I am upset my daughters dad sent her home in a shirt that said "I love my dad" and I am upset: Advice?

Wow. Let’s have a break down

Grow the f up. It’s a f*cken shirt with words on it. And your hurt/upset about it


If you dont like the shirt throw it away end of story :rofl: i seriously cant with this question

First of all forget how didn’t think about how u feel cuz now that you’re not together that’s completely IRRELEVANT. They’re relationship doesn’t have anything to do with your guys past problems. And second of all you said yourself she loves her dad. There’s nothing wrong with her wearing that shirt. If he’s a shit dad she’ll figure it out in time, but for now she’s daddy’s girl as most little girls are. You’re thinking too much about yourself& your own bitter feelings toward him. But that shouldn’t affect your daughter.

Let it go and focus on your child. Many of us have been in your shoes. Be glad he is in her life and not your’s. Be friends with him because your little one will pick up every ounce of your negative feelings. Move forward and have no regrets. You are free!

Let her wear what ever she’s 4 in a few years she will be telling you she’s not wearing any shirt with I love anyone on it !


Let it go. You’re lucky he spends time with her and buys her a shirt.

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Mommy I think I get you.
Not so present dad? Not so supportive?
I get you, I would feel like it’s spite in my opinion, but it’s okay to feel upset, however, it’s best if something like that, you just let go of.
It’s a small thing that will occupy a big piece of your mind that you don’t have time for.

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Uhm you’re 100% overreacting


Are you being serious with us? Are you really that upset over this shirt or is this a post for attention? Because me like alot of other ppl think this is absolutely ridiculous and childish!!! Its a shirt that says she loves her dad …well ok she cant read yet thats fine but its a innocent shirt it dont have anything negative or disrespectful towards you so id say just deal with it like anyone else is saying deal with it . Its a shirt for a child

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You’re painting yourself in a pretty light here but you’re a HCBM aren’t you. It’s a shirt and she probably picked it herself that morning. If you have a problem send her in clothes you bought so your feelings won’t be hurt by an article of clothing.

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Someone needs attention

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Is this a joke? Regardless how you feel about him, he’s still present in her life but it seems like you’re not happy about that. It honestly seems like you are reaching for something to be upset about or to start a fight. You guys are obviously not together for a reason but doesn’t change the fact that she still has 2 parents that she equally loves. Its not a competition so stop making it one… If you are really that upset over this, then you need some serious help.


Whaaaaaat? Not even gonna make a comment on this one.

Put it on her when she is going to be with him

I send my daughter in shirts to her dads that say I love my dad. Who cares?!it their dad, not yours. Sometimes they make shitty partners but arnt that bad of dads lol

Just here for the comments… :rofl:


I don’t at all think this is worth getting upset over. Have you ever by chance put her in a shirt about “Mom”? Did you do it maliciously? Probably not. You probably didn’t even think about what you were doing. It maybe made you smile. Don’t over think this

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Maybe it wont come back but it shows ur ex u r adult

You can’t change anything about him even if you say anything he likely won’t care as you stated. So what bothers you, the expectation that others will think he’s a great Dad when he’s not?

You can’t be serious….

I’m the queen of over reacting and you my lady are over reacting.
If he were an absolute ghost and sent her that in the mail I’d toss it but he bought it for her while he had her visiting which says hes not a ghost.

I mean u r gonna have grand babies some day so u better be able to share love im like that now 5 adult kids 7 grand babiez 2 exs

Sometimes you have to let things go…

You’re acting weird honestly

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Ur Co parenting, maybe he just wanted her to wear the shirt it’s hers . There are bigger things In Life to worry about. Let her wear it

This is a joke right?


Omg really? That’s a shit mom move! Sorry but them are facts. Quit being a bitter beach and get therapy

The ONLY word to describe this situation…

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Yes, you are overreacting.

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Really? Not everything is about you ffs.


Big mess. But we can all have showers and hospital visits so u better deal with it now because girl ur ex will be around forever

Definitely over thinking it…

If it said “I Don’t Love Mom” than you can get upset. You’re being petty and need to be better for your daughter. Unless you think the shirt would upset her (which I highly doubt it would) than you are only worried about your feelings, and need to start putting hers first. No one cares if it bothers you, does it affect the child is the ONLY thing you should be concerned about. You’re feelings are irrelevant when compared to hers.

