I am upset my daughters dad sent her home in a shirt that said "I love my dad" and I am upset: Advice?

That’s probably the most ignorant thing to even be upset about. The fact that he is in her life is enough bc there are kids out here whose fathers are NOT in their lives. :woman_facepalming:t2:


You need to keep your OWN feelings to yourself. Regardless she loves her dad and your feelings shouldn’t affect that.


You’re probly triggered bc he might not be a great dad…it isn’t the shirt.like u said just save it n let her wear it when she visits him.


Definitely overreacting. It’s just a shirt but of course she loves her dad, just like she loves you. Whether you’re together or not you’re both still her parents and her love for you both is the same.


You should feel lucky ur kid has a dad there’s children out here in this world that don’t have a dad like mine my daughter dad passed away a year ago so feel lucky ur child father is in her life don’t be so selfish.


You ARE over reacting. You are projecting your own feelings towards your daughters father. Stop, just stop it. Its not about you its about your kid. Grow up


Hang on… He physically had the child with him in his home. He bought the child clothes. He spent time with the child… What about that says he isnt present? You’re being petty and toxic and you will damage your child and your relationship with your child if you carry on with that kind of attitude. Be grateful for what you have. My kids dad literally hasnt so much as text messaged in 5 years. Get over yourself love


Yes. Put your feelings aside. She loves her dad, and it’s just a tshirt.


I’m highly doubting he thought of your feeling about it because that’s his daughter. Maybe she picked out the shirt. You’re feelings have nothing to do with the shirt it is you still being petty about your failed relationship. Don’t take that out on the kid or kids clothes for that matter just return it to him lol


You are. Your feelings are yours by all means regardless of age your daughter has a right to choose when old enough… Rock the shirt lil one


Just remember she does love him I’m sure he loves her and you don’t need to give into little things that they do to hurt you kids always figure out who has their best interest and who treated the other person good during it all so just be a good person

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Its just clothes girl, please dont try and teach your kids how to be hateful like this at an early age, whatever issues you and her dad have need to be seperated from her and his relationship.


Get over yourself and quit thinking its all about how you feel , like really be proud he is buying her clothing and food and taking her so many kids are missing out on that


I mean its just a shirt ,unless she’s coming home saying I only love my dad that’s different but if its just words on a shirt then I don’t see why your feelings are hurt my son has shirts that say I love my mommy or cute and smart like mommy his dad doesn’t get hurt feelings over it

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My children are grown now and I’m on to grandchildren. I was divorced and raised them with a semi- active dad. Bottom line…at least he sees her and is around. She loves him and never needs to see that something like that bugs you. Be happy she knows him, and do your best to co-parent with him. Life is too short to be stuck on something that small. Don’t sweat the small stuff


ur over reacting. atleast he is apart of her life. be grateful. its just a shirt. my daughter has those shirts but he would rather abuse me then be a father to her. be thankful she has her dad.

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I’ve sent my daughter to her dad’s in a I love my mom shirt and he didn’t care… who cares? Lucky he cares for her

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You need to get over yourself this is so petty and selfish, this is the kind of thinking that turns into parental alienation


He’s her dad and she loves him. Get out of your hurt feelings and let your daughter love her dad. And be thankful he’s there. My daughters never met her dad.

My step daughter brought home a shit that said my mom is amazing I didn’t take it personal and dads never to anything good to the eyes of a bitter mom sorry not sorry.

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We had some shirts like that donated to us so I made sure they went to dads with her.

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It’s just a shirt. My daughter has alot of shirts that say “daddy’s whatever” bc they are cute. Her father isnt around AT ALL but a cute shirt is a cute shirt.

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What’s important is that she is getting the attention and love she deserves and needs from her father it’s a good thing he is thinking to buy her stuff like this it’s very important her daddy stays in her life let him settle in and get comfortable with taking an active roll in her life.

My daughters dad isn’t present enough but she still gets excited when she sees him and calls him dad. She’s 2.
What we see and feel and what children see and feel are 2 different things. We just have to be there for our children. He probably did it to wind you up. Don’t let it get to you.


There are absent parents - parents who are abusing their children and you’re worried about what a t shirt says ‘ she loves her dad’ …

Get your priorities in check. This is so minuscule of fucks that I can honestly give.

