I am upset my daughters dad sent her home in a shirt that said "I love my dad" and I am upset: Advice?

I am reading peoples comments–if you read her post you will see that she is handling it well and her plan to say nothing and let the child wear it when she goes to see her dad is very appropriate. It’s ok to have the feelings she has, sometimes you just can’t help the feelings as long as you don’t do rotten things due to the feelings.


This can’t be real. Who cares if her dad got her a shirt that says “I love my dad” You should seek some help because you sound petty af


Totally overreaction, if this poor man was supposed to consider ur feelings and you have more like this, I really think u need a reality check


My kid has this shirt she’s 5 :rofl:

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This is comical. It’s a SHIRT.
He’s in her life clearly so where’s the issue?!

If anyone ever put something like that on my Son i’d just laugh & his Dad has seen him once for 10 minutes in his whole 8 years of being alive.
I feel sorry for you if this is the sort of thing that gets you twisted & upset :woman_facepalming:t2:


I can see why he doesn’t want to be with you. You created this lovely little girl with him and you’re upset over a shirt. Get over yourself lady.


Yes you’re over exaggerating.


Is this what coparenting with you is like? Poor kids dad.


Wouldn’t you want your child to love her dad? No matter what the circumstances are between you and her father, you should support and encourage your child’s relationship with the other parent.

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Shouldn’t bother you if it does seek counseling to get to the root of the issues you have .


This can’t be real :joy::joy:

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I mean this in the most sincere way, GET HELP.


Geez. Then you get a shirt that reads mom is my hero and send her with it. Not a big deal


This has to be a joke.


Don’t put it on her then. Put it back on her when she goes back. The end

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Facts not feeling are what we may react to healthily. Fact: she loves her father, all the rest is your feelings. Find peace in letting go.

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I had an I love mommy shirt on my daughter sent her to grandmas house and she had an I love grandma shirt on. I called and was like what’s going on and she laughed and said she knew I would notice that but my daughter spilled something on her shirt and it was just what she grabbed. I thought it was funny as well. Lol :joy:

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I genuinely mean this nicely, but i suggest counselling because i feel you have issues that need addressing


You sound like everything he does you are upset honey you are louckt he gave her a shirt some dads dont give a darn let him be a dad and you be surportive so she a happy healthy home life.


Good lord. Suck it up.


I too would encourage a relationship with both of you and do not put her n the middle of your adult relationship problems. This a the biggest mistake divorcing people make. You and your ex can deal with your issues but your daughter should not feel like she has to choose between you and her Dad.

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I’d probably be a little bitter too if a largely absentee father sent them home in a shirt like that. I probably just wouldn’t dress them in it unless they were going to dad’s.


I don’t put my kids is daddy shirts because their dads are not around at all I do this by myself now if dad was able to put that shirt on and send him home I got one would think dad is doing their daddy duties you are petty and out of control

I would encourage you to stop giving him this power of you and your emotions. Once I stopped letting my ex make me feel bad about whatever the whole dynamic changed. It is what it is you can only control you, and we need all the energy we can to be successful moms

Though your emotion and feelings are valid, I believe that there is some inner turmoil that needs to be addressed so you don’t get triggered by your daughter being sent home healthy and clothed. Time to turn inward and address the unhealed parts of yourself. :heartpulse:


It’s just a shirt if you’re that concerned about it when you put it in the in the dryer don’t let her see you take it out and then put it in the bag when she goes and sees her dad it’s not that hard my grandmother bought one that said I love my uncle and me and my brother hate each other we haven’t even spoken 7 years but if you’re honestly going to get mad at a t-shirt at this age what are you going to do with more important things when she is older than involves her father


Your feelings are hurt of a shirt that says I love my dad ? That’s really petty of you


OMFG…get a grip woman, it’s probably that kind of thinking that caused your break up to begin with…


Your feelings are yours. I think it’s a harmless shirt that means nothing but it’s obvious that it hurt you. Send her in it next time she visits dad.


I’m deadddd​:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: get tf over it. It’s a shirt not a tattoo :woman_facepalming:t3:


This is the most petty & ridiculous thing I’ve read in a while…


You’re petty as hell. He’s going to have a hella time trying to coparent with you


Petty and sad on your part! Get over it! News flash…she’s going to love her dad regardless!