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This is ridiculous lol sorry

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Bruh… did you really type this out and hit send and think you was right?


It’s literally a shirt… You never put her in shirts that said anything about mom ? Goodness me.


So what then go buy a shirt that says I love mommy on it this is a childish thing get over it

You’re acting petty. She’s allowed to have a “I love my dad” shirt.

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Absolutely, you’re overreacting. I’m sorry that it hurt you, truly. However, you may need some counseling to work on your emotional maturity.

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I feel u but it will get easier

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Girl. Seriously? It’s a t shirt. She’s little. She does love her dad. It doesn’t say my mom sucks… if it did then being offended would be valid. No one is out to get you with an I love my daddy shirt.


This can’t be real. Be thankful her dad is around and loves her and that she loves him.


Stop being petty & bitter, move on with your life. Find a hobby

The fact it bothers you probably is a give away that you know your babies dad did it on purpose to piss you off… just let it go, and do what you said. Send her back in it

It’s her dad it says I love my dad. No matter what happened between u and him that will always be her dad. Now if it said I love my step mom then I’d maybe have an issue. Even then I might not as long as step parent was good to my child and loved her I’d have no issue.


Get over it. It’s a shirt. Petty


My advice is, grow up and get over yourself and your 4 year old should be reading some by now so, you may need to step it up with teaching your child reading skills!!


I will take bitter ass baby momma for 100. Get over yourself please

You are being very petty!


Yep. Overreacting. It’s a shirt. He is not responsible for your emotions. You CHOOSE to react to things the way you do.


She does love him, even though you now don’t, I wouldn’t worry or ponder. Life is to short. Hope your okay x


Really? Really really girl?

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So regardless of YOUR relationship with the father….That is her Dad, she should be encouraged to love each of you equally as if you were together. It’s not a child’s job to navigate adult feelings or be put in the middle picking and choosing who she “needs to love more”
You guys made this baby now it’s your job to both make sure she has a healthy, well rounded relationship with both of you.

It’s a tshirt, it’s not a personal attack on you. Just breathe and realize there are much bigger issues to deal with than what a tshirt says especially when the message on it is “I love my dad”


Over a tshirt? Is this really a serious question?! I can’t even with this petty ass baby mama BS! :roll_eyes::rofl:

It’s reasons like this that mothers get a bad name. This is absolutely not even the slightest about the t-shirt. Look at the ending sentences of this post, and give your head a shake. You don’t have to like him. You can have your opinions, but make sure it doesn’t ever trickle down to your child. Also, she’s 4. They can read enough and know enough to know what that shirt says. Not only that, but love her more than you hate him. You are being ridiculously petty and kids aren’t stupid. They pick up on those emotions.


So because he’s not an ideal parent is your eyes is she not supposed to love him? Your co-parenting needs some work. She wasn’t wearing a shirt that says “I love my dad but not my mom”. Grow up. You have a child and her relationship with her dad should be encouraged by you.

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Why would you be upset about that? Would you rather she hate him? You are just being petty. Just because you hate him, or strongly dislike him doesn’t mean you have to teach your kids to do the same. Ask yourself this, how would you feel it if was the other way around?

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You’re petty af! It’s a damn tee shirt!
Don’t be that bitter baby mama cuz if you keep this crap up you’re gonna end up with a kid that doesn’t wanna be around you when she reliZes how bitter you are towards her dad!

Trying to make himself feel good. Let him have his 1/2 second of happiness🙄

Yeah this post wasn’t a good idea it painted you in a very bad way Hon

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You both need to grow up for the real child’s sake .


Since when do men actually think tho. Don’t let it get to you. Send her in a I love mom shirt when it’s his turn :woman_shrugging:t3::rofl:

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Feel how you need to feel in the moment and then put it in perspective, I think you already have by stating that he’s not really a hands on parent.
When I buy my kids clothes and they have little sayings like that I’m not really thinking of hurting anyone, not the other parent, and if there was step parents not because of them.
I made my littles and I’m super proud and I find those sayings cute :blush: truthfully I feel it would be so much worse if I had a girl lol
Buy her a shirt that says something adorable about celebrating your relationship and go out for a lunch or beach walk and just enjoy being together. Plus you don’t have to make her wear it if it’s really a bother, totally send it back to Dads on their next visit.

