I am upset my daughters dad sent her home in a shirt that said "I love my dad" and I am upset: Advice?

I can’t not with these people it’s dumb stop over reacting get over it and move on!


This is soo petty, but since I’m a petty person too,I’d send her back next time with a shirt that said I love Mom the most!:heart:


Grow up! Would it hurt your feelings if it said I love my Nana


Does she not love her dad?


Yeah you’re overreacting. Mine is 13 and hasn’t seen her sperm donor at all since she was a month old. I’d love for him to have been in her life long enough to buy her a shirt of any kind.

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First off, yall are rude af. She asked a legitimate question in her mind. There is no reason to be so rude and say such ugly things.
Thought this was a group to support moms. Guess i was wrong. I would hate for yall to ask a question you truly were concerned over and have people be this rude to yall.

You absolutely should feel guilty for feeling any sort of way because she’s wearing a shirt that says i love dad…just because you don’t love him don’t mean his daughter can’t…if this is such a problem…he’s probably lucky to be separated


I’m not being mean, but, now you are no longer together he doesn’t need to or have to consider your feelings. Please bear in mind the impression you are setting for your child. Regardless of whether she can read or not, what is so wrong in her wearing a T-shirt saying she loves her daddy? Would he mind if you did the same? She is allowed to love both parents whether they are together or not. I think you are being a little over sensitive to this.


You need to check yourself. You are being petty. He is her dad. She loves her dad. He is obviously involved in her life. Be thankful and let her wear the damn shirt.

Your pathetic and Ridiculous


It’s just a shirt, you’re being petty.


Definitely overreacting


And besides if you really wanted all you had to do was leave a note saying that she can keep some clothes there and that shirt being one of them

This isn’t a real question right? Lol hell, I BUY shirts that say “dad’s twin” or “I love my daddy” or “I’m cuter than dad”.
This has got to be a joke! I also bought a shirt (pic below-not my kid, just the outfit I ordered) and sent him to dad’s in it and was complimented because he loves tupac. It’s BOTH our kid. Our baby is allowed to love BOTH. It’s probably not any " hit" on you at alllllll.


If she came home in a “I love Mom” shirt how would you feel? Kids shirts usually say something about a parent, a relative, an animal, etc. Marketing sells…there are so many other things in the world to worry about. Is she fed, loved, clean, etc? If so, move on. More than likely, the shirt was purchased by someone else and thrown on to make sure the child was clean when they were brought home, nothing more. :upside_down_face:


He’s ‘dad’, even if he’s a shit one, and will buy clothes that say so. Just take it off of her when she comes home and stash it away. Throw it away if you must or just put it on her when she goes to dads. Doesn’t matter in the long run, it’s just a shirt. She’ll learn once she’s older whether he’s worth loving or not.

Definitely over dramatic

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Buy him a shirt that says “I love my daughter.” And see if he wears it. Lol :woman_shrugging:

I am sorry to be blunt but seriously you have to deal with your insecurity and get over yourself. My daughter had a shirt like that when she was younger and it made me happy to see her wear it proudly. I was glad that she wore it. She loves her dad my ex.
Please don’t ruin this for her out of your selfishness

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Petty Spaghetti. Let her wear the shirt.

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You should always encourage your kid to love their father… I know it can give you some deep feels when you’re still hurting about the past… but ultimately, that small act WAS an attempt on his part to be present.


How sad does someone have to be lmao you realise he’s her father as well as you’re her mother the poor child is gonna be so messed up growing up with your selfishness and bitterness, some people don’t deserve kids


Wowwwww you’re serious?


Whatever kind of dad he is has nothing to do with her. All she knows is that she loves her mom and she loves her dad. He must not be that bad or else you wouldn’t let her go over his place. Geez🥴

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Geez :joy::rofl: be thankful he sent your child back with clothes and cleaned who cares what it says!!! At least he is present at all some dads are too sick to even be there


After divorce, it’s not about you, it’s about the child. Get over yourself.


Wow. Definitely over reacting!

Girl if you don’t shut tf up and get out your feelings, that’s just petty shit let it go and move on

Don’t let it get to you for the child’s sake.

