I am upset my daughters dad sent her home in a shirt that said "I love my dad" and I am upset: Advice?

You are over reacting, stop looking for things, just stick to being the best Co parent you can be.

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You’re allowed to feel however you feel about it, don’t let your child see that tho to them it’s just a shirt they’ll outgrow and honestly he probably didn’t IL even think of it that way

Overreacting. If it bothers you that much, then just change her top when she’s with you. She’s allowed to love her daddy, and you shouldn’t make her feel otherwise - especially over petty things like a slogan on a tshirt, that HE bought her.

First of all if u stop thinking about yourself and more about your child you’d be a better parent

Oh my gosh. This little girl loves her Dad. It is only a shirt. If it upsets you so much let her wear a Love my Mom shirt the next time she goes for a visit with him.

You are :100:% over reacting. See dozens of such Tshirts Tshirts about with all sorts of slogans on
them. Don’t give your daughter a complex by reading more into a
Situation than whats there. Let her wear Daddy’s T shirt to kindy etc

This obviously didn’t go the way she wanted it too lmao mama you got some serious growing up to do.

Overreacting, yes, understand, 100%…if it were me, I’d grin and bare it……annnnnnnd NOT send the shirt back :grimacing::grimacing:

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I feel so sorry for the dad and child… :roll_eyes:

He did that on purpose. I wouldn’t cave to his silly games. Just wash it and send it back with her. He wants a reaction

Never create a wedge between them. It will only end badly. Let her make as many memories as she can.

That is absolutely ridiculous to be upset about lol. Just send her back in it next time be glad he’s spending time with her

Grow tf up it’s her dad so if she went to her dads house wearing a shirt saying I I’ve mom he should get upset lol smh how old are you?

It’s a shirt. She doesn’t have to wear it when she’s with you. I think you are ready way too much into it.

It’s a shirt. Get over it. Be glad she has an involved Father who buys her clothes!!!

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Oof…if that’s all you have to worry about be happy. :woman_shrugging:t2:


You are over reacting and her and her daddy’s relationship should be encouraged the T-shirt shouldn’t matter it’s just a T-shirt

But the woman only asked for advice for an opinion she didn’t ask for some of the comments I read people don’t join these groups to be made to feel like shit

Yes I think you’re 100% overreacting. Maybe if he was a deadbeat dad that had nothing to do with his kids, like my children’s father’s. Maybe then you’d have something to be upset about. Be thankful that he’s in their life

Is someone playing on this forum is this a legitimate question, if your feelings are hurt from a t-shirt then it’s no wonder he couldn’t address any feelings you had in the relationship because this is ridiculous FYI your version of him being a good dad is always going to be a different version than what his daughter thinks so you might as well get over it now don’t be the mother who feels their child’s head up that their father doesn’t love them enough because he’s not loving them the way you want him to that’s the problem in society we all have expectations on how things should be done not giving credit when due. I feel bad for your daughter and I feel bad for her father as for you, grow up.

Eh. My daughter went to her “dad’s” one time by herself when she was a baby and I sent a bib that said “my mom’s hotter than your mom” because it was funny :woman_shrugging:t3:

He was just expressing his fatherly pride. Wasn’t slighting you. Just relax.

Get over yourself and grow up. And send her back with him in the exact same shirt.

So tire of seeing everyone’s feelings being directly someone else’s responsibility. Grow up

It’s a shirt! She’ll out grow it! :disappointed:

Girl stop being petty and let that baby wear her shirt. Regardless of how you or anyone else feels… She loves her dad! Go get her a shirt that says I love my mom so that she can equally show off the love she has for you both. You should encourage her bond with her dad because a lot of kids in this world wish they had a dad that actually gives a shit about them.

It makes no sense to be upset!!! Get a shirt that says I love mommy. Geese

Why even be mad? Just send it back to his place next time she goes over

Let her wear it with her dad and just have her change when she’s home?

It’s a shirt, pick your battles. You can get one for her that says I love mom.

If he was the one who gave her the shirt he sounds like a real insecure turd.

Thats why he did it to get to you . ignore him burn the shirt

Change her shirt and put it away send it back tell him to keep it at he’s house

Is this really something you want to air on fb?

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Get over it. It’s not about you. These are the things couples should think about before they take the easy road and quit!!

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Overreacting. She can love her dad, you don’t have to. Let it go.

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OMG! Girl if this is a worry in your life…


Really ? Petty much ? Some mothers would be grateful the father bought clothes…your not in a relationship with him anymore


Oh good grief!!! At least he brought her home safe.

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This one is completely overreacting.


Let that baby wear her shirt if she loves her daddy. Sounds like you bitter. HEAL……

It’s an innocent shirt. I wouldn’t think anything of it.


I would like to inquire about how old you are? This is childish.

