I am upset my daughters dad sent her home in a shirt that said "I love my dad" and I am upset: Advice?

You said it yourself “she does indeed love her dad” so why bother getting upset? It’s a shirt. Be happy the child came home with clothes on considering there’s a lot of children out there who in fact don’t have a single shirt to wear.


You are definitely overreacting. It’s just a shirt.

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In her mind it’s a cute shirt her dad lovingly gave her and she’s probably going to want to wear it often because she has feelings too and misses her daddy. :heart:

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I mean that’s childish :person_shrugging: she’s a child and I’m sure she loves her dad just as she loves you.


Yes, you’re definitely over reacting if a shirt upsets you this much. :unamused:

Why do women post questions like this.? As well as other dumb crap. I’m over this page y’all be whining and crying over stupid crap. Seems like this is a page for women who gave up. I’m exciting the group :unamused:


Say nothing, don’t let him control your emotions, explain to her what it says, ask her how she feels and let her wear it to his house and smile, dress to the 9’s when you transfer her next…

I used to send my kids to th y dad’s with shirtr that said I lov mom or I get it from my momma or even one that said my momma is better then your momma. I did it cuz it was funny. And I am getting my 15 year old son q shirt that says ain’t no women alive that can take my momma place just to irritate my bds girl. Lmao. I am petty tho


Its just a :tshirt: shirt. Thats her :man: dad she should wear it. You are over reacting.

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Over reacting! Get one that says I love my mom & have her wear it when she goes to his house!

I don’t see any problem with that. My snarky self would send her to his house with a shirt that says I love mommy more :rofl::rofl:

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:warning:Seriously petty alert over here. :warning: grow up sis it’s a damn shirt and it doesn’t even concern you. She’s allowed to love both parents.

Poor little one!! Let that baby wear it every day if she wants to…that is between her, and her daddy!! You can’t decide what kind of dad he is…because he is not YOUR dad!!! To her he is a hero, and the greatest dad on earth…don’t crush her world with your toxic, immature bitterness!!

No wonder he left your ass lol

If he’s like that than it obvious he did that to push your buttons. Don’t give him a reaction and just keep it moving.

Pay no mind to it. We can’t control the Bs people throw at us intentionally or unintentionally but we can control how we react. And not reacting is suitable for this. It’s just a shirt and like you said she is still a baby so no biggy

You loved him once, it’s her dad, just send her back with the shirt next time he picks her up. Please put your child first and be the bigger person if he is not.

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You sound like a whiny ass person…get over it. It is a shirt.

I’m getting a sense of why the marriage didn’t last


You can’t be serious right now :skull::sob::sob::rofl::rofl:

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How sad to be so insecure in your motherhood that an “I love dad” shirt bunches your panties. Y’all aren’t together your feelings are not his priority nor his responsibility.


:woman_facepalming:t2: you’re being too petty!!

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Yes you are over thinking this way to far my sons father sends him home in shirts that say I love my dad I have no issues with it it’s literally just a shirt

Buy her a “Love my mommy” shirt and send her in that. Also yes you are over reacting…

Me and my kids dad arent together and dont have the best relationship but i still go out of my way to buy dad shirts and send him over in them, our relationship doesnt matter anymore, now its my job to help foster theirs


:rofl::rofl::rofl::face_with_raised_eyebrow: its a shirt chill

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Good lord let her wear what she want bit petty, wash it and send it back with her to his place .


It’s only a t shirt if u sent her with I love mam he probably wouldn’t of even noticed at the end of the day he is in her life and she loves him so what’s is the harm yes he could be this he could be that but least he is there no matter how often or little try to think of it in your daughter’s presective she a child who loves her dad u are only spiting your daughter when me and my partner spit up for a while a used to send my boys in tops that I love my daddy because no matter what happened between us it shouldn’t not affect the children and its true they love there dad


I am wondering what control issues you have that a shirt that says I love my dad is a problem. Why be petty? Your kid can’t have enough people who love them.

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I can kinda understand you feeling a certain way if he isn’t present like you’ve stated, but it seems this is coming from a place of insecurity mainly. It’s a shirt.

It’s a shirt, not a tattoo. You are tripping.

Oh, God lady, just get over yourself. If you worry about crap like this with a four year old, you aren’t paying enough attention to her.


Girl :joy::joy:
Is there something else bothering you?

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Yes, your overreacting. She does love her dad and it’s NOT about you. It’s about your daughter. So suck it up Sally and do what’s best for the kid.

