I am upset my daughters dad sent her home in a shirt that said "I love my dad" and I am upset: Advice?

I’m sure your daughter loves her dad very much just like she loves you. Even though your relationship didn’t work out with her dad you should never talk bad or down about him to her. That’s the problem parents try to turn kids against one another. No child should ever have to be torn between their parents.

Don’t push your feelings about him on your daughter. I’m sure she DOES love her daddy and it’s perfectly ok for her to wear a t shirt that says so. It’s time to let your feelings go and let her enjoy her daddy.

She doesn’t have to wear it at home. Put it on her when she leaves to see him. I think you are thinking way to much into this…if it makes you feel better, buy a shirt that says, I love my mom when he picks her up. Lol y’all gotta deal with each other till she’s 18. Don’t let little things like this pound in your head to hard.

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Tf, lol just send her in one that says I love mummy what’s the big deal, I send my son to his dad’s in tops that say either love mummy or love daddy

I understand this. Especially if He feels a need to be wanted & He wants to portray that onto his child. Its sick and sad. I understand where you are coming from. He wants to feel included after he discluded himself. He might be trying to make up for it in a way that makes you feel some type of way. Theres nothing wrong with having a feeling towards something. It makes sense to you. Its not petty when youve been through what youve been through.

You are good to be rid of him. Say nothing. Put her in the shirt when she goes by him. That part is a really good idea

Lol petty … move along and stop letting this stuff bother you or he will continue. He won. It bugged you. Stop giving hun control over something so petty or you’ll never survive the rest of the 18years dealing with him…

My sons dad did this and I just made sure it got back to him the next visit…

I also may of bought him a shirt that says “ain’t a woman alive that can take my
Mommy’s place” but thankfully we didn’t have any more visitations so I never got to use it :woman_shrugging:t2::joy:
Either overlook his ignorance or get you some mom shirts lol

Sounds like your jealousy is probably Why relationships in your life don’t work

Walking by shirts that say things like that make me throw up in my mouth a little.

My daughters have ‘I love mum shirts’ does my partner care? No!

You just sound bitter with your ex partner that u need to carry on over a shirt… grow up!

I understand being irritated about the shirt, but don’t give him the power to hurt you over something so trivial.

Pick your battles. At least it didn’t say “F my mom” ya know

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Why is everyone in here assuming that she’s going to stop letting her child see the dad because she got upset about the shirt?
Where does it say she freaked out and ripped it off the kid and screamed about how the father was a piece of shit? You guys are so full of assumptions that these comments are maddening to read.
She obviously lets her child see the father when he cares to show up.

He bought her a shirt and spent time with her? Where is the issue?

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I am upset my daughters dad sent her home in a shirt that said "I love my dad" and I am upset: Advice?

This is horrible! How dare him! I’d stop sending her over there until he learned to respect my feelings :woman_facepalming:t4:

You’re a mother now grow up

dont let your hate for him effect her… She loves her daddy!!! You are being selfish

Lack of thought? Wow I can see why you guys are split up. You are toxic. You’re jealous of a shirt that says the little girl loves her dad? You need psychiatric help.

Why is this even a issue people.

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It’s just a shirt…let it go…

How the heck do you have your kids with that attitude?

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Yes you are :100::ok_hand:over reacting.

Im not seeing the issue here…

He’s a dick! It’s abusive and he knew damn well what he did! You are NOT too sensitive! You are allowed to have the ability to seek support from a former partner attempting to hurt you! Fuck these weak bitches here with zero backbone! Burn the shirt! Cheapest. Therapy. Ever.

Yes you are overreacting

You should be ashamed of yourself

Ya you are over reacting.

i purposely buy “meant for dad” shirts and outfits… lmao

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About a shirt? :joy: pick your battles girl.

Is this a freaking joke?

Wtf do your feelings about this have to do with a shirt?

Your daughter is 4.

You are completely overreacting over a silly shirt.

You want to get pissed cause he promises to pick his daughter up and he doesn’t. Hey, I’m there for you.

But to get your panties in a bunch over a shirt that say “love my dad” comes off like you’re just finding stuff to be pissed about.

It’s not like he had it tattooed on her arm.

Honestly, she DOES love her dad so it’s not even like the shirt is false advertising. Just because you don’t like him doesn’t mean she doesn’t.

Get over yourself!

Sounds like he’s a lucky guy to be rid of this woman… Oh no,a t shirt…lmao!

Send her to him with i adore @love my mom 100%:heart:

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Definitely overreacting. It’s a shirt. Let it go.


Yes, you are overthinking this.

It’s a shirt. Don’t be a stupid bitch

It’s a shirt, no need to out any more thought into it

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You are overreacting

Well this went sideways​:sunglasses::sweat_smile:x

Grow up your jealously is ugly

Get over it. It’s just a shirt.:roll_eyes:

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It’s just a shirt. Let it go :grin:

My youngest son had a couple shirts I bought him & his dad hated 4 out of the 6.

#1. Mom’s lil Heartbreaker
#2. I love my mom
#3. Dad knows a lot but mom knows better (he cut this one up!!)
#4. I love my dad
#5. Mom’s heart & soul
#6. I love my mommy & daddy

All these shirts are innocent & made to be funny/cute, you need to stop being so petty because I’m sure you have shirts saying he loves his mom

Is this for real?! :scream::open_mouth:

Just change it. It’s just a shirt :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging: that’s what I do

You are def overreacting :joy::joy:

Yes you are over reacting

Wish that was my problem lol

Soooooooo petty. Wow!!!

You are completely overreacting

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Lawd at the immaturity :joy::joy::woman_facepalming:

Get a grip. Lifes too short :woman_facepalming:

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let it go don’t give in to that even if it was meant to slight you.