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Feelings are always valid, so it’s okay to be upset but you have no right to act upon it. There is nothing wrong with your daughter wearing a shirt that says she loves dad. This shirt cold be very special to her and him. If you mention how It upsets you or discourage her from wearing it this can negatively impact the relationship. As a co-parent it is your job to love and protect your child, that involves encouraging a healthy and happy relationship with the other parent. No matter how hard it is on you

Let it go. It’s obvious she loves her dad and he loves her. Mother’s who are single do such terrible things to dad’s. It’s frustrating and makes me angry my son is an excellent father but his daughters mom and grandmother turned his daughter away from her dad. He’s paid his child support but missed out on her life!

…It’s a t-shirt.

Stop projecting your emotions onto your kid. Let your kid love her dad, let her talk about her dad positively.

His relationship with her has NOTHING to do with you. Period.

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Its a shirt .she loves her dad dont put your emotions in front of your daughters . She is going to do alot of things that will hurt your feelings…

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Girl, you are truly overreacting (in my opinion) If you’re bothered it by it, just don’t put her in it when she’s with you.

Please grow up because it’s not about you and you’re making it about you when nobody cares and I’m sure he didn’t do that to get under your skin.

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To be honest, it was probably given to him. That’s more of a gift type shirt. I mean , my son can read and talk, and he constantly tells me he loves me, but I wouldn’t buy a shirt that says “I love my mom” for him. But even if he did- does it REALLY matter? And if so, talk to him about you wishing he was more present. I think it is VERY mature of you to send her back in the shirt that says “I love my dad” because it’s sweet and not showing hatred toward him. I DONT think you are overreacting because you didn’t react in a malicious type of way. :heart:


you’re entitled to feel how you feel, but her father has the right to choose her clothes while she’s in his care. if you don’t like what she’s wearing when she’s returned home, simply change her when you get there. if the shirt said “i hate my mom” or “i love my dad more than my mom” then yes, i could understand feelings being hurt but this is a bit over the top, in my opinion.

It’s just a shirt and as a mom that co parents with my ex I always encourage my children to show their father love. You are entitled to your feelings but they are yours not hers. He might not meet your standards as a man or a father but in your child’s eyes that’s their other hero in their life. It sounds like you have a lot of feelings to work out if a shirt bothered you so much. Therapy has been a godsend for me.

So your feelings may be ruffled but your girl is wearing it proudly. Keep your perspective as honestly, some kids, like mine, have not seen their Dad in 15 years. Be grateful that he wants to be in her life.

Regardless of how “I” feel… My daughters relationship with her Father is of the utmost importance to me. The more I support and encourage him, the better of a Father he is. I don’t do it for him necessarily… I do it for HER. Their relationship sets a standard for my child and how she views men and her future relationships. My REACTION to her Dads BS defines ME and teaches her whats ok and what is not. She’s watching us. She’s learning a baseline for who she will be and whom and what she’ll allow in her life. I will do and go through damn near anything to ensure that she grows up as undamaged as possible. She has seen a lot in her short 6 years… But what she has witnessed is her Mom and Dad CRASH… Break up. Break down. And then the rise… She has watched us build new, happy lives apart but STILL together FOR HER in every way. Including the Super Dad shirt we bought Daddy just because… And the super delicious honey fudge they went out of their way to get for Mommy… Just because Dad knows its my favorite. We build each other up to raise her up.
Flip the script to positive thinking and reactions and see how quickly things change. :heartpulse:

It’s ok to have hurt feelings, as long as your daughter isn’t informed you’re hurt. I don’t think Children need to carry the burden of our feelings. it’s ok to not want her to wear the shirt around you, just send it back without saying anything to the ex. Nothing productive will come from expressing your feelings to him, someone you said ignored your feelings when you were together. Let this one go, there are other things that will warrant your response, but not this :slightly_smiling_face:

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Why should her wearimg a shirt that says i love my dad hurt your feelings … that seems selfish and petty . Its about how your child feels seems like you have some serious insecurities and maybe need to do some work on yourself and your emotions so it doesnt have a negative impact on your child

It’s hard when they have little to no time with their children not to feel resentful, hurt and angry. Put it in the cupboard and let her wear it when she is with him. You don’t need to let her wear it around you if it makes you feel uncomfortable.
Separation is hard even harder with little support, and no down time for yourself. Try to make some me time, you need to look after you to be able to look after them.

Give it up its not about YOU …let your daughter live


Here’s my thoughts, you have a right to feel whatever you feel. They are your feelings. But, bottom line is that this isn’t about you. Your daughter and her father have their own separate relationship.