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Next time you send her to her dad only pack I love my mom clothes :joy::raised_hands:t3:

Over reacting for sure. It’s a shirt she loves her dad it’s not a big deal. She loves her mama too.

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I’d go with overreacting for $200 please lol


You are definitely overreacting!

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Let it go. Like you said she does love her father and I pray that never changes.

just send her in a shirt that says i love my mom next time

I feel same way as Tracey. Send her in a I love Mom shirt.

It made him feel better that’s all don’t let it get to you laugh it off u kno the truth

I definitely think if he’s not present the way he should be, a tshirt should not be on the list of things that effect you. You have the rest of your daughters life to deal with things worse than a tshirt. Sorry he doesn’t talk about your feelings but honestly you aren’t together for a reason. I learned that with my kids dad too. He’s a pos but he does love my kid and on occasion does try to be a dad. So I pick and chose arguments for my kid. If not I would’ve said a lot more choice words than I have by now lol

Oh for the love of God. SUCK IT UP! grow the hell up for your 4 year olds sake. :roll_eyes:

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the fact you posted this on 2 diff mom pages…get help…


She must be a child herself :roll_eyes:

Wow. I can’t imagine being so pressed over a shirt.

I cant believe I just read this… How petty is this… I have no words…

Get over it if that all you have to worry about get a life.

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Girl, It’s a SHIRT. Don’t be petty. You’re DEFINITELY overreacting.

Guh just be thankful that the man bought her a shirt at all shaaaat

If it bothers you, throw it away or send it to his house. No need for the drama.

Wow. This sounds really petty. You should let it go.

You are being too sensitive…it is a t-shirt. It’s no big deal.

All I can say if GROW UP and act like an adult. K.

I don’t see the problem. I think it’s petty

It’s just a T-shirt. You are over reacting. Your feelings don’t come into CO-parenting.

You should probably seek some kind of mental health counseling. If you’re overly upset about a child sporting a shirt that says she loves her father, there’s something very out of order that needs some attention. Unless this man was extremely abusive and violent (in which case he wouldn’t have access to the child) there’s no reason she shouldn’t love her father.
If it pisses you off so much, get an “I love my mom” shirt to send her back there in.

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If she loved her dad and he loves her, then what’s the problem? This is a YOU problem. Keep your mouth shut.


Its NOT about you lol

Its a shirt! Learn to pick and choose your battles. This wouldn’t be a big deal for me.


Its a shirt. We put babies in onesies that say cute things ALLLL the time. I honestly think you’re taking it a little too personal, she loves her dad. She loves her mom. She is a child and whatever petty, personal things yall got between you two, don’t matter to her.

It sounds like you are still grieving the loss of your relationship, even if you understand why it was best to call it quits. Without knowing him personally, its hard for us to judge fairly. If he had a history of being manipulative and did things to hurt you or make you feel inferior then I’d say yes, you have a right to be upset, however if he is able to upset you this easily I really suggest therapy, not because you are ‘crazy’, but because you need guidance in how to be able to coparent and cope with someone you are highly sensitive toward. Your daughter does love her Dad, no matter what you two are feeling. I would just wash the shirt and have her wearing it or in her overnight bag for the next time she visits him. Best of luck.

Stop projecting your feelings onto an innocent child!

Obviously he done it on purpose. He knew you wouldn’t like it. And he is winning :see_no_evil: your daughter can’t read. So who cares. Next time you send her with t shirt. Mummy’s girl​:two_hearts:

Oh honey he’s not going to care, I worked up until delivery with my son, his father sat on his ass. When baby was born his family had things that said I love my dad and daddy’s guy and just bulshit that made me so angry! But they don’t see all the things you put up with. Just look the other way, it’s just a shirt, she’ll look back at photos and go “mom why am I wearing that horrible shirt my dad sucks” if that’s the case. Lmao you won’t need to lift a finger when it comes to who will shine in her eyes. They aren’t stupid.

I think I’m one of the few people who never bought my kids a shirt that said “love my Mommy” or “Daddy’s Princess”. I just never really cared for that sort of thing. But you could always send her back in a shirt that says “my mom’s the shit”. (Totally kidding, please don’t do this)

Get over yourself. He is just as much her parent as you are. You two are supposed to work TOGETHER to get her raised regardless of your feelings toward one another.

LOL. I sent my kid in a “Mom’s the boss” shirt… just keeping it real…

But yes… you are being petty and sound like you aren’t over him.

If this is how you react over something this silly and stupid I can only imagine how you react to big things. Your reaction is foolish; and it speaks volumes about how childish, immature, and bitter you are. If he is shit she will see that, but if he isn’t shit to her, and you push stupid shit like this, then she will resent you. Grow up and let it go before she ends up hating you both.