It’s a shirt… and whether he’s very present or not I’m sure still loves her father. You sound ridiculously petty

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You’re absolutely over reacting… lol it’s a shirt. It’s like my cousins ex who would get mad when people would tell her that their daughter looked like my cousin. Like that’s her dad… what?! :joy:

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Let it roll off back hun. It’s no biggie.

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If the shirt said like I hate my mom or something then I could see the problem. As it stands now I don’t.


I think he could be trying to cause a reaction so your best bet is to do: grey rock(don’t react). Just send the shirt with her to his place. Keep it tucked away out of your mind🙏


Get over it! I would not give that man anymore of my oxygen than needs to be.


Let it go let her grow up and figure it out herself! She will know who loves her


She’s SUPPOSED TO love her dad! Y’all’s issues are y’all’s issues! Don’t damage her due to your feelings


It’s a shirt, send her back in it next time and move on


Sometimes I wonder if these are real people asking these questions? :thinking::woman_facepalming:t2:


It’s a shirt get over it! Also if that’s all you have to worry about good for you! Never voice your opinion about the other parent, kids draw their own conclusions. This is such a petty thing to even care about wish I had your worries.


She will love him whether he is her primary caregiver or not. If he is in her life and treats her well you should accept that she is going to love him and encourage her to do so. Don’t try to prevent an important relationship in her life.


Seriously. You are being wayyyy too sensitive. Is just a shirt

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Don’t you have better things to worry about? Stop being an ass

I’m legit mind blown by some of these.


Yes you are over reacting and being selfish. Learn how to coparent, your daughter will thank you for it


Sounds like you need to relax. Its just a shirt :woman_facepalming:


:flushed: I would’ve been upset if he sent her home with no shirt. Really :astonished:

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And you need to grow up before you damage that child!


u all are nut cases this woman ask for advice not for a lexture.

Way worse things to be upset over. Just be happy he cared enough to get her a shirt. Some dads step out and never look back


My daughter has shirts that say “mommy’s valentine” and “daddy’s girl” and all sorts of stuff. He doesnt get mad if he sees her in one that says some mommy stuff and i sure as heck dont get upset when she wears a daddy shirt. Stop trying to make it uncomfortable. Your child can feel that… she is supposed to love both of her parents not one more than the other. That’s so childish.

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Fast forward 14 years and think about what you werenlike when your parent tried to make you like or dislike something. This is call called parental alienation by the way. Your daughter at some point will be able to look at you and do what she wants. My son is 14 and is seeing all the toxic things his mother is doing just like you are doing to your daughter


Did I read this right. Omg why would you try to sabotage your daughters relationship with her simply because you don’t like him. She is 4 of course she loves her daddy. You know what your gonna do, as she gets older and realizes the hatred to have for him, she will make her choice as to who she will connect with. This is a sin for you. Leave your daughter alone and let her live her daddy. Don’t be so cruel. Oh my poor child what a sin.


You’re overreacting. She shouldn’t have to not wear a shirt around either parent that says any type of “I love mom/dad” because you, the parent, thinks it’s a jab at you. It’s a shirt, that simple. I’m sure that she loves you and her dad equally. My kids wear shirts like these all the time and are proud to wear them, if it makes them happy, it makes me happy.


Lmao is she not supposed to love her dad :face_with_raised_eyebrow: get tf over yourself lady :rofl::rofl:


Of course she loves her dad. He’s her dad!

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You’re feelings are hurt because he sent his daughter home in a shirt that says “love my dad”? Why does this hurt YOUR feelings? It isn’t about you. It’s about y’all’s daughter and Im sure she does love her daddy. Im not gathering where the problem is here. It could be worse.


I think you’re taking something to personal. At the end of the day let him do him and you do you. Don’t worry about his stuff, anything he feels is his, let him keep that and don’t let it change your mood.

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How immature are you?! Lol. My kids have both “team mom” and “dad” shirts. They are kids and they have 2 parents. You sound like a drama queen, he’s probably relieved to only be coparenting now.


Get over it now! Do not try to come between a very important relationship her life.


Do everything you can to encourage that relationship. I’d put her in it every time she sees him. Pray he becomes the kind of father she deserves. Work on your feelings so that she’s never impacted by them (because even though we think they don’t know — they know). Be the constant in her life & don’t worry about what he does because: you cannot control it!


??? So ur saying in no way shape or form would u drop ur child off wearing a shirt that said I love my mom?..
The love ur child has for each parent is a beautiful thing…why would that bother u?..