I think it’s a mom thing. It’s natural to feel a pang of something when we see our kids talk about the other parent, especially if there’s been a break up/separation. I’m sure the dad felt pride by her wearing it.

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You need to grow up. Regardless of how you feel, thats still her dad.


Lol this is ridiculous. She has a dad she loves and has a shirt that says it. Why are you acting so childish about this. SUPER PETTY. Your feelings have nothing to do with their love. Sorry :woman_facepalming::woman_shrugging:


Get one that says “I love my mom” for her to wear…

If she loves her dad I see no harm. I think this feeling is all on you. But send the shirt with her so he can be if it from it as well as your daughter.

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This is ridiculous. Does she love her Dad??? If so then that’s what matters. It’s not like he wanted you to wear a shirt saying you loved him. Lol. Come on! Childish as you can get. Would you let her wear a shirt that says I love my Mom!!! Probably so! :roll_eyes:

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This lady’s got way more issues than her daughter wearing a shirt!


Baby’s out here having babies, you need to grow up honey

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This is a joke, right?

My daughter has multiple shirts that say “love my daddy/mommy/grandma/etc”

Sounds like you should find a therapist to work through this and why something like this would upset you.


Definitely over reacting your daughter deserves to love and have love from both of you regardless. And if you’re separated honestly he doesn’t have to think about your feelings when it comes to his child and buying her something


Definitely over reacting good thing he left…crazy.


This has to be the most ridiculous, pettiest shit I’ve read yet on here. :woman_facepalming:t2:

Put it on her when she goes back to daddy and encourage her to love her daddy. Don’t shame her or him. Their relationship is very important regardless of y’all situation. Children shouldn’t be shamed for loving their parents


Grow up really it’s a shirt not everything is about you


Your way over reacting it’s not like it had curse words or nudity on the shirt. Shoot go get her one that says i love my mom. But your acting childish pick your battles not like she came home naked


Your feelings are yours and you can be upset and hurt. I would suggest working through them and moving on. Don’t let it distract you from the good things you have…like time with your daughter.

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Right off hands down asking for help! So here’s some extra ideas:

  1. Make shirts with your kiddo! Get the tie dyes, or just paints- and do up a few!! Smiley faces, hand prints, hearts, foot prints (dog prints too!) Leaves…you name it. Make it an adventure and memory with your child!

  2. Change the mindset~ (Like; Lookit that, he’s purchasing clothing for the child!)

  3. Get creative. When you see shirts that point out any loved ones…like aunts, grandmas, gramps, uncles, etc and splurge! That way ALL loved ones are covered :smile: Look at it as inspiration! For all those in your child’s life who IS loving to them~

  4. And me personally…though I may get or create different shirts that support loved ones (one way or another, like Strong Like Grampa :smile:) I personally NEVER send a child to the other home wearing it…but only due to respect, and who I am as a parent.

I don’t know the whole situation. My kids father did a lot this but it was not for the kids, it was directed at me–because he was unable to bond with the kids due to his unhealthy and inappropriate behaviors, and he did it due to his own problems. Should that be the case, look at yourself and what kind of Mom you want to be~
Even if it is for underlining reasons that have nothing to genuinely do with the child, okay!. But hey, YOU can role model looking at the positives of every gesture (and motive) and you learn not to mind…and instead, make the best of it!!! Dont get upset, get insprired and creative! Always always, think kiddo first- if you feel you want attire for you or other loved ones, no worries! You got this~

Is this a joke? Your feelings are irrelevant. You need to take your daughters feelings into consideration. You can’t be salty because your relationship went sour- your daughter has nothing to do with that. I don’t know your history, but I believe you need to seek some therapy or do some shadow work to work through your issues. She’s not just your child- she’s his too. Once your child gets older and sees that you get so upset over something as little as a shirt, she’s going to resent you and your relationship with her will just go downhill. Loosen up, not everything is he does is retaliation to you. It’s just a shirt. It’s “moms” like you who give a lot of us “baby mamas” a bad name. Get a grip.


Shes 50% of him. Of course she’s going to love her dad. Get over yourself and quit being a bitter b.