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Petty af. You’re being too sensitive

Ummm what did I just read? :rofl:

Tell me your a bitter baby mama without telling me your a :sparkles:Bitter Baby mama​:sparkles:


Yall are assholes. Lmao damn.

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Way too petty girl!!


Just let this one go. It’s not worth being upset

Stop being bitter it obvusly has nothing g to do with you its hom and his daughter simple as that you should feel horrible about this even crossing youre mind u less she wants something provocative at some point what he buys her has nothing g to do with her hes doing what he can to provide for her its more then alot of people men and women alike do for there kids after splitting up and stop worrieing about him looking at youre feelings on everything youre not togethere any more unless youre trying to make it work to do so you do you and be you and let him do the same

You’re weird! And definitely over reacting lol it’s a damn shirt! Get over it and let her wear the damn thing if she likes it.

No matter how bad of a parent he is at 4 she does love him.

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Just let her wear the shirt. Unless he is abusive to her you should be nurturing this relationship. He is her only father. She will be a better person for having a mature mother who loves her more than she dislikes her father…


So you are upset by a piece of clothing? At least he got it for her and is being a DAD🤷🏻‍♀️

She should love her dad.

How old are you? Is it really a big deal? At least he got her dressed! That alone you should be thankful for. Don’t be so darn petty! I’m sure she does loves her dad and her dad loves her! Just because you don’t doesn’t mean you can make that decision for her! :woman_facepalming:t4:

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Don’t make your feelings your child’s feelings too … let them have their own … if she loves the shirt let her wear it…

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You are overreacting. Get over it.

You may be acting on your own personal bias. I’d have laughed about it. Have fun with it and send her in an I love my mom shirt next time he picks her up😂. Try not to let the little shit get to you, laugh it off, make a
Joke of such silly things.

How old are you ? Get over yourself. It’s a piece of clothing… If it wasn’t a being a good dad he honestly wouldn’t have even bought her a shirt… Quit acting up, be happy, he’s obviously willing to try be a dad. Shit can’t be easy when there’s women out there like you.

Is this for real?!! She does love her dad. Get over it.

Pick your battles girl. It sounds like he is trying for her, not you and that’s a good thing. And that’s how it should be since you aren’t together. Not everything is a competition nor is it a jab. He probably didn’t even think about what she was wearing when he sent her home. You already have a plan to not have the shirt at your house. Looks like you solved the issue on your own. He made that child as much as you did and you should be grateful he is doing something for his daughter. As long as SHE is happy, you shouldn’t have beef. Let her love her dad, don’t make your feelings her feelings, she will resent you for it.

Omgosh how immature and selfish…Grow up!

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Yes you’re overreacting!


Its just a shirt, grow up.

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Yes, you are overreacting and you need to get over your feelings about your ex before you poison her against her dad. Their relationships in no way threatens yours.

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get over yourself…it’s a shirt

You’re upset that your child was wearing a shirt that said “love my dad” when you agree the child loves their father? You’re over reacting. If you didn’t get her the shirt he obviously cares enough to get her clothes and he has the right to feel loved by the child just as you do. If you don’t like the shirt don’t put her in it when you have her. But it sounds more like your insecurities. And to co parent with those feelings is going to end up toxic to your child.

Yep! You sure are (overreacting)

She can’t wear a shirt that says she loves her dad cause she can’t read…HUH!!!

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Parenting should NOT be a competition whether you are still married to your spouse. You should rejoice that your children love their dad, just as much as he should rejoice that his children love their mother (you).

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It’s no right to take the shirt because she does love her dad ! Telling a child or teaching a child no to love one of their parents is horrible because that’s a part of them ! You are telling that child you don’t love part of them !! Don’t express your own opinions on dad into your child !! This will cause life lasting mental health issue look it up their is physical data on this exact thing ! That’s why it’s court order not to talk bad about another parent in front of or to a child !!!

I understand but i dont know what to tell you daughter i just want you to know i love you and my grand daughter so much if you only new

Your over reacting. She does love her dad as much as she loves you and each time she visits him let her wear her I love my dad shirt. Even better get her one that say " I Love my Dad and Mom".

I am guess HE got the reaction HE is looking for…


It hurt you inside?? Unless she wore a shirt that says “I only love dad”, or “I hate mom” I doubt there was any thought into it!


This can’t be a real problem?

Shes a child, she loves her daddy. Grow up, its a shirt!


Buy her one that says “I Love my Parents” and let her wear that next time!

My girls dad isn’t the best male specimen either but if he bought them shirts that said this I would let them wear it. You should try to get into the habit of doing what’s best for your child. It’s not about you and him anymore it’s about her.

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When my girls were little like this I would buy the I love Dad shirts even though we weren’t together because they love their dad.

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Say your jealous without saying you’re jealous, it’s a dang shirt! Be glad she has a dad in her life that buys her stuff!


It’s a shirt. You arent together and it shouldn’t matter. Be happy she has her father in her life.

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Her loving her dad takes nothing from her loving you and you are over reacting


Simple send her back with shirt saying I love my mom :rofl:

That’s petty lmfao can she not love her dad?


Don’t feel bad about having hurt feelings or being upset. Our feelings are not always rational. Perhaps it’s not the shirt that upset you but what it represents. Perhaps the fact that you want the best for your child and you feel that her Dad isn’t being the best Dad he can be for her. Children love their parents unconditionally no matter how “good” or “bad” they are. Let yourself feel whatever you are feeling & work thru those feelings. Learn & grow from them if possible.


Stop putting your feelings on your 4 yr old!


wake up, he took the time to buy the shirt, put it on her when she goes to see him! is she “your” possession or the daughter of you and him? OR are you pissed off it didn’t say mommy

Are you serious? Its just a shirt

Get over it there’s more in this lifetime to be worrying about a T-Shirt OMG