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It’s just a shirt and despite your feeling towards him she can and should have her own.


You’re being very petty!


Wow, it’s just a T-shirt, all parents buy their kids T-shirts’ that say they love them! I don’t see the issue! There’s plenty of dads out there that wouldn’t bother buying them a shirt at all, count yourself lucky!


Seems like when she goes back to visit it will be the perfect time for her to wear it



It’s time to grow up dear! It’s a shirt not the end of the world. I am the mom who bought the “dad” shirts so she could wear them to his home while visiting (he loved it). He is a jerk and we aren’t together but he is the father to my child so I respect him. There is far worse things to stress about momma…


What’s wrong with you people GROW UP!!!

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Very petty in my opinion.


Wow. Are you real. If that is all you have to complain about you are very lucky.


Yes, yes you are.

  1. Regardless, he is her dad.
  2. She has a type of relationship with her dad.
  3. At least she is wearing clothes.
  4. Hes probably really proud to be her dad hence him buying her that tshirt…

Tbh, I think you need to let it go and see the bigger picture here… It’s a tshirt :roll_eyes:


pick your battles… when you send her to see him again make sure she is wearing the shirt …


Youre a toxic parent. Idk if you realize it or not but you are already putting that “divided love” mindset in her. After all you chose who your child’s father would be. She should indeed love both of you no matter how uncomfortable either of you feel. It’s not about you or him. If his shirt was aimed to make you mad, be the real parent here and put your child first.


Even the worst dead beat parent will be loved by his or her child. It is normal.


Please don’t give this passive aggressive act on his behalf any power. Accidentally spill some bleach on it and send it back on her next visit :+1::joy:


Time to grow up. Let her wear it when she visits her Dad. You need to let this roll off your back. You’ll be healthier and happier.


Is this a serious question??

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I’m sure she loves her Dad…in my opinion…The best thing you can do is to encourage her relationship with her Dad …just as he should encourage her relationship with you …
You two have enough respect for each other when she was created…the least you can do is be friends/cordial


Pick your battles. If he is a so-do dad let her figure that out on her own. Trust me it is hard but I’m currently going through this with my 13 year old.

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Giiirl. My girls wore a shirt that said " big brother " :rofl: aaand they gave not a damn.

Are your feelings maybe a reflection of him not being apart of your life?
If he’s a good dad and present in her life and loved then don’t cause more issues for your child because you haven’t sorted out your personal feelings.


Ridiculous, would you let her wear a shirt saying I love mom, to his house??? Sad you would have to even think about either circumstance??? Should she hate dad?


I totally understand how you feel. My youngest’s DNA donor (yes I said it) has been absent since he was 8months old. I refuse to buy anything with a “dad” reference on it. I also get the pettiness of the other parent…dealt with that too. I would have been pissed if my middle son’s dad had pulled that. Don’t let your child see that you are upset… SeND it back next visitation. Hugs to you.
For all you negative Nellies out there, if you have not been in her shoes, you don’t know.

How selfish on your part honey. Dad will always be dad. I’m sure you got a mommy shirt say same thing. Why is it different.


Would you prefer he sent her home in one that said ‘My Dad is a piece of :poop:’? Lol. Just send her to him wearing his shirt and don’t make a big deal about it! Have a sense of humor. It goes a long way when co-parenting!


Just send her wearing it when she goes back. No big deal


Yes, you are over reacting.


It’s literally a shirt. Be glad that he bought a shirt regardless of what it says unless it says some thing degrading you it’s not that big of a deal. You’re causing yourself stress over a shirt. Which I get your feelings might be hurt you may think he’s doing it on purpose whatever the case may be but don’t get yourself so worked up over a shirt that’s just silly.

You’re over reacting! Let her wear the shirt!

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:rofl::rofl::rofl:Is this a joke ??!!!

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OMGOSH, that’s her Dad. YOU picked him.


Personally I think you’re reading way to much into this. If the child wears a “I love mummy” why would she not wear one about her dad especially when she was with him?


SMH get real there’s more things to worry about than this girl!!!


Get over it dang…send back with a shirt says i look like my mommy lol


He is still at it. Wear it on her when she goes back

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No matter how you feel about him, hes her dad and she loves him. I see nothing wrong with the shirt. Theres got to be more reason why a shirt simply saying I love my dad bothers you so much…