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:woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming: your poor child.

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Unless her dad is some abusive POS I don’t see the problem.

Would it have made you feel better if she came home with a shirt that said I love my mom??? Seriously that is very pretty and I do hope you have guilt for being upset about that.


This cannot be real. It is not how you feel. That is her dad, I am sure she loves him. Please grow up for the sake of your daughter.


Just change her shirt :joy::joy:

Send her back with a shirt that says “I love my mom.” Don’t say anything, don’t make a big deal. Put the “I love dad” in a bag to take with her! :sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses: shots fired!!!


Just buy her a shirt that says I love mom jfc

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If she loves her dad then why can’t she show it? She came home happy and in clothes you didn’t have to buy, you got it better than a lot of other babymommas


Yeah, you’re overreacting. My son has a shirt that says, “I wish my sister was a dinosaur”… he can’t read and doesn’t have a sister. :woman_shrugging:t2: Just a shirt, mama.


This isn’t pie. She loves her dad takes nothing away from you. So there is nothing to be upset about.

You wanting him To be a more present “better parent” is YOUR baggage that you are welcome to have in private between the two of you. How your daughter perceives him or expresses her love(or disapproval) of him is not to be dictated by you on her behalf. And that’s what this is. She shouldn’t love her dad because what? He’s not as good of a dad as YOU think he should be? She shouldn’t love her dad because she loves you less?

Step away and check yourself.


Over reacting big time. He probably saw the top liked it and got it for her without even thinking it would affect you plus like you said she does love her dad so the statement is right. im not sure how a t-shirt can upset you tbh. Just forget about it if you dont like it only put her in it when she goes to his


My daughter has a shirt that read… dont make me act like my dad!!!:rofl: me and her dad is not together anymore but this kid loves that shirt and yes her dad got it for her and one for his daughter from first wife. Oh and when I say her dad it’s her step dad but that man was more of a dad to her then the sperm donor was … take a step back take a deep breath and just laugh at yourself cause that is a little bit over reacting…p.s. I wouldn’t take the shirt away or anything like that or take away anything he may get her but maybe talk to him and see if the shirt can stay at his house if it really bothers you that much…but yea kinda selfish and over reacting

I would encourage any relationship she can have with her dad . It’s a shirt . She loves both of you. Let her wear it when she’s with you, when she’s with him. If you hold Animosity she will pick up on that. Buy a shirt that says mommas girl, because both shirts ring true .


Im sure dad didnt even pay attention to her shirt! Lol i hardly make note of what my kids clothes say :woozy_face::rofl:

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I can understand you being upset–but you are doing the right thing, just say nothing and put it on her when she goes there again. My ex has yours beat–LOL! He took his new wife and her 3 kids on a cross country vacation and did not include the 2 children we had together–but they bought them t-shirts from each fun place they visited and brought those back to them as gifts!

I got nothing. :woman_facepalming:
Please stop. You’re going to make her choose one day & the resentment will really trigger you.
Who cares about a shirt that EVERY child has worn?
My son never saw his Bio dad & he still had Dad shirts. :woman_facepalming:
Please grow up.


Ok coming from a mom who is not with her oldest 2 kids dad (he’s a druggy and doesn’t see his kids but a few times a year) i want my kids to love their dad and their step-up dad. Just because i cant stand him and things didn’t work out between us doesn’t mean i want my kids to love him any less. It’s important that your child(ren) see you being considerate of the other parent even if you are not together no matter the situation because it is not the childs fault they were a product of the 2 of you and they love you both equally. I enjoy bejng petty like the next person but when it comes to my children and them loving their other parent that is not something you need to be petty about. Remember children didn’t ask to be here! :wink::smiling_face:


:rofl: wow. Petty much shoot my kid aint seen her dad since she was born (7yrs ago) someone gave her some clothes one said awesome like my daddy… she loved it i let her wear it. Grow up :rofl: its a shirt


Sounds jealousy to me. Poor child dont need to deal with parents arguments n fights n jealousy. Let it go…seriously this is ridiculous…


Yes. You are overreacting. Don’t put it on her at your house. Not a big deal.

