I am upset my daughters dad sent her home in a shirt that said "I love my dad" and I am upset: Advice?

Let it go, shes with you, thats what matters xx

At this point it’s not about your feelings. Of course she loves her dad and shouldn’t be made to feel guilty or have to hide that because of your feelings towards him. You should encourage a good relationship between the two of them for her sake and he’s not doing too bad if he takes her for his visitation and got her clothes :woman_shrugging:t4:


That’s toxic! You’re daughter is going to feel like she has to hide her future relationship with her dad because you can’t get a grip.:unamused:


I hate a lot of your answers which are TOTAL BULLSHIT. She has feelings…she expressed her GUILT for those feelings and asked for POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT, not gor you to chastise her! I’ve been there! Unless you’ve walked in her shoes, get off your high horses and give her some props to HELP her rather than tell her how WRONG she is to feel this way! She already KNOWS that! DUH…some of YOU need to grow up! :roll_eyes:

Its a shirt lol relax.


Is it not ok for her to love her dad??


Wow, no wonder he left


Some of you really do just be starting drama over nothing, huh?


1000000% over reaction


Whattttt??? Pick your battles. This definitely isn’t one. Just absolutely ridiculous


Ridiculously over reacting !!



Just put the shirt up and send it back with her next time. You don’t have to see her wear it


Men will always have a god complex when it comes to parenting and will always try to be the fun parent. Don’t let it get to you.


A kid can love their dad even if he isn’t around all the time. My dad died when I was 4 and I still loved him.


Just have her wear the shirt when she sees her dad.


If it upsets you …I hate to say this but Deal With It!! She doesn’t need to wear the shirt around you. Send her to her Dad’s wearing it. I TOTALLY understand by being hurt by something an EX does but he is your ex for a reason . A 4 year old who can not read but knows she loves her Dad (Remember your EX is not your child’ s ex…!) will out grow the shirt. Be the adult in the situation…(How you handle this WILL show her how to handle a relationship when she is grown.)

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Its just a shirt mama, if you dont like her to wear it, dont put her in it when she is with you. That is okay.

It’s a tshirt… Calm down


Good grief,is that even something to even butch about?? So trivial,at least he bought her something…

Petty AF yall had a baby together. Your child should take pride in both parents


Find the exact same shirt online, order the mom one. Send her in it. If he can do it, so can you.

T-shirt’s are cute. Just as cute as one that would have said I love mom.
As long as the shirt was clean, I don’t see anything wrong :disappointed_relieved:

Yes your overreacting I’m sorry to say it so bluntly


Do you take his feeling in account when/if she wears I love my mommy shirt around him? I personally feel like you are reaching big time. Such a stupid thing to start drama about

My ex did this yesterday with our one year old after I bought the shirt and gave it to him for when she’s there lol. Getting upset about it is just going to be upsetting to your daughter . Just place it aside after she takes it off until she goes back to dads

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You sound like a jealous child who didnt get a barbie at another kids bday party :roll_eyes:


Bloody hell give her dad a break he loves his daughter nothing wrong with that .it’s pathetic .

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Wow, the level of immaturity in this post is unbelievable. He’s present enough for you to send her with him for visits. She is aware she has 2 parents and loves you both. So what of she has a shirt that says that. You should consider buying her shirts that say that too if you came across a cute one. It would show you support your child’s relationship with her father

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SMH… so she doesn’t love her daddy???

Overreacting, my daughter and son go to their dads with mommas mini or I love mom, it’s only a shirt, I also buy shirts that say daddies girl or something like that, and we barely get along but it’s about the kids and they love their daddy, iam not going to be petty over something so stupid


Yikes! I buy shirts that say I love my dad and send my daughter to her visits in them. Heck we even go as far as sending her over with Father’s Day gifts and birthday gifts for her other siblings. You and me are NOT the same.

Just a little reminder: it’s NOT about you


Yes I’d say you was overreacting a lot you just sound bitter

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Wash it. And when it’s his parenting time send her in the top. To show it has no emotion response It’s a top. There so much to life then getting upset over a top.