Innocent enough…only a shirt and she loves her daddy. Not a thing to give too much thought to. But, it also may have been a sideways poke at you—still not worth over-thinking.

It’s just a shirt lol atleast he sent her home wearing something instead of nothing!! Sorry just seems kinda childish. If it bothers you that much go buy her a shirt that says I love mom but don’t make that baby feel like she can’t wear anything her father gets her or make her feel like she’s not allowed to love him. It’s his free time with her so let him enjoy it and spend money on her even if it’s a shirt you don’t like he is her parent also

Send her with a shirt that says I love my mom and don’t overreact. She’s innocent and loves you both.

Definitely over reacting! It’s a shirt saying she loves her dad… moms these days :roll_eyes:

:roll_eyes: God forbid a child love her father. Get over yourself. She will grow to form her own opinions on everyone in her life, including her father and YOU. Tread lightly, and seek some help.

Well, this is honestly contextual, something nobody knows other than your baby daddy, and perhaps you. This is a covert narcissists type of move, but its also just a shirt. Clearly you are triggered by it, so I personally lean towards an intentional covert move, but again, it could have been innocent. Regardless, you need to self-reflect to see where you are wounded so that you can move to a place emotionally and mentally where little things like this are not triggering you. Much love momma!

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Gonna sound like an ass on this, but oh well. Pull your head out of your own ass and open your eyes. It’s not about you or your feelings, it’s about your child. Your child loves her father, BE GRATEFUL. A lot of people have to do the parenting thing by theirself. You have a partner in teaching your child about the rights and wrongs of life. It’s a damn t-shirt, get over it.

I’m sure he was trying to get a rise out of you and it worked!! Don’t let him know though :slight_smile: send her back IN it next time to prove it didn’t bother you. And besides that… Everyone is right. She does love her Dad and she deserves to. My advice is for you.

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It’s just a shirt. Let it go. I’m sure she has a few I love my mom shirts. Please don’t make children choose or feel they shouldn’t express their love of the other parent.

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It seems like you need to grow up I mean just because you have some kind of feelings towards him does not mean she does that’s an innocent child that came from him and you and your trip. On your feelings nobody cares about your feelings where moms we do what’s best for our children maybe you should practice that cuz you’re acting very immature and you’re asking a very stupid question you need to get it together already that baby is innocent and if her dad buys her shirt that says I love my dad more I love my mom or I love my whatever more does not matter it’s a t-shirt what should matter is your love and respect for your child you sound bitter immature and you need to get it together

Put yourself in your kid’s shoes and make your decision. Or what if you put them in a shirt that said they loved you what would he do? Would it upset you if he decided to do whatever you’re going to do about it? I hope things get better :heart:

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Lord some of this mess on here. It’s a shirt from her dad. That says I love my dad. Seems like this is a YOU problem. And you need to get it fixed. You’re way over reacting here.

Wow yes your over thinking the shirt . She was with him so be glad he bought her a shirt even if you took it off her . I’d send her back in it :joy: when she visits him too .

I think ur point is that he probley purposely sent her home wearing that shirt. For everyone saying ur being petty i think he was petty for sending her home in that shirt. He should keep it for when she’s at his house. I’d feel some type of way if my ex did that too

There are T shirts that say " I love Mommy" too, why not get one. When my son was younger, I bought one of each for him. Don’t be hurt or offended.

Definitely over reacting. My daughters dad isn’t in her life and I still have shirts that say something about dad just in case things change for the best

Do not let your x control your feeling. It is hard sometimes nut try to control your feeling no matter what may have been his reasons for doing that

Over reacting. It’s a shirt. She loves her dad. I buy my daughter shirts that say “i love daddy” “daddy’s girl”

I sincerely hope this is a joke. Because if not, I think its lack of sympathy on your part. He’s her father and you said yourself she loved her dad. So what is the issue?

Grow up… Smh. There are wayyy bigger issues ur gonna face coparenting especially if you are this upset over something this minor. My childs dad has literally done nothing for her except show up at his family events she attends and pretends to give af. Id be delighted if he bought her a shirt regardless as to what it said…

Dont let it bother you. If it makes you feel better next time he has her send her with a shirt that says “I love mom”

She loves him. She loves you. Both her Mom and Dad love her. It’s a shirt. Your reaction to this shirt is much deeper than the shirt, obviously. What I can’t figure out is why such the strong feelings? I’m sure it’s a cute shirt and she loves wearing it. It’s no different if she wore a shirt that says she loves Mom and you sent her to her Dad’s. Do you really think he would get/be this upset over it? I think without a doubt you are overreacting. But you need to figure out why, then address it and move on. This is small compared with what you will face as the child grows up and you coparent for many years ahead. Trust me you will have much bigger issues to battle together than a t-shirt. Time to stop making mountains out of molehills.