Yes you are over reacting…
Its her dad…
you choose to let him dick ya ect…
Just let the little one love her dad… and wear a t-shirt with what Eva she wants on it…

Dumbest shit ever :joy::joy::joy: someone get her a tissue

Sometimes I feel childish about things I know are childish but I can’t control, I keep them to myself & remind myself that I’m being over emotional and even though I have made it my head seem like a big deal it is not to anybody else, I can’t say I’ve ever had this specific scenario lol but honestly just be happy he bought her some clothes :woman_shrugging:t3:


This can’t be a real post :joy:


My daughters dad left me when i was pregnant, left her for 4 years now he’s in her life and he got her “daddy’s girl” shirt, she loves him. I let her wear the shirt no hard feelings as long as he’s willing to be consistent in her life from this day forward. We can’t fix the past we could just make a better future.

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Man these past couple posts, yall sound so damn toxic, your poor kids. :sob:

Maybe he needs the reminder

Buy her one that says she loves mom then ur even

Way overreacting… it may be time to talk to someone if you’re reacting this hard to a shirt.


Yes. You are overreacting. Do you not want her to love her dad or just not show it? She may not be able to read it and that doesn’t matter. He may be an excellent dad or one that comes when he wants and that’s something that your daughter is going to have to figure out for herself. Any bad-mouthing you do about him to her will affect her judgement and not in the way you think. She could grow up thinking that her dad wasn’t that bad, that it was just you bad-mouthing him. This is coming from experience. Also, he does not have to care about your feelings. Those are yours. The only feelings BOTH of you should be caring about is your daughter’s.

Yes yes yes you are Over reacting big time. Who cares what the shirt says. Move on and grow up because this is just childish.


I mean…:woman_shrugging: but if it really bugs you… send her back in one that says she loves her mom :joy:


Log off Facebook and go get some counselling


You sound slightly narcissistic. It’s a freaking shirt. Get over it. :roll_eyes::woman_facepalming: like just WOW! Send her in a shirt that says I love my mum. Like what the hell is a matter with you…


This definitely let’s you know where you are and what you need to work on within yourself. Maybe seek counseling and start within so your child never has to take on your emotions or loyalty issues. Best of luck.

Honestly it’s just a bloody top my kids wear them :woman_shrugging:t2: at least you know he is actually getting her clothes this is just petty bull$hit

Do you hear yourself? You’re divorced and expecting him to think about your feelings? Others don’t have to adjust their actions to accommodate your feelings; you have to learn how to adjust your reactions and manage your feelings in order to live with others. Thinking the other way around is probably the product of having been expected to adjust your actions to your parent(s)'s emotions. It’s not a healthy way of living, and it’s bound to lead to disappointment. And, in fact, it’s narcissistic.


Suck it up buttercup!!! Would you prefer she hate her dad.

He did it being petty. Find an I love Mom shirt for her next visit with him.


Way over reacting and being bitter…. It’s a shirt…. Not like he went and had it tattooed on her

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Wait. What?! Is this a troll post?

  1. Be thankful he gets her!
  2. Be thankful he bought her a shirt!!! My ex didn’t buy them things!
  3. He clearly LOVES her, don’t stand in the way of that or she will resent you!
  4. The shirt has NOTHING to do with you!! Your life is no longer about you and your feelings! It’s all about your child!!

Wow. She’s loves her dad and your upset over a shirt. That’s so petty. Pleas take time to take about the bigger picture.

Do you thank about his feelings

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Its literally just a shirt…don’t be bitter.

Yes you’re overreacting lmao

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It’s annoying, but it’s just a shirt. Go home and change her, then like you said send it back or 'lose ig

Omg, really? I can see why he’s no longer with you.


Is this seriously a page for only petty people? Some of these posts are so petty. Find a therapist miss. Your insane. I seriously question if you even should have the responsibility of taking care of your child. Since you sound like one yourself.


Yes. You sound ridiculous. That babies relationship with her father has nothing to do with your feelings or how your relationship with the father is.

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What is wrong with you?

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It’s just a shirt. Seriously you need to grow up. This isn’t even something to even worry about.

Relax…He’s her dad…regardless of how you feel…she loves him and you as well and after her visits with him she goes home to you…end of story…just relax

I would’ve just changed her, washed it & put it on her the next time goes to see daddy.