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This whole post is so stupid, sorry not sorry✌


Wow. That is really pathetic and you’re going to mess up your child with this mentality.


Send het back with one that says I love my Mum …no… sorry he can do it but dont make yr daughter a pawn btwn u.


I have bought my daughter a shirt that said, “my dad is my superhero.”

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Sounds like you’re putting to much though into. Nothing wrong with the shirt

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Get over it & buy her a shirt that says “I love my mom!” Don’t make issues just show her love.
So he’s an ASSHOLE, don’t crawl into the same shithole he’s in!!

I understand why it would annoy you.

But girl, there are other problems to spend i time worrying about. This is just sad.

It’s a shirt, please dont take this personally, but you are overreacting.

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You’re being selfish. I’m betting she does love her dad :expressionless:

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It shouldn’t hurt u at all hun just like u said she loves ur dad they have mom shirts too say if u so presssd get her one to wear! But its tshirt she cant even read and if she could its dont say anything bad

Your daughter should be able to love you both without shame. It is not her fault you two split. You both are her parents and you need to co-parent effectively for her best interest. Keep working on your relationship with your daughter and be secure with that.


Petty isn’t the word for her.

It is a shirt. Just ignore it and move on. She obviously loves you both so no need to squabble about a petty shirt.

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Oh my god. You have to be kidding


Thats a bit ridiculous. I have sent my son to his dads in a shirt that says mama is my queen and mom’s way or the highway. Never a word was said. I don’t buy him dad shirts, but if his dad does it’s nothing to me.

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Is she not allowed to love her daddy? WTF is wrong with you, I hope you didn’t make her take it off when she got home… Shame on you!!! :roll_eyes:


You are beyond this, Shake it off and move on… Trust me you’ll deal with a lot more than a shirt as the years go by, take a deep breath and move forward then too, that’s life… many prayers for lots of blessings in the future…

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Such a silly little thing to be upset about.


Stop being so personal about this and let her wear the shirt. At least he sees her and cares enough to even get her the shirt. Some dad’s want nothing to do with their children.


:rofl::rofl::joy::joy: this page cracks me up sometimes

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I can’t believe I just read that, get over it as you are beyond ridiculous


I’m sorry, that’s a bit over the top. It’s just a shirt, and if you know she loves her dad then why is it an issue? It doesn’t take away from any love she has for you, she’s not “picking a side” by wearing this shirt or any other thing you could misconstrue it as.


this is silly, she is allowed to love her dad even if he isnt around all the time. You are overreacting.


Pick your battles. Trust me. This isn’t one to pick. Just wash it and when she goes back,send her in it again.

Wow, this made it as a post. :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3:

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I’m guessing this is the reason he’s not around you to begin with…grow up, your only hurting your daughter by being this petty!


At the end of the day she does love her dad right? That’s always going to be her father :woman_shrugging:t2:

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You’re being batshit crazy actually :joy: those shirts are cute and don’t put your own personal feelings on your ex onto your kids no matter if he’s a good dad or not she’ll figure it out as she gets older I would hide it from her as long as possible if he’s a shitty Dad and let her think her Dad is the best Dad in the world let her worry about being a kid stop putting your own bullshit on your kids it’s selfish

This isn’t about you! This is her dad and they love each other. Regardless of how you feel about him. Get her a shirt that’s says I love my mom, then she can wear both. She is way to young for you to make her choose sides. Time will do that. :woman_facepalming:

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It’s just a shirt. You are seriously getting upset over a shirt? You’re being real petty.

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Pick and chose your battles. This one is a minor issue in the grand scheme of things

And he is getting the reaction from you he wanted, don’t sweat the small stuff …save your energy for health and saftey…

And this is what is wrong with our children!:woman_shrugging:
Whether together, or not, both parents should foster respect, pride, dignity, ect…toward, and for the other parent. You are teaching your child, how to treat, and react to people, and whether you think so or not, they pick up on everything you/we do, as parents!
It’s a shirt! Allow her to wear it! Tell her it’s a great shirt! Tell her she has a great dad, even if she may not…Allow her to come to that conclusion herself!! Show her how to be a decent human being!