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Try to remember that your daughter is half him and he obviously got the shirt for her so maybe he’s trying :woman_shrugging: I’d be happy she got a new shirt that I didn’t have to buy

You are definitely overreacting… just because you guys didn’t work out doesn’t mean he doesn’t love his daughter… pretty sure you have I love mommy shirts for her as well.

i went to pick up my son and he was wearing a shirt saying daddy little wing men like its just a shirt get over it :joy:

I feel like it’s a shirt. She’s 4. Move on. There’s going to be tons of other things you’ll be mad about later.

If you’re hurt by words on a shirt, i think therapy is in order

I’m really struggling to say some thing constructive here because it’s so ridiculous so I’m going to leave it at that

Your daughter loves her dad no matter what kind of dad he is, get over that. She will always love him as much as she loves you.

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Novel Warning If he’s a deadbeat dad, as in, he only comes around when it’s convenient for him and isn’t consistently and reliably in her life, then your feelings are justified. However…it’s a shirt. 1) she can’t read and 2) it’s a shirt. She will know as she gets older who was REALLY there for her and if he IS a deadbeat, please drill it into that baby’s heart that it is NOT her fault he was not present but rather his. If he’s a decent guy and most importantly a decent dad (not saying he has to be super dad but an okay one and loves her) then, yes, you’re overreacting because again. It’s. A. Shirt. Be grateful that that’s the biggest issue you have with his parenting!! Trust me, there are many, many mothers out there forced to deal with coparents or sperm donors who are absolutely awful dads and still get to have custody of their child(ren). I’m going to make a presumption because you didn’t give a whole lot of information that he’s an okay-ish Dad since he has regular contact and she loves him. The father-daughter relationship is super important. My husband passed away and I’d give anything for my baby girl to have her daddy back. If he were alive and for whatever reason we split, I’d still want him in her life because he was an amazing dad. Don’t take that from her if he is not toxic and good for her in general. Of course, no parents are perfect. That being said, there are some pretty bad parents that do get contact and visitation. It’s an awful shame the people these courts approve to be in these kids’ lives. To me, blood SHOULD be absolutely second, and what should come first is the stability and safety of the individual insofar as custody and contact go. Sadly, courts are a circus and very hit-and-miss in their judgments. Sometimes, they make the best decision in the interest of the child. Oftentimes, it’s pretty skewed or messed up. If he’s not the best dad in YOUR eyes, try to think objectively. Is he an important person to your daughter? Does he love her and see her regularly, is he a safe and stable presence in her life? If the answer is yes, send the shirt back with her next time she goes and ask him to keep it there if you dislike it that much. Problem solved. If the answer is no and he’s NOT safe or stable, then you need to file a motion to amend custody. Document everything and do what you need to do. But my instinct tells me this is more of a personal issue between you and your ex than him being an incompetent or bad father. Remember, your feelings and resentments are not important. when it comes to his relationship with your daughter. If he is a good dad, she loves him and he loves her, she deserves to have that relationship. What SHE needs and wants is more important than a petty annoyance like a shirt on a 4 year old who can’t even read it. You need to take a step back and look at yourself as a parent. Your kids have to ALWAYS come first. If he were disrespecting you as a mother, that would be different. But this is about him and his daughter. Even if it was a jab at you, rise above it for her sake. Be the bigger person and example. If you don’t give him a reaction, he will be forced to ignore it too and a lot of times, if you don’t react, they will stop hassling you. If he is not a good person nor a safe father, protect your child and get in court. While it is an important bond especially for girls, it is more important for your child to be safe and protected. Many kids grow up without one of their parents and are very successful and confident. Best of luck Mama.

If you dont like the short just let her use it as play clothes. No harm in getting it for her. Get her a shirt that says i lpve my mom

You’re overreacting and trying to make a problem out of nothing.

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Be happy she loves her sad and dad loves her. Some kids don’t have a dad. My advice stop being petty

Definitely over reacting.
How petty :woman_facepalming:t2: it’s a t-shirt. Get over it :joy:
I’m not with my baby daddy and I have clothes for my daughter that says “my daddy is the best”, “I love my daddy”.
Honestly don’t be so sensitive.

Wow. That is super petty IMO. Be glad he takes her and buys her clothes!

Omg… Get over it… Ya you can feel some kinda way… But thats his child also… Be thankful he is there…

Totally yes you’re over reacting

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Wow its a shirt grow up wow

Wow. Was she neat and clean?

I think you need to grow up.

No wonder he divorced you

Sounds like you have some issues to work on inside yourself. There’s nothing wrong with a daughter loving her father, that’s what you want. I suggest therapy.


Really, you shouldn’t care. Send her to his house with one that says I love my Mommy!

sounds like you have single mommy syndrom. u are the definition of a mom that used the kid as a pawn with the dad an i dont even know u to know that lol a child supoort momma.
this is the dumbest thing ill read all day. grow up