent(s) is unconditional. You’re overreacting.


I think you’re overreacting.

I would just send it back to his house with her next time.


I can see how that would hurt a bit inside and one would feel like the other is being inconsiderate of the others feelings. I wouldn’t take it to heart, men don’t really have to much forethought and it probably wasn’t done with any malaise intentions. I’d probably just wash it up and put it back on the little bug when she goes to her Dad’s next time :wink:


You’re… Upset… That she has a shirt, that says she loves her dad? I’m sorry, but you’re being very bitter. The problems you have with your baby daddy are not reflected upon your child. She loves her dad. You need to just get over it.


Let her love her dad and sport the shirt… if he’s a shitty dad… she’ll figure that out on her own later when she’s older… but a little kid should love both parents always until they have they’re own reasons to… and plus… it’s just a shirt… with words on it…:neutral_face:…and she can’t even read​:expressionless:


I want my children to love their dad and have a healthy relationship with him. Keep your feelings about their dad separate from how they feel about him. We all chose to have children with our exes, so at one time we saw redeeming qualities in them. Encourage and facilitate your children to love their father. Happy and healthy children come first.


Don’t be buying any shirts that say “I love my mom”. Can’t have double standards. As a divorced mom this is ridiculous to me. Don’t you have real issues to worry about? He bought her a shirt. Was the shirt clean? Let your daughter have a positive relationship with her dad. Don’t be acting immature.


This is super petty girl. If you’re getting hung up over a shirt ,I wonder how much silly shit you get on your BD about


Why should she not love her dad? You’re breaking a part of her, all children want to love both parents no matter what. I really don’t understand the bitterness when parting ways because all it does is damage the child’s self esteem and wellbeing when parents get petty. You saying she shouldn’t love her dad is telling her there’s a part of her she shouldn’t love because she came from him as well.


Honestly, he way not have thought anything about it. Or maybe your daughter picked it out that day. I would just let it go. It’s not worth the negative energy, time or thought.


OMG I cannot believe you. It is a shirt, I hope she always loves her daddy. Everything does not have to be about you and your feelings. Maybe that is why your relationship did not work.


I think the mom should look into therapy to help talk through her feelings. This isn’t about a shirt.


I deff feel like you’re overreacting a bit. Just bc you feel some type of way towards him doesn’t mean she has to.


My Goodness! This is what’s wrong with the world today and why children grow up to be a hot mess. Get it together!! Things aren’t about you they are about the child you have together! If you can’t be together as a couple then that’s okay, but stop with the BS and be the best parents you can be together. As long as she is taken care of, loved, and is being thought wrong from right. That’s all that matters.


Yes you are over reacting. It’s a T-shirt. Like you said your little girl is seeing her dad and indeed loves him. I really don’t see your issue. Don’t be bitter. If he had no involvement then she wouldn’t have gotten the T-shirt in the first place. Move on. Get her a T-shirt that says I love mummy. I bet he wouldn’t even bat an eyelid.


Whether you your relationship did not work out or not obviously he still loves her he’s still around let her have her t-shirt he’s still her dad. How would you feel if she were a t-shirt that said love Mom and he was upset about that? Pick your battles this is not a battle the more people that support and love your children the better off they are.


This is the most Ignorant thing I’ve read in a while🤦‍♀️


Sounds pretty innocent to me. Not to sound mean, but I think you may be overreacting just a little bit.