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it’s time to be a mama and not a child yourself.

It’s a shirt. Why are you so upset over something so small? You say it wouldn’t bother you if he was a better more present father, but guess what she’s 4 so she still loves him. My daughter’s father moved when she was 1 and guess what she loves him even though he lives in a different state and doesn’t get to see him often. She still loves him. Don’t use her as a pawn. Grow up


Yes you’re over reacting !

Is this forreal!! Sooo petty if your upset an jealous over that!! I mean you can’t really change how you feel toward it but it definitely is something deeper then the actually T-shirt… I would maybe talk to someone professionally!!

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Omg seriously… Just think of what it could have said on the t shirt “my mum loves ******” :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: first world problems

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I doubt he even thought about you or how you’d feel considering it’s a damn shirt. Yes it said “I love my dad” but really? You probably wouldn’t think twice sending her in a shirt saying “I love mom” so how’s it any different. Grow up. Getting upset over a shirt is petty as fuck.

Here it is. The stupidest thing I’m going to read all day.


Definitely overreacting

You are being ridiculous.! How many “mommy” shirts does she have? How many times do you post things regarding “mommies little girl”? Its her dad! Get over it. Stop being jealous of the father of your child. Grow up!

Be an encourager the world has enough critics already

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That’s the dumbest thing to be upset over!


You’re joking right? If not please grow up.


It’s the sake thing as wearing a shirt that says I love my mommy or any mommy shirts and I bet you have got her shirts with such sayings… so are you going to get rid of those shirts because they may make him feel some type of way??? It’s a shirt…


Some people are just looking for reasons to be a victim.
Grow up Petty Betty…


Obviously you’re overreacting. It’s just a shirt. Why are you being petty over a shirt for? You and him are no longer together so he doesn’t have to consider your feelings.

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This cannot be a real post…

Why in the hell would you be mad that your child is wearing a shirt that says she loves her dad???
Bitter much :roll_eyes:


That is a ridiculous thing to be upset over. Smh.


It’s a shirt. You will be fine. Don’t be petty.

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Imagine getting upset over the stupidest crap. :roll_eyes:
You need a hobby or something.


What are u still hurt that ur not together it’s a shirt. Get over it that’s her daddy

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Let it go. She will soon grow out of it anyway.

Your reaction is like the shirt said “my moms an emotional b!tch” lol jesus christ. Its a shirt. So many kids clothes say I love my dad. Its harmless. Get over yourself.

Yes. It’s a shirt and she does love her dad

Pick your battles. This isn’t a big deal. I get annoyed when my step kids constantly come over with shirts their mom put them in saying “my mom is the best” “I’m perfect like my mom” “queen like my mom” etc. But I wouldn’t go as far as removing them or getting rid of them. She does it just to get at me and I just try to ignore it.


Yes, you are really overeacting, and she gets to love her dad regardless of how you feel about him. Perhaps she likes the shirt.

You’re definitely overreacting.

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You are overreacting! She is 4! She can’t read yet (you said it) she was with dad so dad wanted a shirt with I love my dad on it, on her! If it makes you feel that bad, wash it, and send it with her the next time she goes back and simply say, you are welcome to keep the shirt at your home! But honestly, if he is picking her up, buying clothes, why complain? :woman_shrugging::thinking:


You’re overreacting, at least he’s trying and present in your daughters life ??

Omfg… why are some of yall trippin over the dumbest sh!t ever? Why are you upset over a SHIRT that says I love my dad? He didn’t draw it on her with sharpie or tattoo it on her… chill

Im sorry but get over it and dont put your child in that shirt when she is with you if its that upsetting to you LOL sorry but geez

What?? That is actually very sweet of him. I loved shirts that said I love mom and I love dad on it. Let her enjoy it.

For the love of God :woman_facepalming:


Let’s all just face palm this shit at the same time. Jesus people are crazy :woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3:

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:face_with_raised_eyebrow: you are overreacting she loves you and Dad you are not the only parent.