Regardless of how you feel your child has the right to love their father.

The issues you had with him should stay between you and him… everyone can be a better parent, it’s simply a shirt if your child is happy then that’s all that matters if she loves him then she loves him

It’s a short just send her back with it, either way she’ll grow out of it soon enough and she won’t want to wear any kind of shirt like that when she’s verbal.

Why would you even think of making this an issue. Pretty petty! Your daughter loves her dad and that shoulf be the ONLY thing that matters. Your feeling towarf him mean NOTHING! I think you better step back and figure it out! If you wete to say something i would hope to hell it is not in front of your child! Grow the hell up!

You should be ever so grateful that he’s buying her clothes, and seeing her! Many parents out there dont do sh*t for their children, let alone see them. Shes allowed to love her father and any parent thats tries to minipulate the relationship between their child and other parent because of their own issues is the toxic problem!! I really hope you can keep your hate and bitterness against the father to yourself, otherwise youre really going to mess that precious child up.

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You give your power away every time you let him trigger you…

He probably did it on purpose.

You can laugh at his pettiness….

Send her with him with a mom shirt if it will make you feel better.

I found just ignoring it was much safer for my peace.

My ex had his new wife dressing our daughter identically with her and then sending me picks of the two of them posing together.

Later in life I learned from my daughter that it was forced, she hated it and would get in trouble if she did not conform to the demands to pose and smile.

How people are so sick in their soul to take such effort and lengths to try and bother one of the parents of their child is beyond my souls ability to grasp….

You can feel anyway you want about it, but that isn’t his problem. This is the beauty of not being together, y’all don’t have to care how the other feels anymore.
And yes, send her back to him in that shirt, it will probably make him smile and that is kind. But say nothing about it

Nope. If it triggers you, there’s prolly a reason. There’s absolutely no reason that can’t be her special shirt to wear on daddy days. The world will give you enough guilt. You are allowed to have feelings.

Honestly you need to learn to seperate your parental relationship with him from your personal relationship.

Get over it!!! My ex-husband, who eventually became a doctor, could afford to take the kids on ski trips, to Ireland…you get the picture. I could afford long weekends twice a year. When I told my now adult son that I was jealous of my ex taking them on great vacations and not being able to afford to buy “stuff” , he actually laughed. He thought I was the better parent, spending time doing goofy free time with them. So, “stuff” is just that. Take your daughter to the park, to a farmer’s market, have a picnic on the living room floor on a rainy day. Build a fort out of sheets thrown over the table or couch. THAT’S what she’ll remember and she’ll figure out the love bit.

Put your Big Girl panties on & get over it.
If he did this to get you going…he is winning.
So next time she sees her dad, put the shirt on her & send her on her way. . :upside_down_face::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::sunglasses:

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You’re allowed to feel however you want but in my opinion you may be overreacting a bit. It’s just a shirt and like you said she does love her dad and was just with him. There is no harm in her wearing the shirt so just let it go and do like you said and send her back in it next time she sees him. It’s about HER not about whatever may or may not have happened between you and her father so do not let her see that her showing love for her father (even if he put the shirt on her) upsets you because that will make her feel some type of way about you when she is older (just my personal experience from being a child with divorced parents who one acted angry every time I showed any type of affection to my other parent)

Personally, I think you may need some counseling. You are no longer with him, so he shouldn’t HAVE to take your feelings into consideration. It’s a shirt that is all. Maybe she picked it out… Get some help and hopefully it will get better for you. There’s seems to more going in then just a shirt…

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Yes! You’re overreacting! It’s just a shirt! The fact that he even thought about buying a shirt for her already doesn’t sound like that bad of a dad. He spends time with her. He might not be the perfect dad (who is?) But sounds like he’s trying and you need to be strong and smart to handle the situation. Never say anything bad to your daughter about her father. If He really is a bad dad she’ll realize by herself when she’s old enough!