Wow you are being very petty

she has a right to her feelings YOU get over yourself

You wouldn’t be mad if she wore an “I love mom” shirt and I know he wouldn’t be either. Pull your big girl panties up and stop this madness :weary:

Anytime she wants to wear it u should support that love no matter what he is

It’s a shirt. Be glad he bought her clothes what the f

It’s a shirt…will ye give over


Yes …over reacting .

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I think it’s selfish you’re only thinking of yourself in this case, my dad wasn’t a fantastic one either but I loved him despite that and I never noticed his flaws like my mother did, let your children love their father.


Its about your daughter, not you


Grow up Love.overreacting is not the word lol

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Get your head straight… Lord Have Mercy. Yes she should love her father. Try not to let any games interfere with what your brain should already know.

Absolutely overreacting.!:100:
In the relationship, did you ever think about his feelings???
And J3sus Chr!st :roll_eyes::woman_facepalming:t4::weary:

I’m starting to think these aren’t even real ppl asking/posting this stuff anymore.
Anyone else???
It’s getting crazy crazy

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Send her back with I love my mom shirt and her I love my dad shirt washed dried clean ready for him to rock it…

Girl be thankful she still has a dad. Be thankful he bought the shirt, hell half these dad’s can’t step up. No matter what you and him have going on thats still her daddy and she does love him. Hell what I’d give to give my dad just one more hug!! Life is to short to be mad about a damn shirt!

This has to be 1 of the most petty things I have ever read. If you got upset over that, maybe you need to go talk to someone, as you clearly have some unresolved feelings and issues with your ex, that are clouding your perspective on things.


He’s a guy, there is a pretty good chance he didnt even realize it. Probably just threw clothes on her and went about their day.

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Yes, you are overreacting. I am raising two of my grandchildren and when they were little even though their dad was not very active, I still bought them shirts that said things like I love my Dad. I’m sure the little girl does love her dad and she loves you too. Don’t make a big deal out of it

She can love her dad…there’s nothing wrong with it. Send her back to him with one that says “I love my mom” :woman_shrugging:t3: I personally think that’s a bit silly to be upset over something like that. He probably knew it would upset you and that’s why he did it. Loosen up some, hun :grimacing:

Girl it’s a shirt and that is her dad I do t get why that would make you mad lol

Just because she wears that shirt doesn’t mean she doesn’t love you

Over re-acting ,
A child can never have too many people to love them


What’s going between you and her dad dont have anything to do on how they feel for each other. He may no be a good husband but am sure he love her dearly. Don’t be petty that things like that bothers you. When she’s with you. Let her wear a shirt that says I love my mom 24/7. Let her wear the shirt he got when she goes to visit him,

My 20 year old son will be the first to admit he is not close to his dad at all, but will also tell you he still loves him@

Totally overreacting 100%

Definitely over thinking it girl, life is too short to nit and pick at every little thing. It’s too much work. Just enjoy life and let the girl wear her I love dad shirt. :woman_shrugging:t3:

You’re over reacting… and being petty tbh


Pick your battles…change her shirt and move on. Wash it and send her back in it or just send it back in her bag.

Get a friggin grip :roll_eyes: no wonder you’re divorced :joy:

Aangela Harris, right!

Be gracious. Even if it really was a dig on purpose, which it may or may not have been, be gracious and give room for her to freely love her daddy. She needs him and he needs her. She will love and admire and copy the grace you show. (Or, if you’d rather, she’ll grow up to copy spitefulness and jealousy. Which do you prefer?)


Get over it. Be thankful she has a dad that she loves and that he sees her

This is the most petty thing I’ve ever seen posted on here. I can’t even…:woman_facepalming:t5:


You are being too sensitive in this particular situation. Don’t over think the clothing, it’s just clothes and you’re the only one who’s gonna read too much into this shirt. Breath, you’ll be okay. :heartpulse:

All kids should (love their parent. Not one more than another. Loving one does not mean loving another less. Love multiplies, it does not subtract. The more people who love a child the better. Thinking your parent does not love you is emotionally breaking to a child so building up, supporting and talking about the other parent loving them and supporting them loving the other parent is so important.That is what a good parent does. Did you know foster families often get shirt for the kids saying they love their parent OR things like “my mommy loves me” etc. and support, encourage and facilitate the loving connection!

Petty Betty!! 🤦🏽‍♀🤦🏽‍♀

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Just change her shirt so you don’t have to look at it. Then throw it away or return it to him. Out of site out of mind will help a lot

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