My 4yr old comes home with a shirt that has her fathers last name then “diva” after it…her last name is my last name, so when he does that out of spite I let her finger paint and eat spaghettios


My friend always gets her nibbling shirts that say “my Aunt is awesome” or My Aunt rocks. It doesn’t mean no one else is awesome. Take a breath. It’s the only father she has and she gets to form her own relationship


As a mom that has 3 kids by an almost absent father to the kids, I understand. He is just trying to get under your skin. Don’t let him.

I think this this is quite a petty post as your feelings about dad have nothing to do with him and his daughter


Some of these questions can NOT be serious.


This is absolutely ridiculous


Do you not want her to love her dad? Don’t be selfish.


Well you are a parent so maybe act like one?

Are these real stories. She loves her dad what’s wrong with that?

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Let her wear it when she goes with me. It doesn’t mean you have to put it on her.

I personally think this is ridiculous :roll_eyes:


this can’t be for real…… :woman_facepalming:t3:


WOW!!! For crying out loud :joy:

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Really? She is 4. If she like her shirt and it gives her joy let her wear it. This is small thing to make big drama over.

Send him to her in one that says I Love Mom. :woman_shrugging:t3:

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First world problems :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

Unfollowing these pages lol fuckn dumb

You know what the judge told me one time when I was in my early 20’s and dealing with something similar? “You picked him, ma’am. You slept with him and you married him. He wasn’t so bad then, was he?” And I learned a very valuable lesson then and I’m glad I was able to learn from it at that young age and before the kids got old enough to realize how petty I was being. They’re now 28 and 26 and well adjusted.

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If a shirt bothers you seek help😶 I don’t care if my kid came home wearing my step mom is the best. It’s a shirt. Like you said she loves her dad. Doesn’t matter if a child sees their parent once a month, they will still love them.


We women really can be petty, this is the pettiest crap I have ever heard. GET OVER IT! For your kids sake


How is that lack of thought on his part? Lmao do you buy her mom/mommy stuff? :joy:


Wow it’s a shirt get over it. You dont like it then send it to be worn at her dads. The petty shit people get butt hurt over is so amazing :rofl:

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Seriously? But if it was the other way around and she wore a “I love my mom” shirt to her dads and he got upset you’d be like get a grip. Stop being petty and act like a mature mother.

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Wow…honestly…your child’s dad can’t put a shirt on her saying she loves her dad, without you getting upset about it…give me a break…No wonder he isn’t with you anymore…:laughing::joy::rofl:


It’s literally just a shirt. Send her in one that says I love my mom when she goes to her dad’s if it bothers you that much lmao :joy:

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Regardless of the quality of a parent’s skills, children love their parents. Who knows his intentions with the shirt but don’t let it have power over you. Of course, she loves her dad and I bet she loves you too. .


Ha! You think he’s bad …at least he bought her something! My kids dad doesn’t even buy them birthday or Christmas presents and he keeps the cash his mom sends them for holidays…takes money out of the kids piggy banks to pay for his pizza …oh did I mention during the divorce was the first time anyone except him heard about his several bank accounts with several thousand stashed away in each one …
Long story short…bleach the t-shirt lol

Him getting his daughter a shirt that says “I love dad” more than likely has nothing to do with you and everything to do with his daughter. Don’t let it get under your skin. Your relationship with her dad may not be good but it doesn’t have to be the same for their father/daughter relationship. He very well may be just trying to be a good dad. Just let her wear the shirt and let it go. There are more important things to be offended by.

Yes you’re over exaggerating. As ridiculous as it is, I am glad you asked here first before attacking the dude.

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I can think of soo many worse things to be upset about than this. Sounds like you need to be smarter about picking your battles. This ain’t a good battle to pick or hill to die on. This just sounds like you’re a control freak and have to micro manage every single piece of clothing she wears.

Yikes. is this real life? :grimacing: you have time to worry about a fckn saying on a tshirt?
Your feelings are irrelevant. At least she came home with a shirt on. For Christ sake, woman.


Pick your battles. This isnt something to even think about