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I would keep it and tell him it is the shirt that travels between houses. I would also go through what close you have find a pair of shorts to go with the shirt that she can wear with it and tell him they are the shorts that go back and forth that way there is something for her to say I have something from mom and dad on they both loved me when I was little and no matter there problems they put me first

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OMG. Does your daughter love her dad ? I’m guessing she does. So YES, you’re overreacting. Be grateful she has a dad who loves her, spends time with her and buys her clothes, alot of kids are not that fortunate.

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Dont let her wear it when she is with you. It’s simple. Of course she loves her dad. As you did too once. But if it upsets you just send her back with it. Its quite simple.

It’s not about you. It’s about her and her relationship with her dad.

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Sorry luv I get what u mean, but no. If he did it to get a rise out of you, he’s just succeeded. Do exactly what you said, send her back in it and say “cute shirt” cause ur daughter does love her father however present or lack there of he is.
You should always encourage them to love the other parent despite your feelings, if the child wants to resent the father in future for his evasiveness then that’s up to the child, don’t push your views on her, that’s not fair.

It’s probably just a shirt he thought was cute. Don’t overthink it, I’m sure it wasn’t an intentional blow to you.

I’ve sent my younger kids to their dad’s in a shirt that said Mommy needs a time out :laughing: its just a shirt… lol

Wash it and send her back to him in it when he has time with her. Win win. He gets her in a shirt he gave her or she picked out, she can show everyone she loves her dad when she’s with him and you don’t have to see it. It might come back to you the following trip but hey. Dealing with ex’s is hard. Don’t beat yourself up about how you feel. Your human, you have emotions. Especially if it was a tough relationship and emotionally harmful to you. Let him play his games and don’t let it show it bothers you. Self manage to keep your mental health in a good place and give her the best life. Don’t get caught up in too many of these comments, you know your past relationship and there’s a reason you feel this way. Work hard to work through it for not only your daughter but yourself. People dont see the mental abuse a spouse can inflict there are no obvious bruises. Hang in there and concentrate on your happiness without him and your daughter’s well being. You’ve got this!

I’m not understanding but what is the problem with it exactly.?It’s her dad and she’s wearing it I don’t see the problem exactly.This is about him and her.

That’s your feelings and truth about him bleeding over to your daughter. Compliment her shirt, reinforce her live of daddy, and call a therapist to show love for yourself.

I think your over reacting. Just a shirt he must have thought was cute for her. She does love her dad you say so don’t be upset about it. Send it w her every time she spends time w him. You need to make sure your daughter does not feel guilty for wearing it or for loving her dad. If she feels that way then it could turn ugly. Just hide that feeling an let them have a good relationship if possible.

Oh My Gosh!! I thought I’ve heard it all from this page…apparently not!! She loves her dad regardless of what you think or how you feel…that’s still her father. You need to get a grip on your emotions for the sake of your child…dont be one of those moms that try’s to destroy something because you think he could be better…that’s not your decision unless he’s on drugs or abusive…put your big girl panties on and let your child love her dad…smh

It’s not about you, it’s a shirt and like you had said she does love her dad.

Wow, just take the shirt off, wash it and put it back on when he next picks her up. Of course she loves her Dad, it’s nothing to do with you.

i wouldn’t worry about it, and next time she goes to dad’s put the shirt back on her

Ummm it’s just a shirt and for you to feel some type of way over a shirt is kinda childish in my opinion. She should love her dad. Her father in my opinion didn’t do anything wrong. It’s a shirt get over it! Playing childish games only hurts the kids

It’s just a shirt Chill dont put it on her if it bothers you that much send it with her when she visits him

Its a shirt. And she clearly went and spent time with him, so he’s present in some way. Ur way over reacting.

He feels guilt and that shirt makes him feel like the dad he should be.Hes trying to convince himself that he’s the greatest, but he’s not.

It’s not about you it’s about your daughter wash the shirt then when she goes back to her dad put it on her because she loves her dad too it’s just a shirt so what’s the problem?

Definitely overreacting and I’m glad this is anonymous… but if I felt like you I wouldn’t be putting it on her even when she’s with the father. There are a lot of places that take clothing donations :woman_shrugging:t5: ijs

Just send her to him in a shirt that says I Live Mommy. If he trips out, tell him he started it, and at least you’ll know he did it on purpose. Or you can grow up!

You overreacting, it’s a good thing she loves her dad. You seem jealous and insecure.

Get over it… it’s nothing to do with you. He has every right to do that. Buy her a shirt that says I love Mom. No difference. Pick your battles wisely.

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