This really blew up on you- feel sorry for ur child. Seems ur feelings may be a little out there. Wish my children had a dad that took them and bought them shirts… smfh


Can you please be happy that:
A) she has a dad
B) her dad buys her clothes
C) her dad is trying to bond with her


Get over yourself, you sound so Childish :roll_eyes:

Overeating? It’s way beyond overreacting.

I’m convinced that anyone agreeing with this woman has just as many issues as she does.
Seriously, get a grip!


Grow up. That sounds extremely petty and childish. She’s just an innocent child wearing a cute shirt. Be grateful her Dad is in her life wanting to be a part of it.


Uh yea, you’re way overreacting. Sounds like you haven’t coped well with the split. I mean this sincerely- therapy.


Wait is this real? U cant be serious


It’s pity to be mad over a shirt.

This is an absolutely pitiful post and you should honestly be ashamed. Just because y’all were not cohesive together does not mean that he does not love his daughter. And I honestly from the tone of this post think maybe he’s not so present because you don’t allow him to be. I cannot stand women who conduct themselves like you.


No reason to be upset.

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Since she can’t read, & does love her Dad you most definitely are overreacting and being petty. The fact you bring up how he didn’t consider your feelings in the relationship you are no longer in with him means you are thinking how it is affecting you. Clearly your daughter isn’t affected negatively by it. Don’t make a shirt her Dad bought her about You. It wasn’t for you or about you. Smdh.

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Send her in one that says I love my mom. Its just a shirt


You sound so petty for one she’s 4 and for 2 it’s literally just a shirt. You are probably the reason he’s not as more present in her life to begin with.


Buy her a shirt that saids I love my mom then send her

Definitely over reacting. Don’t see the issue here.

It’s just a shirt…It really doesn’t matter…

Your ridiculous. Smh


Why is this an issue and why does it bother you?
She loves her dad! And it’s a shirt!

Major overreacting!


Ummmm is this for real? My daughter has shirts at my house that say stuff about loving her dad or having the best dad and vice versa. Don’t be the parent that does that. This is very very minor.


My grandkids have shirts that say I love mom… And ones that say I love dad… Or sayings of the sort… Honestly I don’t understand why you are upset about it… They are suppose to love both their parents… I wouldn’t have even thought twice about that… Not any differant than a shirt that says I love my auntee… This sounds pretty childish… And like nit picking to me… Not to be rude… But save that anger for something that’s worth fighting for or over…

Imagine being upset over a shirt :thinking:

And what if your daughter could read and she wanted to wear it. What then?

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I’m sorry but this is very immature. It’s a shirt he may of done it to upset you……but why would you let it bother you. This shirt probably meant a lot to her to wear because she does love her dad. My daughter has shirts that say daddy’s girl, my dads my world, and my favorite one Is the one that says I’m daddy’s girl but mommy’s world. I purchased them all because at her age she only knows she loves her mommy and daddy and that’s all it matters to her. The nonsense and arguing between parents a child don’t understand. A healthy relationship with other parent makes it less stressful. My daughter will ask if her dad is home and can she go over to his house. I don’t follow the court order she shouldn’t have to wait to see her daddy if that’s who she feels like she needs at that time. She is one truly happy little girl!

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You’re overreacting by like… alot. Calm down its not a big deal. It’s just a shirt. I’m sure he didn’t even notice, it’s a clean shirt.

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Yea your over reacting I buy my children clothes that say daddies girl or I love my dad there is no big deal in it lol

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Well I think you’re overreacting just a little bit, you’ve never bought something that says I love my mom? She doesn’t have to wear it when she’s with you but I’d definitely send her to him in it, single parents have to remember that babies love BOTH parents, he doesn’t have to think about how you feel about a shirt that says something like that, if it was offensive or not age appropriate yes, but not “I love my dad” keep your head up and keep telling yourself your feelings are valid but you cannot project them onto your daughter, I struggle with this myself with my own two kids

You are 100% over reacting


Lmao… is this real?
He either was given it as a gift for her, or bought it for her. Some dads make no effort.
Get a life.


Here’s a thought…. Don’t dress her in it when she’s with you…? :joy: you don’t like the shirt, who cares. It’s just a shirt and you don’t have to let her wear it with you. If you’re going to coparent and not damage your kid for life you need to work through this petty toxicity.


Let it go………without comment. No big deal.

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You’re definitely overreacting

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He probably just wants a reaction from you. Don’t give him the reaction.

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Just when you think the posts can’t get any worse.

She needs one saying ‘I’m with Grumpy’. :joy: